Chapter 111 Convergence of Corpses and Hearts

Jinmen, the headquarters of the Tianxiahui, the office of the president.

Feng Zhenghao and Feng Shayan sat opposite each other on the sofa.

A few days before the attack, Feng Shayan was temporarily sent back with excuses.The real reason might hurt a bit - because she's too weak to stay and get in the way.

"Sha Yan, you have been to the Southwest for a long time, and you have dealt with Gu Masters a lot, so tell me your opinion on Chi Yao?"

Feng Zhenghao took a sip of his tea and asked in a father-daughter tone.


Fengshayan frowned and pondered for a while, recalling all the details of her relationship with the other party, and then said: "Strong, but not overbearing, very prestigious in the Black Miao Department, those Gu who are obviously much older than him Teachers respect him very much. However, he seldom takes care of the specific affairs of the meeting, and basically leaves them to the two seniors, Xian Qing and Shu Ge. Well, he also has a really big appetite..."

"Strong strength, prestige, and ability to employ people..."

After Feng Zhenghao summed up his daughter's speech, he couldn't help but smile, "It seems that your impression of him is really good! Then look at this again."

He pushed a piece of information from the coffee table.

"Last night, about a hundred aliens teamed up to raid the Tianxia Building in Shancheng..."

Seeing halfway through, Feng Shayan suddenly became anxious, "How could this happen!"

"Don't worry, read it first."

Under Feng Zhenghao's reassurance, Feng Shayan barely held back her temper, and continued to look down, "There are many full-sex members who took the lead, but... none of them survived?"

Seeing this, Feng Shayan raised her head in doubt and blinked her eyes.

"You read that right, all the aliens who dared to attack were killed by them, and none were left behind."

Feng Zhenghao was filled with emotion, "Such a decisive and fierce response, I can't help but be overwhelmed by it."

"However, with such a massacre, will the company have any opinion?"

Feng Shayan asked a little nervously.

"You turn to the next page, and that's the company's statement."

Feng Zhenghao smiled slightly, implying something, "They are not killing blindly, but they have already thought of a comprehensive countermeasure, and they have grasped the proportions of every move. It is indeed our alliance with the Black Miao tribe. Make the most correct decision, but Sha Yan, you have to understand that a young man like Chi Yao will not be willing to succumb to an old man like me all the time.

"Now he is still young and can wait, but what about five years or ten years later? Even at the latest, when he inherits the position of Grand Gu Master, that is when he leaves Tianxiahui. After all, as an heir Being the vice president here is not considered low, but if you do this kind of thing with the respect of a great Gu master, it is equivalent to the black seedlings' submission to the Tianxiahui. Unless I also give up the president He will do it."

Feng Shayan looked at her father in confusion, not quite sure what he wanted to express.

Feng Zhenghao had already had a long talk with her about the relationship between the Tianxiahui and the Black Miao tribe when she went to the southwest.

Feng Shayan has long understood that although the Southwest Branch has the name of Tianxiahui, it is actually a joint venture between the two parties.Tianxiahui is actually equivalent to buying a naming right with money. Apart from being responsible for making money, it has no say in the specific development route.Just like Tong Chi Yao, the vice president, doesn't have any decision-making power in the headquarters of the Tianxiahui.The names of the two parties are one, but they are actually independent of each other.

What is the purpose of bringing these out again today?
Of course, it was because Feng Zhenghao found that Chi Yao's excellence was beyond his imagination, so he wanted more.

Seeing that his daughter failed to comprehend what he meant, Feng Zhenghao sighed a little, he had never realized that his second daughter was so slow before!

So he simply pointed it out.

"Such outstanding young people are rare, Sha Yan, you must know how to seize opportunities. This is not only good for you, but also good for the whole world."

"What opportunity to seize..."

Feng Shayan answered half a sentence subconsciously, and then suddenly realized, she covered her cheeks speechlessly, "Please! Dad, he is only sixteen years old this year!"


Feng Zhenghao corrected him.

"Well, even if it's seventeen...that's still underage! How can I do this, do you want me to commit a crime?"



The western branch of Tianxia Group is located here.

There are hardly any traces of battle left on the refurbished land, the stumps and broken arms have been completely dissolved with poison, and the spider webs, sawtooth golden centipedes, etc. have all disappeared without a trace.

Today's Tianxia Building does not seem to be much different from yesterday.

The only difference is that there are far fewer strangers who dare to pass by the door, and even if there are, they are in a hurry, basically not daring to take a second look inside.

According to official statistics, the total number of aliens in the country is about [-], and the error is within [-]%.And the mountain city is the center of the southwest, and there are usually more than [-] aliens who often gather here.

About one-third of them belonged to the company, one-third belonged to various sects, and one-third were Sanren and Quanxing.

Last night, almost half of the scattered people disappeared overnight.

Yiren is not a lone ranger, they also have their own social circle, when the news came out, everyone in the know was shocked.

In their eyes, the Tianxia Building at this time has become a giant beast that crawls on the ground and will devour life.

But people's curiosity knows no bounds. Although they dare not come in, there are also people who are more courageous and use various tools to observe from a little distance away.Wanting to see what it was, nearly a hundred strangers couldn't even escape, and they were wiped out overnight.

On the basement of this building, Chi Yao was sitting face to face with Wang Jing.

Corpse Gu was originally used to control corpses, that is, to control dead objects whose consciousness has long since dissipated.

But this time, Chi Yao planted the child Gu of the corpse Gu in the heart of Wang Jing who was still alive, and then refined it with the flame of corpse energy, forcibly turning him into a zombie when he was dying.

Of course, this is not to practice skills and challenge himself, but to preserve his memory more so that he can take the initiative when dealing with the Wang family in the future.

Of course, a simple corpse voodoo cannot extract the memory of a corpse. Corpse voodoo can only manipulate the body, not the soul.But since Chi Yao chose to do this, he naturally had a corresponding solution.

Heart Gu can communicate with all intelligent creatures to achieve the purpose of controlling the other party. The difficulty of control is related to the complexity of the other party's thinking and resistance consciousness.

Insects, snakes and rats with simple thinking will almost turn into the shape of a Gu master with just one glance, but human beings can't do it.

But at this time, Wang Jing...

Chi Yao tentatively launched the power of heart gu on him.

 Thank you for the reward of empathy!

  Thanks to book friends 20180714231812761 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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