Chapter 112 Senior sister's big dating battle (3000 recommendation tickets plus update, please subscribe~)

Outside Tianxia Building.

"Is it here?"

Under the guidance of Hidden Dragon, Bai Shixue and his party came here.

"Trust me, you can call me the strongest when it comes to collecting intelligence!"

Hidden Dragon patted his chest confidently, and promised in front of the goddess Lu Linglong.

"Then what should we do now?"

Xiao Xiao played with the folding fan in his hand, "Sneak in at night?"

"Hey, hey, don't pull me if you want to die!"

Yun looked helpless, "Didn't you hear what Fatty said just now, did hundreds of people go in last night and none of them came out?"

"Yun, you're just building up other people's ambitions and destroying your own prestige. Why should those undisciplined people compare with us! The big men from Shandong have nothing to fear!"

Xi, with a cockroach hairstyle, crossed her arms and looked eager to try.

"Hua'er, what do you think?"

Seeing that the opinions of the friends were not unified, Lu Linglong turned her attention to the brains of the team - Zhijinhua.

It was a woman with glasses, long black hair and shawls, and a cool-toned outfit.

"Don't worry, I'll try to hack into their information database to find clues."

Zhijinhua held her own small computer, without raising her head, and clacked on the keyboard.


Seeing that she had already started to act, Lu Linglong immediately stopped her, "That's not good, they are not necessarily our enemies, otherwise we should just visit the house. Xiaobai, what do you think?"

The Lu family, one of the four major families, has always been upright. Although Lu Linglong is still young, she has inherited this family tradition.

Bai Shixue bit her lower lip and was about to speak when the hidden dragon over there suddenly cheered, "Look what news I found! The boss of this company is actually your classmate, Xiaobai!"


Not to mention Bai Shixue, everyone present was stunned, as if it was a little hard to imagine that his peers had already possessed such great influence.

So they immediately surrounded the hidden dragon.

"Look, it's this guy, Chi Yao, a freshman student who can't make it to a university, so to speak, he's still your junior, Xiaobai."

Hidden Dragon said proudly.

"Really...and so handsome!"

Zhijinhua looked at Chi Yao's photo, Xiafei's cheeks.

"That's easy to do!"

With her hands on her hips, Lu Linglong's aura immediately expanded to [-] meters, "Xiaobai, why don't you just invite him out as a senior to meet him, and choose a place where everyone can rest assured."


Bai Shixue nodded heavily.



Tianxia Building, underground secret room.

There was a little light in Chi Yao's eyes, facing Wang Jing's eyes.

In an instant, like Paoding undoing an ox, his spirit instantly broke through all obstacles and entered Wang Bing's brain.

This is the first time he used Xingu to try to control human beings.

Although it seems that Wang Jing can no longer be regarded as a human being at this time.

"Sure enough, sex and life complement each other, one is the spirit and the other is the body. Now that Wang Jing's life is completely under my control, his sex will naturally not be able to make any decent resistance. If this is the case, we are heart-to-heart."

Chi Yao began to use the ability of the Heart Gu to probe Wang Jing's memory.

"Hmm... The branch of the Wang family, only learned the magic painting, and did not involve Juling dispatching generals... Hey, I am not convinced by the king. This time I volunteered to win Wang Ai's favor? Good guy, ideal It's beautiful, but the reality is cruel! But don't worry, one day, I will send them all down, so that your family will be neat and tidy, and go to the underworld to continue to fight for favor."

Then there are some dry goods, the composition of the members of the Wang family, the distribution of strength, and some of the cultivation methods of Shentu.Although limited by his identity, what Wang Jing knew might only be superficial and not deep enough, but after all, it was from the perspective of an insider, which could give Chi Yao a clearer understanding of the power of the Wang family.

At this time, his phone rang suddenly.


Chi Yao interrupted the process of reading memory and took out his phone.

"Unfamiliar number, the place of belonging is in the mountain city..."

He muttered something in a low voice and chose to hang up directly.

Nowadays, there are too many ways for mobile phone numbers to be leaked. Whoever has the time to answer calls like this is probably advertising sales!

However, just as he sat down again and was about to continue his unfinished work, the bell rang again.

"Good guy, are you still persevering?"

With a swipe, Chi Yao dragged the number into the blacklist, and marked it as a promotion by the way.

As a result, after a while, another new strange call came.

Chi Yao was a little speechless, moved his fingers, but did not choose to repeat the previous operation.

"If you change the number, you have to call me so persistently. The scammers are quite well prepared now!"

He hesitated for a moment, looked at Wang Jing who had only read half of it, "Forget it, then I'll play with you."


He pressed the answer button, and fell silent after a "Hello".

One of the important skills in answering calls from strangers is never to be the first to report yourself.

Because people who make fraudulent calls often cast a wide net. In fact, he does not know who he is making the call from. He relies on the dialogue between the two parties to obtain information and temporarily fabricate traps.

According to unofficial statistics, people who say "I am XXX" as soon as they receive a phone call have a higher chance of being fooled than those who don't.

Unexpectedly, a clean female voice came from the opposite side, and it didn't sound like she was too old.

"Hello, is this Chi Yao's classmate? I'm also a student at the University of Communication, and my name is Bai Shixue."

Bai Shixue?
Chi Yao is no stranger to this name, he once thought of snatching her from Shen Chong's hands!

But then I gave up. Firstly, I felt that it was a little unreliable to go through the Lu family's way to find Sanymen; secondly, it was because there were too many things and I was distracted.

"But why is she looking for me now? Shen Chong has already run away! Hey, Xiong Meng was indeed followed by a group of Shen Chong's clients that night. She shouldn't be so unlucky, right?"

Those people were the key targets of the Sawtooth Golden Centipedes at the time, and it can be said that none of them were whole in the end, let alone turned into water to moisten the land now, which was more thorough than dusting.

So, Chi Yao thought about it, and simply replied "Hello".

And over there, Bai Shixue invited under the instigation of his friends:

"Student Chi Yao, it's like this. I have a very, very important matter that I need to tell you face to face. Do you have time to meet me? Please."

Playing with me, do you think I am Zhang Chulan?

Chi Yao pouted, "Important things, can't we talk on the phone? I'm sorry, senior, I'm underage, I need to protect myself, and I can't easily date strangers."

 Thanks for the extra explanation!
  Thanks to Florentino Arise for the tip!
(End of this chapter)

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