Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 130 Gu objects have strange spells, no one can stop them

Chapter 130 Gu things have strange spells, no one can stop them (two in one, 600 monthly tickets plus more~)

The specific process of eating is not shown, anyway, Chi Yao's appetite is absolutely trustworthy.

After the meal, he followed Ma Xianhong to the Xiushen Hall.

The Self-cultivation Hall, named for the storage of the self-cultivation furnace, can be regarded as the most well-decorated room in the entire Biyou Village.

Occupying most of the room is a machine full of steampunk style. According to Ma Xianhong, this is the prototype of the self-cultivation furnace...

"So, you want to use this stove to help you retrieve your missing memories? By the way, complete the copying and transfer of different people and different arts?"

Hearing Ma Xianhong's words, Chi Yao felt speechless again.

Seek a doctor if you are sick!Why do you think you can perfectly solve all problems by doing this stove well?

As a result, Ma Xianhong told him that only this stove can solve his problem, and no other method will work.

The words are convincing, and the expression of conviction is like reciting the truth!
Now Chi Yao has nothing to say, he can only sigh in his heart that both hands are invincible, and even this kind of logic with obvious loopholes can be rounded back.

He simply doubted what Qu Tong said when he fooled Ma Xianhong back then:

You know the Eight Wonders, and I can also the Eight Wonders.

So I am your sister, and you must listen to me in everything.

Then Ma Xianhong regarded it as the truth, and has been so unswervingly implemented it for so many years.

This is so frightening!

But he didn't continue to entangle with Ma Xianhong on this issue, because it was useless to entangle, the logic in Ma Xianhong's mind on this matter had been locked by Qu Tong, and he himself could not detect any abnormalities in it anyway.

So Chi Yao turned to another matter: "Then, let's talk about your specific plan for this stove first?"

"Is such that,"

Ma Xianhong pointed to the self-cultivation stove with a serious face, "In my conception, there are two types of people in this stove. One is the person who runs the stove, and they must be high-grade roots with excellent aptitude. The other is The ultimate goal of the tools I refine is human beings, but now I’m listening to you, and temporarily use Gu instead. Their achievements are completely determined by the person who holds the furnace, so I call them low-grade root tools.

"And the function of this furnace is to analyze the qi line and the principle of different magic of the upper-grade root vessels, and give them to the lower-grade root vessels. My ideal is that the self-cultivation furnace can create all things, so I need enough high-grade root vessels to help me Hold the stove, let me analyze the pros and cons to keep improving, and two strangers will come over after a while."

"Oh? You recruit people very quickly!"

Chi Yao smacked his lips, "Then I'll give it a try and see if this stove can transfer my skills to the voodoo."

He stepped forward a few steps, directly sat down on the stove holding seat, then took out a gray minerat from the Gu sac, and threw it into the position of the next root organ.

"let's start!"

Ma Xianhong began to operate happily.

As he moved, the fitness furnace began to hum, and various signal lights flickered frequently.

After a while, the stove exploded.

Hmm... It wasn't all blown up, but a puff of black smoke came out of the place where the conversion core was installed.

Chi Yao pushed the hatch above his head and poked his head out, "What's wrong?"

Ma Xianhong took out the core from the stove, with a confused look on his face, "It shouldn't be, although the stove is not perfect, but it has just begun to analyze the routes of energy in your body, why did it just blow up?"

"Analyze the line of Qi in my body?"

Chi Yao jumped out of the stove, looked at the core that had become so dark, and guessed: "Maybe it's because it's not compatible with our Gu Master's cultivation method?"

"How to say?"

Ma Xianhong asked.

"Gu masters, as the name suggests, are all about Gu skills, and if you want to use Gu skills, Gu things are the foundation."

Chi Yao explained, "When you analyze the qi movement in my body, you just want to know what kind of effect you can get by how to do it. But even if you copy the qi movement in my body to someone else exactly, that person will actually It is useless, because there is no Gu in his body at all!"

This is like Qijue Gu residing in Chi Yao's heart orifice, so many of his moves must go through the heart orifice, or launch directly from the heart orifice.

But this kind of qi line is handed over to others, and you also pass your own qi through the heart orifice, and then what?
Of course nothing happened!

Otherwise what else can be done?
Can the self-cultivation furnace also conjure a Gu for you out of thin air?

Hearing Chi Yao's explanation, Ma Xianhong nodded thoughtfully, "So that's the case, but it's not your problem, nor is it the Gu master's problem. In the final analysis, it's because my stove is not perfect, so I can't perfectly burn the stove. The ability of a Gu master includes the duplication of Gu objects. Since nature can create such things as Gu, then my self-cultivation furnace should be able to do the same..."

He babbled and paced back and forth.

"Your ultimate goal can be very lofty, but please stay down-to-earth now, don't think about studying Gu masters, and find an ordinary stranger to help with the experiment."

Chi Yao quickly woke up Ma Xianhong who was about to immerse himself in his own world.

The road has to be taken step by step, big brother!
"Uh, you're right."

Ma Xianhong smiled awkwardly, barely restraining his strong desire for knowledge, "Then I can only trouble Mr. Bi."

However, the core of the self-cultivation furnace still needs time to repair, so when the experiment officially started, it was already the next day.

The experiment was not smooth. Although there was no fryer this time, after the bang bang bang operation, the hatch door opened, and the miner Xiaohui came out without any extra breath.

Apparently, the replication transfer failed.

So Ma Xianhong began to write and draw on the drawings again, while Chi Yao was responsible for communicating with the experimental rat in time and controlling its various physical reactions.

Improving the self-cultivation furnace is not something that happens overnight, but fortunately, Chi Yao has almost solved his other troubles.During this period of time, besides studying the self-cultivation stove with Ma Xianhong, he was also giving the enlightenment education of Qi practice to Liu Wukui brothers and sisters in Liu Hongzhong.

In fact, Liu Wukui doesn't need to teach much. As a top-notch innate alien, her qi practice can be regarded as her own. She only needs to learn some boxing skills, and then step by step to increase her qi.

But Liu Hongzhong was different, Chi Yao thought twice and decided to let him become a Gu master.

Because his body is too weak now to support his practice.

Although the divisions of each school and sect are different, at the beginning of practice, they all follow the core idea of ​​"refinement and transformation of qi".

The essence here mainly refers to the food essence that the human body takes in every day.

But Liu Hongzhong's body organs are too weak, he can't eat too much, and his digestion is even worse. It can be said that the raw materials for practicing Qi are far from enough.

And the reason why Chi Yao asked him to practice Gu art is to help him reach the state of five Gu as soon as possible, and then switch to the method of "Five Poisons Circulation", so as to strengthen his five internal organs.

Of course, in order to achieve this goal as soon as possible, compromises must be made in the choice of Gu item level, after all, maintaining a healthy body is the first priority.But with Chi Yao's help, the level of Gu in his body would not be too low.



Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

During this time, the two strangers Ma Xianhong mentioned also came to Biyou Village one after another.

One of them is Zhang Kun, who has mastered the magic of immortality, and the other is Qiu Rang, who also has the talent of a craftsman.

Qiu Rang's ability is naturally different from that of Ma Xianhong, who has mastered the supreme skill in the field of weapon refining, but Ma Xianhong is not a person who cherishes himself with his broom. Passed it on to Qiu Rang.

It's just because the opponent's weapon refining talent is really good.

With the addition of Qiu Rang, the improvement progress of the self-cultivation furnace has indeed improved.

On this day, just as Chi Yao walked into the cultivation hall, Ma Xianhong looked over with great interest: "Brother Yao, come over and have a look, I seem to have succeeded this time!"



At this moment, the self-cultivation furnace emitted a roar of steam, and the position of the furnace and the position of the transformed person were opened at the same time, revealing the newly added root device Zhang Kun, and a shiny rat.

This Shuoshu is not Bieshu, it is the Shuwang Xiaohui brought over by Chi Yao from the Dragon King Cave in the mountain city.

Since this period of time, it has been used as a test product for the self-cultivation stove. Although it still hasn't learned how to practice Qi, but I don't know if it is because it has become more connected with Chi Yao, or because of other reasons, it has become more beautiful. Some, IQ also seem to have improved.


Chi Yao was a little puzzled, and then he activated his heart gu to communicate with Shu Wang Xiaohui.

"Have you learned any new abilities?"


"Really? Show me your hand?"

He was still a little skeptical about the Mouse King's answer, and even activated the Heavenly Gu Hope Qi Technique.

Then Chi Yao saw a cloud of pale green qi flames emanating from the mouse king's body, which was the same color as Zhang Kun's qi, but much thinner.

At the same time as this qi flame burst out, the Shu King even propped up his body, kicked his hind legs, and jumped from the steps towards the ground below in a diving posture!
The tragic scene of grabbing the ground with his head did not appear, and the mouse king Xiao Hui disappeared immediately, and the ground was also very smooth, as if nothing had happened just now.

"This is... Earth Immortal?!"

Chi Yao activated the [Heavenly Gu Wangqi Art], and saw that Xiao Hui underground was covered with a layer of light green qi energy. After these qi energy touched the ground, it would make the ground become like flowing water and no longer hard , Let him swim around.

This is how the Mouse King got into the ground.

"That's right, it's Zhang Kun's Earth Immortal."

Ma Xianhong's expression was also very excited, "This is the first time I have successfully transferred the supernatural power of the furnace master to the next root organ, do you know what this means?"


"This means my furnace has entered the next level!"

Ma Xianhong opened his arms, as if embracing the universe, "I am one step closer to my dream of creating all things!"

"Oh, then congratulations."

Chi Yao showed little interest in his great dream.

But Ma Xianhong didn't care, he pressed Chi Yao's shoulder and said: "This time your mouse helped me a lot, tell me, how should I thank you?"

"This gopher king is already a good thank you... When you experiment with transferring other abilities, it is as if you are helping me strengthen my pet."

Chi Yao shook his head, and seeing Ma Xianhong's firm expression, he turned to say, "How about this, how about you help me refine a magic weapon?"

"What magic weapon?"

Refining magic weapon is Ma Xianhong's best field. He patted his chest confidently, "I promise to make the best one for you!"

Seeing this, Chi Yao took out his worm flute from the back of his waist and handed it to Ma Xianhong, "This is just an ordinary flute. I can blow it with qi so that I can control Gu with rhythm. I want a more energy-saving flute. The worm flute has a larger and farther range of influence, and a stronger effect."

Ma Xianhong took the insect flute, observed it carefully for a while, and asked: "The sound from this flute seems to have the effect of amplifying the breath?"

"That's right, the qi in our gu master's body will inevitably be contaminated with the aura of natal Gu, playing the flute with qi is actually using the sound waves to diffuse the aura of natal Gu, and tame those targets with lower grades." Chi Yao explained.

"With the help of the rhythm, spread the breath..."

Ma Xianhong pondered for a moment, "If you want to make it more influential, the easiest way is to make the sound more penetrating, that is to say, the timbre may become a little harsher."

"That's okay, as long as it's beneficial to the battle, it doesn't matter if it's minor or not."

Chi Yao didn't care about it.

"As for saving energy, it's relatively simple. You just need to refine the material into a texture with better conductivity. Well, you can also add a device for storing energy,"

Ma Xianhong said to himself, "I can also add a sound amplification formation on it. If necessary, you can inject Qi breath to further expand its range of influence at the cost of increasing consumption. By the way , What are the attributes of your voodoo? I can add different strengthening effects in a targeted manner. Also, the flute can not only be used for playing, but also can add some deformable decorations on the outside, as long as it is injected with energy , it can change form and become a weapon or armor for you to use..."

He rambled on for a long time, and he was about to package an insect flute into an arsenal.

Chi Yao didn't interrupt him either, but occasionally offered some advice on the details, and then just snickered from the bottom of his heart.

I heard that Qinghe Village has an insect flute, a magic weapon?

Could it be carefully refined by the successor of Divine Machine Hundred Alchemy?

At that time, you are not as good as me with natal Gu, your cultivation is not as good as me, your weapons are still not as good as me, what will you use to fight me? !

It is time for Miaojiang to change its pattern of strong red and weak black.

Until the end, Ma Xianhong stopped thinking about it, because if more functions were added, the size of the flute would appear a bit bloated.

But he still has one last question: "By the way, speaking of this penetrating timbre, after much deliberation, I think there is an instrument that is more suitable. I wonder if you like it?"

"What instrument?"


 Thanks for the reward of where to go!

  Thanks to book friends 20210810173742107 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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