Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 131 Thank You, Xia Liuqing

Chapter 131 Thank you, Xia Liuqing (two in one, please subscribe~ask for a monthly ticket~)


Chi Yao thought about it, and the timbre of this musical instrument known as the most rascal in the musical instrument industry is indeed loud and penetrating, but...

Is the painting style a little bit weird?
It would be reasonable to play a suona during the bloody decisive battle, but the melody imperial gu is my usual method, and I will play the suona anytime, anywhere if there is a disagreement...

Is it a little too hot-blooded?
But after listening to Ma Xianhong's words, the tone of suona seemed to be ringing in Chi Yao's mind all the time, which made him a little reluctant to let go.

So, after pondering for a while, Chi Yao said to Ma Xianhong, "Old Ma, can you make one instrument produce two different sounds?"

"How to say?"

"That is, in normal times, it makes a normal, normal flute sound."

Chi Yao explained, "Then didn't you say that you need to add a magic circle to increase the power? When I activate the magic circle, I will change the timbre of the insect flute to a suona?"

"This...then I have to design it carefully."

Ma Xianhong did not refuse.Because he firmly believes that there is nothing he can't do in terms of refining weapons!
"Then trouble you."

Chi Yao, who got his wish, thanked him repeatedly.



"President Chi, this is a new batch of swallows."

At the entrance of Biyou Village, Qiu Rang handed over a small bag, "There are about twenty of them in it, all of which were made by me. You can try it. If there is no problem, I will do the work in the future."

Chi Yao took it, opened the zipper, took out a phagocytosis, and then unscrewed the observation mirror on the top to look at it, "It's not bad, it's almost the same as what the old horse made!"

"It's all good for the bishop."

Qiu Rang scratched his short white hair and said with admiration.

"Okay, then I'll go first, see you later."



Ever since Xiao Hui successfully copied Zhang Kun's Earthly Immortal magic, the function of the self-cultivation stove has been on the right track.

The so-called mastery of one method and mastery of a hundred methods, Zhang Kun's success does not only represent the success of one person or one technique, but also shows that the basic functions of the self-cultivation furnace have been debugged.

The set of processes from analysis to replication has been opened up.

The next thing to do is to continuously invest in new analysis samples to enrich the database of the self-cultivation furnace, and this requires recruiting more talents with excellent qualifications.

Why do you have to be well-qualified?
Because there is still a huge attrition rate in the copying and conversion of the self-cultivation furnace, the endowed person can only accept about [-]% of the ability of the person who holds the furnace.Therefore, if the furnace holder's own strength is too poor, then this cut and cut will end up replicating loneliness.

However, talented aliens are not Chinese cabbage, and Biyou Village is not a famous school that has been passed down for thousands of years. There will be all kinds of talented people coming here, and they can only recruit people by luck.

Therefore, Ma Xianhong also had to temporarily stop optimizing the self-cultivation furnace and go out to recruit people in person.

After all, except for him, no one else in Biyou Village has the kind of personality charm that can attract outstanding talents.

Chi Yao was not idle when Master Ma was roaming around to recruit followers.

He accepted Liu Wukui as an apprentice, not just because he wanted the twins to help refine Gu.Now that she has been accepted, it is natural to teach her well. Before, it was because other things were more urgent, so she was released for a while, but now that she is a little free, it is natural to train this disciple well.

"Master, master, where are we going?"

Wu Kui'er flicked her ponytails and asked bouncingly, half of her front teeth were faintly missing.

"Go find a way to make your guardian god stronger."

Chi Yao pulled her and said.

"Huh? Can they get better?"

"Of course, you are a fairy boy from heaven, you should be more confident."

Regarding how to train Liu Wukui, Chi Yao had already planned.

Her innate supernatural powers are called "Wufang Jiedi", and Wufang Jiedi is actually the five Dharma protectors in Buddhism. There are five Jiedi and Maha Jiedi.

According to legend, they once took action when Monkey King made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, and later became the bodyguards who escorted Tang Monk to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures.Although he is not conspicuous among the great gods of Tianting Buddhism, he can barely be regarded as a middle-level cadre, so there are golden bodies cast in some temples.

Since there is a golden body, it naturally represents the gathering of the power of incense and faith.

Therefore, Chi Yao's plan is to take Wu Kui'er to those places to see if he can get some wool down.

As for how?
That is of course a godhead mask.

The natural guardian god of this boy's life does not fit too well with the mask of the godhead!

After Chi Yao handed over the exercises obtained from Wang Zhenqiu to Wu Kui'er, she quickly learned the means of extracting and refining the power of faith.

As for acting?
She doesn't have to play it herself at all, just use the power of faith to fill the ready-made Dharma Protector.

Who could fit the character image better than the natural Dharma protector?

Therefore, every time he sees Wu Kuier practicing kung fu, Chi Yao wants to say:
Thank you, Xia Liuqing.



The target Chi Yao chose was Lingyin Temple.

The reason why they didn't go to Shaolin, which is more famous, was because it was not a good thing for them to do it. Shaolin, as the ancestor of Zen and the representative of Buddhism, has strong strength and many masters, and the chance of being discovered is too high.In case of a miss, it is not easy to run.

Lingyin Temple is different, not to mention its smaller scale, and as the abbot, Master Jiekong has completely lost his martial arts, and the strongest person in the temple is his disciple, Monk Baowen.

In the face of such a strong Mesozoic, Chi Yao is still somewhat confident.

Secondly, it is also because they found out that the Five-Fang Jiedi Golden Statues enshrined in Lingyin Temple are the ones that have been shaped for the longest time.Although Lingyin Temple itself has been destroyed and rebuilt several times, the golden body has always been the original version, with a history of more than a thousand years.

With such time accumulation, even if it is just a small god, the depth of its belief accumulation may be unimaginable.


Between the foot of the mountain, one level of quaint bluestone steps go up layer by layer. The mountain wind blows, and pieces of yellow leaves fall leisurely. After hovering three or two, they stand still on the stone steps, adding to the quiet picture A bit bleak.

Chi Yao led Wu Kui'er up the stairs, accompanied by the singing of birds and insects, as if he had stepped out of the hustle and bustle of the world, and realized a little bit of tranquility.

"Mountains are not high, and there are immortals and spirits."

Chi Yao sighed as he walked, "This place is known as the hidden place of the immortals, so it got its name, and now it seems that its reputation is indeed well-deserved!"

After buying the tickets, the master and apprentice walked into this historic Buddhist temple together with ordinary tourists.



Lingyin Temple has a forest, three floors, three pavilions, seven halls, and twelve halls, covering a very large area.

In the temple, the Hall of Heavenly Kings, Daxiong Hall, Pharmacist Hall, Cangjing Building and Huayan Hall are the central axis, and there are five hundred Arhat Halls, Daoji Hall, Liuhe Hall, Ancestral Hall, Dabei Pavilion, Dragon Palace Haizang and many other Buddhist gates on the two wings. palace.

After Chi Yao and the others came in, they didn't delay much, and went straight to the pavilion where the Five Directions Jiedi stood.

Because compared with Living Buddha Daoji and Five Hundred Arhats, Wufang Jiedi is far behind in both fame and influence, so the flow of people here is still sparse.

After the two entered the hall, they looked at the five shining golden bodies above the shrine. They were five figures with different appearances and postures.

The master and apprentice looked at each other, and a faint light flashed across their eyes. In an instant, the world in their eyes changed.

It seems that the five golden statues on the shrine are no longer the five golden statues, but have become extremely rich incense and thoughts.

"Try it."

Chi Yao gave Wu Kui'er a look, and Wu Kui'er nodded understandingly.

After a moment.


A girl's scream sounded, and Wu Kui'er fell directly into the protective isolation belt as if she had tripped, and she didn't even stand still, and kept stumbling in until she held Jintou Jiedi's toes , and barely stabilized his figure.

Such a change of course alarmed the monk who was in charge of selling incense, he immediately got up, swiftly crossed the isolation zone, and directly picked up Wu Kui'er who had fallen down.

Seeing this, Chi Yao hurried forward: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was negligent."

"It's okay, you can see if the child has been injured, just pay attention in the future."

The monk was not very angry, he just frowned and gave a few words of advice, then returned to his position.

Chi Yao walked out of the pavilion with Wu Kui'er in his arms, and came to a secluded place nearby.

"How about it?"

Wu Kui'er stretched out his white, tender and delicate fist, and loosened it slightly.

Chi Yao immediately saw the ray of golden power of faith tightly held in her palm.

"Successful? But..."

He frowned, wondering, "Why so few?"

Wu Kui'er's palm is not big at all, and after holding it tightly, the space becomes even smaller. Such a little power of faith is a world of difference from when Wang Zhenqiu took it from the two actors.

"Don't think too little, Master!"

Unconvinced, Wu Kui'er argued, "You don't even know how difficult it is to grab! There are so many of them, but they can't be pulled at all. It's not like what you said at all, just grab it with your hand and it's a lot!"

"is it?"

Chi Yao was really inexperienced in this area, so he tilted his head and recalled what Wang Zhenqiu said back then.

"The power of faith in an actor is huge but very vain... and the power gathered in a famous actor, even Xia Liuqing, can only take it slowly..."

"I see... It seems that the power of faith gathered in this Buddha statue is more stable than those famous actors."

He looked at Wu Kui'er who couldn't wait to refine this ray of faith, and sighed softly, "It seems that this is still a big project."

The excuse of slipping and falling can only be used once, after all, no one is a fool.

Even if he changed Wu Kui'er's clothes and hairstyles non-stop, after repeating it for the third time, it still aroused the suspicion of the monk selling incense.

Seeing this, Chi Yao immediately left there with Wu Kui'er.

"Then what should we do? Come back tomorrow?"

Wu Kui'er grasped the three or four wisps of power of faith in his hand, and while refining it, he looked at the palace reluctantly.

It's like seeing delicacies from mountains and seas in front of you, but you just can't eat them.

"Tomorrow? Don't think about it, the trick of pretending to fall is completely useless."

Chi Yao stretched out his finger and patted Wu Kui'er's forehead lightly, "Don't worry, you just refine yours, Master will think of a way for you!"



At night, the crescent moon hangs high.

Lingyin Mountain, where tourists have long since dispersed, looks even more empty and lonely.

But on the stone steps leading into the mountain, there were two figures flickering.

"Master? We're here so late, can we get in?"

Wu Kui'er asked in a low voice while following Chi Yao quietly like a monkey.

"Since I brought you here, there is naturally a way."

Not long after, the two came to the mountain gate of Lingyin Temple.

Looking at the closed door, Wu Kui'er didn't have time to show disappointment when he heard Chi Yao's voice next to his ear: "Cover your mouth, don't make a sound."

The next moment, she only felt a hand on her shoulder, and then the scenery in front of her eyes suddenly changed, and the mountain gate of Lingyin Temple disappeared in an instant!


She just wanted to exclaim, but her mouth covered with both hands could only make an extremely small sound.


Chi Yao raised a finger to his lips, and then activated the dark gu again.

At night, there is no shortage of shadows in Lingyin Temple, which is full of pavilions, towers and pavilions. Chi Yao took his little apprentice all the way to shuttle, and soon arrived at the pavilion where the golden body of Wufang Jiedi was enshrined without disturbing anyone. outside.

Because it is an antique building, the doors and windows of this palace are all pasted with paper, which made it impossible for him to see directly inside and launch the shadow jump.

"Tsk, trouble."

However, this naturally did not bother Chi Yao, he stretched out his finger and lightly poked a small hole in the corner of the window.

In the next second, swish!
The two have already entered the palace.

"Hurry up, don't sleep tonight, draw as much as you can."

He lowered his voice and said to Wu Kui'er.


Wu Kui'er obviously understood the importance of the matter, and after nodding his head, he immediately threw himself at Jintou Jiedi's feet, like a hardworking bee, tugging at the power of faith.

Of course, Chi Yao was not idle, he would also find ways to extract, after releasing a Gu to let the wind out, he also came back and sat on the ground side by side with Wu Kui'er, working as hardworking silk spinners together.

an hour later.

"Master, my hands are sore."

Wu Kui'er complained with a bitter face.

"Persevere, this is actually a kind of practice."

Chi Yao said in a low voice, "It will take some time for your brother's body to recover, and because of too much deficit before, the achievements in Qi training may be relatively limited. The world of aliens is also a place where the weak prey on the strong, and you can only become stronger. Only by being strong can you protect him. And these things are the resources for you to become stronger faster."

"Protect brother..."

When Liu Hongzhong was mentioned, Wu Kui'er's eyes lit up, "Then I can continue!"

An invisible force seemed to burst out from her body, drawing it quickly.

 Thanks to GGsbada for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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