Chapter 159 Nathan Island (two in one, ask for a monthly pass~)

Nathan Island is also called the Island of Inhumans, or the Island of Sin, the Island of Freedom, and so on.

Because most of the people who lived on that island were aliens who couldn't get along in other countries and had to run over to hide their names.Heinous felons account for at least half of them.It can be said that the Nathan Islanders are a group that is more than ten times worse than Quan Xing in all aspects.

Tu Junfang was taken aback when he heard the words, and repeated: "Nason Island?"

There was an unconcealable surprise in his tone.

"Why, Old Tu, don't you know this place?"

Chi Yao doubtfully said in a tone of "No way, no way".

Although Nathan Island is mysterious, you Tu Junfang is not an unknown person!If Quan Xing is regarded as a sect, with the name of the Three Corpses, it is not impossible for him to be ranked in the top five, or even the top three.

"Of course I know, but I've only heard about their reputation, so I don't know how to go about it!"

Tu Junfang quickly argued.

"Don't worry about this. Although Nathan Island is closed, there are still many people who can find it alone every year. There is no reason why the two of us can't do it!"

Chi Yao wasn't worried at all, he just pushed the boat along the way, anyway, Tu Junfang had to run outside if he wanted to avoid the search everywhere, so it's better to find Nathan Island by the way.

In that kind of place where fish and dragons are mixed, it would be very suitable for the incarnation of corpse god.

Letting the incarnation of the corpse god and Tu Junfang go to find Nasen Island can only be regarded as an idle move. After Chi Yao got the news from Lu Jin, he still had a more important thing to do.



Jinmen, the world will meet.

When Chi Yao walked into the office, Feng Zhenghao was standing alone by the huge French window, looking towards the northwest.

"Xiao Yao, here we come."

"Uncle Feng."

Chi Yao walked slowly behind Feng Zhenghao, and together they looked at Gushui Liuxia outside the window.

"Ever since our two families formed an alliance, I expected such a day to come, but I never thought that this day would come so soon."

Feng Zhenghao's tone was full of emotion.

That is, can you hurry up?
Now, it has only been more than a year since the last time Na Ruhu was selected as one of the top ten.No one expected that the Ten Guys Association, which represents the pinnacle of power in the foreign world in China, would have such frequent changes in members.

Including Chi Yao himself who almost personally contributed to this matter.

He also didn't expect that after he brought Tu Junfang and others to inflict a serious injury on the Wang family, Qu Tong would seize the opportunity so decisively and completely defeat the Wang family in one fell swoop.

I was still waiting for the wind to pass, and slowly cut the Wang family like leeks!Now that they were all taken over by the company, it was much more difficult.

Chi Yao muttered secretly in his heart.

"The Wang family has done a lot of unrighteousness, and the laws of nature are reincarnated, so there should be this reward."


His words made Feng Zhenghao laugh heartily and heartily. As the person who knows the inside story the most besides Chi Yao and the other parties involved, Feng Zhenghao naturally understands who is behind the so-called cycle of heaven.However, Feng Xingtong was also involved in this matter, and it seems that Tianxiahui is the biggest beneficiary, so he naturally has no reason to be good at getting cheap.

"That's right, Wang Jiahe deserves to die like this. And we will do better than them for the burden they can't afford."

Feng Zhenghao said vigorously, "Get ready, let's go to Beijing together tomorrow!"

"it is good."



The Ten Guys Club is an organization led by the company to help them maintain the order of the alien circle, so its members are of course decided by the company itself, and even the ten guys' opinions can only be used as a reference and will not play a role. decisive role.

Therefore, when the company decided to cut through the mess this time and quickly find someone to fill the vacancy in the Wang family, the establishment of the new top ten became extremely vigorous.

At the Ten Guys meeting that day, after an on-site nomination and voting, Feng Zhenghao of the Tianxiahui was preliminarily determined.

There are only two steps left for the next thing. First, Feng Zhenghao will communicate with the headquarters wherever he comes, and have a face-to-face conversation with Chairman Zhao Fangxu, and ask him to do the last check.The second is to issue a statement to inform the world.

The imperial capital leads to the company headquarters everywhere.

Feng Zhenghao didn't bring his son or daughter with him this time, he only brought Chi Yao and a few entourage who were in charge of handling chores.

"President Feng, Vice President Chi, please."

Guided by the staff of Nadutong, the two of them walked through the busy sorting area and arrived at Zhao Fangxu's office.

"Dong Zhao is waiting for you two inside."

After the staff knocked lightly on the door, they retreated by themselves. Feng Zhenghao and Chi Yao pushed the door one after the other and entered.

Zhao Fangxu, the chairman of Nadutong Company, is a round and kind-looking old man who is [-]% similar to Coach Anxi. He is sitting on the sofa making tea.

Every move... There is no pleasing atmosphere, it seems that he has not studied the tea ceremony much.

Seeing the two people coming in, he didn't see the invitation from outside: "Sit down, don't be reserved, I just want to chat with you a little bit today."

"Xiaofeng, Xiaoyao, I'm older than you guys by how many years. Is it acceptable to call me that in private?"

After taking his seat, Zhao Fangxu asked with a smile.

"Of course, you are an elder, you can call us juniors whatever you want."

Feng Zhenghao replied neither humble nor overbearing, and Chi Yao also nodded slightly in agreement.


Zhao Fangxu saw that the two of them were very cooperative, and the smile on his face became more sincere, "I will speak up when I have something to say. You should be able to see that this time the change of ten members is very sudden. Whether it is from the decision to change , or to finally determine a new candidate, it seems very hasty, because we hope to stabilize the circle as soon as possible."

"We understand this, Tianxiahui will definitely actively support and cooperate with the company's actions."

Feng Zhenghao promised.

"Well, I'm not really worried about that."

Zhao Fangxu nodded, "But I still have one hope,"

He cast his gaze on Chi Yao, "The Tianxiahui has now been divided into two parts. I hope that at least until this turmoil completely subsides, there will be no more turmoil among you."

Since the position of Shi Lao is to be given to the Tianxiahui, the company has naturally investigated them in detail, so it is also very clear about the relationship between the Feng family and the Black Miao Department.

Anyone can see that the alliance between the two of them is not a long-term plan, and they will be separated sooner or later.

But from the company's point of view, at least in the recent period of time, they don't want any problems within the Ten Guys Association anymore, so Zhao Fangxu must understand this matter clearly.

What if Feng Zhenghao's joining the Ten Guys Association was announced on one end, and the Tianxia Association on the other side splits up in place, then all the directors of the company will also split up along with it!

Feng Zhenghao couldn't answer this question, because he didn't want Chi Yao to leave either, so he set his sights on Chi Yao together with Zhao Fangxu.

At the same time, Chi Yao was not panicked by the attention of the two big men, and promised with a smile.

"You can rest assured on this point. I will not leave Tianxiahui for at least two years. However, I have a small matter, and I hope you can agree to it."

Hearing Chi Yao say that there will be no problems in the world within two years, Zhao Fangxu was sure, and then asked in a good mood: "What's the matter? Don't worry, as long as it is within the scope of my ability, we can discuss it."

"It's not a big deal,"

Seeing Zhao Fangxu taking such a big deal, Chi Yao was overjoyed, and continued, "I don't know if you still remember, two years ago, during the activities to eliminate the Yaoxian Association, the Gu body saint boy they cultivated was also brought by the company. return."

Zhao Fangxu had a thoughtful look on his face, of course he knew about the Yaoxianhui incident, but as for the Gu body saint boy...

"Oh, I remembered. I remember that Liao Zhong applied to me to treat her. It was a lot of work!"

"Unfortunately, there is still no cure." Chi Yao added.

"Then what do you mean by her?"

"The sickness of the Gu Body Saint Child is caused by the Gu art of the Medicine Immortal Association. I recently studied the Gu art and came up with a treatment method. Maybe I can try it. But..."


"I hope to take her to Tianxiahui's nursing home for treatment. I wonder if Mr. Zhao will agree?"

Hearing Chi Yao's words, Zhao Fangxu did not answer immediately, but murmured: "I remember... the Gu body saint boy was brought to the dark fort by Liao Zhong, right? Those who can enter the dark fort are those who have a lot of energy hidden in their bodies. Risky aliens cannot be released easily in principle. However, if the conditions of the nursing home you mentioned can meet the safety standards after our assessment, it is not incomparable."

Although he gasped for breath, Chi Yao's face did not show any obvious emotional fluctuations. He assured: "Of course there will be no problems in terms of safety. The company can send people to check at any time."

"That's good. If that's the case, I'll agree in principle here. For specific details, you can talk to Liao Zhong. This includes environmental assessment and regular inspections of the Gu Body Saint Child."

Zhao Fangxu nodded.

"Then thank you Director Zhao."

Chi Yao was also a little surprised by Zhao Fangxu's easy nod, he didn't expect Liao Zhong to talk about extremely difficult things, but he just mentioned it to Zhao Fangxu casually, and it was almost unimpeded.

"Is this how ten guys are treated?"

He thought to himself, and then looked forward to the day when he would truly become a top ten.

"Hehe, you're welcome."

Zhao Fangxu narrowed his eyes and smiled, "The purpose of the company is to maintain the overall stability of our circle. We will not take the initiative to stand against anyone. The ten guys are all close partners of the company. In the future, there will be opportunities for everyone to help each other." A lot, I hope we can continue to cooperate happily.”




After leaving the headquarters of Everywhere, Chi Yao bid farewell to Feng Zhenghao, and immediately rushed to the South China branch.

"Uncle Liao!"

When Chi Yao pushed open the door of Liao Zhong's office, he was having a passionate exchange with someone on his mobile phone.There are no dirty words, but the aura looks as if you want to fight with the other party through the phone line.

Seeing Chi Yao coming in, he was taken aback for a moment, then immediately put away the wild posture just now, hung up the phone in a few words, and asked, "Why did you come here without saying hello?"

"It seems that you haven't received the news yet! Director Zhao's movements are slow enough."

Chi Yao sat down on the sofa.

"Huh? What does it have to do with Zhao Dong?" Liao Zhong was puzzled.

"To put it simply, the company has agreed in principle for Duo'er to leave the bunker, as long as the living environment I arranged can meet the safety standards."

"Really?" Liao Zhong was overjoyed at first, and then a little suspicious. "Is Director Zhao so easy to talk to?"

"Hey, Uncle Liao, are you so busy that you don't even know the most sensational event in the alien world?"

Chi Yao looked at the confused Liao Zhong speechlessly.

"The most sensational event? You mean the attack on the Wang family?"

"That's already outdated. The latest big event is the replacement of the ten men. It is estimated that the company will release a statement tomorrow at the latest. Didn't you pay attention to the previous meeting of the ten men?"

"The new top ten..."

Liao Zhong murmured, and then his face gradually turned to shock, "Could it be you?! I told you that only the tenth rank can make the company compromise. You became the tenth so quickly?"

"...Although I don't think the day you mentioned is too far away, it's not there yet."

Chi Yao explained, "It's the Tianxiahui, but what you said isn't completely wrong, I'm now a deputy ten!"

"Do you still have a deputy?" Mr. Liao squinted his eyes.

"Hey, it's good to understand the spirit. Hurry up and take me to see Duo'er, I have to tell him the good news quickly, and then ask her what kind of residence she likes, and start designing as soon as possible!"

"Alright, alright."

It could be seen that Liao Zhong was also very happy to hear the news, and led Chi Yao into the dark fort halfway.

"Dol! Miss me?"

When the two came, it was just in time for lunch, so Liao Zhong had to experience again the feeling of being forcibly fed dog food face to face.

"Well, I thought about it."

Duo'er nodded slightly, her voice was still so ethereal and light, like a faint cloud of smoke, which made people feel refreshed.

"Hey, me too!"

Chi Yao stretched out his hand and gently pinched Duo'er's face, which was as smooth as an egg white, "I have good news for you, you will be able to go out from here soon."

"Go out, where are you going?"

A little doubt flickered in Duo'er's clear green pupils.

"Well... go to a place that can help you heal your body first, and you can decide where you want to go next."

After such a long period of study, Duo'er's basic understanding of the world has been perfected after all, and thus she has some ideas of her own.

One of the most critical ones is that she is very eager to have the right and opportunity of her own choice.

Therefore, when Chi Yao communicated with her, he always paid attention to it, and never used a commanding tone or said the words directly to death, always leaving Duo'er more or less room for choice.

This time is no exception.

"Is there any place you particularly like to go?"


Duo'er's slender willow eyebrows frowned slightly, and her jade fingers as tender as white onions lightly tapped her chin, and pondered for a while, "I don't know...but if it's the place that A Yao takes me, I like it."

These words came out of her mouth lightly, with a tone of course, so Chi Yao couldn't help but relax his ape arms and embrace Duo'er in his arms.

"Don't worry, I will accompany you to the thousands of rivers and mountains that you didn't have the chance to see before!"

He kissed her fair and smooth forehead lightly, whispering.


Duo'er leaned against Chi Yao's arms, nodded lightly, very well-behaved.

"By the way, I have another gift for you."

 Thanks for the tipping of pavilions, small bridges and flowing water!
(End of this chapter)

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