Chapter 160 Moonlit Killing (Two in One, ask for a monthly pass~)

Chi Yao reached into his bosom, and took out two strings of red bean tassel beads.

"do not move,"

He whispered next to Duo'er's ear, blowing warm breath, making the earlobe as white as jade beads slightly red.Then Chi Yao carefully put the two earrings on her round and jade-like earlobes.

The cheeks as white as jade, the pupils like emeralds, and the bright red bean earrings immediately made Duo'er more lively and lively.

Chi Yao caressed her cheeks, leaned back a little, looked at her carefully, and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad!"

Then he raised his hand, the cold air from the Ice Silkworm Gu spewed out, and in an instant it condensed into an ice mirror and put it in front of Duo'er: "How about it, do you like it?"

The girl in the ice mirror first tilted her head, blinked her eyes, and then slightly raised the corners of her mouth, with a touching smile on her face: "Yes! I like it."

The communication with Duo'er was happy but short. After all, Liao Zhong was very busy as the person in charge of the region, so he didn't have time to stay with them in the bunker all the time.

After a little while, when Chi Yao left, he solemnly promised: "Duo'er, I will pick you up soon, next time, we won't be separated!"



The quickest and safest way to build a house suitable for Duo'er is not to hire a construction team dedicated to dark forts, but to find Ma Xianhong.

"Hey, old horse!"

Chi Yao called Ma Xianhong, "Where are you now?"

"I'm on the prairie,"

Ma Xianhong's voice seemed to be faintly mixed with the cry of "baa baa".

"I found a good seedling that can be used as a root in the golden family here, and I am trying to win it over."

"The Golden Family?"

Chi Yao knows that this faction, although it is called a family, is different from the Zhuge family, Wang family, Lu family, and Lu family, which are also named after families. The Jin family really pays attention to blood inheritance very strictly.It does not refer to the golden family in the broad sense that most people think, that is, all the blood that can be traced back to Genghis Khan.It is a kind of magical blood that can only be born by the combination of the direct descendants of Genghis Khan and the best selected spouse.

They are born with extremely strong talents. Not only are their strength and speed different from ordinary people, but their learning ability is also first-class.All kinds of performances make people have to believe that there seems to be a magical blood power in their bodies.

"Then how are you trying? I also have some urgent matters here and need your help."

"Cough...well, it's a little bit worse."

Ma Xianhong's voice was a little awkward, "Although I defeated him, I haven't completely convinced him yet. This guy is very convinced of the saying that one strength can reduce ten meetings, and he regards the self-cultivation furnace as a flashy thing, so he is not very interested. And he is not interested in me. I was still a little unconvinced when I defeated him with a weapon, and felt that I was invincible..."

From his words, Chi Yao portrayed a burly, strong, and seemingly straightforward image.

Isn't it embarrassing to prevent the craftsman from using the weapon?

Although Ma Xianhong's strength is strong, but no matter how miraculous the magic machine is, if he doesn't use the magic weapon, it will be useless.

"It sounds like you won't be able to figure it out for a while!"

Chi Yao frowned, and after thinking for a while, he suggested, "Why don't you come back and help me build the magic weapon first, that guy from the Golden Family, how about I go and fix it for you?"

"A magic weapon? What magic weapon do you want?"

Ma Xianhong asked.

"It's what I told you before, a room that can completely isolate all toxins."

Chi Yao mentioned this matter to Ma Xianhong a long time ago, so when he said it, the other party immediately remembered it.

"Oh, this one! No problem, I'll go back and make it for you first."

Ma Xianhong agreed very happily, and didn't mention at all that he asked Chi Yao to help him convince the person who was preparing to install the root device.

However, Chi Yao didn't want to take too much advantage of this honest man, "No, you tell me your current exact location, I'll go directly to help you take down that guy, and then just come back together."

"This... are you sure?"

Ma Xianhong hesitated, "Harichagai's strength, speed, physique, and basic energy are all very strong. And since my magic weapon is considered a foreign object by him, your Gu technique may also..."

"rest assured,"

Chi Yao is very confident about this, "Gu skills that can be seen by him are considered foreign objects. As long as he can't see it, it will be fine?"

"Are you really sure?"

"Of course!"

"Okay then, I'm..."



When Chi Yao's body was running about Duo'er's affairs, his three-corpse incarnation also led Tu Junfang to sneak all the way from the ground to the sea.

"Next, the Earth Immortal will be helpless."

The two got out from below the ground, Chi Yao said to Tu Junfang, "Old Tu, you have been in Quanxing for so many years, you should have a lot of ways in your hands? Can you get us a boat to go to sea?"

"Of course it's fine."

Tu Junfang nodded. The so-called snake has a snake way, and rats have a rat way. Although he is being tracked down everywhere now, there are still underground channels.

The two wore ordinary hooded sweaters, and after covering their faces with painted skin, they walked onto the pier so boldly.

After all, it was broad daylight, so if he wore something like a black robe or a cloak, it would be more conspicuous.Of course, in view of the special appearance of the corpse god incarnation, he was wearing long-sleeved trousers, not a single bit of skin was exposed, and he even wore gloves on his hands.

Tu Junfang turned around and led Chi Yao into a narrow alley full of fishy smell, and finally stopped in front of a dirty gate.

"here is?"

"This is a smuggler here, mainly in charge of the smuggling business."

Tu Junfang explained in a low voice, and then knocked on the door.

After a short interval, the door was pushed open a crack, "What's the matter?"

"Go to sea."

"Several people?"




After some concise answers, the man stretched out his hand with the palm facing up, while Tu Junfang put the prepared money in the other's palm.

"Add two thousand."

After the man nodded a little, he spoke again.

Tu Junfang did not question the other party's behavior of raising the price on the ground, but increased the money very happily.


The man withdrew his hand and closed the door again.

At this time, Chi Yao asked, "What's the matter? Taking advantage of the fire? Or has the price increased?"


Tu Junfang shook his head and explained, "This is the rule here, and it can be regarded as an insurance. They will only accept people who know their previous prices, and every time a transaction is made, the price will change, so as to distinguish who is coming. Not regular customers, or introduced by regular customers."

"Then is every change a price increase? Or is it an increase of two thousand and two thousand?"

"One thousand for one person, two thousand for two people. And it's true that the price will only increase, but most people won't have the opportunity to use this kind of channel many times, so it doesn't really matter."

After a while, the door reopened with a gap, and the same hand handed out two tickets with black stamps on a white background.

"At ten o'clock tonight, Pier [-], a ship with a green flag on its side."

After delivering the message concisely, the door closed again.From the beginning to the end, Chi Yao didn't see what the people inside the door looked like.

As the two of them walked out holding the tickets, Chi Yao asked, "They don't even show their faces, so you don't worry that there are scammers or someone setting them up?"

"Don't worry, you have to pay attention to reputation in this business. The channels they have in their hands are enough to make money. There is no need to cut off their own livelihood for one or two deals. If the reputation is bad, it will be a big loss. gone."

Chi Yao thought about it for a while and thought it was true. These days, people who do black work pay more attention to credibility than serious businessmen. It is quite magical to think about it.



into the night.

The location given by the smuggler was naturally not a normal pier, but an old place that seemed to have been abandoned for a long time.There are no lights for lighting, and it is dark under the night, only a "beep, beep, beep, beep, beep" torch, shining faintly, shining on the rippling water.

When Chi Yao and Tu Junfang arrived here, they found that they were not the only ones waiting on the pier, but also three other groups of people.

A wave of three people, a wave of two people, a wave of one person, they stood apart from each other, and seemed to be on guard against each other.

Chi Yao and Tu Junfang looked at each other, and stood far away, silently waiting for the agreed ship.

The waves crashed against the pier one after another, and apart from the sound of splashing water, the place was silent.

Not long after, a glaring light appeared from the sea surface and shone on Chi Yao and the others.Perhaps because they are used to walking in the dark, two groups of people showed varying degrees of dodge, only a bald middle-aged man and Chi Yao remained calm.

After a slight impact, the ship was moored at the pier, a green pennant trembling in the sea wind.

"Get on board with your ticket!"

someone shouted from the deck.

Although there are no auxiliary tools such as ladders, the height of only a few meters is not difficult for the stranger on the pier.They jumped up one after another and jumped to the deck of the smuggling ship.

Chi Yao and Tu Junfang were no exception.

After checking the ticket, the man who called out brought them into the cabin together.

He pushed open a door, "You guys live here!"

Then without saying anything, he turned around and left.

Several people filed in, and found that the space inside was very small. There were bunk beds with bunk beds. There were four beds in total, with eight positions, exactly one for each person.

In a daze, Chi Yao thought he had returned to the school dormitory.

The beds were all about the same, and there was nothing to grab. Chi Yao, the others and another group of two people each occupied a bunk bed.

Instead, the trio had a slight dispute with the lone guy.

The reason is very simple, it is to fight for the position of the lower berth.

Originally, everyone was a stowaway, so trivial things like this should not be taken to heart, but perhaps the number of people on their own side gave them confidence, and they even spoke directly to the lone bald stranger in a commanding tone.

The lone traveler seemed to be calming things down a bit. After arguing with the group for a while, he obediently changed to the upper berth.

If the matter ends here, it is not worthy of Chi Yao's attention.

But the problem was that in the dead of night, he suddenly noticed that the bald lone traveler seemed to be muttering something in a low voice, while the trio began to erupt an aura full of malice and chaos.

Immediately, those three people got up from the bed one after another as if lost their minds, and then started fighting in the small room.They seem to have lost their minds, and only use their instincts to fight in the most primitive melee.

Fighting in such a small space naturally inevitably affects other people.

After the canopy bed where Chi Yao and the others were sitting was hit hard by them, he immediately got up and raised his hand, who had no need for sleep.

Swish swish!
The silver thread shot out like a sharp sword, directly wrapped around the necks of the three of them, and then slowly hung into the air.The silver hair as tough as steel wire made the three of them completely unable to resist. They could only falter and struggle hard, but it was useless.

The faint moonlight spilled in through the narrow window, coating the slender silver hair with a layer of cold brilliance, like a dream.

Although the incarnation of the three corpses originated from Chi Yao, his behavior style is much more extreme than that of Chi Yao. After all, the three corpses cannot be regarded as a complete personality.

When it is good, it is like a saint alive, and when it is evil, it is like Shura descending.

Now that he was disturbed in the middle of the night, he was obviously in the state of a corpse. Therefore, the three strands of hair became tighter and tighter, and finally, with a "click" sound, they directly broke their necks.

But stopping these three people is not a complete solution to the problem, because they are just being manipulated.So Chi Yao turned his attention to the bald middle-aged man on the upper bunk.

"Have you had enough?"

The slightly hoarse voice revealed obvious impatience and killing intent.

With what he did just now, it was obvious that if he didn't get a satisfactory answer, he might have to continue before killing people.

Wang Guoping on the upper bunk looked at Chi Yao with a look of surprise.

He never expected that he would meet such a stubborn person on the road.

After being ordered by Qu Tong to instigate and personally participated in the raid against the Wang family, the next order Wang Guoping received was to find a way to sneak into Nathan Island.

That's why he went out to sea alone on a stowaway boat.

As an evil teacher, Wang Guoping is best at demagoguery.Therefore, after having a dispute with the trio, he did not choose to resist directly, but did it quietly in the middle of the night.Relying on the cultivation base of the crushing level directly confused the minds of the three people, causing them to kill each other.

But what he never expected was that he was not the only one on the boat pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Based on the methods this silver-haired man has shown so far, he can be sure that the other party is not easy to deal with.Especially in the eye peeking out from under the hair of the other party, the maliciousness in it almost made Wang Guoping shudder.

So, he gave up resolutely, and said with a smile: "Enough, enough."

"You are enough, I am not enough!"

Chi Yao didn't stop because of his confession, let go of the trio who had lost their breath, and the silver hair wrapped around Wang Guoping's limbs like a whip.

 The update these days is really a bit hip, because I went to be a community volunteer.Help to bring the vegetables bought from the supermarket back to the community for distribution.

  Forgive me.

  m (__) m
(End of this chapter)

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