Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 179 Combination Ultimate Moves

Chapter 179 Combination Ultimate Moves

After finishing the action of inviting the spirit to possess the body, Chi Yao's eyes were already covered with divine light, filled with the color of iron and blood.

His eyes turned slightly, and wherever he looked, all the scarlet-eyed berserk Gu beasts all took half a step back as if a basin of cold water had been poured on their heads, and then bowed their heads respectfully, Don't dare to look at him.

This is fundamentally different from the influence of the heart voodoo before. The power of the heart voodoo is the bond between hearts, but Chi Yao's spiritual power is much stronger than the voodoo, so it looks a bit like mental manipulation.But it's different now. At this time, Chi Yao's whole body exudes a kind of coercion that only the voodoo can perceive, which seems to come from the bloodline, making them only think about submitting, and have nothing else to think about.

Even when Luo Ying met this gaze, similar absurd thoughts inevitably arose in her heart, which made her momentum suddenly drop.

"You, what did you do?"

Seeing that the gu tide that she set off with the determination to burn jade and stone together was easily resolved by Chi Yao with a method she couldn't understand at all, Luo Ying's heart collapsed.

Until now, she seems to have finally understood what is called the first genius of the Kuromiao tribe after a thousand years.In Luo Ying's eyes, Chi Yao is like a bottomless abyss, no matter what tricks he uses, the opponent can calmly dissolve them invisible.Always calm, comfortable and relaxed.

But in fact, Chi Yao's current situation is not as calm as she thought.

The principle of the art of summoning spirits from the lineage of horse immortals is that through the coherence of spirit or soul fluctuations, the energy and even part of the soul of the immortal family can descend on the caster remotely.

Of course, whether a spirit can emerge or not is also related to the Xian family's own cultivation base.If it doesn't reach the state where the yin spirit is out of the body, then no matter how much the caster agrees and requests, it will be useless.

And after being possessed by a fairy family, if the fairy family has malicious intentions towards the caster, with the gap-like power gap between the two sides, it can be said that the caster has no room to resist.That's why Ma Xian needs to worship the Xian family from time to time, which is equivalent to establishing a good relationship in advance, and he can't be half-hearted.Even the sorceress Guan Shihua can only focus on the lineage of the fox fairy, and can't come up with any kind of five immortals descending together.

But Chi You is different, apart from the so-called blood relationship between Chi Yao and Chi You, there was no in-depth connection in the past.Sudden summoning at this time is still somewhat risky.

Of course, fortunately, the so-called battle spirit here is not the real remnant soul of Chi You, but just an leaked unyielding fighting spirit.

But even so, it is not so easy to digest, because after all, this is the meaning of absolute evil that has survived since the ancient barbaric period.

At this time, Chi Yao's soul was fighting against that fighting spirit.

In the interior.

Chi Yao's own soul is colorful, while opposite is a burly mountain-like giant with intertwined red and black colors.He holds a tiger soul long knife, and the iron-eating beast under his crotch is extremely powerful.

Because there is a lack of steps to enshrine and build relationships in advance, and this fighting spirit seems irrational at all, so there is only one method Chi Yao can choose, and that is to subdue the opponent head-on, and then turn it into his own use.

Fortunately, this is just a flawed and weak fighting spirit, not the real remnant soul of Chi You, otherwise, no matter how miserable the situation is, the current Chi Yao can't touch porcelain easily.

Fighting intent is irrational and can only rely on instinct to charge and kill.As a foreigner who can freely control the interior scene, although he is inferior in absolute power, if he just chooses to kill the opponent, he has many means.

After all, the interior scene is a world where you can do whatever you want!
Therefore, Chi Yao directly created a large bamboo forest with his thoughts. The smooth bamboo poles, green bamboo leaves, and plump bamboo shoots all exude temptation all the time, ah no, they are beast lures. The fragrance made the iron-eating beast under Zhanhun's crotch instantly unable to walk.

Easily turn the cavalry spirit into infantry.

"Speaking of which, Boss Chi You doesn't have a long memory. Have you forgotten how you lost in the last battle? The iron-eating beast, regardless of its size and strength, is very strong, and its teeth are not bad, but when it comes to critical moments, it is always the same. It’s not reliable enough, it’s too easy to be tempted!”

Chi Yao, who had achieved great success in the first attempt of the battle plan, muttered gloatingly.

After losing his mount, the war spirit could only charge forward on foot.

At this time, Chi Yao launched the second battle plan - flying a kite.

Fighting soul, fighting soul, the most fundamental force supporting his actions is that fiery fighting spirit that has never been extinguished even after tens of thousands of years, this thing...

Completely overwhelmed by the love gu!

Therefore, as long as there is enough time, Chi Yao has no fear at all.

Thus, a long tug of war unfolded in the interior.

The battle soul covered in iron and blood was chasing Chi Yao while being sucked into his own body by him. As a result, the chasing became smaller and smaller, from being shaped like a mountain to becoming a giant, and then returning to the shape of a normal human being, and finally directly Miniaturize until it disappears completely.

After the battle spirit was dealt with, the iron-eating beast that was lured away by the bamboo forest and abandoned its master naturally could not escape Chi Yao's poisonous hands.However, it didn't seem to care about Chi Yao's act of absorbing him, and he just lay there and gnawed bamboo, which can be said to be very Buddhist.

After absorbing so much fighting intent, Love Gu will naturally not remain silent, it even completed an evolution directly and acquired a new ability - Burning Love.

Ignite the fighting spirit in your heart and gain power beyond the limit.The stronger the fighting spirit, the stronger the increase, the fighting spirit will not stop, and the strengthening will not stop.

This ability itself doesn't seem to be a big deal. Isn't it just a short-term outburst technique by arousing emotions? Many sects have similar skills. For example, the principle of the crazy wand technique is actually not too different.

But don't forget that Love Gu can arouse the emotions of other intelligent beings, including Chi Yao himself, and since it can absorb Chi You's remaining fighting spirit, other people's emotions are naturally no problem.

Therefore, if facing multiple enemies, this kind of enhancement can be said to be full coverage and no consumption for Chi Yao, and the more enemies there are, the stronger he can get.

More importantly, this enhancement is not limited to Chi Yao himself, but can also be blessed to other people... or Gu beasts!
If one move is used for comparison, it is the evolution version of Qinghe Village's [Rage Curse].

First use love Gu to arouse the fighting spirit of the Gu beast, and then burn the fighting spirit to enhance the strength of the Gu beast.Because after igniting the fighting spirit, their sanity is not lost because of this, so under the effect of the heart voodoo, these voodoo can be perfectly manipulated by Chi Yao, ordering and prohibiting them.

Thus, the scene in Luo Ying's eyes appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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