Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 180 Thousands of Gu Overwhelm Qinghe

Chapter 180 Tens of Thousands of Gu Overwhelm Qinghe (Please subscribe~Please ask for a monthly ticket~)

As far as Chi Yao's eyes could see, those voodoo that were all red-eyed as if they were trying to devour them lowered their heads one after another, and the irritable light in their eyes faded away.

However, this does not mean that they were disbanded by Chi Yao.

On the contrary, after the scarlet light eroded by anger in their eyes dissipated, illusory qi flames ignited on their bodies one after another, and the momentum of their bodies rose instead of falling!
And because there is no anger to encroach on reason, they quickly completed the assembly and formation under the action of the power of heart Gu, and quickly changed from a chaotic group of Gu that was about to kill each other to a well-organized army of Gu, all gathered in one place. Around Chi Yao.

Then, tens of thousands of eyes of different shapes turned their heads to look at Luo Ying!


This uniform movement made Luo Ying's whole body stiff, and she involuntarily took two steps back. In an instant, it was as if countless electric currents swam through her body, making her scalp numb.

Qinghe Gu Master is already good at controlling multiple Gu, she is already considered a leader of the younger generation in Qinghe Village, she can even compete with some Gu Masters of the Mesozoic generation without falling behind.

However, no matter how meticulous the Rhythm Royal Gu is, it is impossible to make the movements of the Gu under his command so neat that it can move like an arm and a finger.After all, voodoo is voodoo, lack of intelligence is normal, and it is not easy to roughly control it. Like now, it is an incredible miracle to let them all look in one direction regardless of the difference in race and form.

Not to mention that these voodoo were in a state of insanity that she had cast a Berserk spell on just a second ago.

The act of unraveling the Berserk Curse in seconds is already beyond Luo Ying's comprehension, let alone the current situation.

Standing in the center of the Gu group, Chi Yao is like a real king, perfectly controlling the thousands of troops under his command.

" did you do it?"

Luo Ying resisted the discomfort that seemed to be the focus of the whole world, and asked unwillingly.

"It's all thanks to you!"

The corners of Chi Yao's mouth curled up slightly.He also didn't expect that after this change, the love Gu and the heart Gu could produce such a synergistic effect similar to the halo of the battlefield, which instantly made his ability to control Gu go up several steps.And it seems that this trick is not only used to resist Gu...

Moreover, since love Gu and heart Gu can play such a perfect cooperation, then, is there the same possibility between other hitting Gu in one's body?

Suddenly, countless novel ideas seemed to be born in Chi Yao's mind, waiting for him to try one by one.

However, his sincere thanks were regarded by Luo Ying as a taunt that he was sure of winning.Immediately his face changed.

"Damn! You..."

However, Chi Yao, who is not here anymore, doesn't want to waste time with her anymore.

With a thought in his mind, two huge earth dragon kings emerged from Luo Ying's feet!

Luo Ying was taken aback, and immediately wanted to fly backwards to avoid it, but she forgot that now she and Chi Yao are both deeply trapped in the Gu tide, there are Gus in all directions, where is there a safe place to stay?

Not to mention that all these Gu objects have now been brought under Chi Yao's control.

Therefore, when she subconsciously rolled over to avoid it, spirit snakes stretched out around her, rolling towards her limbs and torso.

Luo Ying naturally refused to sit still, but no matter how she blew the worm flute, she couldn't mobilize any voodoo for her own use.In the end, she could only be forced, the Qinghe Gu Master who was not good at melee combat, to wield the hand knife wrapped in qi flames, trying to kill a way out with her own hands.

But it's a pity that although her thoughts are good, her body doesn't allow it.

No matter in terms of speed, strength or agility, Luo Ying, who had never focused on body training, could not cope with the overwhelming attack of Gu.

So after a while, she was bound hands and feet, carried by an earth dragon king, and transported to Chi Yao's side.

"Let's go!"

After taking down Luo Ying, Chi Yao didn't delay, and immediately ordered the Gu group to move out.

The scene of Wan Gu walking together appeared again, and it was far more orderly than before, like a real army with strict discipline.

After a while, Luo Ying seemed to have noticed something was wrong, struggling to ask: "What are you going to do?"

"It's nothing, this fighting Gu is over, I'm just going to draw a perfect end to it."

Chi Yao leisurely leaned on the head of a huge alien beast composed of many voodoo controlled by him, and said lightly.

"But this is clearly the direction to Qinghe Village!"

Luo Ying looked angrily.

"Of course, I have to announce the news of my victory, right?"

Chi Yao said it as a matter of course.

"But does the announcement of victory need to carry so many Gus?"

There was still some fear hidden in Luo Ying's questioning voice.

With such a large-scale gu tide, even in chaos, Qinghe Village can't easily deal with it, let alone the current state where orders and prohibitions seem to be one.

Chi Yao took them to Qinghe Village, what exactly did he want to do?
"Hehe, they are all the help that I can win, so it's reasonable to take them to enjoy the fruits of victory, isn't it?"

Chi Yao smiled faintly, "Besides, how do I know if all the Gu masters in Qinghe Village are as crazy as you, I'm scared if I don't bring more men."

He would never say that this trip was to go to Qinghe Village to show off his strength.

After the Gu fight is over, according to the agreement, in the next five years, the losers must respect the winners. Not only must they cede the position of the leader Miao Jiang, but they must also hand over the magic weapon that is kept in turn by the two families—the Gu Cup.

However, Qinghe Village has won for so many years before, not to mention whether they are prepared to lose, even if they are reasonable enough, they still can't hand over the Gu cup!

Besides, what Chi Yao wants is not just a superficial respect, he wants to take advantage of the opportunity of Qinghe Village's mistakes to truly unify Miaojiang!
Therefore, just defeating a thirty-year-old Gu master is not enough, no matter how good Luo Ying is, she is only the number one of the younger generation in Qinghe Village.There are two hands stronger than hers in Qinghe Village, probably too many to count, defeating her is not enough for Qinghe Gu Masters to truly realize Chi Yao's strength.

But this wave of Gu tide can.

As Qinghe Gu masters who can already launch Gu tides, Chi Yao can only truly imprint an invincible mark on their hearts if they show unrivaled strength in the field they are best at.



Qinghe Village.

Naturally, the momentum of thousands of Gu objects gathering could not be concealed from them, but they were not too clear about what happened for the time being.

"Great Gu Master..."

Some Qinghe Gu Masters hesitated to speak and looked at the great Gu Master Luo Shuning sitting in the middle.

"Just wait and see."

Luo Shuning opened her mouth lightly, but the wind did not move.

Her composure also affected the surrounding Gu masters, allowing them to calm down again.It is no exaggeration to say that everyone here is enough to launch a Gu Tide alone, and the scale is not smaller than Luo Ying's launch.Even if there are really Gu tides gathering outside Qinghe Village, it must not be a big... big... matter...

The Qinghe Gu Masters who were thinking like this suddenly opened their eyes wide open, and no longer cared about the Great Gu Master's admonition, they hurriedly jumped onto the roof one by one, looking ahead.

Because this time the Gu tide is completely different from what they imagined, the real Gu has not yet approached, but the distant and desolate domineering aura has already rushed towards the face, and the overwhelming momentum is almost suffocating!

Their movements are not fast, but they are advancing and retreating as one, full of calmness and playfulness.

All of a sudden, the Gu tide stopped their progress and stopped outside Qinghe Village.

But the Qinghe Gu Masters who were watching did not breathe a sigh of relief, but instead felt their throats tighten, as if a rope was suddenly wrapped around their necks, making them unable to breathe.

"Such a forbidden gu tide... This is definitely not the handiwork of Ying girl! Even I can't do it."

Accompanied by Luo Shuning's soft murmur, panic suddenly rushed up from the soles of Qinghe Gu Masters' feet, a bone-chilling chill spread throughout their bodies, making their brains go blank.

Since it's not Luo Ying, there is only one person left who can move freely among the [-] mountains at this moment...

Lived up to everyone's expectations, after a while, they saw a huge mountain-like monster appearing from the gu tide, looking down on it indifferently.

But what was more dazzling than that strange beast was the figure standing above its head.

At this moment, looking at the terrified eyes of the Qinghe Gu Masters below, Chi Yao urged with all his strength the power of Chi You's battle soul he had just absorbed.

In an instant, a desolate atmosphere full of domineering and destruction suddenly erupted like a volcanic eruption, straight into the sky!Then, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, it smashed down towards the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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