Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 294 Entering the Qinling Mountains

Chapter 294 Entering the Qinling Mountains (Please subscribe~Please ask for a monthly ticket~)

Mei Jinfeng, a full-fledged veteran, a close relative who has no roots in the previous generation, has a high status, but her force value can only be regarded as unsatisfactory, barely able to protect herself.

Moreover, her status as a full-sex veteran is more like a joke in the eyes of many other non-sex people.

She doesn't do evil, and she doesn't have any unspeakable reasons, just because she worships Wugensheng too much and follows her around. In today's words, she is a fan of Wugensheng.

However, a fan of brains is a fan of brains, and a pure person like her is particularly easy to attract the favor of some villains, such as Xia Liuqing, who is also a veteran of all sexes.

A dignified and vicious actress, after meeting Mei Jinfeng, she turned into a toothless tiger and vowed never to kill anyone again.

Not only that, he has also been a licking dog for more than half a century.

It's a pity, how could the eyes of a fan of brains tolerate existence other than the target of worship?

Xia Liuqing insisted on being a child for nearly a hundred years because of this.

It's really a pity not to enter the Tianshifu at the beginning.

This time, when Zhang Chulan, Chi Yao and the others found Mei Jinfeng's residence, Xia Liuqing happened to be there, but the way the two met was a little awkward.



"According to the investigation, the residence of the Jinfeng mother-in-law should be nearby."

As a guide, Zhang Chulan opened the way at the front.

In the middle are Barron and Chi Yao, and behind Feng Baobao and Duo'er, they seem to be playing mobile games, and they seem to be enjoying themselves.

"We might as well disperse and search everywhere..."

Just when Zhang Chulan was halfway through his words, there was a sudden overlapping of screams and screams in front of them. Then, a group of unknown objects that looked like human beings drew a graceful arc in midair and landed in front of them.

"Cough, Jinfeng, I'm just talking casually, why are you so angry..."

Xia Liuqing rubbed her old waist and got up, muttering.

But the name in his mouth caught Zhang Chulan's attention instantly.

"Hey, my lord,"

He walked forward in three steps at a time, and while reaching out to support Xia Liuqing, he asked tentatively, "Is the Jinfeng you mentioned just now Granny Mei Jinfeng?"


Hearing this, Xia Liuqing's cheerful expression suddenly changed, and he tightly held Zhang Chulan's extended arm, "Boy, why are you looking for Jinfeng?"

"Hehe, don't be nervous, old man,"

Although her wrist pulse was seized, Zhang Chulan didn't panic, "We heard that Grandma Jinfeng was taken away, so I came here to care about her. By the way, I also wanted to ask her about something."


But Xia Liuqing would not be fooled so easily by him, after all, Zhang Chulan's face was well-known in the circle.

"You know you, Zhang Chulan. Wasn't it someone from Biyou Village who took Jinfeng away a few days ago? At that time, you were so numerous that I couldn't beat you, Grandpa. Today, you came to the door yourself. I don't want Take a good breath of anger for Jinfeng!"

Xia Liuqing said that she was about to exert strength with her hands. At this moment, a voice came from behind Zhang Chulan.

"Xia, don't be so irritable, we really didn't have any malicious intentions this time."

The four of Baron and Chi Yao walked out of the forest.

"Ghost? Chi Yao, and you little girl..."

Xia Liuqing's eyes swept away, and she focused on Feng Baobao who was wearing black tight-fitting long sleeves and army green loose trousers.

"How did you two get together?"

His eyes began to become serious. He knew Barron's strength, and together with Chi Yao and others, he alone was not sure that he could protect Mei Jinfeng's safety.

"Relax, Lao Xia,"

Chi Yao took two steps forward and spread his hands, "We really don't have any malicious intentions, otherwise you wouldn't be able to stop us, right?"

"Hmph, you can try it!"

After Xia Liuqing spoke hard, she turned around, "I hope you can remember what you said."

The group went back to Granny Jinfeng's cabin.

"Oh, Zhang Huaiyi's grandson...the head of the sect often mentioned your grandfather..."

After introducing their identities to each other, Mei Jinfeng said to Zhang Chulan with emotion.


Zhang Chulan was taken aback, and asked with his eyes.

"It's interesting to talk about your grandpa. It looks like there is no dispute, but in fact he disdains it... When it comes to something he cares about, he is more competitive than anyone else."

Mei Jinfeng recalled, and then turned her gaze to Chi Yao.

"Miao Jiang's Gu masters are quite rare. Moreover, the feeling you give me is slightly different from that of Wei Shufen back then..."

"Normal, because we belong to the Black Miao Department. But now there is no distinction between black Miao and red Miao..."

Chi Yao explained.

"Have the two seedlings merged into one again..."

Jin Feng murmured, looking at Feng Baobao at the end, "What about you, Bao...Which family did you come from, who are your parents?"

"Master won't let me tell you..."

Feng Baobao fluently recited the answer Zhang Chulan had drawn up for her in advance.

"Hmph, Zhang Chulan, tell me quickly! What did you do to take Jin Feng away?"

Xia Liuqing glared at the side.

"Actually, I don't know either, because Ma Xianhong didn't leave her mother-in-law in Biyou Village, but sent her to another place."

Zhang Chulan recalled, "Mother-in-law, do you feel anything unusual about yourself?"

"No, I checked carefully, and I didn't feel any changes in the house or on my body."

Mei Jinfeng shook her head.

"Abducted you, but did nothing? This is not normal! There must be something wrong!"

Xia Liuqing stood up, "Think about it carefully..."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly thought of something, turned around and lifted Zhang Chulan's collar, and asked loudly: "Boy, that Ma Xianhong, does he have any grandfather or something..."

While questioning Zhang Chulan, he turned his head and explained to Granny Jinfeng: "Jinfeng, don't blame me for being dirty, you are born like this, there is no guarantee that others will not covet your beauty!"


Before he finished speaking, he was kicked out of the door by Mei Jinfeng who was filled with shame and anger.

"Anyway, I didn't find anything unusual..."

"If there is nothing abnormal about your own body, then we might as well change our thinking."

Chi Yao murmured, "Since the other party came to you, they must have a plan. If the target is no longer your own, then could it be because of some secret you have mastered? We all know that you and the whole world The head of sex has no roots and has a close relationship..."

At this point, Mei Jinfeng finally showed a thoughtful expression on his face, and then even became a little flustered.

"Do you remember anything?"

"...No, not yet."

Mei Jinfeng shook her head in denial.

"In this case, there is still something we want to know about with you. Is it convenient?"

"I... I'm a little tired and want to rest. Come back later."

Hearing such an answer, Chi Yao and the others looked at each other and instantly understood what the other meant.

"Okay, let's leave for now, and come back to bother me later."



"Let's just leave? Don't ask?"

After leaving Granny Jinfeng's hut, Feng Baobao asked doubtfully.

"Don't worry, baby,"

Chi Yao comforted, "Wait for a while, they will take the initiative to help us lead the way..."

(End of this chapter)

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