Chapter 295 Differential Treatment

Sure enough, after Chi Yao and the others left, Granny Jinfeng packed her bags and went out with Xia Liuqing.

"Oh, you guessed it right!"

The baby blinked her big cute eyes, admiringly, "Then shall we just follow behind like this?"

"That's not necessary. As a neighbor without roots, although she is not among the thirty-six people, Granny Jinfeng must know a lot about what happened back then. The practice of following peaches is a bit too much. Let's go down and be honest. Just fine."

Facing Chi Yao's people who suddenly appeared in front of them, Mei Jinfeng's reaction was quite real, and she was taken aback immediately, but Xia Liuqing was also very surprised, which made them feel a little speechless.

Granny Jinfeng is simple, you Xia Liuqing is not such a persona!Overwhelmed by the bliss of this double date?
"No, I don't agree!"

Hearing that they also wanted to join the team, Xia Liuqing shouted loudly.

"Grandma Jinfeng, back then thirty-six people swore a vow, not only those disciples from famous families were liquidated by their own masters, but even Wu Gensheng himself was regarded as a traitor by the majority of the whole sex... Such a double-faced Wouldn’t it be possible for those people’s wisdom to think of such a pleasing ending? Even if they didn’t think of it for a while, as the initiator, Wu Gensheng, didn’t he expect it? What did he think at the time, don’t you want to know? ?”

Chi Yao took a few steps closer, and said in a low voice, "We all know that it is very difficult to find out the reasons and details of the Jiashen Rebellion. Granny Jinfeng, do you think you can do it by yourself?"

Grandma Jinfeng fell into silence. As a rootless fan, it would be a lie to say that she didn't want to know about it.

As for Xia Liuqing...

Seeing that a date for two is about to turn into a group trip, he totally disagrees, but unfortunately, after being punctured by Chi Yao, Mei Jinfeng made up his mind even faster.

"Forget it, Brother Xia..."

"Golden Phoenix!"

"Are you sure you're right about them?"

Facing this problem, Xia Liuqing fell silent. If Barron or Chi Yao were alone, he would not be afraid, but with so many people, even if he was twenty years younger, it would be difficult for him to deal with it, let alone To protect Jinfeng.

"Then can you summon your companions immediately?"

Xia Liuqing: "..."

There is no such thing as companionship between the whole sex, and the only ones who might lend a helping hand to Granny Jinfeng are Ding Zhuan, Tu Junfang and a few other guys with pretty good personalities.It's a pity that Tu Junfang has long since disappeared, and as for Ding Zhang'an, he can't be contacted in a short time.

"That's the only way to go,"

Granny Jinfeng comforted, "Anyway, if the other party has really obtained the whereabouts of those things from me, it may be too late for us to rush there now. And if we happen to meet the other party there, it would not be a bad thing to have more helpers. "

After finishing speaking, she looked at Chi Yao and the others with a serious expression: "I can take you with me, but there is one thing that needs to be agreed in advance."

"You say."

"The things there are all in the private collection of the master. If you say they have little practical value, they mean a lot to me. If you insist on taking them away, please kill me first..."

"You are too serious, so you won't..."



Just when the group was led by Mei Jinfeng into the Qinling Mountains, there was already a group of teams that had been marching for a long time in that mountain forest.

At first glance, this team is almost all foreigners, but not all foreigners, and there are men, women and children.The leader is a braised egg with a naked head and a brown-skinned woman.

It was Liu Mingyuan and Zhu Di!

But their current situation is not very good, because they are being hunted down by a group of golden monkeys.

Some supernatural mercenaries fought back with the pistols they smuggled in, but unfortunately, those golden monkeys were far beyond their imagination in terms of speed, strength and wisdom.Going faster than a bullet may be hard, but going faster than their shooting hand is easy.

The gravel thrown from the hands of the monkeys is no less lethal at close range than the bullets.

In this rather primitive mountain forest, the encounter between humans and monkeys came to an end with the hasty retreat of humans.

Such a scene suddenly made several aliens with special abilities in the team unable to sit still.

"That's not okay, I'll stop them!"

The fighter Chanon stepped forward, facing the raiding group of monkeys, he swung his legs and kicked out a small tornado out of thin air, blowing all the monkeys in front of him away.

Now that there is an early bird, some other strangers who have already thought about it will naturally let go of their scruples.

Nash used his telekinetic power to manipulate dozens of gravels to form an airtight protection around his side, and easily smashed away the monkeys who were chasing him.But with their methods, they are more than self-preserving, but it is difficult to really stop the pursuit of the monkey group, because the attack surface of both of them is too narrow.

In the end, Hongda, an ascetic monk from the Ganges River, made a move and lit a kundalini on a narrow stone bridge. Only then did the monkeys block the pursuers by taking advantage of the fire-fearing nature that the monkeys had not completely overcome.

Although the team lost a lot, these miraculous monkeys also raised their interest, and the group continued to move forward under the leadership of Liu Mingyuan.

Not long after they left, the place where they had camped received new visitors.

It was Chi Yao and his party.

Looking at the remaining fire on the ground, Grandma Jinfeng's eyes were slightly solemn.

"Sure enough, someone has come here early?"

As a wilderness survival expert, Barron just casually touched the temperature of the ashes, and immediately made a judgment, "The fire went out about two hours ago."

"Two hours? That should be too late."

Grandma Jinfeng quickened her pace and led everyone along the mountain quickly.

An hour later, many monkey and human corpses, as well as remaining traces of battle, appeared before their eyes.

"Bullets, flames ignited purely with seems that the group of people in front are not simple."

Just as they were investigating these remaining traces, a large group of monkeys suddenly surrounded them silently.

However, unlike the previous wave of people, this time the monkeys just looked at Chi Yao and the others quietly, and did not attack.

Since there was information sent to the door, Chi Yao naturally had no reason to let it go, he immediately activated the heart voodoo to communicate with these monkeys.

Perhaps because of the influence of this valley, the intelligence level of these monkeys is very high, even faintly surpassing those direct bloodlines of the immortal families on Changbai Mountain.

Because of this, the information Chi Yao obtained from them was extremely rich and detailed.

When he looked up again, he saw Granny Jinfeng looking at him in shock, and Zhang Chulan's voice came from beside him just at this time.

"Brother Chi Yao, you and Sister Bao'er are really welcomed by these monkeys!"

(End of this chapter)

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