Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 332 Who Is The Real King Nathan?

Chapter 332 Who Is The Real King Nathan? (Two in one, Happy April Fool's Day~)

Walking casually on the outskirts of Nathan Island, Chi Yao's footsteps were quite leisurely.While looking around, he looked left and right, and from time to time he would stop beside some exotic flowers and plants, admiring them.

"It seems that the environment here is still satisfactory to you?"

Suddenly, not far in front of him, the space distorted, as if turning into a spiral portal, and a tall and straight man with blond hair and blue eyes was spit out.

It was Elijah from Nathan's Nine Guards!
"It's cool the way you show up,"

Chi Yao didn't choose to answer his question, but became curious about Elijah's teleportation-like skill.

"If you also choose to join us, this ability is not unusual."

"So, this is the ability given to you by that sacred tree? Is it possible to teleport anywhere on the island?"


"It is indeed the creation called the greatest witchcraft! Could it be that the entire Nathan Island has been turned into its own domain?" Chi Yao continued to ask, trying to figure out the reason.

But unfortunately, Elijah is not ready to continue this topic.

"Are you here to investigate on behalf of Huaxia?"

"Well, that's right. No one else is interested in going to the island. I am the only one who is somewhat interested in the sacred tree, so I come here alone."

Chi Yao replied casually.

"In this case, how about going to see the king first? If the king allows, you can even go directly to the sacred tree." Elijah issued an invitation.

"Of course it couldn't be better." Chi Yao nodded.

"Grab my hand."

Elijah stretched out his arms, and the two of them turned into a whirlpool and disappeared at the same time.



royal palace.

After failing to communicate with Deacon Spencer of the Emerald Society, King Nathan naturally would not choose to sit still.

She also understood in her heart that the hope of convincing those observers was not great, at most they could only use some small dirty things between them and Bechymos to delay some time.Nathan Island wants to save itself, the only way is to face Bechymos, as Spencer said, the longer they can hold on, the better the chance will be.

Although the history of Bechymos is far less than a fraction of Nathan's, they are backed by the world's largest power in terms of technology and wealth.Under the influence of money ability, the strength of those artificial aliens should not be underestimated.If Nathan Island can't unite and unite to the outside world, it will be very difficult to win the chance.

There are three major factions on Nathan Island.

In addition to the so-called "divine people" who have completely converted to the sacred tree, there are also "bazaars" in the north and "paradise" in the south.The gods need not say much, the will of King Nathan is their will, but it is difficult to say the strange people in the market and paradise.

Since they did not choose to convert to the sacred tree and become the people of the gods earlier, it means that they are not of one mind with Nathan Island. Now that the crisis is coming, it is hard to say what choice they will make.

But in any case, the efforts that should be made still need to be done.

Therefore, after bringing Chi Yao to the palace, Elijah was immediately assigned another task - to confirm the attitude of other organizations on the island.

After Elijah left, Chi Yao said to King Nathan jokingly: "It seems that you plan to gather the strength of the whole island to fight against Behemoth?"

"You are from China, you must know this sentence—"

King Nathan's eyes were lowered, and his voice was sonorous, "God has the virtue of being good at life. Even if our civilization is considered rotten, backward, and ignorant by you, it is still a civilization with vitality. No one is qualified to Take away the power we want to continue!"

"Hmm... very imposing speech."

Chi Yao clapped his hands and praised, "I support you, His Excellency King Nathan, Bechymos's domineering behavior is indeed disgusting, kill them!"


King Nathan originally wanted to vent his emotions, but he didn't expect that the response he got from Chi Yao was completely different from that from Spencer.Such a clear supportive attitude immediately made her eyes shine.

"So, can your company..."

"Um, please wait a moment."

Chi Yao quickly interrupted the other party, even for this, he was glared at by several Nathan guards next to him, "What I said just now is only based on my personal point of view..."

He spread his hands, "For the company, we can only express our deep concern and regret."


"Your Excellency King Nathan, since you mentioned an ancient Chinese proverb, let me give you one too."

Chi Yao stared into the eyes of the other party, "The world is not benevolent, and everything is treated as a dog. Except for yourself, there is nothing that can be relied on."

"ok, I get it."

King Nathan let out a sigh.

In just a few short sentences, Ilya actually returned after being sent out, which surprised Chi Yao: "Could it be that you are the fastest man on Nathan Island?"

Unfortunately, Elijah didn't have time to answer his teasing. He saluted King Nathan respectfully, with a strange expression on his face: "My lord, something unexpected happened."

"what happened?"

King Nathan frowned. If the people in the market and the paradise are unwilling to contribute to the survival of Nathan Island, then this catastrophe, I am afraid...

"It's not what you think it is,"

Seeing that the king was frowning, Elijah quickly explained, "I don't know when, the leaders of the market and the paradise were changed."

"Isn't that a common thing?"

There is almost no order on Nathan Island. The winner is king, the strong is respected, and it is not uncommon for the leader to change every day.

"But what is strange is that the current leader of the market and the leader of the paradise are actually the same person."

Elijah's words made King Nathan and the surrounding guards fall into silence.

As mentioned earlier, there are three major forces on Nathan Island.

The gods and people who converted to the sacred tree, the market in the north and the paradise in the south.

Nathan King and Nathan Wei are both outstanding people selected by the Divine Tree from among the gods.

In other words, someone has quietly integrated more than half of the power on Nathan Island!

Who is the real King Nathan? !
"who's that person?"

Hearing this news, King Nathan couldn't sit still at all. She suddenly got up, and while asking Elijah, she used the authority granted by the sacred tree to start searching for that person on the whole island.

If such a person chooses to surrender to the enemy, Nathan Island will really be over!

"He claims to be named [Corpse]. Judging from the language, he seems to be a Chinese, but his whole body is wrapped in a black burqa, and he can't see any features."

"Huaxia people? Mr. Chi Yao, do you know the origin of this person?"

King Nathan turned to look at Chi Yao.

"Sorry, Chinese culture advocates moderation and hides clumsiness, and tigers, leopards, and unicorns are mostly hidden in the mountains and fields, just relying on a name that I don't know the truth of..."

Chi Yao shook his head.

"What about that corpse?"

"He said that he wanted to get in touch with the sacred tree at close range, and then he would reply."

Elijah replied.

"Can you take me with you?" Chi Yao hurriedly interjected.

"Let's go, let's go straight to him."

King Nathan grabbed Elijah with one hand and Chi Yao with the other, and disappeared into a whirlpool.



Time moves forward a little bit.


A figure wrapped in a black robe strolled in here.

Compared with the market, the atmosphere here is more chaotic, there are fewer opportunities for people to communicate with each other, and there are scenes of fights everywhere if there is a disagreement.For a can of food, a bottle of water, a little patch of sun... not even a reason.

But what is amazing is that this figure walked all the way from the outermost edge, passed by many sites nicknamed "Madman", "Butcher", and "Ghost Man", but was never attacked.As if in their eyes, this person does not exist at all.

Until it came to the center of the paradise, a two-story unfinished building that looked crooked, everything was unimpeded.

"Hanging upside down, come out and meet me."

The sound is not loud, but it seems to be able to shake people's hearts and souls.

A thin man with purple hair and a slightly unruly hairstyle appeared on the second floor, looked down, and then narrowed his eyes: "Who are you?"

As the boss of the paradise, hanging this person upside down is naturally not a weak point. If the island's ranking is purely based on force value, it is conservatively estimated that he will be in the top three.But for some reason, the figure below with no skin exposed brought him an unprecedented sense of crisis.

Most of the people in Paradise lacked sanity and were crazy, and hanging upside down was no exception, but if a man is crazy, he can survive in this kind of place, and become the boss. His keen perception cannot be underestimated.

"My name is [Corpse], and from now on, I will be the leader of Paradise."

The corpse said in a flat voice.

"The leader of Paradise?"

The upside-down eyes began to become dangerous, "If you are the leader of the paradise, what about me?"

"If you want, you can stay on as my deputy."

The corpse's tone remained calm, "Otherwise, die."


The corner of Dao Hang's mouth opened, and a burst of wild laughter suddenly broke out, "Really, no one has joked with me like this for a long time. For the sake of making me laugh until tears flow, I will try my best to make you smile died in it."

With a tremor of his wrist, a multifunctional saber slipped from the cuff of his suit. After a few crisp "clicks", his figure suddenly appeared behind the corpse as if flickering.

The sharp blade gleaming coldly slid towards the opponent's neck. At the same time, Dao Hang even smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Why so serious?"

However, before his smile could fully unfold, it froze.

Because a figure as black as mud suddenly blocked in front of him.

Although the whole body is the same color, but the shape of the face, the expression, let Dao Hang recognize it at a glance: "Sean! How could you... No, it's not Sean, it's your fault?"

Hanging suddenly retreated, but it's a pity that Xiao En, the corpse demon, was transformed from his own body, no matter how he tried to hide, he would always chase him and beat him.

It's useless to retreat anywhere!

The corpse wrapped his arms around it neatly, watching Daohang and his corpse demon getting into a fight, and responded with the same ridicule: "Why so serious?"

Dao Hang was furious, "Don't get too complacent, don't forget whose territory this is! Come out for me! Get rid of him!"

As he shouted loudly, one after another strange-shaped figures stepped out from the shadows, corners, and dark alleys.

Most of them were dressed in messy clothes, and some even lay on the ground like animals, walking on all fours.

The only thing in common is that their eyes were full of greed and killing intent when they looked at the corpse.

"Oh, are you all here?"

Looking at the figures that gradually surrounded him from all directions, the corpse was not only fearless, but also seemed to be smiling happily.

"That just saved me the effort of finding them one by one."

He looked at Dao Hang with a playful look in his eyes, "There are more people than me, you are a little younger!"

After finishing speaking, an almost endless wave of pitch-black qi erupted from the body of the corpse, as if it wanted to wash away the torrential black water in the world, it flooded the surrounding area in the blink of an eye, and none of the aliens who had gathered could escape.

Under the scour of the qi of the corpse demon, these lunatics who had chosen to degenerate and sink in desire, had almost no resistance, and were pulled out of the three corpses one after another.

Then he was beaten violently. After all, three beat one. If the desire is not eliminated, the corpse itself will not die.

The aliens in Paradise were soon wiped out.

Seeing such a scene, I was dumbfounded: "You, who are you?!"

He can be considered to have seen the world, and he fought against Bechymos' trump card to transform the alien "hero" Xiao En for a long time, and finally managed to escape.Even if he changes places, he is still the boss, and his life is enjoyable, which shows his ability.

But today, he had never seen this scene before.

"For those of you who only cultivate strength but not mind, you can regard me as a god!"

The corpse said indifferently, "But this is not important. For now, you only need to remember one thing—the paradise belongs to me."

So, when Elijah came out to inquire about the news, he saw such a scene.

His first stop was the bazaar. After all, the people there could still communicate normally, but he was told that the leader of the bazaar had gone to the paradise.

This made Elijah a little confused, and then hurried over, saw the dead body and Hanged hanging together, and thought that the two of them were talking about something on behalf of the market and the paradise.

As a result, when he asked, he found that the paradise had changed hands.

So after briefly inquiring about the condition of the corpse, he hurried back to the palace and reported the matter.



I have to say that the teleportation technique bestowed by the sacred tree on Nathan King and Nathan Wei is really easy to use.

One second Chi Yao was still in the palace, and the next second he was already in a rather dirty paradise.

"Corpse, here I come."

King Nathan didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment, but looked straight up to the heights.

But this look made her feel suspicious: "You..."

As the king of Nathan Island, the high priest selected by the sacred tree, the king has higher authority than Wei.Even though the contemporary king is a useless piece of wood with no power to restrain a chicken, she still has permissions including random teleportation, precise detection, etc. within the scope of Nathan Island.

Yes, not capabilities, but permissions.

These abilities are all provided by the Divine Tree, and the information is also detected by the Divine Tree, she can only borrow and read it.

At this time, in the eyes of King Nathan.

The purple-haired upside down exudes extremely powerful vitality from top to bottom, and he is almost the first person he has ever seen. If this person is the leader of Paradise, then she will not be surprised at all.

But corpse...

King Nathan didn't feel the slightest bit of vitality from this mysterious guy in black robe.

To put it bluntly, it's like a dead person.

How is this going?

(End of this chapter)

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