Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 333 Everyone, I like war!

Chapter 333 Everyone, I like war!

No one can help King Nathan answer the doubts in his heart. Of course, in order to maintain her kingly character, she will not easily reveal the fact that she can't see through the person in front of her.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the core of the corpse god avatar was the [Three Corpse Incarnation Gu] that didn't exist in this world, facing the investigation of the sacred tree, it might really reveal the truth.

But these days, the situation just adds to his mystique just right.

"Since you chose to come to see me in person, that means, you agreed to my conditions?"

The voice of the corpse made King Nathan frowned again, because she found that the guy opposite him who was covered in black robes did not speak with his mouth, but vibrated the surrounding air.I don't know if there is a problem with the vocal cords, or if I am extremely cautious.

"You want to get close to the Divine Tree, that's no problem, I just hope that you can give me a satisfactory answer when the time comes."

King Nathan looked at the other party deeply, as if he didn't care whether the other party would be detrimental to the sacred tree.

"It's natural."

The corpse readily agreed.

"Then take my hand."

The agreement was reached, and King Nathan reached out to grab Shi and Chi Yao from left to right, and disappeared in place in an instant.



Nathan Island, right in the middle.

Amidst the mist, a tree that doesn't look too tall and strong is looming.

Its trunk is about as thick as an ordinary person's body, and its height is not towering. The scale of its branches and crown is even smaller than that of many thousand-year-old trees in the Miaojiang.

But when he saw it for the first time, Chi Yao was not disappointed, but was sure that this must be the legendary sacred tree, the treasure of the forest country that dominated Europe back then.

Because, in the field of vision of the Heavenly Gu's qi gazing technique, this ordinary old tree exudes an incomparably dazzling brilliance.

First of all, the white mist around the sacred tree is not water vapor, but more similar to Qi flow, and they are not statically surrounding the sacred tree, but are constantly swallowing back and forth between its branches, just like human beings. Like breathing.

And it's not just the foggy bodies around, the energy swallowed by the sacred tree has actually enveloped the entire Nathan Island through careful perception.

Also, the root system of this tree...

Chi Yao glanced at the ground under his feet, and there was a clear look of vigilance in his eyes.

"You two, this is the sacred tree."

King Nathan opened his arms and introduced in a rather proud tone, "If you want, you can even come forward and touch it."

'Touch it?Are you courting death? '

Chi Yao said disdainfully in his heart, but just looking at the way the sacred tree swallowed the surrounding Qi flow, he knew that this thing is definitely not a good kind.

What is qi?
That is the essence and source of life.

Strictly speaking, eating qi is no different from killing. Who would take the initiative to lean on the butcher's knife?

This King Nathan, he didn't hold back anything good in his heart!
After hearing the words, Chi Yao not only didn't approach, but took two steps back: "No need, I'll just take a look here."

Anyway, already here, the progress of exploration is increasing rapidly, there is no need to risk yourself.

Even if you really want to commit a crime, you have to let the clone come!
So, under Chi Yao's signal, the corpse made exactly the opposite move.

He nodded, took the initiative to step forward, and stretched out his palm to press the trunk of the sacred tree.

With a soft sound, the corpse's palm completely fit the tree trunk.

In the next moment, a strange and huge consciousness suddenly invaded his body, or rather, his soul.

This consciousness is both domineering and gentle.It seems that people can understand the greatness of the sacred tree unconsciously, and give everything for it willingly.

But unfortunately, this time, it chose the wrong object.

There is no soul in the body of the corpse.

He can move freely like a human being, all thanks to its core - three corpses incarnation Gu.And this thing, even though the sacred tree has existed in this world for countless epochs, it still cannot figure out its structure and principle in a short time.

Therefore, the inspiration this time can be said to be playing the piano to the cow, and it was in vain.

And Chi Yao also used this to learn a little about the methods of the sacred tree.

It just so happened that the crisp notification sound in his mind made him say with satisfaction: "My goal has been completed, and I will not disturb the communication between the two of you, so I will take my leave first."

"Well, Elijah, send Mr. Chi Yao away."

King Nathan nodded and ordered.

After the two left, she turned to look at the corpse: "Now there are only two of us left here, and you have seen the sacred tree, can you tell me your answer?"

"Of course, but before that, let me ask you a question."

The corpse took a few steps away from the trunk, "For this tree, how far are you willing to go?"

"at all costs!"

King Nathan is decisive.

"Even if Bechymos used weapons of mass destruction to wash the land and cause heavy casualties to the islanders, would he not hesitate?"

"It is their glory to sacrifice because of the guardian tree. All of us are ready when we convert to become the gods."

"Very well, I appreciate such determination!"

The corpse laughed loudly, "Then let us work together to turn this island into the graveyard of Bechymos!"

Such an answer even somewhat exceeded King Nathan's expectations.

"Are you really sure that the people in the park and the market can do this?"

You know, even if it is a lunatic, not everyone is willing to seek their own death.

"Since I've said that, there's no problem."

The corpse said lightly, "It is their honor to fight for me."

This tone is exactly the same as that of King Nathan just now.

In a few simple conversations, the two lightly decided the future of countless islanders on Nathan Island, as if they were talking about tomorrow's weather.

"Since we have decided to go head-to-head with Bechymos, the first thing to do is to eliminate other people on the island who have no clear position."

The corpse continued, "Just take this sacred tree as the boundary, the east belongs to me, and the west belongs to you, how about it?"


After reaching an agreement, King Nathan personally sent the corpse back to the paradise site.




After returning, Shi sent people to summon the aliens from the market, and then stood on the tallest building and said loudly:

"I like war! I know, you too! I like the touch of a sharp weapon cutting the skin, I like the wail of the dead, and I like the thrill of the world being soaked in blood!

"For a long time, whether it is the outside world or Nathan, all circumstances have forced us to suppress this nature.

"But today is different!

"We will launch the largest alien war in history on Bechymos! No need to suppress yourself, let's release it as much as we want!"

(End of this chapter)

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