Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 336 You, Are Expropriated

Chapter 336 You, Are Expropriated

While Ruan Feng was running away and thinking about countermeasures, an unexpected person suddenly approached him.


Ruan Feng frowned, "Didn't I say, let you go as far as you can?"

"Hey, that's not okay, Seventeen..."

Wang Guoping's face was no longer as simple and honest as before, and a penetrating smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth, "After all, becoming friends with you and finding out your weaknesses are the only purpose for me to come to this island."

"what are you talking about?"

Ruan Feng felt unbelievable, then gritted his teeth and asked, "Are you with them?!"

"Well, not only that, they were called by me."

Wang Guoping's eloquent tone made Ruan Feng completely furious, "You son of a bitch! I'll kill you!!"

However, how could Wang Guoping, who had already grasped Ruan Feng's spiritual weakness, choose to face him alone without preparation?
Wang Guoping raised his head and looked directly into Ruan Feng's eyes, and said a fact that he had observed for a long time before he finally confirmed it: "Seventeen, the reason I called them here is to reveal a truth that you have been unwilling to face for many years. Uncover... the person who has long been tired of living is yourself!"

When Ruan Feng heard this, he suddenly fell silent.

And Wang Guoping's voice continued to sound, "Seventeen, aren't you curious why we can easily ignore that curse that even you can't resist? That's because we have given up our lives , after giving up, I felt unprecedentedly relaxed, as if I was in the best state of my life..."

While he was chattering, all the other members of Yaoxing Club had already come in front of Ruan Feng.

For Ruan Feng, Wang Guoping's voice was like another kind of Great Freedom Mantra, constantly arousing the negative emotions accumulated in his heart over the years.

It has to be said that although Ruan Feng, who was born as an undisciplined person, was favored by Wu Gensheng for his extraordinary talent, and eventually sworn to [-] other people, but when it comes to the firmness of his heart to seek the Tao, he is indeed slightly inferior .

The dream back then was nothing more than eating and drinking well, and living a few more years.

By chance, the Eight Magic Skills he comprehended helped him easily realize the greatest wish in his life, and what followed him was endless emptiness and loneliness.

Immortals, in a world where immortality is common, the biggest enemy they need to fight against is their own heart.

Judging from the current performance, compared with his powerful body, Ruan Feng's spiritual cultivation is indeed not enough.

Wang Guoping's words made him very obviously shaken.

However, the corpse god avatar who has been watching around will not let their plot succeed so easily.

Just when Wang Guoping tried to put his hand on Ruan Feng's shoulder after bewitching him, a stone hit him from the air with a howling wind.


Wang Guoping was startled, he quickly backed away, and then scanned his surroundings vigilantly.

The corpse didn't hide his figure, he stood on the top of a tall tree and looked down at them, "My name is Corpse, and in the next period of time, all the people on Nathan Island who have not converted to the sacred tree will belong to them." I am in control, including you."

"……What does it mean?"

The amount of information revealed in this sentence is a bit large, which makes Wang Guoping and others a little bit surprised.

"Literally, you...have been recruited by me."

"Expropriation? Are you kidding me?"

They came to Nathan Island with their own missions. For those whose souls have been modified by both hands, Qu Tong's will is the supreme principle that cannot be violated in their hearts, and it is impossible to change it no matter life or death.

And they are not even afraid of dealing with the monster Ruan Feng, so how could they give up because of a person of unknown origin?


Seeing their resolute will to resist, the corpse sighed, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for your opinions, but to inform you of this fact. Because to me, whether you are dead or alive... available to me."

Accompanied by his words, there was a "swishling" figure around Ruan Feng and Wang Guoping, and they were surrounded by zombies with blue or purple faces.

After coming to Nathan Island for so many years, the corpse god avatar has also accumulated quite a lot of material.

People die every day in this place of Nathan, and it couldn't be easier to find the bones of some powerful aliens.Yiren's quality is already strong, and he can refine one or two casually, which is enough to serve as a good combat power.

But for Ruan Feng, his attitude is different.

"I also heard some of your conversation just now. If you feel confused about your life, why not find something to do to make your life more fulfilling, so that you may be able to feel the meaning of your existence again."

Shi looked at Ruan Feng, "Of course, you are a strong man, and a strong man can have the freedom to decide his own direction. You can leave here and give me the answer after you think clearly."

Seeing that he seemed to let Ruan Feng go, Wang Guoping immediately said: "Please wait a moment, we also need some time to think."

However, his request was met with a deadly sneer: "Weak people have no right to refuse."

After all, he waved his hand, and the zombies around him swarmed up, drowning them with all kinds of magic.



After Ruan Feng left there, his mind has been in a mess.

Wang Guoping's speech skills are quite powerful, and Ruan Feng was indeed hit by his weakness.

Liuku Immortal Thief's strange skill is as strong as it is strong, but it will make people get closer and closer to a state of "not happy with things, not sad with oneself".

If these two sentences are used to describe a person's far-reaching and open-mindedness, it is naturally excellent.But alas, if they become a description of established facts, it is not so pleasant.

Because you lose most of the fun and feedback in your life.

The satisfaction when you are full, the joy when you are blown by the wind, the joy when you are amused by jokes...

Even the negative emotions that I want to vent are almost gone...

The whole person lives between the heaven and the earth, but cannot get emotional feedback from any aspect, as if separated from the whole world by an invisible barrier.This feeling is really only clear when you experience it yourself, how terrible it is.

I have no feeling for anything, and eventually I will have no sense for my own life. I don’t know what I am living for and what to do?Where is the meaning?

This kind of exhaustion and boredom on the spiritual level is the enemy of longevity.

But Ruan Feng can't die yet, at least not right now, because he still has a very important thing on his body, which Chi Yao has been looking forward to for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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