Chapter 337
Ignoring the looming shouts of killing behind him, Ruan Feng walked alone in the dense forest in a daze.

"Juling, Shenji, and the Heavenly Demon Curse, who is behind them?
"It shouldn't be the fourth brother, otherwise they wouldn't treat me like this...

"No, not necessarily, maybe he really saw my predicament, so he sent me the way of relief?"

Ruan Feng, who was completely disturbed by Wang Guoping's words, had thoughts one after another in his mind, and there was even a faint sign of madness.

His body surface began to subconsciously emit qi mist with strong decomposing and corrosive ability. Wherever it passed, the vegetation withered, the birds and animals melted, and all the essence of life was swallowed into his stomach with each breath.

The puncture wound on the abdomen has long since healed.

And with this hesitation, the anxious expression on Ruan Feng's face gradually relaxed. Only by overeating like this can he feel a little bit of happiness.

But if he does this, other people on the island will suffer.

It is no exaggeration to say that Liuku Immortal Thief's digestion ability can eat everything, whether it is a magic weapon or body protection energy, it is remarkable if it can last for one breath.

At this time, Ruan Feng was like a moving mass of natural disasters. Wherever he went, his body was already melted without a trace before others could react.

If this continues, if no one stops it, Chi Yao suspects that Ruan Feng can "eat up" the entire Nathan Island by himself.

This was not what he wanted, so after discovering Ruan Feng's abnormal behavior, he had no choice but to rush over to stop it immediately.

Relying on his deep energy, he walked through the foggy area and came to Ruan Feng. Chi Yao activated his heart gu, and directly sent his thoughts into the deepest part of the opponent's heart in the way of "heart-to-heart bond".

"Senior Ruan Feng, wake up! Do you still remember 'What is a man'?"


These three words seemed to have touched Ruan Feng, he looked down at Chi Yao in front of him, "Who are you? How do you know this?"

Chi Yao didn't answer his question right away, but said to himself: "It's really tiring to choose to be an upright person, but it also has a different kind of fun."

"Whose descendant are you? He told you about that valley?"

Ruan Feng asked while slowly restraining the super corrosive qi mist emanating from his body.

"Junior Chi Yao, Miaojiang Gu Master, can be regarded as Wei Shufen's descendant."

"That crazy girl..."

Ruan Feng's tone was slightly nostalgic. Among the original thirty-six people, if one were to choose the most lively and active person, it would undoubtedly be Wei Shufen.

He still remembered that when the two guys from the Tang Sect first joined the group, Wei Shufen used poison to scare them.Although the use of poison to scare the people of the Tang Sect was a bit of a trick, but everyone also cooperated with her performance, not to mention, that kid Xu Xin seemed to be really scared at that time.

These good memories are the best medicine for Ruan Feng to fight against loneliness alone in the past few decades, and he often takes them out to taste repeatedly.


"So, you are also with the group of people just now?"

"I'm not with anyone, senior Ruan Feng, I'm here to ask you for something."

Chi Yao said sincerely.

"Tell me?"

Ruan Feng, who recalled the past, felt a little calmer.

"I want to go through the whole process from when you became sworn brothers to comprehending the Eight Wonders."

"You want me to tell you these stories?"

Ruan Feng shook his head, "Even if I want to, I can't say it out loud. I have the restriction left by my fourth brother on my body, so I can't publicize this matter to the outside world."

"No, you don't need to speak in person, I just need to borrow your memory."

Chi Yao waved his hand, "And if you want, you can also choose to relive the past with me."

"Interesting, what do I need to do?"

The condition of revisiting the past obviously moved Ruan Feng, and he rarely showed interest in one thing.

"This is Dream Transformation Gu,"

Chi Yao took out a voodoo and introduced, "It can transform a memory into a dream for our consciousness to explore."

"Dream Transformation Gu... haven't you heard of it?"

Ruan Feng frowned. He can be regarded as a living fossil of the alien world now, but this kind of voodoo has never been heard of before. He looked at Chi Yao with some doubts in his eyes.

"It's normal for the seniors not to know about the original creation of the younger generation."

Chi Yao smiled, "By the way, I forgot to tell Senior that I am the contemporary Miaojiang Great Gu Master."

"Great Gu Master?"

Ruan Feng saw Chi Youling and Gu Cup in Chi Yao's hands, although he was still a little surprised, he also chose to accept this setting.

Then since it is the great Gu master of Miaojiang, it seems very reasonable to create several unique Gu objects?
"How to use this thing?"

Ruan Feng pointed to the Dream Transformation Gu and asked.

"You hold it, inject energy into it, and at the same time recall the memory fragments that you want to transform into dreams in your mind."

Chi Yao handed Gu to Ruan Feng, while he took a step back, expressing that he would never disturb.

"It's that simple?"

Ruan Feng took the Gu worm suspiciously. He was confident that if something went wrong, he could destroy this little Gu worm immediately, so he started to operate according to the method given by Chi Yao.

"Try not to choose to skip when recalling, otherwise the dream will become fragmented and discontinuous, and the experience of dreaming will be uncomfortable. In addition, the more details there are, the more real the dream will be..."

Chi Yao gently reminded Ruan Feng some precautions.

After a while, Ruan Feng withdrew all energy and threw Dream Transformation Gu to Chi Yao: "Okay, what's next?"


Chi Yao took the voodoo, his face full of joy, "The next thing is to fall asleep, let's find a quieter place first."

"When we dream, is it only the spirit that enters the dream? What will happen to our body then?"

"Only the spirit can enter, and the body naturally stays in place, and cannot respond to general external stimuli."

Chi Yao explained, "But don't worry too much, the time flow in the dream is very fast, and it is almost difficult to feel the passage of time in the outside world between entering and exiting."

While talking, the two walked near a cave.

"Let's just leave it there, just cover it up, it'll be quick."

Under the leadership of Chi Yao, they walked into the cave, sat cross-legged facing each other, and put the Dream Transformation Gu in the middle.

"Wait for the voodoo to emit light, just put your energy into it. Senior Ruan Feng, grab my hand, otherwise the two of us may not appear in the same place after entering, and it will be a bit troublesome."

After explaining all the precautions, the eyes of Chi Yao and Ruan Feng instantly lost their luster as the Dream Transformation Gu shone brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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