Chapter 382 Offensive and defensive dislocation (two in one)

With such a huge change happening around them, the battle between the two naturally couldn't continue.

After exchanging a move with each other, they each backed away. Chi Yao looked at the scene in the distance that seemed to be turned upside down, and said with emotion: "Such a majestic power can be accurately counted... Is Li Chunfeng still human?"

That's right, although he has never appeared in front of the scene, Li Chunfeng is the key clue throughout the whole plot.

He was a famous sorcerer in the early years of the Tang Dynasty and a close friend of Yuan Tiangang, but the two had a disagreement over whether the Li Tang royal family should continue forever.

Li Chunfeng believes that the law of heaven recurs, there is no eternal dynasty, and every drink and peck is fate, just let nature take its course.But Yuan Tiangang disagreed, he felt that man is determined to conquer the sky, and fate is used to break it.

The friends have since parted ways.

But even so, whether it is the treasure of Longquan, or the Seven Stars Jue, or the strange book left for Li Xingyun - Yisi Zhan, all of these show that although Li Chunfeng has long since disappeared, he is still secretly playing chess with Yuan Tiangang .

Even their confrontation included Yuan Tiangang's final ending.

It seemed that he hadn't heard the name of this old friend from others for a long time, and Yuan Tiangang was in a daze for a moment, as if he saw that white-clothed and white-haired man in front of his eyes again.

"You also know Li Chunfeng?"

After gathering his mind, Yuan Tiangang asked.

"Knowing a thing or two, Li Xingyun was able to calculate this earthquake because of the Yisizhan he left behind, right?"

Chi Yao replied.

Earthquakes, even in modern times with highly advanced technology, can measure thousands of kinds of data as a reference, and no one can accurately predict them.And Li Chunfeng just wrote a book, Li Xingyun read it, and then only needed to watch the stars at night to calculate it so many days in advance.

If that's not miraculous, what is?
There is also a push back map that is said to be jointly made by Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang, and is used to predict the prosperity and chaos of later generations.

Because the prophecies in it are so accurate that there are too many believers, after the Tang Dynasty, it was successively listed as a banned book by the Song, Yuan, and Ming dynasties and was not allowed to be disseminated.

Speaking of it, it seems that it was because the demise of the Tang Dynasty was predicted in the Tuibei picture that the two close friends broke up.


Yuan Tiangang smiled hoarsely. After seeing how difficult Chi Yao was, he was no longer prepared to continue the stalemate here.

But Yuan Tiangang only wants to leave now, and it depends on whether Chi Yao is willing or not.

Now that the offensive and defensive position is different, Chi Yao has followed him closely, and after personally exploring Yuan Tiangang's bottom, his behavior has become more and more reckless.

"Old Yuan, I know that everything you have done is to make Li Xingyun a qualified emperor, but things have developed to this point, do you know where you went wrong?"

Yuan Tiangang glanced at him, but said nothing.For so many years, no one has dared to say to his face what he did wrong. This feeling seems a bit novel.

"You are wrong. You shouldn't have given him to Uncle Yang to raise him."

Yuan Tiangang's petty movements naturally couldn't escape Chi Yao's eyes. He continued, "Perhaps you value his small-scale strength that doesn't attract attention? Or is it because of his barely superior medical skills?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Chi Yao shook his head: "But even if you add up all these things, it is not as troublesome as his reclusive personality. You want to cultivate a ZTE Tang The emperor, then we must follow the education model of the emperor since he was a child, and hand him over to a hermit..."

He didn't finish the last half of the sentence, but the meaning was self-evident. From the beginning of this matter, Yuan Tiangang's choice was wrong.

Naturally, Yuan Tiangang couldn't accept this kind of negation from the root, so he retorted: "What the Tang Dynasty wants to rejuvenate, what it needs is not an ordinary emperor, but a person who can re-establish the country."

The implication is that ordinary imperial education can't teach such talented people.

"But the problem is... the current Li Xingyun hasn't shown any great talent?"

Chi Yao spread his hands, looking helpless, "I only saw in him the benevolence of a doctor and the indifferent ambition of not being greedy for power and position. Although these are very good qualities, if it is an ordinary person, I will even praise you for training well, but the problem is that they don't match the emperor's status at all!"

Does the emperor need a benevolent heart?

It cannot be said that it is not necessary at all, but it is indeed not that important, especially for an emperor who wants to end the troubled times, being too kind is sometimes not a good thing.

And what is the emperor's best evaluation of the people under his command?
Love the people like children.

In other words, treating the common people as their sons is enough to be praised.

So in the feudal era, how did the father get along with his son?
The father guides the son, saying one thing, you just need to rule him, and you don't need to worry about his reaction.

Then let's talk about this indifferent heart that is not greedy for power.

A qualified emperor really needs to know how to divide power, otherwise he will exhaust himself to death like Qin Shihuang or Zhuge Liang sooner or later.

But being willing to decentralize power does not mean that he can ignore the ownership of power.

If the emperor can't hold power in his hands, then it's nothing new for powerful ministers to overwhelm the royal family.

And this is another source of trouble.

So judging from these two points, apart from his own royal blood, Li Xingyun didn't have any traits that were very suitable for the position of emperor.

However, in the land of Huaxia, the least important thing is the bloodline.

Ever since Chen Sheng and Wu Guang yelled out the deafening sentence "the princes and generals are better than each other", this sentence has been deeply rooted in the hearts of every Chinese who has heard of it.

The use of bloodlines is only to increase one's social status after success, to fool those who have not read the book, making them think that the blood of the royal family is noble, and the monarchy is granted by heaven, that's all.

For example, after the Li and Tang royal families ruled the world, they said that their ancestors were the Taoist sage Lao Tzu in the Spring and Autumn Period...

In the eyes of people of insight, isn't this just random touching of porcelain?
But why is no one to dismantle it?

For one thing, the Li family has already won. In the game of fighting for the world, the winner takes all. Naturally, others can only respond to what they say. If they don't accept it, they will die.

Second, this thing can also deceive the uneducated people at the bottom, but anyone who has read the book will not believe it, so naturally I am too lazy to refute it.

His remarks directly silenced Yuan Tiangang.

After a long time, Yuan Tiangang said very coldly: "This commander has his own measure."


Chi Yao even laughed undisguisedly, and then continued under Yuan Tiangang's angry eyes, "Your so-called sense of propriety, don't you mean that you want to give Li Xingyun to Li Xingyun with your own death in the treasure of Longquan?" Driven to a dead end, let him have to face the era of rampage? No way, no way? He is a bad handsome man who has oppressed the world for three hundred years, but in the end he has to remonstrate with death to get things done?"

There is no doubt that his yin and yang strangeness successfully hit Yuan Tiangang's pain point.

Not only did he guess Yuan Tiangang's thoughts, but he also belittled his supposedly tragic act of sacrificing his life as if it was worthless.

This made Yuan Tiangang unable to keep calm anymore, and slapped him hard from the air.

But since Chi Yao can say these words, he is naturally ready to provoke the other party, fight, it's not like he hasn't fought before, who is afraid of whom?

After some ups and downs, Yuan Tiangang calmed down again, and he stared into Chi Yao's eyes: "What is the purpose of telling me this?"

Being seen through his own thoughts, even Yuan Tiangang was disturbed for a moment, that's why he chose to attack Chi Yao.

But he is Yuan Tiangang after all, and after losing control for a moment, he quickly returned to reason. Besides, because Chi Yao's appearance changed Li Maozhen's fate, his decision was slightly different from the original timeline.

More importantly, in this world where status is often determined by force, a person as strong as Chi Yao should not aimlessly and see through, but it must be true to say it so carelessly in front of his own face. Don't have any plans.

After thinking about this clearly, Yuan Tiangang put away his desire to continue to do it, and decided to communicate in another way.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Chi Yao can stop the angry Yuan Tiangang, otherwise, at the moment of angering the other party, there will be no future.

"That's right,"

Seeing that the other party calmed down, Chi Yao chuckled twice, and said before Yuan Tiangang was full of anger again, "Using your own death to lay out the layout, this pattern has indeed opened up. Your loyalty to the Li and Tang Dynasty can be appreciated by the sun and the moon. But I personally think it would be a pity if you just died like this."

"Feel sorry for Ben Shuai?"

Yuan Tiangang never thought that what he heard from Chi Yao was such an answer. After a moment of silence, he replied, "That's absolutely unnecessary, my handsome..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Chi Yao add: "After all, I haven't got the formula of the elixir from you yet, and you should have accumulated a lot of good things in the past three hundred years, right? That's all." I took it down without a word, but it was a big loss!"

Yuan Tiangang: "..."

The feeling of emotion that had just arose in him disappeared without a trace. If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't tell the winner in a short time, he wished he could grab Chi Yao and beat him up immediately.Fortunately, he just thought that he had met a bosom friend!

Return his emotion!asshole!

Seeing that Yuan Tiangang seemed to be stunned suddenly, Chi Yao immediately burst out laughing. Even the cracking ground and the tumbling boulders and trees around him seemed to be full of joy.

Yuan Tiangang took a deep breath, regained his composure to the mood that he was about to go berserk, and continued to use lightness kung fu to sweep forward without saying a word.

In a short time, he didn't want to talk to Chi Yao anymore.



the other side.

Li Maozhen and the fake Li Xingyun were very fast, and it didn't take long for them to be behind Li Xingyun and his party.

Of course, there is also the reason why Li Xingyun and the others deliberately slowed down to seduce them.

After all, his calculation is to use the complex terrain here to maximize the power of the earthquake, so it is necessary to let the enemy penetrate into it.

Li Maozhen may not be ignorant of their thoughts, but his strong self-confidence still drives him to step into it step by step.

Finally, near a swamp, Li Xingyun stopped in his tracks, turned around and shouted loudly: "Come out, Li Maozhen, I've spotted you a long time ago!"

Although he didn't know whether he was bluffing or really had some special method, but Li Maozhen, who was full of confidence in herself, did not choose to hide her head and show her tail, but walked out openly.

He looked around, and although his team was at an absolute disadvantage, he remained calm and composed: "Is this where the treasure of Longquan is located? Or, what surprise did you prepare for me?"

Li Maozhen cast her eyes on Shengtong, and successfully made the child run away and hide behind Li Xingyun.


Li Xingyun didn't talk nonsense with him, so he pulled out a Qingfeng sword he found temporarily and attacked him.

As soon as he moved, Ji Ruxue, Hou Qing, Han Yan and others also shot, only Shengtong, who had no force value, ran away and hid.

Seeing this, Li Maozhen threw the Longquan sword behind her back to the fake Li Xingyun: "Go, let me see which of the two of you is the real one!"

The fake Li Xingyun who received the Longquan Sword was trembling with excitement. He lifted the Tiangangjue, swung the big sword with a wide door in his hand, and slashed at Li Xingyun!
As for Li Maozhen, the two corpse ancestors fought together, and they firmly held the upper hand. If he hadn't been afraid of the explosive paper flowers in Hanba's hands, his advantage would have been even greater.

However, Li Xingyun and the others did not intend to rely on their own force to win. During the battle, they had been intentionally or unintentionally guiding Li Maozhen towards the swamp area.

Under this subtle pull, when Li Maozhen finally turned his back to the swamp, Han Yan suddenly threw all the explosive paper flowers in his hand.

【Goddess Scattering Flowers】!
All of a sudden, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, just like all kinds of flowers competing for spring.

In this ultimate beauty, there is also a thrilling crisis.

Although Li Maozhen's skills are profound, but after all, there is still a big gap between him and Liang Shuai's truly inexhaustible, so he did not choose to resist, but naturally flew back.

However, when he slid backwards for a long distance, he found something was wrong as soon as he landed.

The ground is too soft!
His feet are sinking deeper and deeper.

Seeing that Li Maozhen fell into the swamp as he wished, Li Xingyun and the others breathed a sigh of relief. As for the fake Li Xingyun?
He has been restrained by Li Xingyun and Ji Ruxue.

"Is this the surprise you prepared for me? It's interesting."

Although Li Maozhen was imprisoned, she didn't panic at all, as if the person who was slowly sinking was not him.

"Hmph, that's just the first appetizer."

Li Xingyun took back the Longquan sword again, and then raised his voice and asked, "Do you feel that your inner breath is not flowing smoothly?"

(End of this chapter)

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