Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 383 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

Chapter 383 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

Li Maozhen was startled when she heard the words, and was about to check it internally, when Li Xingyun suddenly yelled loudly: "Light it up!"

Several people threw out the fire starters prepared in advance by Han Yan one after another. The plants and flowers in Shennongjia were already dense, and once the fire was put down, there was a prairie fire in a blink of an eye.

While secretly being careful, Li Maozhen sneered: "There are more than thousands of birds, beasts, snakes and insects here, what can a single spark do to me?"

He silently recited the incantation against insects, and within a short while, a large group of snakes, insects, rats and ants gathered from all directions and began to besiege Li Xingyun and his group.

"Hmph, King Qi is King Qi, even if he can't protect himself, he's still like this... the momentum is like a rainbow!"

Li Xingyun joked while setting fire to those beasts.

"It's more than just like a rainbow,"

Ji Ruxue added, "It's not an exaggeration to say that he is an evil Shura ghost."

"Unfortunately, we have to change our identities today. We are the ones playing the evil ghost of Shura!"

Li Xingyun took out a triangular face scarf and put it on his face, and continued, "You have your birds, beasts, snakes and insects, and I also have my exotic flowers and plants."

He picked up a small white flower from the ground, and explained to Li Maozhen: "The fire I lit is to awaken Shennong's secret medicine treasure, this flower is called Cigu, once the petals burn, the flower poison will be released. Unless you hide some peppermint under the base of your tongue and cover your mouth and nose like we do, or leave this area, even if you are a big Luo Jinxian, you should honestly give me a good night's sleep!"

After the words fell, as if some switch had been touched, Li Maozhen suddenly felt a little dizzy.

But even so, he still behaved calmly, and even had time to praise Li Xingyun first: "There has been progress, but after all, it is still a bit ill-considered, just relying on this small swamp to trap this king, You underestimated me too!"

After all, he pressed his palm full of inner energy to the ground out of thin air, and the extremely strong energy burst out, directly blasting away the mud and water swamp that was constantly pulling down around him, and the whole person directly jumped into the sky with the force of reverse thrust, and then The palm was pushed towards Li Xingyun and others.


This sudden scene shocked them all, and in a hurry, they could only choose to back up and avoid it, and they didn't even have time to turn around and run.

Seeing Li Maozhen's palm covered with purple true energy getting closer, Li Xingyun couldn't help showing a little despair in his eyes.

At the last moment, when he was only half a palm away from Li Xingyun, Li Maozhen still couldn't suppress the hypnotic toxicity of Cigu, and fell to the ground with a crash.


Li Xingyun wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, with a little joy in his eyes, "I just said it will work! It didn't even use my alternative plan and it succeeded."


"Ahaha, that was only used at the last moment, isn't it more fun now?"

Li Xingyun scratched his head to avoid this topic, "The next step is to give him more medicine to keep Li Maozhen in a comatose state, so he can't continue to follow us and disturb our operation to destroy the Longquan treasure."

"Don't kill him?"

Hou Qing asked.

"Kill? It's not necessary, is it?"

Li Xingyun looked at Li Maozhen who was unconscious on the ground, "After all, he is also the elder brother of the Empress, and he has never killed us, has he?"

This time, because Li Maozhen didn't stab the Empress from behind, Li Xingyun and the others didn't have that much intention to kill him.

And what he didn't know was that this bit of kindness actually saved them by mistake.

Li Maozhen, who had the Meteor Birth Gu in her body, if she really died, would be able to detoxify the poison after resurrection, and the situation would be reversed in an instant.

"what ever."

Hou Qing just asked casually, but didn't dwell on it.

"Okay, let's take him to another place as soon as possible, the poison of the citrus mushroom here won't dissipate in a while."

Li Xingyun asked Han Yan to carry Li Maozhen on his back, and the group quickly shifted their positions.


Li Xingyun picked a lot of herbs and handed them to Hou Qing, "You just need to mash these things into a pulp, and then smell them for a while every day on time to make sure he won't wake up. What if he wakes up..."

He pierced several golden needles into the big holes on Li Maozhen's chest, "If you can't adjust your internal strength, you won't be able to make any waves! I'll leave it to you."


Hou Qing took the herbs and asked suddenly, "But what if he never wakes up and starves to death?"


Li Xingyun was stunned for a moment, he really hadn't thought about this question just now, "This... his martial arts are so high, it shouldn't matter if he doesn't eat for a few days?"

"It's really nothing for a few days, but if it exceeds ten days, I'm afraid some problems will start to appear." Hou Qing explained.

"Ten days?"

Li Xingyun looked at Shengtong, "It should be enough, where is the Longquan treasure?"

"I don't know, but I remember a poem used to describe where it was."

The holy boy recited, "The dragon hangs in the sky, and its loyal eyes can be distinguished. The southeast bank of Gudu is like a garden. There are no ordinary things in the world, and only the mirror can correct the clothes."

"The dragon hangs in the sky. The dragon should be referring to the treasure of Longquan. The sky should be a high place."

Ji Ruxue analyzed, "But what does it mean to be discernible?"

"The southeast bank of the ancient crossing, the ancient crossing of the Yellow River, the southeast direction is the land of Jin. Of course, it is not certain whether it belongs to the state of Wu or the state of Chu."

Hou Qing added, "As for Ruojia Ruopu Garden, it should be Yanze."

"But there are countless big and small salt marshes in Jin, when will we find out?" Ji Ruxue was puzzled.

"That's why you need a pair of loyal eyes to distinguish,"

Li Xingyun finally said, "Although people's hearts are separated by belly, but when it comes to loyal people, there is one person who can be recognized by almost everyone."

"Strong Miaohou——Guan Yunchang?"

"That's right, so the treasure should be in Yunchang's hometown - in the salt lake of Jieliang."

At this time, the shaking of the earth became more violent, and they had to leave in a hurry.



"Hmph, how is it?"

Yuan Tiangang, who had witnessed the confrontation between the two sides, seemed a little complacent, "This is Li Maozhen you are optimistic about? Why did you lie down so easily?"

Seeing Yuan Tiangang like this, Chi Yao first blamed himself to see what he had done to him, the big boss's compulsion was a little unstable.

"Hehe, Li Maozhen was indeed careless, but Lao Yuan, are you sure he really lay down?"

Chi Yao asked with a smile.

Li Maozhen possessed the death birth Gu, the Gu could not be destroyed, and people could not die.Without knowing this information, Li Xingyun and others chose to use anesthesia to deal with him, which is considered wrong, but the anesthesia can only make him unconscious for a while, and it is still too early to say that he is completely out of the game.

"Anyway, Li Xingyun won this round!"

Yuan Tiangang didn't bother him with those details.

"That's right, if you win, you win,"

Chi Yao spread his hands, "But you heard it too, they are going to destroy the treasure of Longquan, what are you going to do?"

"Hmph, the Longquan treasure is hidden by His Majesty Xi Zong. Before Li Xingyun ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he was not qualified to decide how to deal with it."

Yuan Tiangang blew a whistle, and Xinying landed on his forearm, "If you want to open Longquan secretly, it depends on whether the commander-in-chief agrees!"

(End of this chapter)

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