Chapter 427 New World

Chi Yao thought that what he had to face next was a situation similar to that in "Death is Coming".

Although the ancient times were not compared with modern times, there were so many and dense tools that could easily kill people, but he also became more careful in his daily life, always paying attention to those abnormal accidents.

But in the end, he realized that he was worrying too much.

Although Yuan Tiangang's description is more mysterious, but it is still a conspiracy after all that is really implemented.

Of course, it would be an exaggeration to have sects or people in the royal court making trouble every few days. For Chi Yao, these can only be regarded as small scenes after all.

With his strength, the people here can't cause him any trouble.

So half a year passed by.

On this day, the Heavenly Gu's devouring finally stopped, not because of Chi Yao's order, but because all the food that could be eaten had been eaten.

The next second, thunder suddenly sounded above the grassland, boundless dark clouds appeared out of thin air to block the sunlight, and lightning bolts snaked down like thunder snakes.

Hurricanes, earthquakes, the neighing of frightened cattle and sheep...

As far as the eye can see, everything is a doomsday scene.

"It's really exaggerated. Is this the change after hitting the critical value?"

Chi Yao gazed into the distance, and couldn't help expressing emotion, "Thanks to the adjustment of the plan, otherwise, even I might not be able to persist for half a year under such a situation. Then..."

He glanced at the south for the last time, and all the energy in his body flowed into the Mu Hai reincarnation Gu.

Miraculously, when Chi Yao's figure completely disappeared, the disasters in the sky and the ground seemed to have lost their targets, and they all dissipated within a short period of time.

A figure in a black robe appeared at the last place where Chi Yao was standing with an ear-piercing sound of breaking the wind, and sighed, "Did you not listen to my advice in the end... completely turned into ashes under the backlash of the fate of the country?"

There seemed to be some disbelief in his tone, but after a careful search, he still found nothing and could only choose to leave.



In the long river of time and space, the waves rush forward.

Chi Yao controlled the Nian Cicada Gu and followed the breath of Chi You's brand upstream, and along the way, the annual rings on Nian Cicada's body surface disappeared in circles, as if washed away by the flow of time.

But fortunately, he was well prepared this time, with a full [-] annual rings, he was not afraid of wear and tear at all!
Traveling in the long river of time and space is tedious. Although the surrounding waves are changing every moment, all the water colors are exactly the same as far as the eye can see. It will make people feel tired after a long time.

So he closed his eyes, anyway, as long as the direction remains unchanged, Nian Chan can completely drive on its own, and he began to study what changes have been brought to Heavenly Gu after devouring the fate of a country.

The origin of Qijue Gu is said to be transformed from the body of a god, among which Li Gu represents the foundation of qi and blood, and Heaven Gu represents his eyes.

After activating the Heavenly Gu at the beginning, the ability he gained was to look at Qi, more specifically, 【Observation of People's Qi】, and later experienced an evolution, which made this kind of observation more subtle, but there is no essence in the aspect of looking at Qi. The change.

And this time...

"Luck watching... But it's not complete, is it because of insufficient accumulation?"

After Chi Yao savored it carefully, he murmured softly.

The ability to observe luck is easy to understand, that is, you can see how a person's luck is.

But there is a saying that is good, fate is determined by God, and luck depends on human effort.

Fortune is a thing that will undergo earth-shaking changes as many external or internal conditions change, and sometimes even only one choice is needed, and the result will be completely different.

Therefore, when viewing people's luck, it is often impossible to see it once and for all, but only to see what is blocked.

Of course, with this ability, if you want to play the magic stick, you will be very handy.

Time passed bit by bit, and the annual rings on the body surface of the annual cicada were also worn away round by round.

Finally, after wearing away [-]% of the growth rings, the aura of Chi You's brand is close at hand.




Under the gloomy sky, the land is in ruins.

It can be vaguely seen from the remaining ruins that this place used to be a rather luxurious and magnificent place.

But now, all the prosperity and beauty of the past have been reduced to dust, and only snakes, insects, rats and ants are left to walk through the ruins and build a new home.

"This place..."

Chi Yao looked left and right, jumped onto a towering tree nearby, and looked into the distance.

Devastated and uninhabited.

"Tsk, isn't there even anyone who can ask the way?"

He had no choice but to shake his head, and then took out the insect flute: "Let me see how many cuties are around..."

The sound of the flute sounded, although it didn't spread too far, but it quickly gathered a group of birds and insects.

"Go, find out where there are living people nearby."

Heart Gu accurately conveyed his thoughts to all the insects and birds who came to listen to the call, and in a burst of "fluttering" and "buzzing", they scattered in all directions.

After dispatching the reconnaissance team, Chi Yao did not wait in place, but chose a direction at random and walked leisurely.

While walking, while watching.

Although there is no human habitation, but only through the natural environment, some basic things can also be confirmed.

"The soil quality and water vapor seems to be from the south. Could it be the Hundred Thousand Mountains of this era?"

Because it followed the brand of Chi You, just like following the brand of Twelve Caves and ended up near Miaojiang, this time the destination should not be too far from the target.

But according to common sense, Chi You's traces will generally appear in the southwest border...

Just as he was thinking secretly, a white wagtail flew back with good news.

"Found someone? Great!"

Chi Yao was overjoyed, and casually recruited the little bird with black and white feathers, like a splashed ink landscape painting, and helped it strengthen its body with energy, "Go, take me there!"


In the joyous cry of the white wagtail, Chi Yao quickly saw the person it was pointing at.

A comatose man in a gray and black suit, lying in the river, bobbing and sinking with the waves.


Chi Yao frowned slightly, "Although he is indeed still alive, it may be a little difficult to inquire about him!"

But so far there is no other source of information, and this one cannot be easily given up.

"Forget it, you're lucky!"

With a flick of the fingertips, two strands of glittering and translucent spider silk shot out "shuashuashua", flexibly wrapped around the man a few times, and flew back under Chi Yao's pull.

"Hey, even in a coma and still forgetting to put down the sword in his hand, it doesn't look like an ordinary person!"

Looking at the two sharp blades, one black and one white tightly held by the man, Chi Yao raised his eyebrows slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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