Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 428 Set A Few Small Goals First

Chapter 428 Set A Few Small Goals First

The Ice Crystal Butterfly has perfectly inherited the healing ability of the original Ice Silkworm Gu and Jade Butterfly Gu. Although the man in black seems to be seriously injured and soaked in water for an unknown how long, under the continuous treatment, his originally pale His complexion also gradually improved, and after a while, after a slight moan, the muscles of the man's whole body tensed suddenly, as if he wanted to explode.

The vigilance is quite high.

But unfortunately, although he was revived, it does not mean that his injuries are completely healed.

Not only was such a ferocious exertion unsuccessful, but on the contrary, the wounds that were already scabbing tended to burst open, and blood gushed out. Even though he had already clenched his teeth, he couldn't stop the painful moan.

"You are awake, your physical fitness is not bad."

Chi Yao saw that the man was holding back even though his body was trembling with pain, he refused to let out any more pain, and he was holding his two swords tightly with a vigilant expression on his face, and smiled softly: "Do you still remember?" Is it your own name?"

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Xuan Jian stared intently at the young man in front of him. Although the other party was unarmed and didn't have any weapons, whether it was the intuition cultivated by trying swords in the world, or the crisis warning that became more acute because of being a killer, they were all crazily reminding him—— — This man is dangerous!
So he uncharacteristically violated the killer's principle of "talking less and doing more" and asked.

"Ah, I'm just an unknown person. As for what I want to do... I just want to ask you for directions. Do you know where this place is?"

"The nameless man..."

Xuan Jian didn't believe it at all.Although he is not so arrogant that he thinks he is number one in the world, no matter whether he is a swordsman who ruled the seven kingdoms in his previous life, or a first-class assassin who is now feared as a Tianzi, he is standing among the top powerhouses in the world. Not too much.

And like the one in front of him, there are not many people in the world who can make themselves feel threatened like a thorn in the back without showing half a murderous aura.

If he was still the tyrant who tried the world with his sword, he wouldn't be bothered to answer a person like Chi Yao who deliberately hides his information.As for threats?It's just a fight, he couldn't wish for it!
However, the change of identity forced him to change his behavior style accordingly. As a snare killer, the task came first.For such a powerful enemy, it is better not to provoke them as much as possible.

So, after a moment of silence, he spoke slowly, his voice still a little stiff because of the injury: "I was injured and unconscious for a while, and you woke me up? Can you tell me where you found me?" ?”

"In a river."

As for what kind of river it was, Chi Yao, a newcomer, didn't know.

"The river..."

Xuan Jian frowned and pondered for a while, recalling what happened to him before he fell into a coma, and speculated with a slightly gloomy face, "That should be the Huai River, which connects to the East China Sea and flows through Yue and Chu. In Chudi."

Where exactly depends on how long he's been floating on the river.

"Yue or Chu?"

This answer was not too beyond Chi Yao's expectations. Whether it was Baiyue or Jingchu, there have been a lot of legends about witchcraft since ancient times.

However, such a general and vague answer did not satisfy him.

It just so happened that when you came to a strange place, a guide was indispensable. He flicked his fingers, and the thin spider silk shot out from his fingertips, instantly wrapping the man into a mummy.


Xuan Jian was seriously injured, unable to dodge at all, he could only watch helplessly as he became strange.

"Your answer makes me very dissatisfied, but I am the most magnanimous person. Let's go, you will be responsible for leading me before you find out the exact location. By the way, what's your name?"

"Xuan... Jian."

Xuan Jian hesitated for a moment, and did not choose to give out a false name casually, but directly said his code name in the trap.

"Oh, Xuan Jian, it matches your sword quite well."

Chi Yao nodded slightly. When he saw the black and white swords that Xuan Jian held tightly in his hands even when he was unconscious, he had a vague guess in his heart.

Now coupled with Xuan Jian's self-report, he has an inseparable guess about the world he lives in now.

"Qin Shimingyue..."

His brain was spinning rapidly, and he began to think about what things in this world were worth planning by himself.

Seeing that Chi Yao didn't show much shock or thoughtful expression when he heard his name, Xuan Jian felt a little relieved.

Although the pride of being a swordsman of a generation made him disdain to conceal his name and identity, but as a first-class killer in Tianzi, he naturally would not be unaware of how hated this identity is.

It's normal for people to turn their faces the moment they say it.

Now that we are all in peace, he is also slightly relieved, feeling that the white silk threads wrapped around his body seem to have the effect of stopping bleeding, and Xuan Jian did not object to Chi Yao's decision. Anyway, with his current physical condition, forcibly opposing Chi Yao's decision is nothing but courting death. There will be no second ending in the world, since it is so, it is better to pretend for the time being, and after the injury is healed, who can trap himself?
Chi Yao didn't know that Xuan Jian had already written a desperate script in his heart. He walked towards the river where Xuan Jian was discovered, while thinking about the next plan in his heart.

Qin Shimingyue's world should be stronger than the previous bad people's world in terms of force value alone.But this is not what he cares about the most, but that this place does not seem to be limited to a worldview of martial arts.

Whether it is the Canglong Qisu, which is the ultimate clue throughout the whole play, or the mysterious Fusang sacred tree in Shushan, Yuyuan, the sealed sunset land, or the ancient kingdom of Loulan where there are ancient miracles such as the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, the Yellow Emperor, and Chi You... …

The existence of these things makes this supposedly simple world of ancient martial arts complicated and confusing, and no one knows what secrets are hidden behind it.

"Although so, the more valuable things, the better! Canglong Qisu doesn't know what it is for the time being, but the sacred tree named Fusang in Shushan is too much if it is not used to refine forest and sea reincarnation Gu. It's a pity. There is also Loulan, the things left by Chi You and Nine Heavens Xuannv, and you should not miss any of them."

After tentatively setting a few small goals, Chi Yao was not in a hurry. He waved the sky spider silk to cut off a few trees with thick trunks by the river, and then tied them together to form a raft. A simple boat was enough All right.

"Let's go, take me to the nearest big city first."

After throwing an oar to Xuan Jian, Chi Yao languidly sat on the specially carved seat on the raft, and said lazily.

(End of this chapter)

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