Chapter 436 Puppet Gu

After a while, the startled salamander left the room with a cold face and raised his sword.

Seeing this, Xuan Jian walked into the house, wondering: "Is this the end?" It seemed a little too fast!
"It's over, didn't I say that I'm very good at persuading others."

Chi Yao smiled and nodded.

Xuan Jian was a little surprised when he heard the words, he really couldn't think of how Chi Yao would persuade that guy, who was so arrogant before he was so shocked.

"Is it reliable? If he backtracks, I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry, she will act as if she has never seen us."

Chi Yao explained, and then said, "But if you are really worried, you can choose not to go back."

"What do you mean?"

Xuan Jian was startled.

"Literally speaking, it hasn't been long since you joined the net. At the beginning, you threw yourself into it for the famous sword. Looking back now, do you regret it? Or, are you satisfied with the current life?"

Chi Yao asked casually while putting away the spider webs in the room.


Xuan Jian was silent for a while, "He really told you a lot! Although today's life is not as good as I imagined, it's not too bad. As long as there are enough masters to kill me, where will I be?" it's the same."

It can be seen that although he is not satisfied with the life in the trap, he can make do with it, and he doesn't want to change his family easily.

That being the case, Chi Yao didn't persuade him anymore.Today is different from the past, he has obtained enough information in Daliang, and he has also controlled the startling salamander as a source of future information, the existence of Xuan Jian is not necessary.

Seeing that he has sincerely defended himself before, he will not use any means against him, just let him go.



the second night.

After being released, Xuan Jian left Daliang early in the morning, while Chi Yao came to Jingxi's room by moonlight.

"grown ups."

The startled salamander curled up in light yellow silk pajamas.

"Don't be too polite."

Chi Yao waved his hand. What he planted for the startled salamander was the puppet Gu. The ability of this Gu is simply the inspiration of soul-absorbing. As the name suggests, it can plant a supreme order that cannot be violated deep in the soul of the bewitched.

His instruction to Jingxi is to be loyal to himself forever, so she is so submissive now.

"I came to you this time to ask some information that is difficult to find outside..."

Next, Chi Yao asked many mysterious questions about Canglong Qisu, the ancient country of Loulan, the sacred tree of Shushan, and the inheritance of witchcraft in Chuyue.

There were some questions that the salamander knew about, and some that even she hadn't heard of.

After a long talk all night, generally speaking, Jing Xi didn’t know anything about Canglong Qisu. She was only ordered to assassinate Lord Xinling Wei Wuji, and nothing about Canglong Qisu was mentioned in the mission. .

She had heard of the ancient country of Loulan, but she didn't know how to get there.As for the Shushan sacred tree, she knew a little more, because when the Qin army annexed Bashu, the people of Shushan also participated in the war.

However, according to her, although the tree is regarded as a belief by the people of Shushan, it seems that it has never shown any magical power, and the most elite Yu Yuan guards in Shushan are just like that.After the Qin State conquered Bashu, it did not punish Shushan more, and now the sacred tree is still rooted on the top of Shushan.

Finally, she gave a more detailed answer about the inheritance of witchcraft.

"The source of witchcraft is in the Yin-Yang family in Chu... Chu, it seems that the Yin-Yang family has not officially entered Qin..."

Chi Yao analyzed the information obtained from the startled salamander.

Twenty years later, the Yin-Yang family is backed by the Qin State. Under the situation of the Qin State's dominance of the world, they have a faint tendency to overwhelm everyone, and masters emerge in endlessly.

"They have not yet received the support of Qin's resources. Their strength should be much weaker, and they should probably not be stronger than the Taoist Tianzong? However, the effects of the witch spells of the Yinyang family are unpredictable and difficult to contaminate. And according to the plot, The Yin-Yang family was separated from the Taoist school, and the Dongjun and Moon Gods they value, including Ji Ruqianlong, all have the surname of Ji, which is the blood of the Yellow Emperor, and it seems that they have nothing to do with Chi You."

If the Yin-Yang family is ruled out for the time being, then only Yuedi is left.

Baiyue is a collective name for the entire Yue ethnic group, rather than a specific place name. In detail, it includes Wuyue, Yangyue, Dongou, Minyue, Nanyue, Xiou, Luoyue and many other tribes. The locations of branches From the eastern coast to the southwestern hills, it spans about seven or eight thousand miles.

Some of these places have been integrated into the Chinese cultural circle very early, such as Wuyue where King Goujian of Yue was located, and some places were not really defeated even after Qin unified the world, such as Nanyue.

And according to the information provided by the startled salamander, after King Goujian of Yue, the Yue tribe failed to have a recognized king again, and each ethnic group fell apart and went their own way.The most powerful one is said to be the descendants of Goujian, who was also defeated by the South Korean army nearly ten years ago. A large number of Baiyue treasures were brought back to South Korea and stored in the Han Palace.

"So, if you want to explore the secrets of witchcraft, besides visiting the old place of Baiyue, you can only go to South Korea? Well, even if you want to visit the old place of Baiyue, you need to find someone who is familiar with it as a guide Just do it."

Thinking about it this way, the goal of his next stop is very clear. South Korea, which belongs to the Three Jins together with Wei, is the weakest country among the Seven Kingdoms.



The distance from Daliang to Sinjeong, the capital of South Korea, is not too far.

When Han, Wei, and Zhao's Shangqing divided up the state of Jin, the land was intertwined with each other, and there was me in you and you in me.Especially South Korea, which is the weakest, can be said to be in disarray. After so many years of continuous replacement, most of them are barely connected together.

Chi Yao rode his horse and walked westward at a leisurely pace.

To say that the person who knows Baiyue's Gu art best is definitely the abandoned prince Tianze of Baiyue who has the title of red-browed dragon snake.

Rumor has it that although he is a prince, he has loved dealing with people from all walks of life since he was a child, and he is also very talented and proficient in various witchcraft techniques, and he has also recruited many strange people under his command.If it hadn't been for the fact that the Yue Kingdom had perished, he might have had a slight chance to sneak into the Four Princes of the Warring States Period, and it might not be possible to become the fifth one.

In the battle against Baiyue in South Korea, rumors said that he died, but Chi Yao knew that he was not killed, but was captured alive and imprisoned by Bai Yifei, the commander of the Korean army at that time.

In Chi Yao's mind, the purpose is nothing more than to obtain Baiyue's witchcraft inheritance.

After all, Bai Yifei's family already had a strange inheritance of Gu art, but there should be some flaws in it, so he tried to ask something from Tianze.

This time Chi Yao's first choice target is also Tianze, but how to find out where Tianze is imprisoned is a problem.

I walked and thought about it all the way, and within a few days, I came to the outside of Xinzheng City with one person and one ride.

After paying the entrance fee, he led the horse and stopped a passerby on the side of the street: "Brother, ask me, which direction should Zilanxuan go?"

(End of this chapter)

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