Chapter 437 Enjoy
Purple Orchid.

As the largest fireworks venue in Xinzheng, it is rumored that its behind-the-scenes boss has an extraordinary background and strength.

Of course, even without mentioning the mysterious behind-the-scenes boss, the female boss on the stage is also very difficult.

"What are the guests looking at?"

Seemingly noticing Chi Yao's disrespectful sizing up, Zi Nu turned around slightly while covering her mouth with a delicate smile, avoiding his sight lightly like a butterfly.

"Of course I'm looking at you, Miss Zi Nu,"

It was not embarrassing for Chi Yao to be discovered, but he chose to go straight to the point, "To be honest, I came from Daliang, and I have seen the beauty of Nishangyuan Huakui before. This time, Miss Zi Nu is not inferior!"

"Thank you so much for your compliment~"

Even the most beautiful woman is very happy to be praised, especially when it is praised by a handsome and heroic man.Zi Nu narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly to hide her smile when she heard the words, and the purple butterfly-shaped tear lines in the corners of her eyes were about to fly away.

"But..." Chi Yao pretended to sigh, but stopped talking.

"But what?"

Although it could be seen that this was the other party's words, Zi Nu didn't mind pretending to be stupid when facing such an eye-catching guest.

"However, in addition to the beauty of the country, Miss Ni'er also has an excellent piano skill that lingers in the beams. I don't know Miss Zi Nu..."

"Playing the piano, I'm afraid this will disappoint my little brother~"

Zi Nu said that she couldn't do it, but she didn't feel ashamed at all, instead she was smiling.

"You can dance even if you don't play the piano. I see Miss Zi Nu's waist is slender but full of vitality. I think her dancing posture is not bad."

"Hehe, the first time I came to Zilanxuan, I wanted to perform the dance in person. The guests are really greedy~"

Zi Nu raised her eyebrows and skillfully changed the subject, "Although I don't have much confidence in my piano skills, our Zi Lanxuan's piano skills will definitely not lose to the Nishangyuan you mentioned."


"Go and call Nongyu." She whispered to a young woman beside her.

"Yes, sister Zi Nu."

"Nongyu, is this your confidence, then I'll wait and see." Chi Yao smiled.

"I'm sure you won't be disappointed."

While talking, the two had arrived at the box on the second floor, and Zi Nu opened the door: "Guests, please go in and wait a while, Nongyu will be there soon, Hong Yu, take care of this little brother, if you are in doubt, please let me know." Come find me."

"Don't worry, sister Zi Nu."

After slightly bending her knees, Hong Yu led Chi Yao into the box.

The decoration in the room is quite exquisite, there is a soft table near the wall in the middle, wine utensils and fruits are placed on the low table before the collapse, and a thin blanket with complicated patterns is spread on the floor in front of it, it should look like For dancing.There is a screen next to the window, and through the gap, you can vaguely see that there is also a table behind.

After Hongyu lit the candles on the walls around the room, she waited for Chi Yao to sit on the soft bed, and explained with a coquettish smile: "That's where Sister Nongyu plays the piano for a while, if you like, I will also You can dance in the middle."

"Oh, not bad!"

In fact, Chi Yao has already seen that Hong Yu's aura is slightly stronger than that of ordinary people. It seems that he has practiced some martial arts. This kind of body is more flexible, and at least he can dance well. How about the Nine Heavens Saint Ji from Huanyinfang.

Recalling his experience in the last world, he felt a little regretful now. Many things were done too hastily, and he didn't have a good experience of the world.

But there is no way, the plot over there is relatively rushed, and if many things miss the time, it will be more troublesome to do it again.

For example, the death of Yuan Tiangang, the trip to Twelve Caves and so on.

But this time is different, now this time period is considered to be before everything starts, he has a lot of time to take his time.

After all, being busy in two worlds must be enjoyable, right?
While thinking about it, just as he was about to raise his glass to drink, he caught a glimpse of a crystal clear green grape gently pinched by two white and slender fingers, and handed it to his mouth.

Opening his mouth slightly, the cool touch disappeared on his lips. The sweetness of the grapes combined with Hongyu's warm and soft body and charming chuckle beside him made him let out a satisfied sigh.

Happy here, don't want to leave!


After getting the notification, Nongyu was about to go out with Guqin, who was not much shorter than himself, when she saw Zi Nu walking in with a twisting and enchanting figure, and turned around to cover the door.

"Sister Zi Nu?"

There was a little bit of doubt in Nong Yushuiliang's big eyes.

"Nongyu, the person who wants to listen to you playing the piano is a master. You can try to set a routine. It is best if you can ask the person's background. If you can't, don't force it. Just leave it to me."

Zi Nu stared at Nong Yu's eyes and instructed earnestly.


Nongyu was taken aback for a moment, and her originally gentle and charming eyes instantly became sharper.

Zilanxuan is not just an ordinary place to have fun, they also take care of the work of collecting intelligence.Under Zi Nu's training, most of the women here have strengths that are not inferior to those of ordinary soldiers, and Nong Yu, Hong Yu and others are even stronger.

"Not necessarily the enemy,"

Zi Nu comforted her softly, "He doesn't look very old, but he has a feeling that I can't figure out. You just need to try it a little bit. If it doesn't work, use your heartstrings to find out what he likes." Whether we have malicious intentions or not, it is best not to provoke him."

"I understand."

Nongyu nodded, understanding why Zi Nu sent her there.

Indeed, the heartstrings comprehended after one's mastery of rhythm can be music without sound, directly communicating with the soul with a sound that cannot be heard by the human ear.

Although it is impossible to know exactly what the other person is thinking, it is not a problem to simply distinguish between good intentions and malicious intentions.If that person happens to know the rhythm, he can learn more while he is immersed in the music.

But to make Sister Zi Nu use such a concealed method, it seems that the person's strength is really strong!
Nongyu was thinking as he walked, wondering how that man compares to the invincible general in South Korea?I hope he has no plot against Zi Lanxuan.

Gently opened the door of the private room, Nongyu gave a bow, and a clear and melodious voice came out from under the thin veil, "Nongyu is polite."

The goose-yellow dress with moon-white half sleeves and lining, embellished with emerald ornaments, gave people an elegant but not cold, friendly but independent charm.

"Sister Nongyu."

Hong Yu, who accompanied Chi Yao and was in charge of peeling grapes and feeding wine, also nodded slightly to her.

After Nongyu returned the gift, she didn't say much, but she walked to the screen holding the qin in her arms, gently placed the precious qin on the table, fiddled with her slender hands back and forth, and after a while, the lines were soft and gentle The notes will flow out, converging into a song of heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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