Chapter 468 The five internal organs of the country
"Han Fei, I have met Your Excellency."

The young man in the purple costume bowed his hands, neither humble nor overbearing, and said with a gentle smile, "Mr. came from a long way, I will welcome you if you are far away, please."


Chi Yao followed him into the door, and didn't even give a glance to those school disciples who were rubbing their chests with lingering fear, and they hadn't recovered their breath yet, and none of them dared to look up.

Except for one person.


Shu Sungao touched the blood froth on the corner of his mouth, the hatred in his eyes seemed to be real.

"Zigao, why are you vomiting blood?"

A friend next to him was shocked, and looked around, obviously everyone just felt a little chest tightness and discomfort, "Your health is really bad, I will help you go back and rest."


Shusun Gao refused his companion's support, and said bitterly, "It's just relying on crude force. I'm going to see with my own eyes how he was humiliated by Mr. Han Fei in a while."

It's just that he didn't notice that the people around him looked at him with strange eyes.

In this era, it is not a good time for a gentleman to use his mouth but not his hands. When everyone is talking about the same way, it is normal to roll up your sleeves and use physical persuasion.

No matter in the academy or above the court, hands-on scenes abound.

Weak scholar is not very popular in this era, and it is even a derogatory term.

Looking at his trembling but stubborn background, the students could only sigh and shake their heads.They didn't have any malice towards Chi Yao, they just couldn't understand his high-profile behavior in Linzi these days.Therefore, it is already the limit to show off behind closed doors, and it is not good for them to continue to fight against them.

But this Uncle Sun Gao didn't know why, he was so persistent, which was a little abnormal.

Chi Yao didn't care about the movement outside. He followed Han Fei all the way through the pavilions, corridors, school houses, and debating halls, taking a brief stroll around the school.At the end, Han Fei pointed to the debate hall and said: "According to the past tradition, if the school founded by Mr. wants to be recognized by hundreds of schools, it needs to give a public lecture here and answer everyone's doubts. The time usually lasts for several days to several The month does not wait. If you can leave the book here, it will be better."

"I see."

Chi Yao nodded. This is a bit like a defense. If you can withstand the criticism of hundreds of schools, it means that your theory is at least self-justified and tenable. up.And this is also a means of fame, if you can have a classic question and answer with some celebrities, the effect will be even greater.

"So when can we start?"

"If you are ready, you can do it at any time. To be honest, everyone who came to the academy these days is waiting for you."

Han Fei smiled and reminded him kindly, "Although your Excellency is superb in medical science, in the academy, everyone cares more about the theory of governing the country."

"I understand. It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, so let's do it today!"

Chi Yao is not stage fright at all, it may not be good for him to practice governing the country, but if he only talks about theory, so many years of learning are not in vain.The knowledge-intensive degree of modern cramming teaching is incomparable to the ancients.

Besides, taking a step back, isn’t there an option of physical persuasion?
Publicizing the name of beating up the heirs of hundreds of schools will probably attract many disciples... right?

Anyway, he wasn't worried at all.

"In that case, please follow me."



The layout of the so-called debate hall is very simple.

There is a slightly higher raised platform in the middle that is the position of the speaker, and there are circles and circles of cushions around it.

I don't know how Han Fei notified others. Anyway, when Chi Yao entered the door, there were already people on one-third of the cushions inside.

Don't think that the attendance rate of one-third is very low. After all, ordinary school students are not qualified to come in. They can listen if they want, but they can only listen outside, and there is no chance to question and ask questions.

And the current Jixia Academy is no longer at its peak.

After Chi Yao took the seat in the center, everyone introduced themselves to each other. Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism, name, law, agriculture, yin and yang, military, light and heavy, and other schools of thought are all present here, which can be regarded as all-encompassing.

Even Chi Yao saw Nian Duan in the crowd.

After some simple greetings, Chi Yao began his first speech.

"One of the cores of my Chi family's theory is the Five Elements Theory. In the human body, the Qi of the five internal organs can flow smoothly, so that there can be no disease and no disaster. A country is like a person. If the country is in decline, there must be something wrong with this cycle. At this time , should be like a doctor treating a disease, clarifying the focus of the disease, prescribing the right medicine, and adjusting the circulation. Otherwise, if the medicine is not right, it may be able to cover up for a while, but it will eventually damage the foundation, and it is not a long-term solution."

After talking about the general outline of my point of view, someone asked questions immediately.

"We are very aware of the five internal organs of a person, but what are the five internal organs of this country?"

"Good question!"

Chi Yao clapped his hands and praised, and said loudly, "In my opinion, the five internal organs of a country should be agricultural affairs, military affairs, academic affairs, legal affairs and matters of importance.

"Farmers, the foundation of the country, are the foundation of all growth, and should be the genus of the liver wood. Soldiers, the most important weapon for protecting the country, belong to the lung metal; scholars are the continuous fire of the country, which belongs to the heart fire; These three are the foundation of the country.

"The law is the use of the country. No matter how thick the foundation is, if it is used improperly and it is difficult to integrate power, it is also illusory. To give a very simple example, agriculture, soldiers, and learning are like cultivating internal skills and laying a solid foundation. The law is similar to Learn moves, clever moves can make the internal force exert greater lethality, but without the foundation of the body and internal force, no matter how good the method is, it is useless. Therefore, it can be regarded as the spleen soil responsible for coordination.

"Finally, it is weight. For a person, one should not only care about the situation in one's own body, but also adjust diet and clothing according to external environmental changes, such as weather, geography and other factors, in order to maintain health. The same is true for the country, which only pays attention to domestic It is not enough, the external communication strategy is also a very important part. The technique of weight and severity is like the criss-cross water net, which moistens things silently, and belongs to kidney water.

"These five things go hand in hand to form a cycle and benefit each other, so the country will prosper and the country will last forever. If there is a loss in one place, the cycle disintegrates, the country will not be the country, and disasters will happen!"

After a long speech, almost everyone in the room fell into deep thought, and no one asked a question for a while.

Chi Yao is not in a hurry, because this situation just shows that what he said has greatly touched them, and they need time to digest and understand.

The longer the silence, the better the effect.

But the reason why it is almost is that there are obviously some people who have not kept pace with everyone, such as Gongsun Sheng.

"I don't know what your Excellency thinks of my famous family?"

(End of this chapter)

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