Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 469 Han Fei's Invitation

Chapter 469 Han Fei's Invitation
In the discussion just now, Chi Yao mentioned the five most important things for a country in his eyes. Although he did not specifically refer to those five schools, relatively speaking, they belonged to the schools of agriculture, military, law, and light and heavy. Those who are not mentioned are naturally more happy, while other schools not mentioned are somewhat dissatisfied.

how?Our doctrine is of no benefit to the country, is it?
Others are still analyzing and trying to find loopholes, but disciples from famous schools who are best at debating are different. Even if there are no loopholes, they can create loopholes by themselves!

After all, language is their most powerful weapon.

So Gongsun Sheng was the first to stand up.

The Gongsun family is now regarded as the most influential branch of the famous school, because the last representative figure who can be called "Zi" among the famous schools is Gongsun Longzi.

Now less than ten years have passed since Gongsun Long's death, the influence is still there, and the famous master is not as down and out as in the original plot twenty years later.

However, the path of the famous school itself is more dangerous.They are a school of thought that arose due to a hundred schools of thought contending with each other. They should have taken the route of a master of logic. Debate is just a means for them to use logic. Winning or losing is not the goal. The goal of debating with each other is to find loopholes in their own logic and make up for it. , rather than competitive.

From this point of view, losing the defense is not a bad thing, because the other party helps you find points that can be improved and optimized, allowing you to improve.

But I don't know if the feeling of victory in the debate is too attractive or what is the matter. Except for a few real masters, most of the famous disciples regard themselves as debate masters.The purpose of initiating debates has gradually changed from perfecting one's own logic to purely winning, which has led to a serious problem——

That is the prevalence of sophistry.

Sophistry cannot be said to be meaningless, and the ability to discover these logical traps shows that its own thinking is commendable.But if you rely too much on them, you are actually destroying your foundation.

The reason why many people are willing to debate with famous people is that they use their rigorous logical thinking to help them find possible loopholes in the theory so as to improve it.But when disciples of famous schools are more and more inclined to sophistry, if you argue with them, not only will you not get any gains and improvements, but you may feel disgusted by being bullied.

Now this phenomenon is not too obvious, because Gongsun Longzi is a real master, with him suppressing him, the style of disciples of famous schools is acceptable.But as the so-called Gentleman Zhize was killed by the third generation, after all, he has passed away for almost ten years, and his influence has almost reached its limit.In a few years, that kind of disgust may become the mainstream impression of famous artists.

Once they change their position from masters of logic to masters of leverage, it will be a key point for famous artists to turn from prosperity to decline.

After roughly going through the materials of famous scholars in his mind, Chi Yao replied unhurriedly: "Famous debaters are naturally beneficial to the country, just like a person cannot live only by five internal organs. In my opinion, debate The greatest role of the critics is to question the law and find loopholes, not to violate the law and discipline, but to help repair and improve the unreasonable places in the law.

"Actually, it's not limited to laws. It's impossible for all rules and regulations to be perfect as soon as they are formulated. Then someone needs to find the loopholes to make up for them. And discovering mistakes and omissions is precisely what disciples of famous schools are best at..."

"Find out the leaks and fill in the gaps..."

Gongsun Sheng was thoughtful.

In fact, litigants are the work that many famous disciples are doing, but in the past their focus was indeed on taking advantage of legal loopholes to help people get rid of crimes, or slapping the government in the face, but they seldom stand to help improve the law. Look at your work from the perspective of the text.

In other words, they have always stood on the opposite side of the government, which is actually a common problem of the opposition schools.

If you don't need me, then try my power!From a certain point of view, this is also a kind of self-promotion?

It's just that the effect is not very good.

But if according to what Chi Yao said...

Thinking of this, he subconsciously looked in one direction, and just happened to meet a warm gaze.

Chi Yao's words also inspired Han Fei. As the most representative figure of legalism in the world, he naturally heard the promotion effect of the learning of famous schools on legalism.

Therefore, they were also deliberately looking for Gongsun Sheng, and the two of them instantly understood each other's thoughts when their eyes met.

Compared with the out-of-school schools such as famous schools, Legalism is an out-and-out colossus, and compared with the so-called prominent schools such as Confucianism and Mohism, although the number of Legalists is small, it is obviously more important in the position of the courts of various countries .

Although all schools of thought tried to find ways to govern the country and calm chaos from their own perspectives, the legalists and military strategists were undoubtedly the ones who achieved the highest achievement in this regard.

The disciples from these two schools can really directly affect the rise and fall of a country to a large extent.Compared with Confucianism's "restore Zhouli" and Mohism's idealistic "universal love and non-aggression", the theories of the two are much more practical and easier to be adopted by those in power.

Coupled with Han Fei's identity, Gongsun Sheng had no grievances about joining him.

It is a great spectacle that the disciples of famous schools are so easily persuaded. These people are called debaters at a good level, and savages at a bad level. They can always raise questions from all kinds of weird angles, but they seem to be quite good. Makes sense, and is often maddening.

With this lesson learned, others became more careful when asking questions. After all, this also represented their own level. If the questions they raised were easily solved by others, wouldn't it mean that they lost to Chi Yao!

So, after answering a few more innocuous questions, the first day of defense was over.

This is actually a normal situation. After all, everyone is new to a theory. If you can easily find many loopholes to attack when you come up, it can only show that the theory is too immature and untenable at all.

That's why the customary defense time will be extended to a month. You have to give others some time to study, right?

After the first day of Q&A, Chi Yao received an invitation from Han Fei to listen to the music.



Linzi, Miao Le Fang.

The sound of silk and bamboo orchestras lingers in your ears, and the two cuddle up against the red and green, and talk happily over wine.

"What brother Chi said today is of great benefit to me. The theory of the five viscera of the country is quite novel, but when you think about it carefully, it implies the truth."

Han Fei raised his wine glass and made another respect, "I don't know where is the focus of South Korea's disease from Brother Chi's point of view?"


Chi Yao sighed slightly.

The biggest tragedy in Han Fei's life was that he couldn't let go of South Korea, not from King Han's lineage, but from the whole of South Korea.Although he was born in the royal family, if he just wanted to keep his own family, it was not difficult to do it with Ying Zheng's appreciation for him.

But if he wants to preserve the whole of South Korea, he is going against the sky.

Even Yan State, which ranks as the second weakest of the Warring States alongside South Korea, is at least far away from Qin State, and there is still a lot of room for strategic maneuvering behind it.

In contrast to South Korea...

Not only is it facing the bridgehead of the Qin State, but it is also blocked in all directions by the three great powers of Zhao, Wei, and Chu, with no room for movement at all.

This geographical situation highlights a despair.

Not to mention now, even when South Korea was first established, it is not easy to make it rise.

(End of this chapter)

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