Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 529 Refining the Divine Tree

Chapter 529 Refining the Divine Tree
Yu Yuan Passage.

Today, a small wind suddenly blew in this place that was quite oppressive and heavy.

Several Yu Yuan guards guarding the periphery whispered to each other, their faces full of worry, for fear that something might be wrong with the seal below.

Just as I was about to notify the Great Elder, I realized that the commander was inside, so I felt relieved.

"With the leader here, there must be no problem!"

And at the end of the passage they couldn't go deep into, a pitch-black vortex was constantly spinning in mid-air, and a large amount of abyssal energy was swallowed by it and then disappeared, as if the other end was connected to a hungry glutton.

This so-called Taotie was naturally Chi Yao.

Since I learned the secret of the suppression under Yu Yuan, I also understood why my body does not reject these evil spirits, and will not be hurt like other people.

Because his current body no longer completely belongs to human beings, but a state of human-gu fusion.Under the catalysis of Chiyou's blood essence in Xuefenglin, the power Gu was refined into Chiyou's blood power Gu, and then perfectly fused with his body, obtaining the current physique that Chi Yao himself named as Chiyou's body.

Although the name is so called, it is obviously far from the real Chi You's body.But no matter what, the Chi You's blood essence fused into it is not fake. To some extent, the current Chi Yao can barely be regarded as Chi You's direct blood relatives.

The blood concentration may not be enough, but the purity is extremely high.

And these so-called auras of deep evil are actually a kind of strange power born out of the combination of Chi You's sealed demon body and the special environment of the land of sunset.

It is mixed with attributes such as blood, fighting spirit, resentment, filth, etc. The nature of its power is complex and tends to be dark, which is exactly the opposite of the great Japanese spirit exuded by hibiscus wood.

The human body can't bear such things, so the guards of Yu Yuan in Shushan created the Great Sun Yu Yuan Jue that absorbs both the sun's essence and Yuan Sha's energy at the same time, trying to balance the two forces.

But Chi Yao doesn't need it, his body... can bear it, no, it should be said that he is quite hungry for this kind of power originating from Chi You's body.

Chi Yao had a hunch that enough Yuan Sha Qi could make Chi You Blood Power Gu evolve again.

Therefore, he enjoyed the drudgery of stationing in Yuyuan, which others avoided, and he did not stop almost all day except for the days when he had to leave Shushan for something.

After entering the body, most of the black mist filled Chi Yao's body, as if he was completing something, and the remaining small part was used by him to mix with the sun's essence and turn it into the Great Sun Bathing Abyss Art. internal force.

But even so, because he swallowed too much Yu Yuan's evil spirit, even if less than one-fifth of it turned into internal force, it was still enough to make his internal force surpass that of Concubine Yan. The Sheng-Ke relationship of the internal force attribute can easily suppress it.


Seeing that the black mist in the passage was getting thinner and thinner, Chi Yao slowly stopped the movement of continuing to absorb, "Let's go here first today."

Who made the speed of dissipating the evil spirit from the seal too slow, far inferior to the efficiency of his absorption?
"It would be great if I could just go in..."

Chi Yao squinted his eyes, looking at the seal wrapped in layers of roots of the sacred tree revealed after the evil spirit in front of him was emptied, and said thoughtfully.

Then he walked up to the seal, bit his finger, and began to carve blood symbols bit by bit on the thick and complicated roots.

【Blood Refining Art】!
To put away this hibiscus tree, the first thing to do is to refine it.After much deliberation, the technique of blood refining is the most suitable.

But because the size of this sacred tree is too large, and the roots spread all over the entire mountain range, unless the Shu Mountain is directly split, it is impossible to smear blood in many places.

Therefore, Chi Yao combined the method of water refining and made a little modification to the technique of blood refining.

I saw that the blood talismans he carved did not stay on the surface of the roots, but penetrated in quickly, and nothing could be seen except for turning the bark a little red.

Trees cannot grow without water, even hibiscus wood.

And blood contains a lot of water, so Chi Yao chose to use his own blood instead of ordinary water for the hibiscus tree to absorb, so that the blood can flow throughout the tree, thus refining the sacred tree from the inside.

Of course, such a project is destined to be extremely large and time-consuming, but for this unique hibiscus tree, Chi Yao thinks it is worth it.

However, even if he has a special physique, the blood supply is not unlimited.After all, a small amount of bloodletting may be good for health, but a large amount of blood loss will damage the vitality, so he can only refine a little bit every day.

Time is negligent, and Chi Yao has completed today's practice in a blink of an eye.

Walking all the way along the passage, I received a lot of admiring eyes from Yu Yuan's guards. When I returned to the residence, someone knocked on the door suddenly.

"Come in."

The door was pushed open, and the person who came was An Zi, the subordinate of the startled salamander whom he had seen last time.

"Master Chief."

He handed over a small sealed bamboo tube respectfully, Chi Yao took it and opened it, took out a small note from it, opened it, and felt overjoyed.

It turned out that it was the news from Chu Nangong that the Loulan envoy had responded to him, but because the other party is currently in the Northland, the meeting time was set for a month later.

"A month is too long."

Chi Yao frowned, "Is this guy coming here on foot?"

Although the current traffic is not very developed, but in any case, it doesn't take a month to get anywhere by riding a horse, unless it is like Han Fei returning from Qi to South Korea, walking and playing along the way.

It stands to reason that the dragon soul is an important item of Loulan, and the only goal of these Loulan envoys when they left the ancient country was to retrieve the dragon soul. Shouldn't they rush over to confirm the news?

Why are you so procrastinating?

"Could it be that he guessed that Chu Nangong's news was fake?"

Chi Yao rubbed his chin, "Then how did he know... unless he actually has the whereabouts of the real dragon soul!"

Thinking about it carefully, the theft of Loulan's national treasure, the Dragon Soul, is said to be the work of an inner ghost, so how could this person do nothing after he abandoned his homeland and stole such an important thing?
It must be used in exchange for enough benefits to be in line with common sense.

Therefore, the reason why the Loulan envoys regained the dragon soul after so many years was probably because of the thief, or because the person who holds the dragon soul now has a high position in the outside world, even if they get the news, they can't do it.

So I had to wait until Qin destroyed the six countries and a large number of old nobles perished before finally finding a good opportunity?

"I can't rule out this possibility... It's hard to find a clue about a Loulan person, but don't lose it. Go, let the startled salamander send a message to Yan Lingji and Mo Ya, and search for the whereabouts of Loulan's envoy in Yanzhao. .”

(End of this chapter)

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