Chapter 530 Black Man
After the Yin Yang family invested heavily, the battle situation has undergone some changes.

The Yin-Yang family is slightly different from the general Jianghu sect. Their purpose is to do everything possible to pursue the limit of heaven and man, and to become the way of flying immortals. Therefore, the sages of the sect have developed many forbidden techniques.In addition, they are good at alchemy and astrology. Although personal force can't play a big role on the battlefield with thousands of troops, it is a must in both the hidden front and the auxiliary role.

Especially the masters of the Onmyo family who have mastered the mind-controlling spell can easily detect many secrets, and even instigate some weak-willed court officials.

Coupled with the fact that the confrontation lasted for too long, some countries have already shown signs of weakness in the future.

For example, the country of Yan.

Among the six countries, although the territory of South Korea is small, they are all located in the hinterland of the Central Plains and extremely prosperous.But the country of Yan is different. It is located in the bitter cold area of ​​northern Saibei. Although the territory looks huge, it is very poor.

After the Hezong party has sent troops for so long, Wei State took back its own land in Hexi, and Zhao State and South Korea have recently been allocated some territory.

But Yan State is different.

Among the six countries, they were originally the furthest away from Qin, not to mention that they had no territory at all, and they also lost a lot of money for sending troops.

This made South Korea quite dissatisfied.

And this kind of dissatisfaction will detonate as long as it is provoked a little bit.

That night, the mansion of Yanchun Jun, the younger brother of King Yan, welcomed a guest from the west.

Afterwards, Lord Yanchun entered the palace alone and had a long talk with King Yan.

In the middle of the night, the clatter of horseshoes resounded through the long street, and a fast horse rushed out of Jidu overnight.

Prince's Mansion.

Yan Dan is also receiving a mysterious visitor at this time.

The man was covered in a black robe, with a bamboo hat on his head, and a long sword with no front hanging from his waist. The most peculiar thing was that he had six fingers on his hand holding the wine glass!

These characteristics together point to a top master who is famous all over the world——

Mohist giant, six-fingered black man!
"Juzi, after the Yin-Yang family assisted Qin, the side that joined forces was obviously at a disadvantage. The Mohist school has always been aiming at non-aggression, and even has enmity with the Yin-Yang family. Why not join in and punish Qin?"

Yan Dan persuaded her earnestly.

"His Royal Highness,"

The six-fingered black man pondered, "My Mohist school does advocate non-offense, and I have participated in many wars, but those sages only help people defend the city, and most of my Mohist's mechanism skills are also biased towards defense. Now you ask us to help cooperate Zong, may I ask, which city needs our help to garrison?"

As soon as these words came out, Yan Dan was immediately speechless.

Although he said that it was Tyranny of the Qin Dynasty, but this time the war was indeed fought by the vertical side, and the vertical side was also on the offensive. Qin's three fronts from north to south were all on the defensive.

According to the past habit of the Mo family, it would be interesting not to go to help Qin Guo defend the city at this time.

As for helping people attack the city?

That is something the Mohists would never do.

After Yan Dan was at a loss for words, he quickly changed the subject: "I mean to take action against the Yinyang family. The Yinyang family and my Mohist family are feuds. Even when you first came to power, Juzi, they even sent five elders to ambush."

"Just humiliating yourself."

Six Fingers Heixia said calmly.

Back then, the attack by the five elders of the Yin Yang family was the most dangerous battle in his life, and it was also a battle that truly shook the world.

In that battle, he used the tenth level of "universal love" of the Mohist mentality to defeat his opponents, escaped calmly, and even wounded two elders of the Yinyang family, causing Tubu to resign quickly.

Since then, the name Six Fingers Heixia has been officially written on the top of the rivers and lakes!

Yan Dan is in a hurry. As the prince of a country, he joined the Mohist school not because of the ideals of "universal love", "non-offensive" and "upholding the same", but to take advantage of the situation.

In other words, he also wanted to become a figure like the Fourth Prince of the Warring States Period, raising thousands of followers to run rampant all over the world.But no matter the prestige, wealth or ability, etc., they are far behind those seniors.

So he had to find another way, if the mountain does not come, I will go, and I will go to the mountain.

Unable to recruit outstanding disciples, he simply ran to join the sect and made the Mo family his own.

It is precisely because of the support of the Mo family that he can fight back and forth with his Wang Shu Yanchun Jun.

This time is the same.

Within Yan Kingdom, Yandan is the leader of the main combat faction, and only Yanchun Jun is the leader of the main peace faction.

At this time when King Yan was shaken, the two waves of people fought fiercely.

Yan Dan wants to completely pull the Mohists into the water because he wants to do something to change the current situation of the war.

But it is a pity that Six Fingers Heixia is a mature and wise leader. He has a thorough understanding of the philosophy of Mohism, and he was not easily misled by Yan Dan, so he rejected him sternly.

Make Yan Dan helpless.



The fast horse that drove out from the Yan Palace traveled all the way, and finally delivered the secret letter to the Yan Army camp on the front line.

This time it was the veteran Ju Xin who came out to command the Yan army. He is now gray-haired and in his seventies.

He was a contemporary of Le Yi, and he joined the Yan Kingdom because of King Yan Zhao's thirst for talents. He witnessed the glory of Le Yi's defeat of the Qi Kingdom, and also witnessed the continuous decline of the Yan Kingdom in the next forty years.

There is only one reason why the current King of Yan would let Ju Xin, who is over seventy years old, to lead the army, and that is that the Kingdom of Yan is really hopeless.

Veteran Ju Xin received King Yan's order from the scouts, and immediately he was shocked.

I saw that the order for him to lead the army to retreat was clearly written on the silk cloth.

Seeing such an order, how could Juxin not understand what King Yan meant?
After fighting for so long, Yan Guo paid a lot, but got nothing, so Yan Wang is not going to continue, but wants to make up for the loss from other places.

As a front-line general, Ju Xin naturally understands that the war situation is still very urgent, and it is not the time to discuss how to divide the spoils.But King Yan, who was far away in Jicheng, didn't know.

He can only see that his country's money, food and soldiers are being wasted every day, but he has brought nothing back.

And the target that King Yan intends to attack is also very clear - Zhao Guo.

There was already a lot of friction between Yan and Zhao, and Yan Guo always took the initiative to provoke troubles, and then suffered losses for himself, with repeated defeats and repeated battles.

In addition, this time the most elite frontier army of Zhao State went to attack Qin under the command of Li Mu, so that King Yan saw the possibility of a shame.

Of course, provocations and temptations from the Qin side are also indispensable.

From the bottom of his heart, Ju Xin doesn't agree with King Yan's approach, but he is just a general, not a prince, and he can only obey King Yan's decision.

So he ordered all the soldiers and horses under his command, abandoned the city that Lord Xinling arranged for the Yan army to station, and led the army northward.

That direction is exactly the hinterland of Zhao State.

(End of this chapter)

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