Chapter 535 Injustice (Two in One)

Chi Yao didn't pay attention to the wars on the line of Qin, Zhao, and Yan, but he had already entered the territory of Yan at this moment.

Because the traces of Loulan's envoys have been discovered by Mo Ya and the others.

"That person lives in front?"

Chi Yao asked while standing at the end of the cold long street.

"Back to the master,"

Mo Ya reported, "The man's surname is Lu, and his name is Lu Fang. I don't know if it's a pseudonym. He is now a Mohist disciple."

"The Mo family?"

Chi Yao was a little surprised.


Mo Ya nodded, "According to our investigation, he came to Yan Country ten years ago, and later met a mechanism master of the Mohist School by chance, and found that he had a good talent for learning mechanism skills, so he introduced him Momen, and then he stayed for nearly ten years."

"Is that so..."

Chi Yao thought about it. In the original plot, the person who found the dragon soul and was about to send it back to Loulan, but was discovered and killed by the Qin State, also seemed to be named Lu, called Uncle Lu, and arranged his house as a mechanical factory. Square, the method is quite good.

"Could it be that the real master is found by just grabbing it casually? The Dragon Soul is also in Jicheng at this moment?"

This coincidence made Chi Yao's heart skip a beat.

According to the previous analysis, it is very likely that this Lu Fang has already found the clue of the Dragon Soul, but he has been procrastinating because of his lack of strength and influence, making it difficult to succeed.

"Hiss~ So, could it be that the Dragon Soul is in the Mo family? Otherwise, why would he join the Mo family?"

After all, finding the dragon soul is an extremely secretive matter. Although there are many people and strength, everyone is innocent and guilty.If the news spreads, it is hard to guarantee that someone will not be tempted by such a rare treasure.

Anyway, the gods are self-defeating, and the dragon soul is not a dead thing, so it is better to let it be regarded as a worthless thing, so that the Loulan envoys are more likely to succeed.

As for the information provided by Chu Nangong, it was purely based on personal relationships.

This wise man of Chu has a really wide network of contacts.

After a little thought, Chi Yao didn't hesitate, and walked towards Lu Fang's residence.

With his identity and strength, there is no need to play any tricks with Lu Fang, just go to the door and ask, and he will be fascinated if he doesn't talk, it doesn't take much effort.

However, just as they were about to go to the door, that Lu Fang suddenly pushed open the door by himself and left in a hurry.

Seeing this, Chi Yao quietly followed.

Lu Fang hurried all the way, and finally stopped in front of a tall mansion, where an old man was waiting for him.

"Master, that one is Tian Sheng, the Mohist's mechanism master, who is also the guide who led Lu Fang in."

Chi Yao raised his head and looked at the huge words "Prince's Mansion" on the plaque, feeling a little puzzled.

Many people know about Yan Dan's connection with the Mohist family, but the fact that he secretly joined the Mohist family and even sat in a high-level position is a secret, whether it is now or after the unification of the world, even the leaders of the Mohist family are not very clear.

It's a bit too ostentatious to invite Mohist disciples to come to the door in such a grand manner.

He thought for a while, and waved at Mo Crow.Then the two quietly sneaked into the prince's mansion, and followed Lu Fang and Tian Sheng all the way to the living room.

Of course, the two Mohist mechanism masters were under the hall, but the two of them were on the roof.

Through the gaps in the bricks and tiles, Chi Yao saw that in the hall below, besides the two mechanism masters of the Mohist school, there was also a rather majestic man.

"Is that Yan Dan? What is he going to do?"

Chi Yao listened to the conversation below.

"Master Tian, ​​you are here!"

Yan Dan seemed to be very anxious about Tian Sheng's arrival, and immediately stepped forward to hold the opponent's arm.

"His Royal Highness."

Tian Sheng lightly cupped his fists and gave a salute.

"Master, I don't know what I have asked, how will the giant respond?"

Yan Dan looked really anxious.

Of course, he should really be anxious.

Although within the Yan State, he is the main combat faction that supports He Zong, but this does not mean that he is willing to be coerced by Yan State to join it.

Although the sending out of Yan State's troops before was also due to factors of coercion, it was a judgment based on the general situation, and it was a big difference from being threatened to send troops when the soldiers were approaching the city.

So no matter what, they must stop Zhao's crusade this time, otherwise, although Yan will not be destroyed, it will be completely reduced to Zhao's vassal.

The situation is even worse than that of South Korea, which has been caught between Zhao Wei and Qin.

After all, South Korea can still choose to bargain from both sides, but Qi State, another neighboring country of Yan State, has already lost the desire to compete with Zhao State.

However, war is not just about shouting slogans.

Although Zhao Guo only sent [-] elite soldiers this time, Yan Guo's national strength and military strength are already weaker than Zhao Guo's. After Ju Xin took away [-] horses, Yan Guo's remaining army is not many, which can be called elite even less.

However, Jidu in Yan State is not far from the border of Yanzhao. As long as Zhao Jun crosses Yishui, he will be able to approach the city soon.

So Yan Guochaotang was as anxious as ants on a hot pot after hearing the news.

Some people suggested asking Qin State for rescue, some suggested that they simply submit and continue to join forces, and some people thought that they would not choose either. As long as they could stand by for a longer period of time, Zhao State would naturally collapse.

After all, not everyone is Qin, who can easily support multi-line operations.

After some discussion, the task of contacting Qin State was given to the younger brother Yanchun Jun, and the task of resisting Zhao Jun was assigned to him, the crown prince!

Of course, this is not to ask Yan Dan to personally lead the troops to defend the city, but to let him take charge of the defense and dispatch various resources.

Although Yan Dan doesn't know the art of war, he still has a relatively clear understanding of the combat effectiveness of Yan Jun and Zhao Jun.

He understands that it is very difficult to defend by conventional means alone.

So he immediately thought of the most famous group of professional city guards in the world—the Mo family!
Before, he asked the giant of the Mo family, Liuzhi Heixia, to help Yan and help the Heilongjiang side. Liuzhi Heixia asked him which city he wanted to help defend, but he couldn't answer because the Heizong coalition forces were on the offensive at that time.

But it's different now.

The city that needs to be defended has appeared, and it is the mainland of Yan Kingdom!

So he hurriedly wrote a letter to Six Fingers Heixia to explain the situation, hoping that the other party would bring Mohist disciples to support him.


Hearing Yan Dan's question, Tian Sheng took out a piece of cloth from his cuff, and said while passing it, "The giant said, Mohist disciples should not go out to fight easily, but we can provide some defensive equipment."


The news was like a bolt from the blue, making Yan Dan dizzy for a while, "How, how could it be?"

He grabbed Tian Sheng's arm: "The giant told me that the Mohists oppose all unjust wars! Zhao Guo wantonly invaded our Yan Kingdom. Isn't this an unjust war? Why can't the Mohist disciples come?"

"His Royal Highness..."

Tian Sheng pushed Yan Dan's palm away slowly but firmly, "Do you want to hear the truth?"

"Of course!" Yan Dan replied without hesitation.

"The giant once said that the agreement of the Five Kingdoms has been completed, but the war has not yet ended, and the Yan State unilaterally tore up the contract. Some of them are not for the country of Yan, but for the people of Li."


After hearing this, Yan Dan was speechless. While cursing Yan Chunjun who came up with such a bad idea in his heart, he tried to explain, "Master Tian, ​​I can explain this problem. The war has dragged on for a long time, and our country of Yan is actually unable to support it. That's why..."

"His Royal Highness,"

Tian Sheng interrupted his words, "It's useless for you to tell me these things. You have cooperated with the Mohists many times, and you should understand what those Mohists value most. Yan Guo has lost faith in their eyes. It's useless to say anything."

The Mohist school once fell apart after the death of the founder Mozi. Although all the major branches have returned after a long time, the differences in ideas between them have not been resolved.

Because there is no one among the Mohists of the younger generation who can be as inclusive as Mo Di, so that the disciples of all branches are convinced.

And it just so happens that the one who likes to help people defend the city the most is the successor of Chu Mo's philosophy - Mo Xia.

They value righteousness and despise profit, where righteousness lies, even if they die nine times, they will not regret it.

However, Yan Guo's behavior of betraying the alliance this time was despised by several Mo Xia commanders, and it was impossible for Six Fingers Hei Xia to force them to help defend the city. You must know that helping to defend the city is often equivalent to death.

If it is not a voluntary act, it is easy to cause problems.

So even if he valued Yan Dan again, valued the relationship network and interests of the representatives behind him, he could only order the agency department to send some city defense equipment.

"Oh, it's kind of interesting."

On the roof, Chi Yao, who watched the whole scene, laughed secretly.

There is nothing wrong with the logic of the Mohists. The co-ordinated contract is established, and breaking the contract is naturally a sign of lack of faith. In the eyes of Mo Xia, the Yan Kingdom may be even more hateful.

Still want them to help defend the city?Dreaming!

Afterwards, Yan Dan had nothing to say. Since the Mo family could not count on him, he could only think of other ways, so he arranged for Tian Sheng and Lu Fang to be sent out, and took their defense equipment to Yi. Set up a defense line by the water.

After all, talk is better than nothing!

"Go, keep up!"

Chi Yao waited until Lu Fang and Tian Sheng said goodbye and went home to pack up, and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

Lu Fang opened the door a gap.

"I'm Chu Nangong's friend. I want to ask you something. Is it convenient to go in and talk about it?"

While talking, Chi Yao walked into the room without caring whether Lu Fangtong agreed or not.

At this time, Lu Fang's expression had become somewhat vigilant.

Because he remembered that Chu Nangong sent him a letter saying that he had found the Dragon Soul, but he knew where the Dragon Soul was now, so how could Chu Nangong find it?So he ignored it.

But I didn't expect that the other party actually came to the door. Does this seem to be the way of a clue provider?

"What's the matter with you?"

He slowly retreated to the side of the table and quietly held a bamboo tube on the table with his palm.

"take it easy,"

Chi Yao waved his hand, "I don't mean anything malicious. I just want to ask you how to get to Loulan?"

"What are you doing in Loulan?"

Hearing this question, Lu Fang's face became more alert.

"I am very interested in historical sites. I heard that it is a real ancient country, and there are many relics from the savage era to the present. There are even things left by Nine Heavens Xuannv herself. I am curious and want to see it."

Chi Yao explained with a smile.


But Lu Fang flatly refused, "The location of Loulan is top secret, and people from other countries are not welcome to set foot here!"

This made Chi Yao's smile slightly condensed: "You don't think about it anymore? We really don't have any malicious intentions, we just want to see it."

"No negotiation!"

Lu Fang's tone was still firm.


Chi Yao sighed, "I originally wanted to talk to you calmly, why did you insist on forcing me?"


Before Chi Yao finished speaking, Lu Fang's expression changed suddenly, his wrist tensed and he was about to turn the bamboo tube in his palm.

But suddenly he found himself unable to move.

Bowing his head, a layer of frost slowly surfaced on the table, which actually froze the bamboo tube.

Looking up, he found that the ice on Chi Yao's fingertips had not dissipated.

Before Lu Fang could think about the next step, he felt that Chi Yao's eyes suddenly became deep and dark, as if a bottomless abyss was about to suck his soul into it.

He struggled to resist, but his consciousness was still getting blurred.

After a while, looking at Lu Fang with a stiff face and empty eyes, Chi Yao smiled slightly and sat by the bed.


"Lu Fang."

"It's not a pseudonym, you are quite real."

Chi Yao smacked his lips, "Have you found the dragon soul? Where is it?"

"It hasn't been found yet, but important clues have been found and the scope has been locked."

Lu Fang's tone didn't change at all, it was steady and dull.


"I found out that a Mohist disciple once found the dragon soul that had fallen into self-proclaimed and failed to recover."

Lu Fang explained, "He thought it was some kind of special metal material, and wanted to use it to make a sword, but found it difficult to melt, and then he stayed in the organ city."

"That's why you joined the Mo family, the purpose is to go to the city of organs to find the dragon soul?"


"It's been ten years since you joined the Mohist School. Have you made any progress?"

"I ruled out many places, but there are still some places that I can't get in yet in my capacity."

Lu Fang shook his head.

"for example?"

"Forging sword pool, ink core, underwater mechanism..."

When talking about this topic, Lu Fang began to keep talking, so Chi Yao had no choice but to stop quickly, and then shook his head helplessly.

"It's no wonder that according to the original timeline, you won't be ready to return to Loulan until almost twenty years later... Your efficiency is too low. And there are some places in it that you have to be a Mohist giant to see. Forget it , if there is no dragon soul, let’s go, take me to Loulan first and then talk about it.”

" can't go there anytime."

Lu Fang replied.

"How to say?"

"In order to keep out the desert wind and sand, there is an enchantment around Loulan, and there is a giant sand beast guarding the entrance. When the dragon soul is there, the passage can be opened with the help of the dragon soul, but now we can only wait for the moon phase to turn to the annual enchantment. Let’s talk about it when we are weak.”

"So much trouble! When was that?"

Chi Yao was a little surprised that there was a wind and sand barrier protection around Loulan, but the more outrageous Loulan's performance was, the more benefits he could gain from it, so there was a hint of joy in his surprise.

"This year's time is about three months away."

"Three months? Well, then I will come to you again."



After dispelling the effect of the ecstasy, Lu Fang came back to his senses and looked around in confusion. He felt vaguely that something had happened just now, but he couldn't figure it out clearly.

"Could it be that you've been too tired recently?"

He didn't have time to think about it, he quickly packed up some things and rushed to join Tian Sheng.

Behind him, on the high roof, Chi Yao looked at Lu Fang's back, and said lightly: "Protect his life, don't die."

(End of this chapter)

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