Refine Gu to become immortal from one person

Chapter 536 This General Is Too Steady

Chapter 536 This General Is Too Steady
Three months passed quickly.

Although Six Fingers Heixia dispatched several mechanics and some defense equipment for Yan Dan's sake, their style of defending the city was quite different from that of Mo Xia.

The Mo Xias help defend the city, they value loyalty over life and death, and basically live and die with the city.

Mechanics divisions are different, most of them are technical geeks, they don't really care about righteousness or profit, and there is no loyalty between them and Yan Guo.So instead of saying that they came to help defend the city, it is better to say that they came here to find an opportunity to adjust their own organs and equipment in actual combat.

As for whether the city guard can hold it, they don't care.

Although the attitude is awkward, but because the skills are really superb, some black technological creations of the Mohist did cause Zhao Jun a certain degree of trouble.

However, in any case, these mechanisms and equipment alone are not enough to change the outcome of a war.

Although a little slower than expected, Zhao Jun finally crossed Yishui and forced his troops under Jicheng.

The king of Yan was terrified, and was forced to sign an alliance with the state of Zhao under the city, to re-increase troops on the front line, and promised to double the supply of food, grass and supplies.

In this raid, although the prince Yandan, who shouldered the heavy responsibility of defense, failed in the battle, he did not lose completely, because Yanchun Jun, who was the main peace faction, received a heavier blow.On the contrary, because the State of Yan would continue to fight against Qin, and the King of Yan became sick with fear, he, as the main combatant, took over more power and resources.

Whether this is a good thing, however, remains to be seen.

If the joint party wins the final victory this time, then as the leader of the main combat faction in the Yan Kingdom, Yan Dan may be able to force his father to abdicate and call himself king with a wave of his arms.

But if He Zong still fails in the end, then King Yan only needs to push out this most conspicuous and active son to appease Qin's anger.

After all, he himself was sick at the time, and the decision-making was made by the prince, and the widow didn't know about it.

But these are the aftermath.

In the past three months, the frontline battlefield of Hezong has also caused a lot of disturbances because of the Yan State incident.

On the northern line, Wang Jian's troops failed after a few tentative attempts, but because his arrangements were cautious and thorough, although they suffered a small loss, Lord Xinling did not take the opportunity to expand the results of the battle.

As for the center line, after receiving a letter from Wang Jian that Lord Xinling had left, Meng Wu hesitated for a moment, and chose to stand still and guard against death.

It seems that he has a very clear understanding of his own position and mission. He is demanding stability along the way. Holding down the main force of Han and Wei on the opposite side is a great achievement, and he does not need to break the deadlock.

On the contrary, if he accidentally falls into a trap with one move and makes the center line fall, that will be the real disaster.

His son Meng Tian asked for orders to take a cavalry to have a look, but Meng Wu also refused.

Such over-cautiousness made Li Mu, who had been replaced, helpless.

His prestige in the Korean-Wei coalition army is not as good as that of Lord Xinling, so it is impossible to carry out a strong attack strategy. Once he attacks, he must gain something, otherwise the army's morale will inevitably become suspicious, and his actions will be even more restrained in the future.

But even though Li Mu is a famous general, he has nothing to do in the face of an overly stable Meng Wu and a mighty pass that is one of the best in the world.

Apart from complaining in his heart that Meng Wu is really the reincarnation of a tortoise, he can only sigh at Chengkong.

However, although this strategy of changing generals failed to achieve the expected benefits, it still held the Qin army firmly, so that they had no chance to make any troubles on the front line when the Yan country was in chaos.

In general, the strategic goal of the joint party has been achieved.

After all, their original purpose was to ensure that they would not be taken advantage of by the Qin army when solving the problems of Yan State.

As for relying on changing the opponent to catch the opponent by surprise, it is a surprise if it succeeds, and it is not a loss if it fails.

As the saying goes, seek what is above and get what is in it, nothing more than that.

On the contrary, it was Qin who seemed to have cracked the opponent's strategy, but in real terms, it was actually a missed opportunity that might turn the tide of the battle.

Now that the matter of the Yan Kingdom has subsided, the battle situation has returned to the old view, and it is still in a see-saw state. Both sides are patient and looking forward to the next change.



Thistle City.

The crown prince Yandan is now in control of the power, in addition to promoting and supporting his own officials in the court, he is also generous in investing in the Mohist family.

In name, it was to thank the Mohists for their support, but in fact, they wanted to occupy a higher voice in it.

The last time Mo Xia was unwilling to help, although the reason was that Yan Guo had betrayed the alliance, it seemed high-sounding.But in his opinion, it was mainly because he hadn't been able to recruit enough people.

He didn't want this kind of thing to happen again, so he had to find a way to solve it.

In Yan Dan's view, righteousness can be divided into small righteousness and great righteousness.

For Mohism as a whole, righteousness may be more important.But for individuals, Xiaoyi is the key.

For example, a scholar dies for his confidant. This is a typical Xiaoyi perspective.Because a person has given himself a favor, he can die for him.

As for whether this person has done other good or bad things, these are not important.

The righteousness is different, and the killing of relatives in righteousness is one of the most extreme situations.

That is to say, no matter whether this person treats me well or not, as long as he violates righteousness, then I will destroy him.

Yan Dan can't guarantee that what he will do in the future will be in line with the righteousness in the hearts of Mohist disciples. No, it should be said that as a prince and the future king of Yan, he should not care about righteousness or injustice in his future actions. Everyone The points of attention are completely different!
Therefore, he set his sights on Xiaoyi.

As long as I treat you well, you have to repay me. This is how a powerful man like him makes friends with people from the Jianghu.

He didn't do this before, firstly because he didn't have enough power and money, and secondly because he didn't know enough about Mohism.

But after this incident, he came to his senses.

Not only did he want to use money to show kindness, but he also began to actively select people with potential to join the Mo family.

With his support behind them, these people will definitely develop much faster than others.

When their status gradually improves, Yandan's right to speak within the Mohist will naturally rise accordingly.

Just like in the original timeline, in the future Mohist family, four of the seven leaders in total were recruited by Yan Dan. With such power, the Mohist family has almost become his monopoly.

In this way, it is possible for Mohist disciples to appear on the battlefield to fight against Qin repeatedly.

After all, as a school of thought, Mohism should have no national position.In the end, it turned out to be against Qin everywhere, which is unreasonable no matter how you think about it.

And his first target was Lu Fang, who had shown impressive mechanical skills at the Bank of Yishui this time.

As for why Master Tian Sheng himself was not chosen, it was because the other party was already one of the leaders of the branch, and what he could offer was very limited.

But Lu Fang is different.

He is just an ordinary disciple at present, and it is quite expensive to study mechanism skills, and with the reason of helping to defend the country of Yan, it is logical for Yan Dan to buy him.

As for some Mohist disciples, because of their lack of talent, Yan Dan simply rewarded them without paying much attention.

However, just when Yan Dan was about to visit Lu Fang in person, someone sent a message:
"It's not good, His Royal Highness, Lu Fang is gone!"

(End of this chapter)

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