Kacha Kacha~
There were bursts of crackling and overlapping chewing sounds. In the eyes of the three members of the Yinyang family, the huge iron door seemed to be dizzy by water. A hole appeared from the very center, and then spread outwards little by little.

The [Jetian Lock] that once firmly blocked Donghuang Taiyi had no ability to resist the bite of the [Gold Devourer], and could only watch as he was violently cracked by this method without technical content. .

All the principles of the world, yin, yang, and five elements contained in it are all reduced to nothingness.

It didn't take long for the chewing sound to fade away, and there was a gap in the lower half of the big iron gate enough for one person to walk together.

Chi Yao raised his hand, signaling Donghuang Taiyi and the others to go in first.

"Why not make the entrance wider?"

Concubine Yan asked as she walked.

"It's too big to hide."

Chi Yao was the last to enter the door, and then ordered the gold eaters who had eaten the iron door to lie down at the gap, and even filled it up again.Because the color is close and the entrance of the forbidden area is already underground and there is insufficient light, looking around, there are not many flaws.

"This is the forbidden area of ​​the Mo family. There may be many dangers in it. If they find out that they have activated some mechanism halfway, it may be very troublesome."

The few people walked while talking, and soon passed through a narrow and dark tunnel, and saw a door.


Looking at the big pit about [-] meters long in front of the door, several people fell silent.

There is nothing wrong with a simple earth pit, but under the dim light, there are countless dots of cold light shining in the pit.

Chi Yao, who had the strongest eyesight, could see it most clearly, it was clearly spikes as thick as forearms!
If this falls accidentally, I'm afraid it will be turned into a hedgehog.

"Hmph, what tricks are the Mo family playing again?"

Naturally, this thing is not difficult for the few of their masters. Although they can't lift a hundred meters in one go with lightness kung fu, they can easily pass by stepping on the stone walls on both sides.

The reason for their doubts is that they are puzzled by why the Mohists arranged such things in the forbidden area.

According to the legend, only the head of the sect can enter this place. Does it mean that Mohist giants have to be so troublesome every time they come in?

Therefore, Chi Yao, who was the only one who knew the truth, said, "Perhaps this is not just a retreat for the Mohists, but also a testing ground."


"That's right, maybe going to the end means that you are qualified to become a giant of the Mohist family?"

He spoke the truth in a joking tone.


Donghuang Taiyi said indifferently, "Then let's try it."

The organ I got just now is called Tiger Leaping, and after Tiger Leaping, there is Sarutobi. These two organs are actually similar, and a few people can easily pass through them relying on lightness skills.

Then they came to the Dragonmaw Chamber.

As soon as they arrived here, the breaths of the three members of the Yin Yang family fluctuated violently at the same time.

Because on the stone platform in the center of the secret room, a magnificent Linglong Pagoda is turning leisurely.

"Blissful heavenly charm, thousands of magic sounds..."

Donghuang Taiyi murmured, "No mistake, this is the phantom sound treasure box!"

He took two steps forward and reached out to grab the box under the Linglong Tower.

But at this moment, there was a sound of machine guns all around, and suddenly dozens of stone pillars filled with sharp blades were spinning and began to shrink inward.

Looking at that posture, it won't be long before the four of them will be crushed into pieces.

The situation suddenly became tense.

However, none of the four people present cast their eyes on those cold knife pillars.

Because at this time, the stone platform carrying the phantom sound treasure box actually began to fall automatically, as if it wanted to take things away.

Is this still available?

The treasure that the Yinyang family has been looking for for so many years has been exposed to the eyes of Donghuang Taiyi, how can it slip away?

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the treasure box, then flicked his sleeves hard.


The golden qi energy surged out from Donghuang Taiyi's sleeve robe, and the qi energy that should have been invisible turned into the most violent sledgehammer at this time, directly smashing the surrounding knife pillars that were slowly approaching.

Whether it was the stone pillar itself or the sharp knives stuck on it, all of them were turned into powder under Donghuang Taiyi's [Soul Xi Longyou] casually swung.

"Hmph, flashy!"

Donghuang held the phantom sound treasure box in each hand, with an intoxicated look on his face, as if he was deeply attracted by the peerless magic sound.

Looking at his appearance as the king of Tota, Chi Yao secretly smiled in his heart, and asked, "Now that the things are in hand, should we continue to move forward?"

"No need, except for the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, there are all children's tricks here, and there is no value for exploration."

Donghuang Taiyi's tone was quite disdainful.

This comes from the metaphysicians' contempt for materialistic mechanics.

Compared with the lofty way of heaven they pursued, the disciples of the Mohist school who dealt with wood, stone, copper and iron all day did seem a little less aggressive.

Subsequently, several people chose to return the same way.

After getting the Phantom Sound Treasure Box, Donghuang Taiyi seemed to be attracted by it all his mind. He even forgot the initial announcement to destroy the Mohist family, and left the mechanism city in a hurry.

At this time, he was like a scumbag who discarded old toys because he found new ones.

Concubine Yan and Moon God had never seen Donghuang Taiyi in this state, so they didn't dare to remind them at this time.As for Chi Yao, he doesn't have any deep hatred with the Mohist family. After finding Pixiu, it doesn't make any difference to him whether the Mohisthism exists or not.

So, without disturbing many people, they entered and exited the organ city at will.

As for what to do with the revived Master Class and the big hole in the gate of the forbidden area after they left, that's not something they need to consider.



Donghuang Taiyi almost flew all the way back to Yinyang's house to study the phantom sound treasure box.

Chi Yao was not as eager as they were, but after leaving the organ city, he also took out the ball from his arms and began to try to wake up the little Pixiu.

He first tried to inject Qi into it, but he didn't get any feedback. He couldn't tell whether it was a dead thing or a living thing when he looked at it with the Heavenly Gu Qi Watching Technique.

"In the original book, Pixiu was revived after seeing Xiao Li, the incarnation of the tears of the goddess..."

Chi Yao took out the tears of the goddess from the swallowing capsule.

This was his second biggest gain after the Chi You Sword during his last trip to Loulan.

Holding the necklace-shaped Tears of the Goddess, he shook the Pixiu again and again, but to his dismay, the little Pixiu still maintained its spherical dormant state and did not respond.

"Does it have to be transformed to be sensed by the little Pixiu?"

Chi Yao looked at the two things in his hand with some distress.

Who knows what conditions are needed for Xuannv's Tears to transform into form?Could it be that I can only wait aimlessly?
"Pixiu woke up after seeing the incarnation of the tears of the goddess. It should be sensitive to the aura of the mysterious girl. So besides the aura of the Nine Heavens Xuannv, what else might it be familiar with?"

Chi Yao began to recall the legend of Loulan.

"When did Pixiu and the Dragon Soul be put into this world by the Mystic Nine Heavens? The Dragon Soul seems to be the power source of the God of Soldiers, so it should be given to Chi You at the same time as the Goddess's Tears. And Pixiu... Probably after Chiyou was defeated by the Yellow Emperor, Nine Heavens Xuannv took out the dragon soul from the Demon God and replaced it with a storage container? By the way, they seem to be shouldering the mission of preserving the continuation of the bloodline of the Chiyou clan together with the tears of the goddess. .”

Thinking of this, Chi Yao couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

Xiao Li in the original book should be the last bit of blood of the Chiyou clan, and it was able to take shape under the influence of the power of the goddess' tears.Seeing her face, little Pixiu immediately revived.But replaced by the same body with Chi You's blood, and even closer to Chi You's body because it absorbed a large amount of Yuan Sha Qi transformed from Chi You's remnant body, it was like a stubborn stone, and it didn't give the slightest reaction.

What's the point of this? !

"Maybe I should give it some Abyssal Qi to taste..."

As soon as he thought of it, Chi Yao released a faint black and red mist with one hand, and with the other hand, he drew out Chi You's sword and stuck it close to the ball that Pixiu had transformed into into the ground.

Under such a double threat, the ball slowly moved a little.

It started to shake from side to side, as if it wanted to escape from this environment, but where is there room for it to escape in Chi Yao's hands?
So, after a while, the simple patterns on the surface of the ball began to twist, and the potato-like ball turned into a small beast in the blink of an eye.

Its body shape is like a tiger and leopard, but its head and tail are more like a dragon. Its skin color is both gold and jade, and there are many hidden lines on it.The wings are short and fleshy, making one wonder if it can fly with this thing.There is also a pair of big watery eyes that flicker and flicker, no one will think how powerful this guy is, but it is just a cute beast.

Although little Pixiu didn't speak, Chi Yao understood its meaning through eye contact.

"You say I'm a bad guy?"

He looked at the aggrieved accusation of the little guy who could be held up with both hands, and he couldn't help but laugh, "Don't say that, I did this to wake you up with a familiar breath! Think of the dragon in your stomach back then. Hun is a close partner who fought side by side with this Chi You sword, now that thousands of years have passed, it would be nice to see an old acquaintance?"

"Hey! Hey!"

Little Pixiu doesn't seem to be able to speak human language, but its cry miraculously makes Chi Yao understand what it means.

"Oh, so you are afraid that I will take out the dragon soul from your body to restart the soldier demon?"

Chi Yao was stunned, "Why, does doing so hurt you in any way?"

In the narration of Xiao Pixiu's "嘤嘤嘤", Chi Yao figured it out.

It turns out that for thousands of years, this dragon soul has reached a certain degree of symbiotic relationship with the little Pixiu.

This is not difficult to understand.Pixiu is an auspicious beast of the same level as a real dragon. According to legend, it has a mouth without anus, and can swallow everything without venting. It's also normal.

And if that's the case...

Chi Yao's eyes lit up: "Then if you completely digest this dragon soul, won't you be able to achieve great growth?"

After all, Pixiu is an auspicious animal that is also known as dragon, phoenix, unicorn, etc. Now this palm-sized appearance that can only be cute is a bit embarrassing.Since that dragon soul can be used as the driving energy of the Warrior Demon God, it presumably contains a lot of energy.If it can promote the rapid growth of Pixiu, it is undoubtedly the best choice at the moment.

As for the soldiers and demon gods... To be honest, Chi Yao was not very interested in such things.

After all, his main purpose now is to prepare for his own safety in the next world, not how to rule this world.

So, looking at the big cute eyes of little Pixiu, Chi Yao asked with a smile: "It's not impossible to give you the dragon soul, but I lost such a large combat power as the soldier demon god, how do you make up for it?"


Little Pixiu tilted his head, trying to pass the test with cuteness.

It's a pity that Chi Yao doesn't like it, "Anyway, I remember that the order Xuannv gave you was to help the Chiyou tribe continue? You see, I am the only Chiyou tribe left in this world. It is you who protect me. mission! Isn’t it?”


Little Pixiu thought about it, and felt that what Chi Yao said seemed to be correct, and even felt a little guilty for the behavior of not being able to hide before.

Seeing that the little guy is so easy to deceive, Chi Yao hit the iron while it was hot, squeezed out a drop of blood and handed it to the little Pixiu's mouth: "Come on, we can sign a new contract. I will do my best to help you grow, and you must also be single-minded in the future." How about protecting me?"


Little Pixiu agreed, and then happily swallowed the drop of blood under Chi Yao's gesture.

Essence blood is not ordinary blood, it contains the source of Chi Yao's power, which is quite attractive to the Pixiu who can swallow everything.

This step is actually somewhat similar to subduing natal Gu, but the binding force is slightly weaker.This drop of essence and blood will allow the two of them to achieve a preliminary state of connection where both will prosper and all will suffer.

"very good!"

Feeling the extra vague connection, the smile on Chi Yao's face became more sincere, "Now you can tell me, besides absorbing the power of the dragon soul, how can I help you grow up quickly?"


"What? Wait another five hundred years?"

After hearing this, Chi Yao shook his head again and again, never saying whether he could live that long, even if he could, he was not willing to spend so much time in this world waiting for little Pixiu.After all, due to the limitation of the world level, it is difficult for him to make more breakthroughs in his strength.

"No, no, it's okay to change it, or talk about any way to help you absorb the dragon soul as soon as possible."


"Eat? What do you want to eat?"


"Anything is fine? Are you Pixiu or Gluttony?"


It seems that because Chi Yao compared it with Taotie and other evil beasts, the little Pixiu rarely showed anger, bared his teeth and let out a dissatisfied roar.

Although not intimidating, it is still very cute.

"Okay, okay, you said that eating some dragon gas can help digest the dragon soul? What's the point? And there are evil beasts and evil spirits? Uh..."

After hearing the specific request of little Pixiu, Chi Yao fell into deep thought.

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