Since the trip to the city of organs, time has passed in a flash, and another spring and autumn has passed.

During this period of time, Donghuang Taiyi retreated to study the phantom sound treasure box, and Chi Yao was not idle. He took the little Pixiu to almost all the mountains and rivers in the southwest. Although the evil spirits did not see it, the evil beasts were full.

Even so, Pixiu's small body has only grown up a little bit, and it is still cute and not half deterrent.This kind of combat power is far below the standard of the spirit beast that Chi Yao imagined.

"It seems that these ordinary mortal beasts have limited effect on you. I am afraid that if all the beasts in this world are wiped out, they may not be able to provide you with much help. Can you only rely on dragon energy?"

Chi Yao was a little distressed.

Dragon energy sounds absurd to say the least, but in fact there are only two sources.One is the real dragon, and the second is the luck from the real dragon emperor.

Note that this does not refer to the luck of the country, but the luck of the emperor himself.Although it is often said that the emperor's temperament is integrated with the country, which is the so-called [I am the country].But strictly speaking, the two are not exactly the same.

But looking around the world, among the kings of the Seven Kingdoms today, the only one who can cultivate dragon spirit is Qin Wang Yingzheng, and at present it is only a black dragon. Others say it is a black snake. Even similar to a loach.

"Judging from this trend, I'm afraid that Ying Zheng's luck will turn into a real dragon only after the state of Qin sweeps away the world."

Chi Yao pondered.

Calculating the time is only about ten years, he can wait for it, but he still respects this emperor through the ages who has completed the great cause of China's unification.

Although according to historical development, the death of the Great Qin II shows that his luck may not be stable.But no matter what, Chi Yao didn't really want to be the real gravedigger of the Qin Dynasty, especially to personally deprive this eternal emperor of luck.

"Maybe... I can try to make a deal with him."

He rubbed his chin lightly, "Didn't Ying Zheng become obsessed with immortality later on? Anyway, there is a high probability that he will be able to cultivate immortals in the next world. I wonder if he will be tempted? Or use Yuan Tiangang's longevity medicine to make his lifespan equal to that of the country. stop?"

Thinking about it this way, there are actually many ways, so Chi Yao is not in a hurry.Just let Xu Fu, the head of the Yin Yang family, find a way to subtly reveal the concept of longevity medicine to Ying Zheng, and then wait quietly for the opportunity.



Without Chi Yao's troubles, although the history of this world was slightly disturbed, it was still back on track after all.

Ying Zheng successfully resolved the power dispute between himself and Lu Buwei, and reactivated the huge war machine of Qin State with all its strength.

Yes, conferring titles based on military merits, and Qin State, which speaks of military merits, is an out-and-out war machine, not only the King Qin who inherited the survivors of the sixth generation, but even the officials in the court and the soldiers in the army. Even the people in the market are eager for war.

How can such a state of Qin not make the six countries frightened?
After all, Han Fei still couldn't think of a way to save his home country, and even angered King Qin because he ignored Qin's interests several times and opposed sending troops to South Korea, and was thrown into prison.

When the news of Korea's demise came, the legalist giant died of grief and anger on the same day.The number of Canglong Qisu treasure boxes in Donghuangtaiyi's hands increased by one again.

why again?

Because they had already obtained the Canglong Treasure Box of Yan Kingdom.

Last time because of Jing Ke's incident, the Mohist tycoon Liuzhi Heixia personally came to Xianyang to find clues, and Yan Dan took the opportunity to ask the Mohist to help him return to China.

The Black Man with Six Fingers did not agree. In his opinion, this kind of behavior might anger Qin and start a war.

However, because of Jing Ke's disappearance in Qin State, some disciples in the Mohist school were emotionally excited, and they were extremely hostile to Qin State.Inspired by Yan Dan's words, they agreed.

But not to mention Luo Wang's monitoring of Yan Dan, even the Yin Yang family can't let Yan Dan just leave.They don't care if people leave or not, but at least they have to keep Canglong Qisu behind!

As a result, under the overt and covert obstructions of both sides, those passionate Mohists suffered heavy losses, and had no choice but to seek help from the Six Fingers Heixia.

When the Black Man with Six Fingers got the news, he was stunned!
But ignorant to ignorant, the word [righteousness] is the foundation of the Mo family, and he must save these disciples!

And then...he paid the price for his choice.

In order to let those injured Mohist disciples go first, he had to stay behind and face Luo Wang's pursuit.After going through a bloody battle and finally escaping from the siege, he unfortunately encountered a master of the Yin Yang family.

As if by fate, this time he was hit by the Six Souls Curse.

Then Yandan made a deal with the Yinyang family, faked his death at the price of the Canglong treasure box, and then secretly became the new leader of the Mohist family.

So far, the Canglong Treasure Box in the hands of the Yinyang family has five Yan, Han, Qi, Chu, and Wei.

Only the two parts of Qin State and Zhao State are needed to achieve consummation.

And these two copies are now in the hands of Qin Guo, and we still need to wait for the time.



After Qin's continuous weakening, South Korea has been reduced to a small area, so the destruction of South Korea did not consume much of Qin's strength. Instead, it was like a warm-up, and Qin completely entered a state of war.

Their next goal is to destroy Zhao and Wei, which belong to the same Jin Dynasty as South Korea.

Although Li Mu resisted desperately, the gap in national strength between the two sides was too great.On the frontal battlefield, he did not lose to Wang Jian, but the support that the two sides could get behind them was very different.

Although Zhao Wangjia was a little stronger than Zhao Qian in his original timeline, at least he didn't listen to the slanderous rumors that he wanted to kill Li Mu, but his ability was really limited. Although Zhao Guo's tough bones had broken Qin's teeth, they were still bitten by them after all. Crushed.

Not to mention the State of Wei, after Lord Xinling and King Yu of Wei passed away one after another, the country completely lost its ability to resist the State of Qin.Even if the city is high and the pool is deep, the beams of the majestic city can't withstand the Qin army's torrential water attack.

Daliang, which was originally the most prosperous capital in the world, was completely reduced to ruins.

After the Three Jins were destroyed, the territory of Qin State had occupied two-thirds of the whole world.

Yan and Qi have been impoverished and weak for many years, and they dare not even resist. The only obstacle to Qin's unification of the world is Chu.

And the state of Chu...

Their Optimus Pillar made Yin Huangxie also on his deathbed.

The four sons of the Warring States Period, these famous and important figures finally all passed away, and the world opened a new page.

However, in this new page, the mountains and rivers are still picturesque, but they no longer have the position of the six kingdoms of Shandong.

From Donghai to Xiqi, from Mobei to Nanyue, they shared a new name—Qin!



As the saying goes, keeping a business is more difficult than starting a business.

These words may not apply to all occasions, but for the emperor, there are some truths.

When the Qin army swept Liuhe, the country was thriving, and everyone's blood was boiling.But when the whole world was captured by Daqin, Yingzheng found that there were so many headaches that caused him endless troubles that made him have to work for more than eight hours a day, and there was even a break in between. nothing.

But even so, it is still difficult to handle the government affairs of the whole world.

Not only that, because of the initial unification of the world, all places are not peaceful, and the location of Xianyang, the original capital of Qin State, is a bit too remote compared to the new Great Qin territory. The news comes from Yan, Qi, Chu and other places It took too much time to pass it to Xianyang and then issue it as a government order.

But if you move the capital now, there will be big problems, because looking around the world, the most suitable place to build the capital is actually within the territory of Wei State.But Wei Guo has just been destroyed, so it is obviously not appropriate to do so.

Therefore, Yingzheng invented a model of mobile government for the first time. In the name of the East Tour, he personally went out to suppress various places.

The effect of doing so is put aside, but his diligent work and rest, which he sleeps up and sleeps all night, has brought great damage to his body.

Ying Zheng, who was less than forty years old before Feng Chan, had already suffered from severe headaches, and his health was deteriorating.

In order to cure the disease, he began to look for a lot of doctors.But how to put it, if the patient does not pay attention to adjusting his work and rest for this kind of tired disease, even with modern medical technology, there is no good way to cure it.

Let alone in the pre-Qin period.

So Yingzheng, who couldn't find a way from a doctor, began to set his sights on alchemists.

Although alchemists generally have a bad reputation in later generations, they seem to be no different from liars.But they are not useless, at least Xu Fu, the head of the Yin Yang family, is good at alchemy.

Although they can't cure Ying Zheng's disease, they always have some crooked ways to help him alleviate the pain he suffers in daily life.

Although most of their methods are treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, and even a small part are of the type of drinking poison to quench thirst, but the curative effect is really good if you can't stand it.

This is a bit like the difference between Chinese and Western medicine.

For the lesion, the doctor first emphasizes the resolution, because even if the lesion is your body tissue, if it is directly removed, it will cause great harm to the whole person.Their work ethic and education make it imperative that they look at the overall health of their patients.

But alchemists are different. Of course, there are quite a few of them who have real talents and knowledge, but more of them are the kind of people who have made a name for themselves by relying on one or two folk remedies.They don't care if your whole body is a whole, if you have a headache, treat your head and feet if your feet hurt.When encountering a patient, the first thing you think about is how to get rid of your pain. As for the follow-up impact...

Well, I've cured your headache anyway, right?

Your feet hurt again now, let me show you your feet again!

You say his foot hurts because I treat the headache?
Skate the jokes of the world!I want to sue you for slander!
That's about the logic.

Most patients do not have common medical knowledge. Judging from their superficial knowledge, how can they affect each other when their heels are so far apart?

Moreover, a doctor treated it for a long time, but the effect was very slow, as if he was cheating money.The other seemed to be cured of the disease by medicine, and the pain disappeared immediately. Is there any need to ask who is the miracle doctor?

Although Ying Zheng is not so superficial, but because of his overwork, his physical ailments are real. Even if he knows the methods of the alchemist, he is almost fooling himself, but who doesn't want to live a more comfortable and happy life every day?

Therefore, Xu Fu of the Yin Yang family became the guest of King Qin with his excellent professional ability.

The elixir he made has almost become a daily routine for Ying Zheng.

During this process, Xu Fu inadvertently disclosed the news of the so-called longevity medicine to Ying Zheng.

"Pharmaceuticals of there really such a fetish?"

Yingzheng was dubious, so he brought in the doctor's thoughtful questioning.

Of course, Nian Duan didn't believe that such a thing existed, but Xu Fu said it firmly, seeing that Ying Zheng was about to believe it, she had no choice but to move Chi Yao out.

"Oh? You are the leader of the medical family, and you actually think that there are other people whose medical skills are better than yours?"

Ying Zheng tapped lightly on the table.

"Returning to Your Majesty, Mr. Chi Yao's medical skills are slightly different from the system I have learned in my life, and he is well-informed and has a clear mind. His medical skills are indeed higher than mine. I deliberately gave up the position of leader and persuaded him to join the medical school. , but he was not willing, but created a school of his own, which became famous all over the world."

Nian Duan bowed his head and replied.

"Create a school yourself? It seems that this person is also a person who can be called [Zi]?"

It turns out that for Ying Zheng, people from the Jianghu are not very attractive to him.But a person who founded a sect is still somewhat different.

So he called Xuan Jian.

"Do you know anything about the head of the Chi family?"

"Go back to Your Majesty,"

Xuan Jian saluted and said, "The Chi family rose up in the territory of Chu State and filled the vacancy left by the Yin Yang family. Therefore, it received strong support from the upper echelon of Chu State, especially Chunshen Lord Huang Xie, and became a Chu family in just a few years. However, after the fall of Chu, they did not take any action against the empire, but instead sent disciples to help maintain order in Chu, which is one of the schools that cooperated well with the empire."


Yingzheng is more interested now. Qin's destruction of the six kingdoms was a big storm that swept the world. Being able to survive such a turbulent situation without loss of strength shows that the helm of this force has a very strong vision and ability.

"It seems that Chi Yao's head is really extraordinary! How about this, on the way back, the route will be changed a little, and we will stop in Dongting County, so that the widow can meet this Chi Zi."

"As ordered!"



When the Qin envoy came to announce the decree, Chi Yao was copying the divine pattern on the statue of Chi You in the Yinwu Temple.

Hearing that Yingzheng passed by here on his east tour and wanted to see him by name, he was taken aback for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth curled up vaguely.

Following the envoy all the way to the palace, Chi Yao felt a little moved when he looked at the emperor who had already given birth to the hair on the throne.

Unlike the last time he had an audience as the head of Shushan, this time Ying Zheng in his eyes was more majestic, but at the same time showed a little stagnation.

When the qi technique was launched, Chi Yao saw a noble and majestic black dragon entrenched in the void above Ying Zheng's head, but it seemed to be lazy, showing no aggressiveness or vitality, giving people a very tired feeling.

Qi number is the most true reflection of a person's state. Seeing this, he almost understood why Ying Zheng asked him to come here.

Due to physical reasons, this emperor through the ages finally embarked on the old path of searching for the elixir.

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