Hosted female soldiers, all become world-class special forces

Chapter 202 Critical Point, Zhuang Ming's Second Hand 【Ask for a gift】

Chapter 202 Critical Point, Zhuang Ming's Second Hand 【Ask for a gift】

blah blah~
Lei Zhan's expression remained unchanged, and he shot at Lin Guoliang's surroundings one after another. Every time a shot was fired, Lin Guoliang's body trembled. Even though he said that, the instinctive fear of death frightened him a lot.

Until the bullet in the pistol is completely empty.

"Heh~ It seems that you are not so afraid of death!" Lei Zhan looked at Lin Guoliang who was still trembling slightly, sarcastically, turned around and walked into the wooden house again.

Seeing this, Hades and Harley were also relieved, luckily nothing happened.



Yan Wang and Harley gave the most sincere comments, and they would beat them at most, but if you provoke Thor or the lone wolf, you will die without knowing how to die.

This time, Lin Guoliang was very smart and didn't speak, because he knew that it was useless for him to curse or resist, because he didn't have the strength.

On the contrary, it will make this group of perverts become more rampant.

The most important thing is that he is a little scared. This is a group of lunatics, and if they yell at lunatics, he will definitely suffer in the end.

Hades thought for a while, waved his hands and said, "Haley, go, drag him aside, it's really an eyesore to put here."

Really can't put it here as an eyesore, Thor is so irritable, if the lone wolf comes out, this guy will really collapse.

"Yoho~~ why didn't you move? Wasn't it very capable just now? Why didn't you yell now?" Harley shrugged, stepped forward and said with a smile.

Then the next moment, Harley directly raised his kick and kicked Lin Guoliang in the stomach, and Lin Guoliang was instantly moved and kicked far away.

Then keep up, kick again.

Well, he didn't want to touch it either, after all, Lin Guoliang's body was too dirty right now.

The female soldiers who watched this scene were silent as if shivering. They had long known that the Thunder Commando was brutal.

Sure enough, this little doctor Bai was mistreated terribly, very miserably.

That heavy kick, accompanied by the sound of disdain, tormented their nerves.

They sympathized with this guy, and felt a little disdainful in their hearts. A man who is so weak really despises even women.

Here, weak and stubborn are trash!
He still came to point fingers, who gave him the power?

Ridiculous and ignorant!
At this time, Tan Xiaolin was even more miserable, drooling unconsciously.

Her body twitched again and again from time to time, and her whole body was completely soaked in her sweat, accompanied by the sound of her heavy breathing.

The room was eerily quiet.

"How is her physical condition?" Lei Zhan asked.

"Blood pressure, pulse, and heartbeat indicators are all within the normal range for the time being." The little bee reported immediately after looking at the instrument.

Lei Zhan nodded, squatted down, and said coldly: "Now tell me, your rank, which unit do you belong to? And what tasks do you perform?"

The drooping head moved slightly, as if it weighed a thousand catties, and it took several attempts to lift it up slowly.

In Lei Zhan's expectant eyes.

"Bah~~" The saliva spewed out of Tan Xiaolin's mouth, but unfortunately she had no strength at this time, and the saliva fell before Lei Zhan could reach her.

Tan Xiaolin's unyielding eyes told him that her willpower was not over yet.

"Very good, very good!" There was a sneer on the corner of Lei Zhan's mouth. It should be said that he is really qualified here. At least he is very satisfied, but he doesn't know what the lone wolf thinks.

Before he could ask, Zhuang Ming's icy voice came again, with no emotion: "Add [-] CC!"

"Lone wolf, the special male soldier can only withstand [-]CC, she is just a female soldier!" The old fox was full of anxiety, if this continues, something will really happen.

Zhuang Ming didn't speak, but just gave the old fox a faint look, and the old fox didn't dare to speak anymore.

The physique of people in this world is different, not to mention that Tan Xiaolin has broken through the limit twice, and she must be stronger than ordinary special forces, so 6cc, according to theory, is possible.

Since you can, then continue!
"Little bee, add [-] CC!" Lei Zhan's eyes flashed slightly, he gritted his teeth, and shouted sharply.

"I" the little bee was a little silent and couldn't speak.

"Hurry up!" Lei Zhan's voice remained unchanged, even the lone wolf wasn't nervous, you guys are so nervous.

The little bee stood up silently, and took another pentosanate.

Inject slowly.

Tan Xiaolin was a little numb at this moment, she seemed to have seen the gate of hell slowly opening to her.

The effect of the drug started again, and Tan Xiaolin was pulled back to reality by the pain. This time, her frightened eyes turned white, and the abnormal shaking of her body directly exceeded the limit of human beings.

"Dididi~~" The alarm sound of the instrument also sounded directly.

"Not good, lone wolf, the heart rate has exceeded the critical point!" The little bee's voice was terrified.

For the first time, Zhuang Ming stepped forward lightly, appeared in front of Tan Xiaolin, and roared angrily: "What are you panicking, just take it with me honestly, it's just the heart rate, wait and see."

In two seconds.

"Buzzing~~~" An alarm sounded again.

"The blood pressure has also exceeded the critical point this time!" Little Bee's voice trembled strongly.

"Oh." Zhuang Ming was still very calm.

"Do you need to call a doctor? There is a doctor outside." The old fox couldn't help asking anxiously, thinking of the guy who just broke in.

At this moment, Tan Xiaolin's cheeks had become ferocious, her eyes were completely white, and white foam spit out from the corner of her mouth. Suddenly, two streaks of bright red blood appeared, and quickly flowed out from her nostrils.

The blood drifted in the wind along with the shaking head like chicken blood.

At this moment, Lei Zhan, Little Bee, and Old Fox's expressions changed drastically, and they were completely panicked.

This is really wrong!

"It's time, it seems that the limit is here." Zhuang Ming's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he took a step forward. A syringe appeared strangely in his hand, directly inserted into Tan Xiaolin's neck, and injected it.

As the medicine was injected into her body, Tan Xiaolin's symptoms improved significantly, her shaking gradually became lighter, the blood in her nostrils also stopped, and her whole body slowly returned to calm, fainted, and quietly lowered her head.

Only the alarms of the instruments left in the wooden house kept ringing, sharp and ear-piercing.

"Okay, she will be considered qualified." Zhuang Ming announced the result calmly, at least he didn't reveal anything until the end, but the potential is not very good, only 6cc.

"Well, is the trainer okay?" The old fox asked a little worriedly, after all, the instrument is still beeping now.

At this moment, the alarm sound of the instrument disappeared and returned to normal.

"never mind."

Zhuang Ming saw this scene, the recovery agent produced by the system is still very strong, and can eliminate the negative effects of various drugs, but it is too expensive, 5 God of War coins each!
It's just that there are less and less God of War coins now, so Zhuang Ming is saving them.

He still has to wait for the mission to be completed!

There is a return on investment!
But there is still a feeling of heartache.

(End of this chapter)

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