Hosted female soldiers, all become world-class special forces

Chapter 203 The Female Soldier Wanders, Tan Xiaolin Wakes Up 【Ask for a Gift】

Chapter 203 The Female Soldier Wanders, Tan Xiaolin Wakes Up 【Ask for a Gift】

The old fox hurried forward to check, and found that Tan Xiaolin's heartbeat was normal, and all the data were also normal, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Pull her out and change to another one, old fox, and give them some advice by the way, let's see who can't resist the temptation." Zhuang Ming waved his hand lightly.

"Yes, I'm good at this!" The old fox said immediately.

Lei Zhan and Little Bee on the side were also relieved. It turned out that the lone wolf had already made preparations, and they were so scared that they were sweating coldly. They thought that something really happened to Tan Xiaolin just now.

The unconscious Tan Xiaolin was pulled out and thrown back. Everyone was shocked by her miserable appearance.

They didn't expect that the thunder and lightning commandos were really merciless.

"Xiaolin!" Lin Guoliang, who was also extremely miserable, wanted to get up and run over the moment Tan Xiaolin came out.

"Boom~~" Hades kicked again angrily, and scolded impatiently: "Damn, are you a bitch? If you continue to mess around here, I will break your leg!"

The angry Hades shot a lot harder, and Lin Guoliang was almost fainted by this kick.

As for keeping this guy here now, just now the old fox secretly signaled to keep him to prevent accidents, at least he is a doctor.

They don't have a doctor here today, so the lone wolf won't let them!
Lin Guoliang looked miserable!
Lin Guoliang was born in a well-to-do family, and he didn't suffer any crimes since he was a child, so he has a somewhat ignorant personality. When he came here today, he dared to come here directly, and then he was severely beaten by the society.

It doesn't matter who you are here!

Everything here is under the command of Thunder Commando.

The whole body curled up into a ball, trembling, pain, pain all over, he didn't dare, he was afraid that this person would really break his leg.

After enduring the pain for a while, taking advantage of Hades not paying attention, he sneaked a glance at Tan Xiaolin, climbed into his car and started it.

"Bastards, you bastards, I will definitely sue you, you wait for me!" Lin Guoliang, who started the car, stuck out his head and cursed directly, as if the car gave him a sense of security, and he had to say something harsh before leaving .

It hurts so much, he just took a look at it, his chest and abdomen were covered with bruises, and the humiliation he suffered here, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

Yan Wang turned his head and looked fiercely, seeing Lin Guoliang actually climbed into the car, stared at him, and shouted: "Get down for me!"

Lin Guoliang shuddered immediately. He was really frightened here. He had never found that his hand speed could reach this level. It took almost only a few tenths of a second to pull off the handbrake, switch to the gear, and step on the Accelerator, step on the accelerator immediately.

Yan Wang's feet erupted suddenly, rushing like an angry beast, and kicked directly on the car body heavily.

Lin Guoliang was terrified. He felt that the whole car body had been hit hard, and the whole car body was lifted up by the impact of this huge force.

Only then did he know how merciful Hades was to him just now, if he had kicked like this, he would have lost half of his life, or even his life.

Lin Guoliang frantically stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and at the same time, his body leaned towards the raised side of the car. The military ambulance rushed out immediately, and the lifted car was fast and stable again, without daring to stop at all. His heart beat so fast in an instant.

Like a frightened little rabbit.

Yama was about to chase after him, when the voice of the old fox came: "Yan Wang, stop chasing him!"

Yan Wang frowned and stopped to look back at the old fox. The old fox waved his hand. If the lone wolf is prepared, there is no need to worry. It is useless for the doctor to stay here. It would be good if he left, otherwise he would be killed easily.

Seeing this, Yan Wang nodded, he probably knew it too.

"Is this guy really going to file a complaint?" Harley raised his eyebrows and said.

"Whatever, it's just the same training as in previous years." Yan Wang waved his hand casually, um, it's actually a lot more ruthless, but this is for female soldiers, and some people persevere every year. If you can't persist, it's just I am useless.

At this time, the old fox looked at the remaining twelve female soldiers with regret on his face. All of them will be interrogated like Tan Xiaolin, and the special forces are something for men to play with. Why do you girls join in the fun? ?
"I said, girls, why bother? As long as you step out of this gate, hot baths, delicious food, clean beds, and doctors are all waiting for you. Why do you do this? It's unnecessary. To tell the truth, Special forces are not meant for women."

"We are training you today. There is a bottom line and principles. If you are caught by the enemy in battle, there is no bottom line and principles. Do you know that?"

"Look at your trainer, she is still unconscious. You have to bear the pain she has suffered. If you can't bear it, you may die. You are still young, so it is completely unnecessary."

A carrot and a stick, accompanied by the kind voice of the old fox, reached the ears of the girls.

In an instant, the tears of the female soldiers finally couldn't help falling down, the pressure they were under was too great.

"Girls, don't cry, don't cry, I tell you, I have experienced many battles, not all troops abide by international conventions, if you are caught by non-government or criminal groups, you can do anything If you come out, you will be abused as much as you say? By then, your life will be worse than death!" The old fox's threat made the hearts of all the girls chill.

"I quit!"

"I quit too!" The female soldier shook her body in fear. Because of Tan Xiaolin's premise and various factors, someone finally chose to give up.

"Very good, how about you?" Seeing that there were only eight people left, and all of them were Wind Team, the old fox was a little surprised, this team was really unexpectedly united.

"Ouyang, what should I do?" Tian Guo asked in a low voice, trembling.

"No, it's all here, we must persevere." Ouyang Qian was rarely firm.

The others were even more silent, gritting their teeth and insisting that they would never give up.

"Since you are still so stubborn, don't blame us." The old fox's eyes flashed sharply, and he pointed at He Lu: "Go, drag her away."

Daniel stepped forward and grabbed He Lu and walked to the interrogation.

Screams, stern screams, represent torture and pain.

They were taken away one by one, and the rest of them suffered a lot.

Tan Xiaolin also woke up faintly. Tang Xiaoxiao, Ouyang Qian, and Tian Guo were on the verge of collapse at this time, and they were under too much pressure.

Even Ye Cunxin and Shen Lanni were pale at this time, He Lu had just been dragged out, and Qubi Azhuo was brought in by the third.

He Lu was also in a coma at this time, just like Tan Xiaolin.

Tan Xiaolin's awakening gave the girls a big support.

(End of this chapter)

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