Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 101: Heaven Dou Black Market!

Chapter 101: Heaven Dou Black Market!

"Start learning about maids tomorrow, no salary, just food and lodging."

Putting down the goblet, Han Xiao turned to look at Xue Qingwu:
"Remember, you owe me 200 million."

A ray of moonlight shone on Xue Qingwu's face, and the feeling that was almost forgotten reappeared.

A look of bewilderment flashed across her face, and then she said timidly, "Thank...thank you."

The voice was like a mosquito, and it was obvious that the girl still couldn't believe Han Xiao's decision.

From time to time, she peeked at Han Xiao's sharp-edged side face, which was a bit colder in the moonlight.

The little girl's heart was pounding.

Han Xiao looked at Xue Qingwu, and said lightly: "You should answer, yes, young master."

"Yes, Master!"

Xue Qingwu said quickly, not daring to be careless.

Han Xiao waved his hand at her, "Go back, the official work will start tomorrow."

Hearing this, Xue Qingwu was relieved, said goodbye to Han Xiao, and left the room.

Only Han Xiao was left. He quietly looked at the full moon in the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

For Xue Qingwu, her life and death depended on Han Xiao's thoughts.

But by coincidence, Xue Qingwu chose the answer of life.

If Xue Qingwu had told Han Xiao that she was going to become the Empress of the Heaven Dou Empire, then Han Xiao would have killed her without hesitation.

As for the 200 million gold soul coins, anyway, Bibi Dong paid for it, and the rich woman has a lot of money, so the 200 million is nothing for her to blink.

Why did this choice make Han Xiao feel murderous?
In fact, it is very simple. For him, what he needs to find is not an ambitious collaborator.

If Xue Qingwu showed any ambition to become the emperor, Han Xiao would kill him without hesitation.

He doesn't need this kind of servant.

And the little girl's idea is very simple and pure, revenge for revenge.

So Han Xiao decided to keep Xue Qingwu.

200 million to buy a single offshoot of the Tiandou imperial family, and the family is loved by the common people. It is really too much to earn.

As for how to make this girl work for her, it couldn't be simpler.

This kind of extremely insecure girl may only give up on Han Xiao because of one or two subtle movements and one or two promises.

Learn to show up when a person is most in need and helpless.

What Han Xiao did was very simple. He re-given her human rights and gave her a job.

Give the troubled princess full respect, and tell her that she owes herself 200 million gold soul coins and needs to work to pay back.

These two points may seem simple, but they are the things that a person needs most.

It can be said that with just a few words, Han Xiao can control this once proud princess to death.

If she was there, secretly eating the Heaven Dou Empire to counter Qian Daoliu who needed to inherit the Holy Son five years later seemed to have a slight possibility.

Although there is an obvious difference in strength between the two, if the two major forces behind Han Xiao are the Heaven Dou Empire and the Clear Sky School, Qian Daoliu will naturally dispel this idea.

Looking at the buildings swallowed by the night outside the window, the lit windows are like dust in the air, dotted with stars, and the piercing howling sound of crows comes from time to time.

Han Xiao raised his wine glass and touched it in the air: "Heaven Dou Empire, cheers."


Early the next morning, under the service of his servants, Han Xiao washed and dressed.

He only needs to open his arms, and a servant will naturally put on high-end pajamas for him, and when he opens his mouth, mouthwash will be handed to his mouth.

At the dinner table, the top chef hired by Chen Mo has prepared a sumptuous breakfast for him, including Disney pies, Hualas sauce, and a glass of sweet and refreshing liqueur.

Xue Qingwu had already changed into a maid outfit, and pulled the bench for Han Xiao a little uncomfortable.

"Is there a letter from the director of Tiandou Auction House this morning?" Han Xiao asked while dividing the Disney pie.

Chen Mo stood beside Han Xiao, holding a few flimsy letters in his hand: "I did receive a letter from Tiandou Auction, but the content of the letter was just to thank you for your patronage, and there was nothing noteworthy in reply."

Han Xiao nodded: "In this case, then wait a little longer, it just so happens that these few days are rare to be free."

Everyone deeply agrees, these few days have been repairing the house and participating in the auction, they have wound up the clockwork, and finally it is rare to have a day of leisure.

"By the way, where is the black market of the Heaven Dou Empire?"

Han Xiao looked at Zhou Tong beside him and asked.

black market?

The three of them were taken aback for a moment, obviously not knowing why Han Xiao asked this question.

If we compare the Tiandou Empire's auction to the elite circle of high society.

Then the black market of the Heaven Dou Empire is a stinking ditch, which gathers all the dirty sides of the Heaven Dou Empire.

The sound of Han Xiao knocking on the table brought everyone back to their senses, and Zhou Tong quickly said, "Follow the lower reaches of the Heaven Dou Empire until the end."

Han Xiao nodded, wiped his mouth, "Don't bother me if there is nothing important today."

After finishing speaking, Han Xiao turned and went upstairs.

After returning to the room, Han Xiao sat cross-legged and began to practice silently.

Time flies and night falls.

During this time, apart from eating, Han Xiao has been practicing silently in the house.

Glancing at the dark night outside the window, Han Xiao changed into a black outfit.

Compared with the expensive and decent Chinese clothes, he still prefers this outfit.

In the room at the end of the corridor, Xue Qingwu was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. Her small mouth opened and closed, obviously sleeping very soundly.

Suddenly, the little girl frowned, as if she had some nightmare.

This feeling became stronger and stronger, and she opened her eyes suddenly.

Han Xiao's expressionless face was right in front of her eyes, and the two sides were close at hand.

The girl opened her mouth wide and subconsciously wanted to yell out, but Han Xiao's palm was one step ahead of her and covered the small cherry mouth.


The girl's eyes were full of horror.

Han Xiao waited until the movement of the girl's struggle became smaller and smaller before releasing his eyes.

"Master, what are you doing?!"

Xue Qingwu pulled the quilt and said shamefully.

Is it possible to enter a girl's boudoir just by saying it?
"I'll give you 1 minute to get dressed."

Han Xiao turned and opened the window, but the girl's exposed collarbone and fair skin were ignored.

After a while, the sound of rustling clothes was heard.

The girl was very efficient, and after a while, she put on a high ponytail and put on a black dress.

Han Xiao glanced at her, and fell directly from the high wall several meters high, as light as a swallow.

Xue Qingwu shook her teeth and followed, but she was a little clumsy compared to Han Xiao.

The two walked forward in the dark, one behind the other, through the downtown area of ​​the imperial capital, walked along the long street, and gradually got closer and closer to the suburbs.

"Master, where are we going?" Xue Qingwu was wearing a black cloak, looking worriedly at the drunk passers-by on both sides of the street.

"black market."

Han Xiao simply said two words.

"You want to sell me to the black market?!"

Xue Qingwu exclaimed.

Han Xiao rubbed his temples, ignoring the off-line girl.

At the price that Han Xiao bought Xueqingwu, even if he sold the entire black market, it would be impossible to match.

As for why Han Xiao brought Xue Qingwu to the black market, there are two reasons.

If someone could know what happened the day the house was raided, it would be very likely to awaken the memory deep in Xue Qingwu's heart.

If Han Xiao knew some details, it would be possible to infer the reason why Emperor Xue Ye killed two good brothers in succession.

Secondly, after a day, Xue Qingwu has already lived a normal life, but Han Xiao wants her to know that this life is given by him.

He wanted Xue Qingwu to be grateful to him from the bottom of her heart.

In addition, there is another reason for Han Xiao to go to the black market, and that is to investigate the employer of the Blue Wind Mercenary Group.

Through the deep alley, the two walked along the dark river.

After a long time, the ignited fire appeared in the sight of the two of them.

I have to admit that the location of this black market is really secret.

Two guards in armor stopped the two of them: "Do you have a recommender?"

Their voices were cold, like two robots.

Most of the commodities in the black market cannot appear on the market, and the forces in it are intricate, and there are many secrets.

The rise of a power, or even an empire, naturally has many shady things behind it.

And the black market is such an existence. In order to protect the privacy, if you want to enter the black market, you must have a recommender.

Han Xiao threw out a card, "Is it enough?"

The card was inlaid with gilt patterns, and it was the VIP certificate given to him by Tiandou Auction House.

The two guards looked at each other with a look of shock in their eyes.

It can be said that very few can become the top VIPs of Tiandou Auction Field.

"My lord, please forgive our rudeness."

The guard stepped aside and said respectfully.

Han Xiao nodded, and walked into the black market with Xue Qingwu.

He is very clear that the reason why this place can exist for a long time is that the Heaven Dou Empire must turn a blind eye.

Even the guards at the door are so professional, Han Xiao didn't want to be too high-profile and attract the attention of the management staff.

The black market is not small, with shops covered with lanterns on both sides and vendors sitting on the ground.

There were many bloody soul tools, various green medicines, and many girls tied up by heavy chains on the stalls of those vendors.

Those girls had empty eyes and bruises all over their bodies. It was obvious that they had suffered inhuman abuse.

Seeing this scene, Xue Qingwu clenched her fists tightly, a flash of hatred flashed in her eyes.

She looked up at the young man walking in front, with complex emotions flashing in her eyes.

If there is no Han Xiao's existence, maybe she has become a tool of a certain big man at this time, right?

"Can you really make me king?"

Xue Qingwu ran to Han Xiao's side and asked in a low voice.

Han Xiao glanced at her lightly: "Do you want to?"

"I just want to kill these damned traffickers!" Xue Qingwu said bitterly.

"As for the country, I don't have much affection."

When her respected and beloved father was killed on a trumped-up charge, and when her family was slaughtered, she was completely disappointed in this country.

The world kisses me bitterly and asks me to sing in return.

Why? !

Han Xiao glanced at Xue Qingwu lightly, then shook his head.

The little girl's thinking is still too simple, why can this kind of human trafficker be so rampant, and even stand in the biggest auction house of the Heaven Dou Empire?
Without the support of the Tiandou imperial family, would he dare?
If Xue Qingwu really wanted to completely put an end to this situation, it would have touched at least half of the cakes of the nobles.

Han Xiao went to a booth and squatted down, throwing out two golden soul coins: "Do you know who to contact for information?"

When the skinny stall owner saw the golden soul coin, his eyes lit up, and he was about to reach out.

With a bang, a dagger was inserted next to the golden soul coin.

"Let me ask you, do you know who to turn to for information?" Han Xiao's voice was cold.

When the man saw the gleaming dagger, he restrained himself a little, and said with an apologetic smile: "Genmore Tavern, ask the old blind eye for information."

Han Xiao nodded, retracted the dagger, got up and left.

The Rootmore Tavern is the largest building in the black market, and it is surrounded by a blue-purple mask from a distance.

There were many cursing soul masters squatting at the entrance of the tavern, a drunk woman, and a few men who were fighting in groups.


A drunken man accidentally collided with Han Xiao, and his face showed a fierce look: "Little bastard!"

It might be because he was drunk, or it might be because Han Xiao was too young, the strong man raised his fist to greet Han Xiao's face.

Han Xiao glanced at him lightly.

This glance made the strong man tremble, and in a daze, he seemed to see a demon hiding in Han Xiao's body.

With just one look, the strong man turned around and ran away without the slightest hesitation.

"It's disgusting in here."

Xue Qingwu grabbed Han Xiao's clothes and almost stepped on a puddle of vomit.

Han Xiao scanned the crowd and found that it was exactly as he had guessed.

There are not only black trades here, but also many people from the upper class come to have fun.

Pushing open the door and stepping into the tavern, the ear-piercing scolding, the pungent smell, and the scantily clad women rendered the tavern even more limitless.

It's just that these things are just small scenes for Han Xiao who has survived in the killing capital for two years.

"A glass of Hals beer."

Han Xiao sat in front of the bar and spread two gold soul coins on the table.

The bartender acted quickly, and after a while, he brought a large glass of beer and placed it in front of Han Xiao: "Welcome to Genmore Tavern, I wish you a good time."

After saying this, he turned his head to look at Xue Qingwu beside Han Xiao.

Xue Qingwu shook her head with a cold expression.

"When you come to the Germmore's, you must order a drink."

The bartender spoke.

"I'm looking for Lao Blind." Han Xiao interrupted the bartender and said coldly.

As soon as the three words were uttered, the noisy tavern fell silent for an instant, and everyone's eyes were cast on Han Xiao.

There was deep hostility in their eyes.

A strong man couldn't stand it any longer, and reached out to grab Han Xiao's collar, about to drag him out: "Boy, you fucking..."

Before the swearing words were finished, Han Xiao made a sudden move, and quickly pressed the strong man on the table with his backhand.

The terrifying force made the not-so-sturdy wooden table tremble.

A dagger was inserted in front of the strong man's eyes, only one centimeter away from his fragile eyeballs.

"I'm looking for Lao Blind, don't you understand?"

Han Xiao's voice gradually became colder.

(End of this chapter)

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