Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 102 Han Xiao's third soul skill, Benyun!

Chapter 102 Han Xiao's third soul skill, Benyun!
What's going on with this bullshit black market?
Ever since Han Xiao mentioned the name Old Blind, he could feel the deep hostility.

"If you're not going to do business, I don't mind smashing this tavern."

Han Xiao's eyes were gradually stained with scarlet, and he directly released his killing field.

The domain formed by the incomparably majestic murderous aura instantly overwhelmed this group of people.

Some people even trembled and knelt on the ground.

"Old...Old Blind is in the tavern, I'll take you in."

The bartender knew it was a stubble and took the lead.

Walking through the bar and entering the interior of the tavern, Han Xiao realized that this tavern had something special.

If compared with the roaring heavy music and huge dance floor outside, here are single rooms without doors, playing ambiguous and soothing slow rocking.

Through the tulle, Han Xiao could see men and women venting their primitive desires, as well as the reminiscent melodious sounds.

On the second floor, it became much quieter here. The bartender led Han Xiao to the deepest room, and said respectfully, "Master Blind is inside."

Han Xiao nodded, pushed open the door and walked in.

The room is not too big, facing a huge floor-to-ceiling window, in front of the floor-to-ceiling window is the swivel boss chair and desk facing Han Xiao.

On one side of the room, there is a huge fish tank, in which there are many swimming fish.

The chair turned slowly, and a man appeared in Han Xiao's eyes.

It was a thin middle-aged man with gray hair. One of his eyes was completely black, as if he had a fake eyeball on it.

"What's matter?"

The man smiled and said.

Han Xiao was a little surprised as he looked at the blind old man that people were talking about.

This person's strength is obviously only a soul master, but he can become the owner of this Genmo tavern, which is really unbelievable.

"Ask some news, I heard that you are the best informed about the black market."

Han Xiao said expressionlessly.

Old Blind nodded and did not deny it: "Indeed, you have come to the right place."

"Old rules, say something first, and I'll quote." He smiled at Han Xiao, walked to the fish tank and started feeding.

It's just that the fish food in his hand is a piece of bloody meat.

The moment it fell into the water, the group of swimming fish rushed up and started fighting, and the fish tank turned scarlet.

Han Xiao asked: "First thing, who is the employer of the Blue Wind Mercenary Group?"

Hearing this, Lao Blind stopped feeding him: "What Blue Wind Mercenary Group?"

Han Xiao walked to Old Blind Eye and watched the ferocious piranhas in the water: "I believe you should know that the Blue Wind Mercenary Group received a commission two years ago to go to the Star Dou Forest, and the entire army was wiped out in the end."

The old blind man seemed to be lost in memory, and after a long time he spoke again: "This question, 100 million gold soul coins."

100 million gold soul coins? !

Xue Qingwu next to her widened her eyes, two questions of this type were enough to buy her one.

"Second question, what happened the night Sir Snowflake's family was massacred?"

The old blind fell silent.

He turned and looked up at Han Xiao who was wearing a mask, and patted him on the shoulder: "Although I don't understand why you want to investigate these things, but listen to my advice, don't know any of these two things."

Han Xiao took out a gold card and placed it on the table beside him.

"There are 100 million gold soul coins in here, answer the first question first."

Looking at the gold card on the table, Lao Blind's pupils shrank.

He shook his head, "I don't want the money, you go, I won't answer these two questions."

Hearing this, Han Xiao narrowed his eyes.

It was obvious that Old Blind didn't intend to sell the news, and offered a sky-high price casually, trying to scare Han Xiao away.

"Someone said that you have the means to know everything."

Han Xiao's voice was a little cold.

"I know." Old Blind nodded.

"But I don't want to tell you these two pieces of news. What can you do with me?"

He glanced at Han Xiao provocatively.

Han Xiao smiled.

In a blink of an eye, he grabbed Old Blind Eye's meticulous oil head and pressed it into the fish tank.

"Are you crazy?!"

The old blind man said in horror, he struggled fiercely, but Han Xiao's strength was too great.

The piranha opened its foul-smelling bloody mouth, and the blind man could clearly see that the sharp fangs were less than five centimeters away from his face.

"Do you really think I'm afraid to do anything in your territory?" Han Xiao's voice was extremely cold.

Old Blind watched the piranhas getting closer, his voice trembling: "It's not that I don't want to tell you, if I do, the owner of this Genmore Tavern will change."

"The two news of yours involve too many people and the matter is too big, so no matter what, they cannot be known."

Han Xiao frowned. Although he knew that news about Sir Snowflake might be taboo in the royal family, he didn't expect that the person who wanted to kill him would have such a big hand.

"Which upper-level figure is behind your tavern?" Han Xiao said in a low voice, "I guess, is it Prince Xue Xing? Or some high-ranking official?"

Hearing this, Old Blind's expression changed: "You violated the rules!"

As soon as the words fell, four soul masters suddenly fell from the ceiling, like phantoms, attacking Han Xiao from different angles.

They've been hiding on it since the beginning.

However, Han Xiao seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the next second, scarlet armor instantly condensed on the surface of his body.

And Han Xiao didn't hesitate at all, and directly pushed the old blind into the fish tank.


There was an extremely shrill scream, and the water in the fish tank instantly turned red.

The murderous intent burst out from the eyes of the four killers, attacking Han Xiao's vitals fiercely.

Han Xiao has no angle to escape.

In an instant, Han Xiao's third soul ring glowed purple.

The third soul skill, Ben Yun!
The figures of the four killers began to retreat slowly, and a look of disbelief flashed across their faces.

Han Xiao's time travel back gave him plenty of time.

Circles of clouds slowly emerged around him, and Han Xiao's body gradually became blurred.

The whole room seemed to be in the clouds, and the thick fog Han Xiao completely disappeared.

A look of shock flashed across the faces of the four killers. They obviously still didn't know what weird trick Han Xiao used.


Suddenly there was a scream, and the killers all turned their heads.


Han Xiao's voice was like a nightmare.

"Everyone get together!"

A killer looked terrified. He knew that Han Xiao's home field was in the clouds.


However, as soon as he finished speaking, another corpse appeared in the room.

The killer's pupils dilated, and his breathing became rough.

(End of this chapter)

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