Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 104 Going to the Banquet!

Chapter 104 Going to the Banquet!

Xue Qingwu took a deep breath and hid behind the door.

The door was slowly pushed open, this time the girl's movements were much sharper.

She precisely locked the bartender's throat, preventing him from shouting, and then the broken glass was precisely inserted into the bartender's artery.

"That's right, I'm a lot more proficient this time." Han Xiao didn't hesitate to praise.

"Let's go, starting tomorrow, I will spare a little time every day to teach you how to kill people."

Han Xiao wiped the blood stains on his hands gracefully.

"Yes, young master." Xue Qingwu lowered her head, as if she changed her appearance.

There was a bit more determination in her pupils, and there was also a color that was very similar to Han Xiao but could not be said.

The two of them, one in front of the other, walked downstairs through the narrow corridor.

Looking at Han Xiao's back, Xue Qingwu suddenly said in a strange way: "Will you throw me away?"

Han Xiao stopped and turned to look at her: "Wait until you pay off the money you owe me."

Hearing this, Xue Qingwu nodded heavily and followed behind Han Xiao.

When the two walked to the noisy dance floor on the first floor, everyone stopped their movements and looked at Han Xiao together.

Everyone didn't do anything, just watched the two walk out of the tavern little by little.

The bartender never came back after he went up, and Han Xiao didn't seem to have any intention of covering up the strong smell of blood on his body.

But everyone didn't do anything, because they knew that starting tomorrow, there would be a new old blind person, and everything would be as if it had never happened.

After returning to the room, the sky became dim.

Han Xiao sat cross-legged on the bed, thinking carefully.

Ever since he came to the Heaven Dou Empire, he has been thinking about whether he can deal with such a huge force as the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and the Spirit Hall by himself.

Obviously it is impossible, no matter how strong Han Xiao is, at most he can assassinate some sect disciples.

But it is impossible for one person to destroy the entire sect.

So Han Xiao had an idea to form a force of his own.

This kind of power doesn't necessarily have to have its own territory and various cumbersome positions like the previous three sects.

For Han Xiao, he is not good at being the suzerain, because the affairs to be handled are too cumbersome.

For him, killing is his forte.

So what Han Xiao wants to establish is an organization, an organization that spreads across various empires.

Members of the organization may form small groups or travel alone.

They will complete a variety of assassination missions.

And when the need arises, they gather from far and wide.

Xue Qingwu was the first target Han Xiao considered.

Her innate soul power is at the eighth level, and she can be regarded as one of the best geniuses in the world. What's more special is the unique white fox martial soul.

After today's night, Han Xiao has been able to confirm that this girl will be even more inseparable from him in her future life.

Han Xiao sighed deeply.

Although this kind of loose team does not need management, it desperately needs the unity and loyalty of its members.

Until now, Han Xiao has only found two candidates who meet the criteria.

A long way to go.

Han Xiao lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

If the guess is correct, an email from the director of Tiandou Auction House will arrive tomorrow.

He will also use this as a starting point to penetrate the royal family that is almost rotten inside.


Early the next morning, the postman inserted the flimsy envelope into the mailbox.

"Master, that supervisor really invited you!"

Tang Tang looked at the contents of the letter and said with some surprises.

You must know that Tiandou's aristocratic circle is extremely xenophobic. In their impression, the big bosses of the Star Luo Empire cannot be on the stage.

This group of people lived in their own comfort zone, and it was difficult for even the director of the auction house to fully integrate.

Han Xiao cut the pie on the plate, expressionless: "He knows what I need, and I have given him some benefits. If he wants to maintain the so-called friendship, he will naturally help me contact the gathering between the nobles. "

Chen Mo took the envelope, frowning slightly: "It's just that the title of the host of this party is not high, and it is only the lowest baron."

The ranks of titles in the Heaven Dou Empire are divided into Duke, Marquis, Bo, Zi, and Nan, with the lowest title being Baron.

According to what was written in the letter, this baron is a relative of Emperor Xue Ye, the blood relationship between the two parties is already very indifferent, and the fiefdom is also the least.

Therefore, for this kind of gathering of titles, very few people are invited to the real Heaven Dou nobles, most of them are some merchant families.

This group of people has the same idea as Han Xiao, and they want to get in touch with high titles as much as possible.

You must know that in the Tiandou Empire, the status of a merchant is not considered high, there are nobles on top, and finally the soul master.

From the moment a top soul master steps into the Heaven Dou Empire, he will be recruited by nobles from all walks of life.

Han Xiao is also very clear that this identity cannot touch the dark thread that Bibi Dong said.

His level is too high, if Han Xiao guessed correctly, at least he has become a direct relative of Emperor Xue Ye, such a person will not come to a party of a little baron.

"Get ready, Zhou Tong and Tang Tang will go to the party with me tonight."

Han Xiao picked up the napkin and wiped the corner of his mouth, and said.

As a housekeeper, Chen Mo couldn't follow Han Xiao to participate in various activities.

Not bringing Xue Qingwu with her is because of the sensitivity of the other party's identity.

Although she is young and not many nobles can recognize her identity, Han Xiao still wants to be on the safe side.

"I can go."

Xue Qingwu raised her head and said, "After the awakening of the martial soul, my appearance has undergone a major change due to mutation, so even if someone has seen me, they will not recognize me."

She seemed to have guessed Han Xiao's concerns, with a serious face: "Although I am young, my mother has taught me Tiandou etiquette since I was sensible."

After Han Xiao thought for a moment, "Then Chen Mo and Tang Tang stayed to watch the house."


Tang Tang puffed up her mouth and raised the table legs to express her dissatisfaction: "Xiaoxue, why are you so active."

She also wanted to see what the gathering of these so-called upper class people looked like.

Coming to the Heaven Dou Empire with her strength, she will definitely become the target of solicitation by many nobles.

But most of the people in Wuhundian dismiss power and pursue the aspect of Wuhun more.

So Tang Tang has not seen this kind of noble gathering.

Xue Qingwu clasped his hands together and bowed, "I just want to help the young master, sister Tang, don't be angry."

Hearing this, Tang Tang sighed.

She looked at Han Xiao with a bit of vigilance and fear in her eyes.

"Come here, you also have a mission." Han Xiao waved at Tang Tang.

Tang Tang nodded, squatting beside Han Xiao, listening to his orders.

We must know that although Zhou Tong and Chen Mo are not geniuses in Wuhun Hall, they are both proud senior soul masters.

But Han Xiao, a soul master, only took a month to make the two of them give up their hearts and look forward to it.

Even Xue Qingwu became like this after two days of contact.

Tang Tang was afraid, this expressionless boy seemed to be a whirlpool, which could suck people deeply into it.


As night fell, Han Xiao in formal attire stepped into the carriage with the support of Xue Qingwu.

"What kind of tailor, I haven't even cut the cuffs well, and the sleeves don't go past the wrists."

Xue Qingwu muttered softly, expressing her inner dissatisfaction.

Han Xiao was a little helpless. This little girl actually took three to ten minutes to pick out clothes for him that could have been resolved in a few minutes.

Xue Qingwu, who has always been obedient, seems to be a different person in this matter, and she must be meticulous in Han Xiao's formal attire.

If it weren't for Han Xiao's words, she might still have to pick a long time.

But I have to admit that Xue Qingwu was born in the top nobles of Tiandou, and she has a good vision.

Under her choice, Han Xiao's cold temperament was infinitely highlighted, and at the same time, there was a little more intimacy.

"The host of this party is Baron Xue Tianhui. I remember that he once invited his father to the party, but he was politely rejected. According to his father's evaluation, he is a dude, not worth mentioning."

Xue Qingwu looked at the list of guests in her hand, and analyzed for Han Xiao: "Xue Tianhui is likely to make things difficult for you at the party, young master, be careful."

There used to be an outsider who attended his party, but that person became the laughing stock of this group of Tiandou natives at the party, and he was completely naked.

"I have it in my mind."

Han Xiao said flatly.


At this moment, Xue Qingwu suddenly exclaimed: "How could she also attend this party?"


Han Xiao asked.

Xue Qingwu couldn't believe it, and said, "Tang Yuehua, the dean of the Academy of Court Etiquette, a direct disciple of the Haotian School."

Her mother and Tang Yuehua are good friends, so they have met a few times.

In Xue Qingwu's impression, this big sister who makes people subconsciously want to get close to her and is too beautiful to be ridiculous should not participate in this kind of party.

Haotian Sect?
Han Xiao was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously touched the soul guide on his waist.

There was also the Haotian Token Tang Chen gave him.

"Master, if we can get along well with her, we will definitely be able to integrate into the noble circle very quickly." Xue Qingwu's voice was a little excited.

Although Tang Yuehua's soul power is only level nine, but behind her is the No. [-] sect of the last three sects, coupled with her excellent character and perfect etiquette, she is highly respected by the nobles.

It's just that such a person would actually attend a baron's party, which really surprised Xue Qingwu.

Han Xiao nodded without responding.

This party is so grand, it is estimated that it was specially held for it.

The carriage drove all the way, and a magnificent manor gradually appeared in front of the vision.

The street next to the gate is full of all kinds of carriages. These carriages have only one thing in common, that is, they are expensive.

It was not too late for Han Xiao and his party to come, but they also lined up one street away.

"Let's go."

Han Xiao got out of the car and said to everyone.

The parking place was still a certain distance from Xue Tianhui's manor, so it seemed that he had to walk there.

"Why can those people go in directly?"

Seeing a carriage slowly driving into the manor in the distance, Zhou Tong frowned.

"The common people are divided into classes, and the nobles naturally have them too."

Xue Qingwu raised the long list of invitations in Yang's hand: "The names on the top written in gold leaf are the important guests of this party, so of course they can directly enter the manor."

Xue Tianhui's manor is huge, and it is more than enough to park a carriage full.

But if it is not divided in this way, how can it appear that those important guests are different?

"Please show your invitation letter." The guard looked at Han Xiao and the others expressionlessly, and said.

Although his etiquette is in place, there is not much respect in those eyes.

In the Heaven Dou Empire, the status of a knight is much higher than that of a merchant.

Even the lowest baron is much better than a merchant.

"It was recommended by Chen Gu. The three of you can go in. I wish you a good time." The butler accepted the invitation letter handed over by the guard.

Chen Gu is the director of Tiandou Auction House. Although he is not a businessman or nobleman, his status is quite special, and even many jazz have to curry favor with him.

Han Xiao nodded, and led Xue Qingwu and the two into the manor.

"Why can that person come in without an invitation letter?"

Zhou Tong watched as a young man embraced two young girls and walked in haughtily.

The butler who was showing his chin just now looked respectful, as if he had changed his face completely, and bowed to invite the man in.

Xue Qingwu explained: "This person is a soul master certified by the Wuhun Temple. He became a Soul Sect at the age of 27. He was recruited by Xue Tianhui with all his strength. Naturally, there is no need to show the invitation letter."

"The 27-year-old Soul Sect, heh." Zhou Tong was a little moved, he didn't expect the proof of the Wuhun Palace to be so effective, it was simply a gold-lettered signboard.

Zhou Tong smiled disdainfully, "If the young master attends this dinner as a soul master, then Xue Tianhui will probably kneel down and be grateful."

"Is the young master very strong?"

Xue Qingwu asked curiously.

Although she saw Han Xiao solve the four enemies with her own eyes that day, the little girl didn't practice after all, so she didn't know much about it.

"That's not very strong." Zhou Tong shook his head, "That's invincible."

From the first soul ring to the third soul ring, it's been a thousand years, and he became a soul master at a young age. How many people are there in the whole continent?
Han Xiao glanced at Zhou Tong lightly, and the latter immediately shut up.

After all, he was in Xue Tianhui's manor, so he was afraid that some words would be overheard by interested people.

Xue Qingwu clenched her fists tightly, a look of firmness appeared in her eyes.

She looked at Han Xiao's back without blinking, without speaking.

The three of them walked in from the wide and flat road. The manor was really big, even if they entered the gate, they still had to walk 10 minutes to Xue Tianhui's mansion.

On both sides are neatly trimmed flower beds, and there is even a statue trimmed from flower bushes.

"Xue Ye used to take turns to condolences to this group of unrelated relatives, so Xue Tianhui specially trimmed a statue for him, flattering him."

Xue Qingwu sneered and said to Han Xiao.

She is different from this group of dandies, Duke Xuehua has brought Xue Qingwu to inspect the territory since she was a child, and told her to treat her people well.

This also made her a clear stream among the dudes of the Xue family.

Finally, after walking for 10 minutes, Xue Tianhui's mansion finally appeared in sight.

(End of this chapter)

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