Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 105 Tang Yuehua!

Chapter 105 Tang Yuehua!
From far away, the sound of melodious music came out.

At the gate of the mansion, Chen Gu and Xue Tianhui were reminiscing about the old days, greeting the guests from time to time.

Seeing Han Xiao walking towards him, Chen Gu greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Young Master Lei, let me introduce you. This is our honorable Lord Baron, Xue Tianhui."

Chen Gu gave Han Xiao face very much, and actively helped Han Xiao win contacts before the banquet started.

This is the effect of those [-] gold soul coins.

In addition, Han Xiao did not show the attitude of a young master to Chen Gu.

Xue Tianhui looked at Han Xiao, but did not speak first.

"Sir Xue Tianhui's name, Lei Xiao has admired for a long time." Han Xiao greeted him: "It's just that the road to Sir Xue's manor is a bit difficult to walk."

As soon as these words came out, Xue Tianhui's expression turned down, and Chen Gu's expression also became a little embarrassed.

He didn't expect that Han Xiao's words would be so impolite.

"The longest road I have traveled, Lei Xiao, is probably the road leading to Sir Xue's mansion."

As soon as the words came out, everyone burst into laughter.

Chen Gu was quite discerning, and quickly added: "Young Master Lei, Sir Xue Ye's mansion was rewarded by Emperor Xue Ye himself, and the area alone covers an area of ​​[-] square meters."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Han Xiao appreciatively.

These words seem to be a little rude, but in fact it is Han Xiao who is praising the vastness of Xue Tianhui Manor, and it is quite useful for him to hear it.

"Compared with the Star Luo Empire's manor, our Heaven Dou Empire's manor is indeed more than sufficient." Xue Tianhui smiled slightly, and led Han Xiao to the mansion.

Walking into the interior of the mansion, one has to admit that the rooms of the nobles are indeed luxurious enough.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see a castle-like lobby with a height of four floors.

This place seems to be specially designed for parties. The area is about the size of a football field. The ceiling is transparent and hollow, and the nebula in the sky can be seen.

In the lobby, there is not only a band, but also a swimming pool and polo field.

And placed in the middle is a bronze statue of Emperor Xue Ye.

"I heard that Mr. Lei has lived in the Star Luo Empire all year round. How do you feel compared to that?"

Xue Tianhui asked.

After thinking about it for a moment, Han Xiao said, "If you compare the Star Luo Empire to a man who is five big and three thick, Tiandou Empire is like a mature woman who knows the essence and taste, making people linger on."

"Young Master Lei is a good metaphor!"

Chen Gu nodded and smiled.

Xue Tianhui didn't speak, but nodded, obviously agreeing with Han Xiao's statement.

"Chen Gu, just take Mr. Lei to have a good time. He comes from afar and does as the Romans do. He also has to learn the etiquette of our Heaven Dou Empire. There is still an important guest from my side who hasn't arrived yet."

After leading Han Xiao to politely introduce the various furnishings in the lobby, Xue Tianhui turned and left.

Before leaving, Xue Tianhui looked at Xue Qingwu a few more times.

It is said to be an introduction, but it seems more like showing off.

After exchanging a few words with Han Xiao, Chen Gu also went to start a circle with a group of dignitaries.

After all, if he wanted to secure his position as the director of Tiandou Auction, he had to establish a good relationship with people and let them come to the auction.

Han Xiao quietly watched this group of laughing nobles and wealthy merchants, but he looked like an outsider.

There are also many wealthy merchants who cast their curious eyes on Han Xiao. Obviously, he let the negative news spread by Tang Tang play a role.

"Master, don't we say hello?"

Zhou Tong stood stiffly, feeling a little bored, and asked.

The purpose of their coming here is to make friends with this group of nobles, but Han Xiao has never communicated with anyone except Chen Gu and Xue Tianhui since he entered the banquet, which made Zhou Tong a little anxious.

Han Xiao took a glass of red wine from the waiter's tray, and said lightly: "Some relationships don't make much sense. On the contrary, deliberately blending in will appear xenophobic."

He knew very well that some people wanted to make friends with him more than others.

After all, what Han Xiao symbolizes is a huge business empire, and he came to Tiandou Empire to throw money and invest.

But these people's hearts are like mirrors, they understand a truth, if Xue Tianhui doesn't express welcome to Han Xiao first, then no one will dare to talk to Han Xiao.

His original goal was also to try to integrate into Xue Tianhui's circle.

But I didn't expect Xue Tianhui to be so powerful that he invited Tang Yuehua for himself, so Han Xiao didn't need to deal with this group of people anymore.

Xue Qingwu nodded and agreed deeply: "Don't look at how glamorous these people look, maybe the accessories on their bodies were borrowed from the rental company."

She had seen with her own eyes the expensive bracelet worn by a noble lady on another person the next day.

According to the lady, this bracelet was specially made by a craftsman, and it is the only one in the world.

But just like what Xue Qingwu said, there are indeed many aristocratic families who failed to invest due to sudden changes, lost all their wealth, and had to rely on renting to attend high-class parties.

"Master, look at that."

Xue Qingwu leaned in front of Han Xiao and whispered.

Following Xue Qingwu's eyes, a young man was talking and laughing happily with several ladies not far away.

He has a strong build, eyes as sharp as knives, and a blue robe.

Blue Electric Overlord Sect!
Han Xiao narrowed his eyes.

That robe is the exclusive decoration of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Unexpectedly, Xue Tianhui would be able to invite a disciple of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, although the other party must not be directly related.

"Participate in the party first." Han Xiao said calmly.

After a while, Han Xiao saw Xue Tianhui walking in, bowing slightly with a respectful face.

Next to him was a woman.

At first glance, she seems to be 27 or 27 years old, but her eyes seem to see through everything in the world, which is definitely not comparable to that of a [-] or [-]-year-old woman.

The long silver palace dress looked so fitting on her body, in terms of temperament alone, I am afraid that only Pope Bibi Dong of the Wuhun Palace can compare with it.

The difference is that she doesn't have the pressure on Bibi Dong, but her nobility is no less.

"She is Tang Yuehua!"

Xue Qingwu was a little excited, and said in a suppressed voice.

As soon as Tang Yuehua appeared, she became the focus of the party, even Xue Tianhui was overwhelmed by her.

Tang Yuehua was smiling, but whenever he greeted her, he would respond politely.

It can be said that in her eyes, this invisible class system does not seem to exist, and even the servants and guards around her are respected by her.

Han Xiao frowned, this woman seemed to have the same domain skills as her.

It's just that the skills in this field are far from the offensiveness of the killing god's field.

If the Killing God Domain is compared to a sharp arrow, then Tang Yuehua is like a soft and absorbent sponge,

(End of this chapter)

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