Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 106 Tang Yuehua's Appreciation

Chapter 106 Tang Yuehua's Appreciation
Han Xiao did not join the flattering queue, and was still in the corner of the party, like an outsider.

He was waiting for an opportunity, and this opportunity had to be given by Xue Tianhui.


At this moment, Xue Tianhui stepped onto a luxurious podium and looked around the audience with a smile on his face.

According to the Gathering procedure of the Heaven Dou Empire, the gathering must start after the host expresses his feelings.

The lights went out, leaving only a beam of light shining on Xue Tianhui on the stage.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at Xue Tianhui on the podium.

"I am very grateful to all of you for coming from afar, giving Tian Hui a face, and attending this gathering."

"Tianhui would like to express his heartfelt thanks to Ms. Yuehua, for making my humble room flourish."

A beam of light shone on Tang Yuehua's body, and there was loud applause from all around.

Tang Yuehua responded politely, but Han Xiao could still see her frown slightly.

This woman seems to hate this kind of hypocritical speech.

Han Xiao quickly analyzed Tang Yuehua's character in his mind.

"By the way, I don't know if you have noticed a new face."

Xue Tianhui asked everyone with a smile on his face.

Many people cast their gazes on Han Xiao.

Obviously, they were all aware of Han Xiao's arrival, but they never came forward to talk.

Han Xiao put down the goblet and smiled politely at everyone.

The opportunity is here.

"I think some of you here may not know this... Lei, is it Mr. Lei?"

Xue Tianhui seemed to do it on purpose.

Everyone also laughed in unison.

Obviously they already understood Xue Tianhui's attitude towards this newcomer.

After Xue Tianhui announced the start of the party, it was impossible for anyone to take the initiative to chat with Han Xiao.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, and did something that no one could think of.

He actually stepped onto the podium, looked slightly at the crowd and said with a smile, "Thank Sir Xue for giving me a chance to introduce myself, everyone can just call me Lei Xiao."

Everyone looked at Han Xiao with weird expressions.

Xue Tianhui's face was ugly. What he said just now was indeed intended to introduce Han Xiao, but the intention was to disgust Han Xiao.

But he didn't expect that the other party turned against the customer, which caught him off guard for a while, and he could only suffer from being dumb.

"This time, under the order of my father, Lei Xiao came to the Heaven Dou Empire to make friends and to discuss business. Our family is very optimistic about the development prospects of the Heaven Dou Empire, so maybe the future focus will be fully devoted to here, If you are interested in collaborating, please contact me.”

Han Xiao's words moved many people's hearts.

If they can get the financial support of the Lei family, many wealthy businessmen will be greatly improved.

Xue Tianhui's complexion became more and more ugly. He really didn't expect Han Xiao to come to the stage without any scruples.

He decided to fight back: "I just heard from Mr. Lei that he has settled in the Star Luo Empire all year round. I think it will be difficult to adapt after coming to the Heaven Dou Empire, right? After all, the Star Luo Empire is more casual in terms of food, clothing, housing, transportation and etiquette."

Xue Tianhui deliberately put a heavy emphasis on the word "casual", and told Han Xiao clearly that he is just an old hat.

Everyone laughed dumbfounded.

Indeed, as Xue Tianhui said, this group of proud Heaven Dou nobles just looked down on the Xingluo people.

In their eyes, most of the Xingluo people are primitive people who haven't fully evolved, rough, violent, and dirty.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, looked at everyone and said: "Everyone, after I came to the Heaven Dou Empire, I did not adapt to the life of the Heaven Dou Empire for a while, but I found that this is a tolerant country, and the people here treat others with respect. In Leshan, there are many schools of thought on food tastes, and there are countless landmark buildings. It is indeed different from the relatively simple Star Luo Empire.

However, when you are free, you might as well go to the Star Luo Empire. Although you can’t enjoy all kinds of food there, even if you go to buy fruit, you will be yelled at by the vendors impatiently, but they will silently wipe your mouth. Going to a fraction, will invite you to participate in various bonfire parties from time to time, will hold your shoulders, and have a good drink with you.

In the Star Luo Empire, you may not see a luxurious building like the Tiandou Auction House, and you may not see a luxurious manor like Sir Snow.

But if you want, you can stand in the endless sandy sea at dusk and watch the sunset, you can stand on the reef beaten by the waves and watch the sea, and you can lie on the soft lawn with your lover and count the stars.

You can feel the irresistible enthusiasm of the rough guy, and you can also experience the wild beauty of the Xingluo girl.

Different empires have unique characteristics. After coming to the Heaven Dou Empire, I have a deep understanding.

So, the world is so big, why don't you go and see more? ".

Xue Tianhui's complexion has turned ugly into a bitter gourd color.

Han Xiao's remarks can be said to be watertight, and even at the end he even ironically mocked Xue Tianhui as a frog in a well.

As soon as the voice fell, the vast lobby was extremely silent.

There was even a deep yearning in the eyes of some women.

What Han Xiao described is the ultimate romance and freedom, which is hard for every woman to refuse.

Even some men have yearning looks on their faces, they obviously want to taste the unique taste of Xingluo women.

The silence was broken by solitary applause.

Everyone looked at the person clapping their hands together, and found that it was the respected Ms. Tang Yuehua.

Some people began to clap their hands following Tang Yuehua's applause.

The applause became louder and louder, and finally everyone in the lobby, except Xue Tianhui, gave Han Xiao a respectful applause.

Xue Qingwu's clapped hands were red, and she looked at Han Xiao who was illuminated by the beam of light on the stage, full of admiration.

Zhou Tong clenched his fists and looked at Han Xiao respectfully.

And Xue Tianhui, who was standing beside Han Xiao, seemed to be a clown at this moment.

"Thank you for describing a romantic Star Luo Empire. I will visit there in the future when I have time."

Tang Yuehua smiled and said.

Han Xiao nodded to Tang Yuehua, neither humble nor overbearing: "If you go to Xingluo, you can mention my name, and they will prepare the most authentic Xingluo barbecue for you."

As soon as the voice fell, the whole room roared with laughter.

"If I go, can I also enjoy this kind of treatment?"

A woman raised her hand excitedly.

"Of course, if you go to Xingluo, you will be the most respected guests of the Lei family."

Han Xiao spread his hands, and said with a face of course.

Xue Tianhui looked at Han Xiao with an ugly expression and gradually became one with the crowd. He wanted to sing a different tune, but because Tang Yuehua had already expressed his appreciation for Han Xiao, he could only swallow it down.

(End of this chapter)

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