Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 107 The Handy Han Xiao

Chapter 107 The Handy Han Xiao

The party finally started when Han Xiao appeared out of nowhere.

Xue Tianhui's expression of eating papa has never changed.

And Han Xiao also became the focus of everyone, and everyone surrounded him tightly. In addition to inquiring about the attractions of the Star Luo Empire, there were also many inquiries about investment.

After all, Tang Yuehua had already taken the lead in accepting Han Xiao, and Xue Tianhui was a baron, so of course he didn't dare to say anything more.

Zhou Tong accepted the business cards handed over by this group of people, and his movements became a little numb.

At this time, there was already a thick pile of business cards in his soul tool, and this group of Tiandou people showed a completely different attitude from before the banquet started.

The humorous Han Xiao was quickly loved by this group of high-class people.

Facing the man, he talked freely about the future development path of the Tiandou Empire's business, the grand layout, and analyzed the pros and cons of each industry from various aspects.

When talking with women, Han Xiao chatted about the beautiful scenery and various knowledge, and from time to time he smiled a funny and polite smile, which made everyone laugh from time to time.

Standing in the distance, Chen Gu took a sip of red wine, "He seems to exist for this kind of occasion."

Xue Tianhui, who was standing beside him, turned cold.

He decided to get back on the field no matter what.

Soon, the girl next to Han Xiao attracted his attention.

In the process of chatting with this group of high-class people, he helped Han Xiao, who was not very familiar with Tiandou etiquette, to make a few rescues.

That easy-going appearance doesn't look like a maid at all, but more like a noble lady.

"Is that the girl that Lei Xiao bought for 200 million?"

A gleam of light burst out from Xue Tianhui's eyes, and asked in a low voice.

Chen Gu nodded, but did not notice the change in Xue Tianhui's eyes: "Yes, it seems that Young Master Lei likes him very much, and he has brought him to such an occasion in just a few days."

There was a bit of envy in his tone.

This is not a maid, it is simply a close-fitting little padded jacket, which can smooth things out outside and warm the bed inside.

Who doesn't want to have a beautiful and caring girl by their side?
It's just that this terrifying price has already made many people retreat.

After dealing with the group of high-class people who came to make friends, Han Xiao heaved a sigh of relief.

He had to admire this group of people for being able to take advantage of this situation full of hypocrisy and deceit.

Although it is more than enough for Han Xiao, he is still better at killing people.

After finally taking a break, Han Xiao broke away from several nobles who wanted to invite him to discuss interesting things about Tiandou, and walked to the corner alone to observe everyone.


At this moment, a figure caught Han Xiao's attention.

I saw the elegant and graceful Tang Yuehua standing alone next to the band, holding a glass of wine in his hand.

This is a rare beauty with temperament. Even the appearance of listening to music with her head up is so elegant, which can arouse people's desire to explore under the pomegranate skirt.

However, Xue Qingwu said that Tang Yuehua's reputation in Tiandou Empire was extremely good, and she didn't even have an ambiguous partner.

Han Xiao thought for a while, took a glass of sparkling wine, and walked to Tang Yuehua's side.

"Thank you, Ms. Tang, for just making the rescue."

He took a sip of the sweet wine lightly, and said like a spring breeze.

"Relief? What are you talking about?" Tang Yuehua looked at Han Xiao and smiled slightly: "I just think the Star Luo Empire you outlined is very beautiful, that's all."

This is also a smart person.

Han Xiao knew very well that if Tang Yuehua hadn't taken the lead in applauding, the attitude of this group of hypocritical high-ranking people would never have changed so much.

Why does Xue Tianhui still look as if he has eaten papa?
It was because of Tang Yuehua, otherwise he would have kicked Han Xiao out long ago.

But now what people say is very clear, no one should offend, it is completely the attitude of the superior.

"Ms. Tang also likes music?"

Han Xiao thought for a while and asked.

"Music lifts the mood, doesn't it?"

Although Tang Yuehua is polite, she still has a sense of distance from thousands of miles away.

After all, he grew up with a golden key in his mouth. What hasn't he seen?

You can make people favor you with a speech, which is not realistic.

Perhaps for Tang Yuehua, the applause just now was just an unintentional act, and she had no intention of helping Han Xiao out of the siege at all.

"Compared to the music of the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire, there is still a big difference."

"Oh? Master Lei, would you like to talk about it?"

Tang Yuehua became interested and asked.

"First of all, it is different in terms of musicality. Most of Heaven Dou Empire's music is arranged for the imperial court. It is soothing and elegant, with endless aftertaste. Every note is arranged with great ingenuity."

"However, Star Luo Empire pays more attention to the storytelling of music and the meaning it symbolizes."


Tang Yuehua didn't quite understand.

In the Heaven Dou Empire, all music has only one story, and that is how to be loved by the royal family.

Han Xiao nodded, waited until the end of the song, and walked in front of the huge chopping board instrument.

After a brief observation, he found that this instrument was somewhat similar to the piano in his previous life.

"Can I play a piece?" Han Xiao asked very politely.

The bald uncle was slightly taken aback, obviously he had never encountered such a situation before.

But he still got up and let Han Xiao sit down.

Looking at the black and white keys similar to those of a piano, Han Xiao took a deep breath and began to test the sound.

The musical instruments in Douluo Dalu are not too different from those in the previous life, and Han Xiao soon got started.

And while he was auditioning, he also attracted everyone's attention.

Xue Tianhui frowned, seeing Han Xiao sitting in front of the musical instrument, and the performance troupe he had hired with a high salary to stand at a loss, his heart became angry.

"Sir Xue, I just want to show Ms. Tang a piece of Star Luo Empire's unique music, is that okay?" Seeing Xue Tianhui approaching angrily, Han Xiao asked.

Xue Tianhui turned his head to look at Tang Yuehua, his brows twitched, and he forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

Having said all that, what else can he say?

As he was attracted by more and more people, Han Xiao gradually found his status.

He put his hands on the black and white keys and took a deep breath.

Then the first note sounded.

Han Xiao played very fast, and his hands danced quickly on the keyboard.

This is completely different from Tiandou music.

You must know that Tiandou Empire's music not only requires elegant melodies, but also the players have been trained, and they must not be disrespectful when playing.

Han Xiao, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. His hands ravaged every black and white key on the keyboard, and his body swayed slightly with the melody.

The upper-class people under the stands frowned, they obviously couldn't accept the music brought by Han Xiao.

The corner of Xue Tianhui's mouth twitched into a sneer.

He could already predict that Han Xiao would make a fool of himself next time.

(End of this chapter)

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