Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 108 Invite Tang Yuehua!

Chapter 108 Invite Tang Yuehua!

However, the music was getting more and more climax, and his fingers seemed to be dancing quickly on the keys.

Every syllable is like a heavy drum hitting people's hearts heavily.

Some people closed their eyes, and a picture of the wreckage of the war appeared in front of them little by little.

What Han Xiao played was the very famous Croatian Rhapsody in his previous life.

This piece of music depicts a battlefield after the smoke is filled, and it is perfect for expressing the story.

The expressions of everyone became more and more serious, and the intertwined notes hit the soul directly.

As Han Xiao pressed the last chord heavily, the slightly solemn sound of the piano continued to echo in the venue.

At this moment, the piano in front of Han Xiao seemed to no longer be an instrument only for nobles to perform, but instead became a trumpet to express humanistic feelings.

The passionate and extremely tense sound of the piano is still echoing in everyone's minds, until now they have not realized that the song is over.

Tang Yuehua looked at Han Xiao with extremely complicated eyes: "What kind of story does this song express?"

Han Xiao took a deep breath, looked at everyone and said, "The broken walls after the war, the cloudy sky, and a small white flower in the soil."

An upper-class person chewed his words, and choked out a sentence for a long time: "That's right, it's quite intense."

Everyone nodded, only Tang Yuehua remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

This is the charm of music. For a person without talent, the emotion of music itself can convey an indescribable emotion to him.

But for some people with certain musical literacy, they will fall into deep thinking.

Obviously, Tang Yuehua did not disappoint Han Xiao.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to play such a piano piece that is extremely difficult, whose rhythm is extremely difficult to control, and which is not favored by this continent.

Tang Yuehua didn't start, and everyone didn't dare to make rash comments.

Han Xiao's playing became an episode, and everyone quickly came out of their heavy emotions, and cheerful music continued to sound in the lobby.

But Tang Yuehua was far away from the orchestra, and he didn't know what he was thinking by himself.

Listening to these aristocratic music without connotation now is like swallowing chaff for her.

Time passed quickly, and the party entered the second half.

The music style in the lobby changed, and it became ambiguous and cheerful.

Xue Qingwu told Han Xiao that during this period of time, Tiandou people would look for a dance partner and come to the center of the dance floor to dance a song.

After drinking for three rounds, this group of high-class people also became bolder.

Xue Tianhui was the first to walk to Tang Yuehua's side, bowed down, and stretched out a palm: "Dear Ms. Tang, would you do me a favor and dance with me?"

It's not that only couples can dance. For Xue Tianhui, inviting Tang Yuehua is more about gaining the other party's approval.

You must know that a dance is a way to quickly heat up the relationship between people.

However, Tang Yuehua smiled and shook her head: "Tianhui, I feel a little unwell today."

Even if Xue Tianhui was rejected, he still smiled politely, turned around and continued to look for a partner.

After all, there are only a handful of people who have danced with Tang Yuehua, and he only has the intention of giving it a try.

With a smile on his face, Han Xiao politely declined the invitations of several single ladies, and sat on the soft sofa in the corner.

"Master, are you not going to dance?"

Zhou Tong looked at more and more people gathered on the dance floor and asked aloud.

"No hurries."

Han Xiao took a sip of the red wine and watched the crowd on the dance floor.

"Aren't you going either?"

Zhou Tong looked at Xue Qingwu who was obediently standing aside, a little puzzled.

You must know that at this stage, not only those high-class people can participate in the party, but also many servants will dance with them.

After all, the atmosphere group is still very important.

There are also many nobles who invite other people's maids and take them away after the dance. Most of these relationships last only one night.

For the master of the maid, this can promote the relationship with the nobles, and there is nothing to refuse.

And in this short period of time, many celebrities came to invite Xue Qingwu, but she politely declined them all.

After all, the girl has a peerless appearance, and she has attracted everyone's attention since she first entered the mansion.

Xue Qingwu took a peek at Han Xiao, shook her head and said, "I won't go."

With Xue Qingwu's previous status, this group of celebrities is really not enough.

Han Xiao tapped the table lightly, like a hunter patiently waiting for his prey.

Whether or not the effort put in tonight will be rewarded depends on this dance.

He pretended to be watching the crowd, but his eyes glanced at Tang Yuehua who was sitting in the distance from time to time.

Song after song, dance after dance.

Most of the partners on the dance floor have been changed, and Han Xiao is slightly disappointed.

Is it still a little off?

At this moment, Han Xiao caught a glimpse of Tang Yuehua from the corner of his eye. She stood up, smiled at the people around her, and walked in her direction.

Han Xiao looked as usual, chatting with Zhou Tong and Xue Qingwu about unnutritious topics from time to time.

"Ms. Tang."

It wasn't until Tang Yuehua walked in front of Han Xiao that Han Xiao stood up and performed the standard Tiandou etiquette.

"Don't dance?"

Tang Yuehua smiled slightly and asked.

Han Xiao shrugged helplessly, "I'm new here, and I'm not very familiar with Tiandou's dance."

"En." Tang Yuehua nodded, stopped talking, and cast her eyes on the dance floor.

"I heard that Ms. Tang is the dean of the Court Etiquette Academy of the Tiandou Empire?" Han Xiao asked.

"Yes, occasionally I will teach them some etiquette."

"So, in terms of etiquette, Ms. Tang is the absolute authority?"

Han Xiao made a little joke.

Tang Yuehua couldn't help but laugh: "I can't talk about authority."

This is indeed her self-effacing, one must know that Tiandou's immediate royal family is basically the etiquette teacher of her.

"In terms of etiquette, I really have a headache. In this kind of occasion, I can only sit for fear of making a fool of myself."

"When I came to Tiandou Empire, the first thing I did was to find an etiquette teacher."

"Unfortunately, most of the teachers are just empty-handed, and cannot teach the essence of Tiandou etiquette."

Tang Yuehua nodded, agreeing with this point very much, too many people are trying to gain fame and make money.

It's just that she vaguely felt that something was wrong, and what Han Xiao said seemed to mean something.

Han Xiao scratched his head and looked embarrassed: "I don't know if I'm lucky enough to be Ms. Tang's etiquette student?"

These words are so impeccable that most people simply cannot refuse them.

Tang Yuehua looked at Han Xiao, and couldn't help but feel amused: "You don't seem like someone who can make a fool of yourself."

"It's just that my tuition is very high." Tang Yuehua looked at Han Xiao and said seriously.

"Students will not dare to default on the teacher's tuition." Han Xiao shunpo got off the donkey and called the teacher directly.


Tang Yuehua felt helpless.

Her original meaning of that sentence was actually a tactful rejection, but who would have thought that Han Xiao had a thick skin and called the teacher directly.

At this time, the song on the dance floor was over, and Han Xiao bent his body slightly when he saw this, and stretched out a hand gracefully.

"Can the students be lucky enough to invite the teacher to dance together?"

After saying this, Han Xiao blinked: "Let this dance be our first class."

Han Xiao's words can be said to be hard to refuse even for those who are reluctant.

From the moment they talked about etiquette, Tang Yuehua, a little fox, fell into the trap of Han Xiao, an experienced hunter.

He hinted step by step, just for this last step, he justifiably invited Tang Yuehua.

After all, according to his understanding, this Tang Yuehua has never had any ambiguous partners, so he basically never dances on such occasions.

But what if invited as a student?

In the School of Etiquette, Tang Yuehua taught many nobles how to dance.

She couldn't refuse.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Tang Yuehua took the initiative to walk towards Han Xiao.

All things between men and women can only be carried out when you like me.

When Tang Yuehua asked him why he didn't go to the ball, Han Xiao knew that he had gotten this woman's attention.

Otherwise, how would she know that Han Xiao never went to the dance floor?
This is equivalent to a hint. The hint from the woman has been given, and the man needs to take the initiative next.

This is also the opportunity that Han Xiao has been waiting for from beginning to end.

From the speech at the beginning to the performance afterwards, both are indispensable.


Tang Yuehua was also a smart person, knowing that she had fallen into Han Xiao's trap, she could only sigh helplessly.

"Teacher, let's go."

Han Xiao smiled slightly, and before Tang Yuehua stretched out his hand, he held her hand without rejection.

The two had just stood on the stage when a beam of light hit them, instantly becoming the focus of everyone.

People all showed unbelievable expressions.

Some people even rubbed their eyes, unable to believe that Tang Yuehua, who had never danced, actually had a partner.

Xue Tianhui's complexion was as uncomfortable as if he had eaten two tons of cakes.

He had just invited Tang Yuehua and was rejected, now that Han Xiao came here, didn't he slap him in the face?

However, what he didn't know was that Tang Yuehua was also unable to get off a tiger.

"Remember to follow my steps, look at me with your eyes, and smile."

Tang Yuehua took a deep breath, and assumed a teacher's attitude.

For some reason, she always felt a little different from when she was teaching students, and felt uncomfortable.

"Understood, teacher."

Han Xiao said in a low voice, next to Tang Yuehua's ear.

As soon as the first note sounded, Tang Yuehua led Han Xiao to take the first dance step.

The dance steps are not intense, and the range is not too large.

The two were very close, and even Han Xiao could clearly see the transparent fluff on Tang Yuehua's fair and flawless skin.

In fact, Tang Yuehua had indeed been secretly observing Han Xiao from the beginning.

She has been immersed in the aftermath of Croatian Rhapsody, unable to extricate herself for a long time.

During a normal dance, Tang Yuehua has been hesitating whether to go to Han Xiao to discuss music knowledge.

In the end, she made up her mind and came to Han Xiao's side, but found that the situation was a little different from what she imagined.

Before she could ask about music theory knowledge, Han Xiao rushed to the stage halfway.

Feeling the breath coming towards her face, this was the first time Tang Yuehua felt a little awkward in dancing.

"It seems that we need to add some food."

Han Xiao looked at the absent-minded Tang Yuehua and thought to himself.

As the dance music became more intense and gradually reached a climax, Han Xiao's pace began to speed up.

Little by little, he took the commanding heights in this invisible confrontation and began to lead Tang Yuehua to dance on the dance floor.

Tang Yuehua was a little shocked, she didn't expect Han Xiao's learning speed to be so fast.

However, Han Xiao returned her a provocative smile, as if to say that the dean of the School of Etiquette is not very good.

After receiving Han Xiao's challenge, Tang Yuehua also recovered and became more focused.

Concentrating on etiquette, she was actually provoked by a rookie who just learned about Tiandou etiquette. Who can bear it?
Tang Yuehua took a deep breath and walked faster and faster, trying to regain the initiative.

However, there was also a fighting spirit in Han Xiao's eyes, and he didn't show any panic.

The speed of the two is getting faster and faster, and the range is getting bigger and bigger, like two lingering butterflies.

They didn't realize that the people dancing on the dance floor had stopped and retreated to the sides, leaving the stage to them silently.

People were deeply attracted by the extremely fitting and graceful dancing posture of the two in the middle of the dance floor.

As the last note echoed in the lobby, the dancing couple finally stopped in place.

Like two eternal statues.

Sweat dripped from both sides of Tang Yuehua's cheeks. She gasped violently, and her cheeks blushed when she saw Han Xiao who was close at hand and full of male hormones.

The music ended and the lobby fell into silence.

I don't know who took the lead in the applause, and then the whole lobby was filled with applause.

Han Xiao loosened his arms around Tang Yuehua's slender waist, and performed a standard Tiandou etiquette to her.

After a while, Tang Yuehua realized that the dance was over, and hurriedly returned the salute.

This was the first time she felt the joy of dancing.

For her, dancing in the past was just a kind of teaching, but when she and Han Xiao were spinning in the center of the stage, she had a sense of trust in Han Xiao that she could give her body to him.

"Teacher, is the student's performance considered qualified?" Han Xiao and Tang Yuehua walked off the stage together and asked with a smile.

Tang Yuehua nodded, "You are very talented."

Tang Yuehua danced with Han Xiao at the beginning, but after Han Xiao had mastered a few steps, he actually took the initiative to launch an offensive.

After the two exchanged a few more pleasantries, Tang Yuehua left politely.

The party also ended with dance music and was coming to an end.

"Master, have you really never learned Tiandou's dance?"

Xue Qingwu looked at Han Xiao with a strange expression.

Han Xiao nodded.

There are two reasons why he can master the dance so quickly. One is that Tang Yuehua really teaches well, and he plays each step very slowly, allowing Han Xiao to clearly see the changes in the steps.

Second, as an assassin, he had already learned ballroom dancing from various countries in his previous life. Coupled with his body's top flexibility and coordination, it is normal to learn it in a short time.

Han Xiao's eyes searched the crowd. Before the curtain call of this party, he still needs to complete the last performance.

After locking the target, Han Xiao put down the goblet and looked at everyone with a smile on his face: "I'll go relieve myself."

After speaking, he walked towards the back of the lobby.

(End of this chapter)

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