Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 115 There is no escape from the wings!

Chapter 115 There is no escape from the wings!
A cold dagger was pressed against his neck, and the disciple's expression became terrified.

He wanted to release the martial spirit, but the dagger had already penetrated deeply into his aorta.

The aorta spurted out a large amount of blood due to excessive pressure, and the disciple desperately turned his head, trying to see clearly who the person who killed him was.

Han Xiao's expressionless eyes came into view, and he lay heavily beside the black cat, dying silently.


Yuming looked at the corpse on the ground with a frighteningly livid face.

This collateral disciple of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect was lying quietly on the ground with a black cat in his arms. His hands were shaved so that only the bones remained. His knife skills are extremely superb.

"grown ups……"

Tritter's voice was a little trembling: "Last night, three disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect were killed, and public opinion is out of control."

Yuming didn't respond, he got up and gently stroked the dragon hunting sign on the wall, then suddenly punched out, and the whole wall collapsed in an instant.

No one dared to speak, and the air seemed to be frozen.

"This murderer is definitely a murderer, a perverted murderer!"

An autopsy examiner looked at the crowd and said hesitantly, "My lord, I don't know if I should say something."


Yuming waved his hand, the situation has developed to such an extent that he has no energy to care about the face of the Blue Light Overlord Sect.

"Every time the murderer kills a person, he will put the body in different shapes, including nailing to a cross, hugging each other deeply, and holding a black cat."

"To be honest, I have a little research on art, and I have to admit that these pictures are extremely beautiful."

"It seems that killing is an art for him, and every time he kills someone, he spends a lot of time examining his paintings."

"At the same time, his experience in eradicating traces is absolutely rich to a terrifying degree. Every corpse, except for the facial features, any traces and information on the body are completely destroyed."

The Art of Killing?

Yuming felt a little physically uncomfortable.

The autopsy continued: "From the information we have now, we can only infer that the murderer was either a literary worker, or he had been influenced by art since he was a child, otherwise he would not have made such a gesture."

Yuming fell into a long silence.

"The direct supervisor of the Blue Light Overlord Sect will arrive soon, and this matter has been escalated."

His words made everyone's expressions change.

"I'd like to see if this artist can escape the investigation of his immediate supervisor."

A icy coldness flashed in Yuming's eyes.


A month passed in a flash.

During this month, Han Xiao haunted Tiandou Royal Academy and various high-end places.

The disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect who died in his hands can no longer be counted with two hands.

Although the other party ordered the gate control and strictly controlled the disciples going out at night, how could such a huge sect have no communication activities?

The elusive Han Xiao has become the nightmare of many blue electric overlords, the soul kings and soul emperors.

The Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is too big, and Han Xiao seems to have anticipated their actions a long time ago. They are elusive, and they have never even seen the murderer.

And Han Xiao's title of Dragon Hunter has also become a feared existence in the Heaven Dou Empire.

This killer in the dark caused the Landian Bawangzong a headache, and even spread it to Yu Yuanzhen.

"A jumping clown actually put you in such a difficult situation. I think the management of this sect should be changed."

Yu Yuanzhen's face was a little gloomy. He had been in seclusion during this time, but he didn't expect to get a huge surprise just after he came out.

"My lord, if the murderer cannot be caught tonight, I, Yuming, will come to see you."

With a low voice, Yuming issued a military order.

Yu Yuanzhen looked at this foreign disciple and sneered: "How much is your head worth?"

"Can your head restore the lost reputation of the Blue Lightning Bawangzong?"

These two questions left Yuming speechless.

"On the last day, after tonight, if I don't see the murderer again, you will all get out of here, and I will catch him myself!"

Yu Yuanzhen's words made everyone's expressions heavy.

Han Xiao doesn't know yet, but now he has already decided the future of the senior leaders of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

As night approached, Yuming's eyes were red, staring at the empty road ahead.

"My lord, will the murderer really appear?"

Tritter asked with some doubts.

"As long as he dares to make a move tonight, he will definitely fall into our net!"

Yuming's voice was a little bewildered.

In all directions of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has set up baits and specially guarded stewards.

If it turned out that they didn't take this dragon slayer seriously, then they had to unite now.

"How's the arrangement over there?"

Yuming looked at Tritter and asked.

"Don't worry, my lord, all the supervisors have been arranged in place."

Yuming nodded, stopped talking, and waited patiently.

This waited until almost midnight, but there was still no movement from all parties.

Something is wrong.

Yuming frowned.

Calculated according to the time of death calculated each time, the dragon slayer should have acted long ago by this time.

But there was no news from any direction, it was like deathly silence.

Suddenly, Yuming seemed to think of something, and his pupils trembled instantly.

He suddenly turned his head to look at Tritt next to him, his voice trembling: "Is there any defense at Tianheng?"

Tritter shook his head, with a puzzled look on his face: "Didn't you withdraw all the guards over there just for this operation?"

This sentence made Yuming's heart fall to the bottom.

"Go, let's go!"

"Where are you going, my lord?"

"Heaven Dou Royal Academy!"

By the time Yuming responded to Tritter's question, he had already run a hundred meters away.


At this time, Tiandou Royal Academy is holding a banquet.

The lights were brightly lit, the cups of wine were intertwined, and the entire academy was overwhelmed by the chatter and laughter of the students.

However, if someone pays attention, they will find that there are not many disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect who participated in this banquet.

Only two people stood in the center of the crowd and became the focus of everyone.

"Tianheng, Tianxin, are you really okay if you don't go back to the sect?"

The girl who spoke had long green hair. Although she was young, she was a standard beauty.

Yu Tianheng shook his head, and gave the girl a reassuring smile: "Uncle has already laid a net tonight, just waiting for the perverted murderer to fall into the net."

Because they have lived in the academy for a long time, and because there are many guards equipped for this matter, they have not been affected.

They were so well protected that even the bodies of the victims had never been seen.

"The murderer's targets are all soul masters and below. It can be seen that his level is not very high. With the strength of me and Tianheng great soul master, even if we really meet him, we can have the strength to fight."

Yu Tianxin's face was full of confidence.

At this moment, an attendant came over with a huge tray on which was placed a tower made of wine glasses.

The attendant's thin arms were trembling faintly, as if he couldn't bear the huge weight.

When he walked in front of Yu Tianheng, he finally couldn't take it anymore, and the wine in the tray spilled on Yu Tianxin and Duguyan.

Yu Tianheng's pupils shrank, his reaction speed was extremely fast, and he took Dugu Yan into his arms.

"Don't you have eyes!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The waiter apologized wildly as if he had been sentenced to death.

Duguyan looked at Yu Tianheng who had turned into a drowned chicken in front of him, and yelled loudly.

"Alright, alright."

Yu Tianheng waved his hand, "I, Yu Tianxin, just go and clean it up, it's not a big deal."

Duguyan gave the waiter a hard look, and wiped Yu Tianheng's hair with a tissue.

"The more you rub it, the stickier it gets. Let's go to the toilet to wash it."

Yu Tianheng waved his hand and said.

The two greeted the group of people and turned to leave.

However, what no one noticed was that the waiter who was the culprit had disappeared.

In the toilet, Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin looked at themselves in the mirror and washed their hair.

None of them thought much of it, just wanted to get back to the party sooner.

However, what they didn't know was that just behind them, a black shadow approached quietly.

Han Xiao clenched the Taotie in his hand, and scanned the two of them like a poisonous snake.

He was looking for a chance to kill both of them with one blow.

The moment Yu Tianxin lowered his head, Han Xiao moved.

He jumped up quickly, like a cheetah preying on it, and his prey was Yu Tianheng who was facing away from him.

In the next second, Yu Tianheng's body reacted subconsciously.

He lowered his head suddenly, and at the same time smashed the water pipe with his fist, and the water gushed out.

Yu Tianheng's combat experience is also considered rich, and he knows how to use running water to interfere with Han Xiao's sight.


In a panic, he shouted loudly.

Yu Tianxin's reaction was also extremely fast, and her martial soul was released instantly.

However, the moment he was about to swing his fist, a cloak fell from the sky and covered his eyes.

In the panic, Yu Tianxin could only swing his fists in disorder.

With a bang, the mirror instantly shattered into pieces, Yu Tianheng had already adjusted his body shape, and a dragon arm slammed towards Han Xiao behind him.

Killing God Realm!
Scarlet light was released from Han Xiao's eyes, and the murderous aura instantly enveloped the entire toilet.

Yu Tianheng's fist speed weakened instantly after being suppressed by the murderous aura.

The gap in soul power between the two sides was revealed.

Yu Tianheng was terrified by the pervasive killing intent. With a roar, the first soul ring was released, and the lightning on his right hand instantly shot at Han Xiao.

It's just that the moment the thunder snake came in front of Han Xiao, the shield formed by the murderous aura completely dissolved it.

When the power of the great soul master faced Han Xiao, it was like a child fighting.

Han Xiao held Taotie back, plunged into Yu Tianheng's arm fiercely, and then cut downwards.


The severe pain caused Yu Tianheng to yell directly, and there was a [-]-centimeter hideous scar on his arm.

It was like a centipede hanging on Yu Tianheng's arm.

No matter how hard his muscles become after releasing his martial soul, he is no different from tofu in front of Taotie.

Yu Tianheng's arm drooped, and he had already lost the ability to fight.

"Yes, it's you."

Yu Tianheng looked at Han Xiao's expressionless eyes, his voice hoarse.

He always remembered the boy who killed the thousand-year-old soul beast three years ago.

Those pupils without any emotion became the driving force behind his hard training over the years.

Han Xiao did not respond to Yu Tianheng. In his eyes, Yu Tianheng was already a dead person at this time.

It doesn't matter whether a dead person knows his own life experience or not.

Han Xiao looked at Yu Tianxin, who had finally broken free from the Lingguang cloak, and walked towards him step by step with Taotie in his hand.


"Why did you come back?"

"Don't mention it, I don't know what happened, the toilet seems to be blocked."

"Prince Xue Beng, it seems that the toilets of this college still need your support."

A student smiled obsequiously.

The man named Xue Beng raised a smile, took the drink from the attendant and slowly put it to his mouth.

He didn't see the gleam in the attendant's eyes.

At this moment, the door of the room was smashed open, and Yu Ming, who was out of breath, scanned everyone in the room.

When he found that Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin were not inside, his heart sank to the bottom.

"Yu Guanshi, what's the matter, is it in a hurry?"

Xue Beng put down the wine glass in his hand and greeted with a smile.

"Where is Tianheng Tianxin?"

Yuming came in front of Xue Beng, his pupils were bloodshot.

" the bathroom?"

After hesitating for a moment, Xue Beng hesitated, "But isn't the toilet broken?"

After saying this, he froze for a moment and didn't react.

Without any hesitation, Yuming ran towards the toilet.

"By the way, inform the teachers of the academy that there are assassins here, and block the entire academy!"

Yuming said while running.

Xue Beng's expression changed, and he put down the goblet in his hand.

He didn't see a cold look on the face of the servant beside him.

Pushing open the toilet door, Yuming saw Yu Tianheng lying in the corner, panting violently, already unconscious.

And Yu Tianxin has at least dozens of large and small wounds all over his body, which are already crumbling at this time.

"Finally got you, Dragon Slayer!"

Yuming's pupils burst out with a murderous intent.

Han Xiao turned around, looked at Yuming calmly, raised his hand slowly, and made a gesture of wiping his neck.


Yuming shouted, five soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, and black surrounded his body, rushing towards Han Xiao like a tank.

Han Xiao pulled the water pipe, and the burst of water immediately hit Yuming's face.

"is that useful?!"

Yuming shouted loudly, and the terrifying fluctuation of soul power actually directly blocked the water flow.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly used his strongest blow!
Han Xiao's pupils shrank, and his killing intent condensed.

Immediately, the surrounding killing intent condensed like a sea, heading towards Yuming.

This monstrous killing intent slowed Yuming's speed for two seconds.

In just two seconds, Han Xiao flipped over the window lightly and disappeared into the night.

"Where do you think you can go?"

Yuming smiled coldly.

He had asked Tritter to notify the various stewards that they were all rushing towards Tiandou Royal Academy.

And this mountain of the Royal Academy has been sealed off by all the teachers in the academy.

Han Xiao is already unable to escape!
(End of this chapter)

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