Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 116 Weird Waiter!

Chapter 116 Weird Waiter!

For the students of Tiandou Royal Academy, this is definitely a sleepless night.

All the students were locked in the dormitory, and it was strictly forbidden to go out. All the teachers mobilized and sealed every door that could go out.

The distance between this group of teachers and the stewards of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is no more than 200 meters. Even if Han Xiao escapes quietly by the path, they will find him instantly and kill him.

This kind of vision sharing has no effect unless it is invisible.

"Everyone, the murderer is extremely cunning, no matter what he does, don't be attracted, drag it until dawn, and kill him directly!"

Yuming chose the most conservative method.

Although I took a short photo with Han Xiao, I found that his level is only Soul Master.

But Yuming fought with Han Xiao for a month, and he deeply understood his terror.

"Tianheng, don't worry, your arm is fine."

Looking at Yu Tianheng with pupils on the hospital bed, Yuming said with relief.

Fortunately, he came in time, otherwise the consequences of these two blue electric twin stars would be unimaginable.

At that time, the entire sect will have to bear Yu Yuanzhen's anger.

"Tianheng, when you were fighting with the murderer, did you see his face?"

Yuming looked at Yu Tianheng and asked.


Yu Tianheng's face was pale, and after hesitating for a moment, he said, "He's very strong, and Tianxin and I are no match at all, let alone what he looks like."

Hearing this, Yuming fell into silence.

"Director Yu, can you catch the murderer?"

"Ah, it's impossible for him to escape from the Heaven Dou Royal Academy tonight."

"Tianheng, why do you always feel that you are a little absent-minded?"

Yu Tianheng forced a smile and said, "Maybe the injury was too serious."

Yuming nodded and didn't stay any longer, leaving Yu Tianheng alone to recuperate.

He was going to guard it himself, waiting for the moment to catch the murderer.


Hearing the chaotic footsteps outside, Han Xiao looked a little dignified.

Sure enough, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect was cornered?
If the guess is correct, there are guards at all the exits at this time, and there is no way to escape.

And the time left for Han Xiao is only this night.

If it is delayed until the next morning, the only thing waiting for him is the last ray of sunshine and death in the morning.

Just how to use these short hours to escape?

You must know that Tiandou Imperial Academy is extremely special, it is built in the mountains.

There is only one way down the mountain, unless you jump the mountain, it is undoubtedly tantamount to suicide.

This road has long been blocked by a large number of soul saints and soul emperors.

Maybe Han Xiao just appeared, and there is no possibility of resistance.

Han Xiao took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

At this time, you must be calm, and worrying will only make you fall into the swamp a little bit.

A gust of cold wind blew, and Han Xiao's hair rose slightly.

In addition to being cold in the mountains at night, the wind is also strong.

But fortunately, Han Xiao has a good physique, coupled with the cold immunity of the Frost Crown, this level cannot make him tremble with cold.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and suddenly realized that this place is on the mountain.

There is a way!

However, you have to go back to the party hall.

Han Xiao shuttled through the forest like a nimble ape, and the tree branches in the shadows could not stop his progress at all.

Time passed by little by little, and now for Han Xiao, every minute and every second is precious.

If he was lucky enough, Yuming would not have guessed that he would revisit the old place and would not deploy a powerful force in the gathering hall.

Looking at the gathering hall from a distance, Han Xiao was panting heavily.


There was no one else here except for the two guards who guarded it.

The entire auditorium has been completely sealed off, and there is still an eye-catching seal on the door.

Han Xiao took a deep breath, clenched the Taotie in his hand, and approached the auditorium step by step.

He deftly climbed over the high wall and landed silently.

At this time, since Han Xiao's position is on the side of this square auditorium.

And those two guards will not come here to inspect for the time being.

Regardless of the strength of the two guards, he had to bite the bullet.

This is Han Xiao's last chance.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared at the corner ahead.

Han Xiao's muscles tightened instantly, and at this moment he could even feel his heart beating violently.

If the comer is an enemy, at this distance, a battle will definitely erupt between the two sides.

In this way, Han Xiao's position will be revealed in an instant, and the two guards only need one to support him together, and the other to report.

No matter what, Han Xiao will lose the chance to escape.

Still too anxious, the remaining time has not allowed Han Xiao to observe any more.

The figure was getting closer and closer to Han Xiao, and he had already assumed a fighting posture, trying to kill him with all his strength the moment he appeared.

However, the person who appeared at the next corner made Han Xiao's pupils shrink.

It was a waiter, wearing a standard white service attire.

Without any hesitation, Han Xiao started directly.

It is too weird for a waiter to appear here at this time no matter what the reason is.

The waiter reacted quickly and grabbed Han Xiao's wrist.

Taotie was hanging above his head, exuding a gloomy and cold light.

"It really is not an ordinary person."

Han Xiao didn't hesitate at all, shortened the distance, and hit a knee.

However, in the face of this blow, the waiter's combat experience was so rich that it was terrifying.

He first tried to counter Han Xiao's wrist, in order to force Han Xiao to give up the close-range attack and switch from defense to offense.

But even the reaction speed of the grasped wrist is extremely flexible. He lightly tossed the Taotie in Han Xiao's hand, turned around in the air, and forced the waiter to let go at an incredible angle.

In desperation, the waiter pulled Han Xiao's arm vigorously, causing him to lose his balance for a short time, and then punched Han Xiao's eye socket.

This man is strong!
Han Xiao was stunned.

After a short confrontation, Han Xiao saw through this person's strength.

It seems that for some reason, he didn't use Wuhun, but his physical strength was stronger than Han Xiao's.

Apart from these, from the perspective of pure fighting skills, this person's strength is enough to be a master level in his previous life.

Looking at the oncoming straight punch, Han Xiao simply made a gesture and fell directly to the ground.

The waiter didn't expect him to dodge his fist in this way. After hesitating for half a second, he raised his leg high.

Han Xiao, who was about to fall, fully demonstrated his amazing flexibility and balance.

He supported the ground with both hands, exerted lightly, and the whole person rose into the air, and slammed one leg at the waiter.

Volley barb!

This action of Han Xiao is very similar to a football player's volley barb.

The corner of the waiter's mouth twitched into a sneer, and the long legs changed their moves in the air, changing to a diagonal kick, and stabbed Han Xiao fiercely.

Han Xiao, who was in the air, couldn't dodge this swift blow, but the extremely fast kick finally began to pull back, and only lightly tapped Han Xiao's lower abdomen.

Han Xiao grabbed his ankle, he had already expected that the waiter's blow would not use much force.

A smile appeared on the corner of the waiter's mouth, and he glanced at Han Xiao provocatively.

However, the waiter was not satisfied for long.

What about the dagger? !

His pupils shrank suddenly, only to realize that the dagger in Han Xiao's hand had disappeared at some point.

Han Xiao seemed to see through the waiter's expression, and pointed to the sky.

The waiter suddenly raised his head, only to see the gleaming dagger circling and falling in mid-air.

"not good!"

If the dagger was accurately inserted into his body from the air, he would definitely be seriously injured.

The waiter wanted to move his body, but found that he was already leaning against the corner, with Han Xiao in front of him, and there was nowhere to hide.

The dagger's falling speed was very fast, and it only took a few seconds for the waiter to think before it fell on top of his head.

Is it the only way to use Wuhun?

The soul power in the waiter's body began to evaporate, but Han Xiao's action of putting his index finger between his mouth made him stop stimulating the soul power again.

Han Xiao slowly stretched out a hand, Taotie was impartial, and the handle of the knife just fell into his hand.

Looking at Han Xiao's expressionless pupils, the waiter's pupils trembled: "This person has long thought that the dagger will fall into his hands accurately?"

The two had a tacit understanding and stopped at the same time, looking at each other.

The waiter was wearing white clothes, and his face was wrapped in a white mask, except for his narrow and narrow eyes, which looked extremely obscene.

The two are one black and one white, forming an extremely strong and obvious contrast.

Han Xiao glanced at the jungle behind him and glanced at him.

The waiter nodded, and went into the woods with Han Xiao.

"Are you the killer?"

Just entering the grove, the waiter couldn't wait to ask.

Han Xiao glanced at him, without denying it: "I have never seen such a vigorous waiter who can come here at this time."

"It's you who ruined my good deed."

The waiter's voice was a little angry, and said angrily.

Han Xiao sneered, "Look at the almanac before going out to kill people next time, and don't crash into people again."


The man clenched his fists angrily, his chest heaving violently.

Han Xiao directly guessed the identity of this person.

Unexpectedly, the two were extremely coincidental and decided to carry out the assassination at the same place on the same day.

This is thousands of times less likely than two friends buying the same carriage at the same time.

Obviously, because of Han Xiao's big move, this colleague was pitifully trapped in the Tiandou Royal Academy and couldn't leave.

This feeling is like a bird dropping from the sky and landed in his mouth, it is really aggrieved.

The waiter asked with great reluctance: "Are you willing to cooperate?"

"Cooperation?" Han Xiao said blankly: "The person they want to arrest is me, and they don't have much hatred for you. Besides, you haven't done anything. At most, you will let you go after interrogating you." .”

The waiter shook his head: "I can't be caught."

Can't be caught?
Han Xiao looked at the waiter in front of him again, with a little more interest in his eyes.

What is his identity, so sensitive that he cannot be caught?

"Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask." The waiter said coldly.

Han Xiao asked, "How to cooperate?"

The waiter said, "You and I join hands and rush out."

He is also very clear that the road to this Tiandou Royal Academy is completely blocked, and he can only give it a go.

"Don't think about it, even if you and I join forces, it is impossible to break through the gate." Han Xiao shook his head.

There are so many soul saints and soul emperors squatting there outside, it's not a decoration.

A pot of cold water was poured on the head, and the service was so angry.

"Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, Ruoben... I can go out, and I will definitely destroy you!"

The waiter said bitterly.

Han Xiao looked at the waiter and said, "I have a way to leave this place while avoiding the battle with the opponent."

"Tell me." The waiter's eyes lit up.

"I don't want to be a burden." Han Xiao said expressionlessly.

"You!" The waiter was furious again, "Do you know that I am like this because of you?"

Thinking about it this way, this person is really miserable, but if he didn't come to Tiandou Imperial Academy with impure motives, how could he be trapped here?
Han Xiao sneered, waiting for the waiter to vent his emotions.

"I'm not a burden."

The waiter looked at Han Xiao, his eyes could kill.

Han Xiao shrugged and made a please gesture.

For him, he still hopes to hear something more practical.

The waiter took a deep breath, as if trying to suppress the anger in his heart.

"My martial spirit is...two wings, a level 57 soul king."

"Since your martial spirit is wings, why don't you just fly away?"

Han Xiao asked a question.

The waiter replied angrily: "Is it easy for you to fly? You should know how high the altitude of this mountain is. Although my martial spirit can fly, but if I want to fly directly, my soul power cannot support the whole journey." .”

The wind on the mountain is already bitter, let alone at such a high altitude.

There is absolutely no problem with letting him fly at a low altitude, but with his current soul power, it is still too far-fetched to fly down from this height.

What's more, if he flies rashly, he is very likely to become Han Xiao's scapegoat and be attacked by this group of soul masters.

The waiter dared not take the risk.

Han Xiao nodded, and asked, "If you go up on the spot, how high can you get off the ground?"

After thinking for a moment, the waiter said, "30 meters, this is the limit height."

"Why, do you want to fly out of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy?!"

The waiter looked at Han Xiao with disbelief in his eyes.

"is it not OK?"

"It's definitely not possible. As I said before, even if my martial spirit can provide a flying distance, it is absolutely impossible for us to fly out of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy."

"What is the limit altitude you can fly?"

Han Xiao asked.

"50 meters."

This height is already terrifying, it was as high as a sixteen or seventeen-story building in my previous life.

You must know that a human being is a thousand times heavier than a bird.

Moreover, his soul power is only level 57, if it is further improved, the flying height will be even higher.


Yuming looked up at the sky covered by the haze, and frowned.

After midnight, Han Xiao still didn't show up.

This made him vaguely feel something was wrong.

Yuming suddenly felt a sense of unease.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

What would I do if I were a murderer?
"You stay here and I will go to the auditorium above to have a look."

He knew very well that the guards in the auditorium were extremely weak.

And Han Xiao's moves are extremely weird, and he never plays cards according to common sense.

Thinking of this, Yuming quickened his pace.

(End of this chapter)

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