Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 117 Zhan Yuming!

Chapter 117 Zhan Yuming!
Han Xiao said, "This height is enough."

"You really want to fly?"

"I've said it before, even if it's gliding, with my wings at this height, it's impossible to last till the end."

Losing gravity is a terrible thing. The strong pressure and turbulence will make him fall directly in mid-air.

"I can."

Han Xiao looked at the waiter, not joking.


The waiter looked at Han Xiao with a strange expression.

Han Xiao expressed his plan with a serious face.

After listening to the plan, the waiter looked at Han Xiao with extremely complicated eyes.

"Planning is not difficult, it is difficult to trust each other."

Han Xiao said: "If you are willing to trust me, let's give it a try. If you don't want to, I won't force it. At worst, I will be crippled."

After a moment of silence, the waiter took a deep breath: "I would like to believe you."

"Before that, I need to prepare a few props."

Han Xiao pointed to the gathering hall ahead.

The waiter nodded, bent down, followed behind Han Xiao, and walked towards the two guards who were already dozing off.

This time, the two are no longer enemies, but fighting on the same front.

Step by step approaching a guard, Han Xiao clenched the Taotie in his hand.

He and the waiter looked at each other, they met and nodded at the same time.

Han Xiao moved, like a crocodile hiding under the water waiting to be preyed, jumped out of the water, stabbing the guard fiercely with the glutton in his hand.

By the time the guard reacted, Taotie had already firmly inserted into his neck.

His expression was always frozen in horror.

The waiter on the other side had also broken the guard's neck.

Looking at the closed door, the waiter frowned.

Han Xiao waved his hand, took out a thin iron wire, inserted it into the hole to find the machine expansion, flicked lightly, and the door opened in response.

Walking into the gate, the auditorium was not cleaned up, and there was a smell of alcohol.

"Find a solid steel pipe."

Han Xiao didn't waste time and gave the waiter a task.

Half an hour later, the two met in the lobby.

"Find it all?"

"Let's go."

The two didn't communicate much, they turned and left the auditorium, and walked towards the top of the mountain.

Walking and walking, Han Xiao stopped.

Han Xiao suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

His gaze darkened.

"Do you want to kill someone from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect?"

Han Xiao asked.

"Does that even need to be said?"

The waiter said coldly.

Yuming clenched his fists and creaked, and when he saw the two corpses lying in front of the auditorium gate, he immediately reacted.

Since there is no net below, the only place Han Xiao can go is the top of the mountain.

His eyes shone with scarlet light, and his steps became faster and faster.

Yuming is now very clear that Han Xiao is halfway up the mountain.

The distance between the two was getting closer, and Yuming's heart became more and more excited.

He followed the road opened by Han Xiao all the way until the road ahead was completely blocked by thorns and vines.

Yuming raised his head abruptly, and saw Han Xiao's figure standing high above, his black robe fluttering with the wind, looking at him quietly.

He seemed to be waiting here for a long time, his eyes looking at Yuming with no emotion under the moonlight.

Han Xiao raised his hand and slowly made a movement of wiping his neck.


Yuming roared, dragon horns grew slowly from the top of his head, his arms and legs swelled instantly, and he turned into a dragon shape, surrounded by blue-purple thunder snakes, buzzing.

Everything around him instantly turned into ashes, and Yuming swept a path of lightning and rushed towards Han Xiao.

At this moment, he is unstoppable.

Han Xiao took a deep breath, and three purple soul rings surrounded his body.

Yuming's eyes trembled, this was the first time he saw such a terrifying soul ring configuration.

He smiled coldly, just tonight, a peerless genius was about to die in his hands.

"I'm going to break your tendons and make you live in hell every day!"

Yuming roared, and the dragon claws mixed with the power of thunder, slapped Han Xiao hard.

The full blow of the fifty-level soul king made Han Xiao tremble all over.

Not scared, but excited.

After coming to Heaven Dou Empire, he suppressed the murderous aura in his body for too long.

Now it's finally free.

For a month, Yuming thought about tearing Han Xiao apart all the time.

Before he knew it, Han Xiao had become his nightmare.

And now, he finally had the chance to kill this son.

Yuming rushed in front of Han Xiao, stretched his shoulders, and pulled his fists behind his ears, hiding the terrifying power of thunder.A blow broke out, and this punch was mixed with a whistling sound that almost shredded the air, and it went straight to Han Xiao's face.The crackling sound of thunder filled the air. If this blow hit, it would be enough to blow Han Xiao's head off!

Han Xiao moved.

His figure was like a dexterous black cat, and his three soul rings lit up at the same time.

Killing Armor, Possession!
Back in time!

Yuming's pupils trembled as he watched the punch he was gradually withdrawing.Although Han Xiao only let this punch back for two seconds, these two seconds are simply too critical in this kind of confrontation.

The Taotie in Han Xiao's hand was possessed by murderous aura, and instantly condensed into a scarlet spear.

Stab hard!

This shot rushed to the most vulnerable place of the human body, the throat.

Yuming took a step back, shouted loudly, and the first yellow soul ring lit up.His dragon claws swelled infinitely, and the thunder snake wrapped around it became stronger and stronger, even forcibly reversing Han Xiao's time travel.

The first soul skill, Thunder Dragon Claw!
In the face of Han Xiao's long spear that went straight to the vital point, Yu Ming had no intention of defending, and planned to trade his life for his life!
However, Han Xiao's gun is longer!
The shot opened and closed, without any tricks, and directly pierced Yuming's throat. However, what surprised Han Xiao was that this blow did not pierce Yuming's throat, just like piercing the extremely hard Ruburt. special tears.

Looking carefully, Han Xiao found that there were a few hard dragon scales attached to Yuming's neck, which resisted Han Xiao's murderous blow.

This is the gap in soul power, even if you have a strong thousand-year soul ring and a powerful martial soul, you can't bridge the huge gap in levels.

Han Xiao's reaction speed was very fast. Seeing that the blow was ineffective, he quickly retracted his gun, and he had to avoid Yuming's Thunder Dragon Claw.

"Want to hide?"

Yuming sneered.

The thunder attached to his dragon claw instantly condensed into lightning arrows and shot towards him.

Nowhere to stop!

The lightning arrow was so fast that it pierced Han Xiao's shoulder in an instant.

However, Yuming did not let down his vigilance. His strong sixth sense told him that Han Xiao was behind him.

Turning his head suddenly, he saw Han Xiao holding an extremely weird weapon in his hand.

The long-barreled weapon was scarlet in color and consisted of two cuboids. It looked like some kind of blacksmith's tool.

However, for some reason, Yuming felt a great danger.

Especially when the black muzzle was pointed at him.

(End of this chapter)

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