Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 118 The Golden Sword!

Chapter 118 The Golden Sword!

Han Xiao expressionless, clasped the Desert Eagle in his hand.

Bang bang bang!
The terrifying recoil made his arms numb.

Three bullets condensed from murderous aura shot towards Yuming.


Yuming had never seen such a weird weapon, so he had to stretch out his arms to resist.

The bullet pressed deeply into Yuming's skin, and the terrifying force made him retreat, and the bullet pressing on Yuming's body began to spin wildly, but even this could not make him see blood.

The crazily spinning bullets dissipated little by little, and finally turned into groups of murderous whirlpools attached to the surface of Yuming's body.

The murderous whirlpool scratched his skin like a knife.

This is also useless?

Han Xiao frowned, isn't the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Wuhun too perverted?
But if you think about it carefully, you can understand that the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect doesn't have the Hammering technique of the Clear Sky School, nor the Qiqiao Linglong Heart and Treasure Appreciation ability of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

However, even so, this sect has been able to sit firmly in the three sects for many years, which really shows the terrifying degree of its martial spirit.

What's more, the two sides are [-] levels behind in spirit power.

Han Xiao withdrew the Desert Eagle, which was condensed with murderous aura, and looked at Yuming expressionlessly.

"I have to admit that your strength is indeed very strong."

Yuming looked at Han Xiao, and said coldly: "With your ability and terrifying spirit ring ratio, it is definitely an existence that needs to be cultivated in the Spirit Hall."

"I don't know what kind of enmity you have with the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, but you are too impatient. If I were you, I could wait until Soul Sage and Contra to provoke. At that time, apart from my Sect Master, no one will Someone will do nothing to you."

"People in the world don't know how precious the face of my Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is, because those who once provoked the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect are all dead."

"Unfortunately, today I will kill a genius."

Yuming's eyes were scarlet, and he rushed towards Han Xiao.

His first soul ring lit up again, and Thunder Dragon Claw slammed at Han Xiao.

However, at this moment, Yuming suddenly raised his head.

A figure in the sky descended rapidly, and behind him, there was a pair of huge wings, like an angel hidden in the dark night.

The second soul skill, Thunderbolt!
In an instant, the Thunder Snake surrounding Yuming's body swelled and surrounded him.

And help?

Yuming didn't dare to be careless, and wrapped his body in the Thunder Snake, forming an absolute defense.

But what he didn't know was that there was no so-called absolute defense in this world.

A burst of looseness from the ground made Yuming a little puzzled, he quickly lowered his head, only to see a hand tightly grasping his ankle.

"not good!"

Yuming said inwardly, "Oops, his heaven and world are completely sealed off, and there is no chance to escape."

The figure in the sky was getting closer and closer, and the hands that grabbed his ankles turned into a gleaming dagger at some point.

Only use that trick.

Yuming's expression turned cold.

His third soul ring bloomed at the same time as the fifth black soul ring.

The third soul skill, Thunder Fury, enhances strength and soul power in all aspects.

The fifth soul skill, Four Verticals of Thunder, releases lightning from all directions centered on oneself, with paralysis effect!

With the blessing of Thunder Fury, Thunder Four Zong became even more terrifying. Starting from him, a circle of ferocious thunder nets appeared around him.

Seeing this, Han Xiao immediately withdrew his hand, and the waiter in the air also circled around, and did not continue to attack.

The two stood together, looking at Yuming as the thunder and lightning gradually disappeared.

The Taotie in Han Xiao's hand was still dripping blood.

Yuming was panting violently, and there was an astonishing wound on his ankle, his skin was torn apart, it was extremely hideous.

Although the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex was terribly abnormal, its strong dragon scales could not cover its whole body.

Yuming covered the heart, throat, and other vulnerable points with scales.

But it never occurred to him that his ankle would become the Achilles' heel.

The continuous high-intensity use of soul skills, coupled with the negative effects of the rampage state, made Yuming gasp violently. At this time, he was like a caged animal.

Yu Ming, whose hamstring was broken, looked at the two of them, and sneered: "You don't really think that this will solve me, do you?"

Han Xiao didn't pay attention to him, looked at the waiter beside him and said, "You will solve it next, I want to recover my soul power."

"My soul skills are not suitable for use in this environment."

The waiter said somewhat narrowly.

"Huh?" Han Xiao frowned.

What do you mean it cannot be used in this environment?
Originally, the two had agreed, Han Xiao feigned an attack, and the waiter took the initiative to solve it.

But now you do this for me?
"It's not that I don't want to use soul skills, but that my soul skills are really conspicuous."

Seeing Han Xiao's suspicious gaze, the waiter explained.

"Okay, then we surrender ourselves."

Han Xiao said coldly.

"You man, why are you in a hurry." The waiter frowned: "I just said that I don't need soul skills, and I didn't say that I wouldn't beat him."

Hearing this, Han Xiao simply sat cross-legged on the ground and ignored it.

Seeing Han Xiao ignoring him, the waiter was so angry that he wanted to stomp his feet, but he finally endured it.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Yuming realized that he had no sense of existence at all, and was not even looked down upon by the two of them, so he yelled loudly.

The waiter looked at him expressionlessly, walked over step by step, and at some point a long sword appeared in his hand.

"What I mean is that it doesn't take soul skills to kill you."

As soon as the words fell, the waiter disappeared in the blink of an eye.

His speed was terribly fast, and he came in front of Yuming with just one breath.

Even he, who is also the soul king, didn't react.

"how is this possible?!"

Yuming was shocked, and quickly stretched out his hand to resist.

But the waiter's long sword had already come to Yuming.

The edge of the sword carried a three-point whistling aura, and with just one strike, it seemed to contain an incomparably terrifying rhythm.

Han Xiao's pupils shrank.

Although the sword swung by the waiter didn't have any unnecessary movements, but an expert can tell from just one blow to Han Xiao that his swordsmanship teacher is definitely a master.

A good teacher can prevent students from taking too many detours, especially in swordsmanship.

The waiter's swordsmanship was not sloppy or redundant. Obviously, his teacher taught him the most correct way from the very beginning, and at the same time corrected all kinds of bad movements that occurred during the training.

The long sword easily cut through Yuming's arm and pierced straight into the heart.

"The fourth soul skill, Thunderstorm!"

Yuming coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his eyes had completely turned scarlet.

The dense thunder and lightning rushed straight towards the waiter in front of him like a dragon dance.

This blow cannot be avoided.

However, I saw the waiter gently waving the long sword in his hand, and an incredible scene happened.

The screaming thunder dragon gradually slowed down, and unexpectedly coiled around the long sword slowly.

"How... how is it possible?!"

Yuming couldn't believe what he saw.

Guiding the thunder dragon with a long sword requires a strong soul control and understanding of swordsmanship.

Very strong.

In just two words, it is Han Xiao's evaluation of the waiter.

The waiter's fighting skills are very strong, and his sword skills are even more ridiculous.

At this time, the waiter's movements were extremely graceful, like an elf in the dark night, and the long sword in his hand was shining with blue-purple light.

The thunder dragon wrapped around the sword became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared gradually.

The long sword pointed at Yuming, who felt ashamed.

He understood that although there was not much difference in soul power between the two, there was a gully-like gap in every other aspect.

Yuming closed his eyes, and opened them again, but there was a touch of determination in his eyes.

A disciple of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, would rather fight to the last drop of blood than become a fish on a stick!
He looked at the waiter who was walking slowly, with a flash of determination in his eyes.

"Dragon, it can only be a dragon! It will always be a dragon! It's impossible for someone to beat you, and you have to be a dog for someone!"

He roared and rushed towards Han Xiao and the waiter desperately.

This sentence is the thought that Yu Yuanzhen taught his disciples when they were young.

"If you want my life, you have to accompany me."

As soon as the words fell, Yuming's body burst out with an incomparably shining light.

Every inch of his skin was beating faint blue-purple lightning.

These blue lightnings are like swimming fish, quickly gathering in Yuming's heart, and finally formed an extremely terrifying thunder dragon.

"not good!"

Seeing that Yuming's target was Han Xiao, the waiter's heart sank.

He is using his heart as the last weapon, using his life to perform the final swan song!

If this blow hits, Han Xiao's ending must be death.

At this moment, the waiter couldn't care too much, five soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple and black surrounded him.

His pair of wings seemed to be emitting light, but he suppressed them with all his might.

The waiter's fist burst into an extremely dazzling golden light, which finally turned into a golden light shield, and slapped Yuming hard.

His thunder dragon was affected by the golden light, gradually weakened, and finally disappeared.

And the light shield slapped Yuming hard on the head.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Yuming stood where he was, like a statue.

Blood began to ooze from his mouth and nose, he remained motionless, and his vitality dissipated.

"Fortunately we caught up."

The waiter heaved a sigh of relief and turned to look at Han Xiao.

He didn't want Han Xiao to die now, otherwise how could he leave Tiandou Royal Academy.

Withdrawing the long sword, the waiter looked at Han Xiao expressionlessly, raised his head, and seemed to be waiting for Han Xiao to comment.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you leave quickly?"

Han Xiao frowned and said. ,
He understood why the waiter said that it was inconvenient for him to release his soul skills.

In this dark environment, the soul skill released by the waiter just now is like a lighthouse.

It was just a matter of telling the group of guards at the bottom of the mountain their location. Han Xiao hated this conspicuous attack method.

Every attack is like zooming in in anime, but being silent is more suitable for him.

If the guess is correct, the group of guards has already mobilized half of their troops and began to drive towards them.


The server gritted his teeth angrily, and was about to say something, but saw that Han Xiao had gone away.

He could only step harder and sulk.

The speed of the two people moving up the mountain was very fast, and the time passed by little by little.

Han Xiao looked up at the sky from time to time. At this time, there were only two or three hours left before the sun rose.

For two people, it is enough.

"The people below are about to catch up."

Han Xiao spread his mental power and probed downwards.

His complexion was a little heavy.

Sure enough, as Han Xiao guessed, such a big movement was enough to attract their attention.

Han Xiao used Taotie to push aside the branches blocking the way, and the top of the mountain was already in front of him.

"I need time."

Looking at the smaller Heaven Dou City at the foot of the mountain, Han Xiao took a deep breath.

The waiter nodded, took a deep breath, and adjusted his state.

Putting the steel pipes found in the auditorium on the ground one by one, Han Xiao began to assemble.

At this moment, Han Xiao seemed to have become a top craftsman, and the steel pipe in his hand was constantly connected and bent.

The icy wind around him has disappeared, and at this moment, he has nothing to worry about, as if only the cold steel pipe in front of him is left.

The footsteps at the bottom of the mountain became more and more chaotic, and the stewards of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect seemed to have rushed up.

"Chop that mountain!"

Han Xiao took out a Softbank hammer and kept hitting the steel pipe.

The waiter looked at the place Han Xiao was pointing at and said with a smile, "Okay!"

What the two of them said today is really too crazy.

From now on, it will definitely become a disgrace to Tiandou Royal Academy.

The waiter took a deep breath, and the fifth soul ring burst into a dark and deep light.

In an instant, the long sword in his hand was like a torch in the dark night.

The long sword was intertwined with golden yellow and red flames, exuding a solemn aura.

The waiter took a deep breath and stood up against the wind.


At this time, the stewards who were still halfway up the mountain saw the waiter.

"Kill! Kill him!"

The eyes of the group were dyed scarlet.

On the way there, they saw Yuming's body.

They were angry, they roared, and they wished they could rush up and tear Han Xiao into pieces right now.

But this mountain road is extremely difficult to walk, the more anxious you are, the slower your speed will be.

But the waiter's next action made everyone forget to breathe.

I saw him gently swinging the golden holy sword in his hand, a golden sword light pierced the sky, this dark night seemed to have an extra wound.

The speed of the golden sword light was not too fast, but everyone could feel the terrifying power contained in it.

What shocked them even more was that the sword light was not heading in their direction, but struck the hill in front of them.

In an instant, the mountain trembled, and countless falling rocks rolled down, smashing towards them.

"Everyone, release your martial soul and resist with all your strength!"

A steward yelled.

Countless boulders rolled down from the mountain, enough to support them for a while.

Withdrawing the long sword, the waiter let out a deep breath.

He turned his head to look at Han Xiao, and found that the latter was not affected by the violent vibration at all.


The huge keel in Han Xiao's hand, which already had some prototypes, attracted his attention.

"What is this?"

the waiter asked.

Han Xiao glanced at him lightly, and said, "The keel that allows you to soar in the air."

In just one hour, Han Xiao actually made such a behemoth, which made the waiter look at him more complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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