Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 119 Unconstrained ideas, flying high!

Chapter 119 Unconstrained ideas, flying high!

Three millennium soul rings, the domain of killing gods, extremely rich fighting experience, and unconstrained ideas.

If such a person becomes an enemy...

It was hard for him to imagine what a terrifying existence Han Xiao would be if he grew up.

But when did such an existence appear in the mainland?
After connecting the last steel pipe, Han Xiao wiped the sweat from his forehead.

It's just one last thing.

Han Xiao looked at the waiter and said, "Take off your clothes."

"What are you doing?" The waiter looked wary.

"it works."

Han Xiao said while taking off his coat.

He didn't want to explain more.

The waiter didn't say much, just took off the white coat and threw it to Solder Love.

The two pieces of clothing were torn apart and stitched together, finally forming a rectangle with a cross inside and tied tightly to the chest.

He took out another long rope made of rubber band, tied it around his waist, and tied it with a dead knot.

Han Xiao took a deep breath: "Everything is arranged properly, and the rest is left to God."

It stands to reason that with such a tie, even the most fragile straw rope will not break.

"Not yet?"

The waiter looked down the mountain and urged.

This group of stewards is worthy of being the elite of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and they quickly solved the falling rocks.

At their full speed, it takes about 10 minutes to reach the top of the mountain.

"come over!"

Han Xiao wrapped the rope connecting his body tightly around the keel, and said.

The waiter did not hesitate at all, and immediately came to Han Xiao's side.

"You...what are you doing?"

Han Xiao held the other party in his arms and tied the two tightly together.

He took out the long rope he had prepared and wrapped it around his waist.

At this moment, the two of them had their chests against their backs, and there was no gap between them, only their legs could move.

This feeling made the waiter quite uncomfortable, and he writhed uncomfortably.

"If you don't want to fall from the sky later, stop your squirming."


The waiter seriously suspected that Han Xiao did it on purpose, and specially used the ugly word of creeping.

"Besides, everyone is a man, so there's nothing to be taboo about."

Han Xiao added this sentence to make the waiter more honest.

Without a tacit understanding, the two walked to the most open area on the top of the mountain.

Han Xiao took a deep breath, "Aura."

In an instant, a cloak jumped out cheerfully, dancing in mid-air.

"Twin martial souls?"

When the waiter saw this scene, his pupils shrank.

What was it about this killer that shocked him?

Moreover, this weird Wuhun seemed to have self-awareness, which he had never seen before.

Han Xiao communicated with Lingguang Cloak silently for a moment.

The aura cloak nodded in embarrassment, and finally turned into a huge triangle, wrapped around each foot of the keel, stretched without a trace of wrinkle.

At this moment, a gigantic hang glider completes the last piece of the puzzle.

"Bastard, today I will cut you into pieces!"

At this moment, the director of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect had already reached the top of the mountain, and the distance between the two sides was only about 200 meters.

The corner of Han Xiao's mouth curled into a sneer, and he made a movement of cutting his throat.

Then, his right leg burst into black light.

Soul bone skills, soul breaking!
In an instant, the muscles of Han Xiao's right leg were congested with blood, and an incomparably terrifying soul power filled it.

Looking at the steward who rushed up, Han Xiao did not kick them with a terrifying blow, but stomped hard on the ground.

The terrifying force turned the slate into powder, and Han Xiao and the waiter were affected by the strong inertia and soared into the sky.

"What are they going to do?"

The steward's pupils trembled and he exclaimed.

They have never seen the weird huge wings behind Han Xiao.

"Sunny weather with moderate humidity and sufficient altitude to expect no turbulence."

Han Xiao muttered to himself in a low voice.

He raised his head and looked at the crowd with cold eyes: "Goodbye, Blue Lightning Overlord Sect."

The icy cold wind blew towards Han Xiao's face like a knife. Under the impact of this terrifying inertia, Han Xiao and the two flew out directly.

The hang glider spread out in the air, and the two of them glide rapidly in the air like a big flying bird.

"Open your arms."

Han Xiao shouted loudly.

Their ears were filled with piercing whistling sounds, and they could only roar.

Even with such a close distance, the waiter did not hear Han Xiao's voice.

Seeing this, Han Xiao had no choice but to grab his hands, and the two hung under the hang glider in a large character.

At the mountain gate of Tiandou Royal Academy, the two guards were absorbed in concentration, and their eyes were bloodshot because they hadn't slept all night.

But even so, their spirits are still highly concentrated, staring at every corner.

"Brother, do you think the grandson has run away?"

A steward said.

They need to chat from time to time to get each other out of trouble.

"Run? Unless he flies away from the sky, where can he go?"

"Today he must die in Tiandou Royal Academy!"

The man said confidently.

It can be said that the current Han Xiao is already the public enemy of the All Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

If it wasn't for him, they would have come to this ghost place in the middle of the night?

Therefore, these stewards of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect worked together at this time, and they were determined to crush the dragon slayer.

The steward rubbed his sore neck and raised his head.

He opened his mouth wide, and said in disbelief: "Brother, look, what kind of bird and soul beast is that, it's so big."


The good brother beside him raised his head and looked at the sky with a puzzled expression.

With a bang, he stood up: "That's a fart soul beast, didn't you see that there are two people tied to it?"

The steward suddenly realized, "Oh."


After a while, the two seemed to realize that they looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.

"what did you just say?"

"I said two people were tied up."

"I said the last sentence!"

" can fly in the sky."

They raised their heads at the same time, their pupils trembling.

At the same time, those who raised their heads together with them were the stewards who were guarding in various directions.

In addition to the shock and anger in their eyes, there was also a little more admiration.

This group of stewards analyzed countless escape methods that Han Xiao would choose, but they never thought that he would choose to fly out.

"It's over."

On the top of the mountain, looking at Han Xiao who was getting further and further away and finally disappeared, a steward sat on the ground limply.

For this hunting plan, they not only mobilized most of the stewards, but also used a favor from the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

It is not easy to get these teachers to stay up in the middle of the night to help them guard.

High above the sky, the huge pressure made the two of them breathless.

According to previous life records, the highest altitude of the hang glider is 6000 meters, and the farthest gliding distance is 480 kilometers, which is enough for them to fly to Tiandou City safely.

In addition, after the physical fitness has been greatly improved by the Wuhun, the pressure that the ears can bear will also increase.

"There may be spoilers ahead, don't spit it out in mid-air."

Feeling the air flow, Han Xiao said loudly.

Gradually adapting to the wind of Ling Lie, the waiter could hear Han Xiao's voice.

"You still worry about yourself!"

The waiter responded loudly.

Although this was his first time gliding, at least his martial spirit allowed him to fly freely in mid-air, so naturally he would not be affected by the disturbance.

The turbulence hit, blowing the hang glider tottering.

Han Xiao's complexion was a little pale, and soul power was needed to maintain the deformed state of the aura cloak.

What's more, at high altitude at this time, the aura cloak needs a lot of soul power to maintain its shape.

Fortunately, in his previous life, he passed the professional certificate of flying in the air. Feeling the direction of the wind, Han Xiao kept changing the flying angle of the hang glider.

"Where are we going?"

shouted the waiter.

"I have no idea!"

"You do not know?!"

"Wherever the wind goes, we will go there!"

The waiter gritted his teeth, feeling like he was on a thief ship.

Fortunately, there was only one turbulence during the flight, and then their glide became smoother.

Seeing this, Han Xiao pulled out a bag of cloth bags from the soul guide and handed it to the waiter: "Hold it."

"What is this, it's so heavy!"

After taking the cloth bag, the waiter said in surprise.

"It's full of rocks, we're going to get out of the sky."

Han Xiao said.

If they continue to fly like this, they may not be able to land until noon.

After the weight increased, the waiter obviously felt that the ant-like building below was expanding a little bit.

He said with some surprise: "After flying for more than half an hour, we will be able to accurately land in Tiandou City!"

However, Han Xiao's expression became more and more serious.

Updrafts are coming, and more than one.

This exceeded Han Xiao's expectations. If they were affected by the updraft, they might have to stay at high altitude for a while.

"Why are you tall again?!"

Looking at the buildings turning into dots again, the waiter exclaimed.

"I said, we can only follow the way the wind tells us!"

Han Xiao shouted loudly.

Although they have already got rid of the extremely high altitude, if they really want to float like this, with Han Xiao's strength, it is fine to float for a day.

But only one-third of his soul power is left.

Once the soul power is exhausted in high altitude, the aura cloak will disappear instantly.

In this case, Han Xiao can only forcibly take off his wings.

But this height, even so, is a dead end.

The waiter can rely on his wings to maintain balance in the low air and barely land.

But if he is asked to bring one more person, it may be a bit difficult.

"Look at that cloud, does it look like a dog!"

"Have you seen the Grand Canal in Tiandou City? It looks so small."

"That ball the size of a coin must be the Tiandou Auction House!"

"My soul power is almost exhausted."

The waiter originally enjoyed the feeling of overlooking the city from a high altitude, but Han Xiao's words made him fall to the bottom instantly.

"Can't you say something nice?!" He said angrily.

"If our soul power is exhausted, we may lose weight and fall to the ground to die."

"You don't have to worry about me then, just go."

Han Xiao said loudly.


The waiter was speechless for a while, and looked at Han Xiao with a complicated expression.

Did this person realize his conscience and intend to sacrifice himself?
He gritted his teeth and didn't speak.

In fact, he thought too much. Before Han Xiao left, he prepared for the worst and made a simple parachute with the remaining materials.

That parachute can only bear the weight of one person.

and so……

After that, the waiter became very silent, completely different from the excited look just now.

After 10 minutes, the two had already flown over Heaven Dou City.

"Get ready."

Han Xiao said, his voice was extremely calm.

The waiter knew that his soul power was going to be exhausted.

This wonderful air journey will also come to an end.

The two came to Tiandou Royal Academy to assassinate with a very small probability. They became the best partners that night, and jointly built hang glider and soul master. Dozens of soul emperors and soul saints watched them escape .

And next, what they have to face is the real life and death.

"Remember, don't spread your arms and legs, try to keep yourself in a straight line."

Han Xiao gave the last advice, and then used the Taotie in his hand to chop heavily at the rope connecting the body and the hang glider.

In an instant, the hang glider separated from the bodies of the two, and Han Xiao cut them hard again, and the bodies of the two separated little by little.

Time seems to stand still in the air, and you can't even feel the feeling of falling.

The two stood in the air, maintaining their balance, and looked at each other deeply.

Han Xiao took the lead to leave, as if plunged into the sea, diving down fiercely.

He tried his best to stick his hands tightly to his trouser legs. The bitter cold wind made him unable to open his eyes, and tears burst into the sky.

Seeing Han Xiao who disappeared into the clouds, the waiter gritted his teeth and followed him.

His body is so small under the curtain of the sky, so small that it is impossible to find him.

The feeling of weightlessness is getting stronger, and the lakes, forests, and mountains on the ground are getting bigger and bigger.

He landed very fast, and there was about half a minute before the parachute opened.

Han Xiao was extremely calm at this moment, and could even hear his heart beating violently.

He jumped over umbrellas higher than this.

But what worries Han Xiao a little is whether the parachute he made can let him land safely, will it hit a tree branch, and will it hang on the mountain?

These unstable factors are unpredictable and most likely determine Han Xiao's life and death.

At this moment, he was so focused that it was terrifying.

"100 meters."

"70 meters."

"50 meters."

Looking at the ground getting closer, Han Xiao slowly put his hand on the soul guide on his waist.

Once within the optimal distance, Han Xiao will open the parachute and initiate an emergency landing.

This should be a plain, with no annoying tree branches and stones below, just right for landing.

But what worries Han Xiao is that there is a forest less than [-] meters ahead of the plain.

If a strong wind hits during the time after he opened the umbrella, Han Xiao will be blown directly above the forest.

Until then.

Life and death are destiny and wealth is in heaven.

"I can't handle that much anymore!"

If there is still a chance to survive when the parachute is opened, if it lands directly like this, there will only be one person in the end, and it will be smashed into a piece of meat!
A flash of determination flashed in Han Xiao's eyes, and he put his right hand on the soul guide under strong pressure, and he was about to pull out his homemade parachute in the next second.

Suddenly, he turned his head sharply.

 Angel Wuhun is indeed the strongest Wuhun in the sky, but according to my calculations and Douluo Dalu's level of combat power, it is really impossible to fly down from such a high mountain with Qian Renxue's current spirit power.

(End of this chapter)

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