Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 121 Forced Landing in Notting City!

Chapter 121 Forced Landing in Notting City!
He looked at this group of ostriches, and the more he looked at them, the more displeased he was, "You all learn from Tianqing, the same sect, why is there such a big gap!"

Everyone didn't dare to talk too much, they could only nod their heads repeatedly.

Hearing Yu Yuanzhen's praise, Yu Tianqing felt ecstatic and his body softened.

He decided to go back and have a good chat with Lei Xiao, trying to make his progress faster.

Yu Yuanzhen looked at the crowd and waved his hands, "If that person dares to touch my Lan Dian disciple again, I don't think I can count on you trash, and I will take action to solve it myself."

There was a gloomy look in his eyes.

Anyone who dared to touch the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect was already dead.


The comatose Han Xiao had a weird dream.

In the dream, suddenly a woman's hand grabbed his wrist.

Han Xiao in the water tried to open his eyes, but couldn't see the face clearly.

When Han Xiao opened his eyes, the woman had disappeared, as if she had never been there before.

The only evidence that allowed Han Xiao to confirm that she had been here was the remaining warmth and burning heat on Han Xiao's wrist.

Han Xiao tried his best to open his heavy eyelids, his heavy body seemed to be rusted, and a sharp pain made him clench his teeth.

Looking around, Han Xiao didn't know where it was.

And the woman next to her who was pretending to be a waiter was nowhere to be seen.

"Did you wake up earlier than me and leave?"

Han Xiao rubbed his painful head.

Thinking about it carefully, he did say that he must leave before dawn.

Han Xiao shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Everything that happened last night was as unreal as a dream.

He sat cross-legged, feeling the changes in his body.


A look of joy appeared on Han Xiao's face.

His cloudy sky star map has now reached the state of breaking the army.

In this realm, you can break through all armies!

Every weapon in this world has its shape and meaning.

For example, the death of Yan Pianchuo's dragon sword, and the killing momentum of the Seven Killing Sword.

And Po Jun is the culmination of these powers, and it is all the powers that are inclusive of all rivers.

At this point, Han Xiao can use all weapons to master its terrifying power.

This is the horror of the Huntian Star Chart.

You must know that potential is an extremely abstract thing, illusory.

Those who can form their own power have become masters.

Many people spend their entire lives in poverty and practice hard every day, but they can't form it.

And the realm of breaking the army in the Huntian Star Chart is a watershed.

Han Xiao bowed his head and felt his own soul power again, level 36!

It seems that because of the breakthrough of the Huntian Star Chart, coupled with the risk of life and death tonight, his soul power has directly increased by two levels.

Although he was busy socializing during this period, the speed at which Han Xiao's strength improved can be said to be very rapid.

If it wasn't for the fact that Hun Tian Xing Tu was forcibly suppressing his level, he might have already started looking for the fourth soul ring at this time.

But this kind of oppression is what Han Xiao wants.

Compared with soul masters of the same level, his soul power is much more.

For Han Xiao, he doesn't want his level to increase too fast, but steady and steady is what he wants.

Running the Huntian star map, the injuries in Han Xiao's body were repaired as if visible.

The waiter's ruthless impact actually broke several ribs.

Coupled with the damaged clothes after the two violently tumbled, and the hair that was already wet by the atmospheric clouds, Han Xiao at this time looked very much like a tramp.

Han Xiao got up and stretched his muscles and bones, and crackling sounds came from his body.

He slowly looked around, judging his position after the forced landing.

However, in addition to the flat meadow here, there is an endless forest in front of it.

Han Xiao frowned, and only hoped that he hadn't landed in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

Otherwise, he would really be no match for that kind of ten thousand year spirit beast.

Looking at the meadow behind and the endless forest in front of you.

Without the slightest hesitation, Han Xiao walked towards the forest.

You must know a word, where there are forests, there are people.

Relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water, although Han Xiao does not know the location of the settlement, but this is the right way to go.

Han Xiao's pace is very slow, every step is cautious.

The scariest thing in the world is not ghosts, but the unknown.

He didn't know where he was in the forest, it might be the edge or the hinterland.

There is no high slope here to allow him to observe the direction and the trend of the woods.

But what makes Han Xiao feel strange is that this forest seems to be managed by someone.

Trees, flowers and plants were pruned to the most suitable height for spirit beasts, without pestering plants and annoying insects.

Compared with the Star Dou Great Forest, which is full of crises everywhere, this place is simply a paradise on earth.

"Soul beast?"

Han Xiao looked at the footprints on the ground, his pupils shrank.

At this moment, a thin snake with horns drilled out of the tree trunk, and rushed towards Han Xiao frantically.

It spit scarlet letter, sharp fangs.

"Rhinoceros, look at this length is about 400 years."

Han Xiao didn't even release his martial spirit, he grabbed the snake by seven inches, and then twisted it hard.

The soft body of the rhino snake bent extremely strangely, and the bones hidden in the flesh and blood instantly shattered into two halves.

Just like twisting the cap of a water bottle, Han Xiao solved the 200-year-old soul beast casually.

"Why did you take the initiative to attack me?"

Han Xiao frowned and observed the body of the rhinoceros.

Logically speaking, soul beasts would not take the initiative to attack humans stronger than themselves.

Unless they are frightened.


Han Xiao found that the tail of the snake had many scars, which were obviously caused by humans.

Does it seem that this soul beast has been hunted down?
Just as he guessed, after a while, hurried footsteps came from a distance.

Han Xiao looked up and saw three men and a woman walking out of the forest.

When they saw the rhinoceros in Han Xiao's hands, their pupils shrank suddenly.

"Brother, can you show us the rhinoceros in your hand?"

The leading strong man asked.

Without even thinking about it, Han Xiao threw the snake to him.

The four of them opened the tail of the snake directly, and their expressions became a little ugly: "We have been hunting this beast for two full days."

Not all soul masters have unique skills, and not all soul masters have several powerful masters and guides.

For most soul masters, finding a soul beast with an excellent age can be said to be their dream.

However, this dream, which is so close at hand, has become someone else's soul ring in front of their eyes.

"Brother doesn't know, we have wasted too much energy hunting this beast." The big man smiled wryly.

They couldn't say anything more. Presumably, the rhino snake took the initiative to hurt people, and Han Xiao was just defending himself.

The big man turned his head to look at the little girl beside him, and rubbed her head: "Let's look for it again, maybe there will be another one with the same end?"

The girl pursed her mouth, holding back the tears that were about to overflow, she was very strong.

Even so, the other two men looked at Han Xiao with hostility.

"Do you know how to get to the nearby cities?"

Han Xiao asked.

Regarding this matter, he could only say that this group of soul masters had very bad luck.

The rhinoceros took the initiative to attack him, even if Han Xiao knew that the soul beast was being hunted, he would kill it without hesitation.

Why, do you have to wait until his group of soul masters come over and give them the rhinoceros after being bitten all over with holes?
This is the world of the jungle, don't be silly.

With the Lost Soul Beast, they are too weak to blame others.

"You're going in the wrong direction. The city is over there. You can see it by walking all the way back."

a man said loudly.

"Second brother!"

The strong man frowned and reprimanded.

Immediately, he looked at Han Xiao with an apologetic expression on his face: "Little brother is not sensible, don't listen to his nonsense, your route is correct, continue to walk like this for half a day, and you will be able to see Notting City."

If Han Xiao really followed the route said by the second brother, he might have to walk for two days and two nights to see the town.

Notting City?
Han Xiao nodded and walked around the four of them: "Thank you."

"and many more!"

Just when the two sides passed each other, the second brother shouted loudly.

"Killing someone else's soul beast, doesn't it even say a word?"

He was a little angry.

Han Xiao turned his head and looked at him blankly: "What do you want me to say?"

The second brother was at a loss for words for a moment, and he also knew that Han Xiao could not be blamed for this matter, but he just couldn't get angry.

"Anyway, you have to express it!"


"If you do this again, I will go home quietly in the future, and never come out!"

The elder brother spoke, but the second younger brother didn't dare to say anything, he could only grit his teeth and watch Han Xiao leave.

"Brother, why did you let him go?" the man who had been silent all this time asked.

The strong man didn't respond, and threw the muddy rhinoceros into the arms of the two of them.


The pupils of the two shrank in disbelief.

From the outside, the rhinoceros just seemed to die, but when he touched the body, he could clearly feel that the snake's flesh was like mud, and the flesh was mixed with hard bone residue.

It can use soul power to shatter all the bones in a soul beast, while the outside is intact.

How much terrifying soul power control is needed to do it?
The second brother's complexion was pale, and he was secretly glad.

Fortunately, the ragged man who looked like a beggar didn't do anything to him, otherwise they might have turned into four corpses now.

Notting City is located in the southern part of the Heaven Dou Empire, very close to the border kingdom of Balak which belongs to the Heaven Dou Empire.

What Han Xiao didn't expect was that this time the skating actually covered such a long distance.

Although most of the territory of Tiandou Empire is in the north, Tiandou City is not too far away from here.

But such a long-distance gliding is considered a breakthrough record, right?

The guards here are not as strict as Tiandou City. It seems that they are used to scavengers like Han Xiao, and they put them in without even checking them.

Stepping into the city, Han Xiao slowly scanned his surroundings.

The people in this small city live and work in peace and contentment, although it is completely opposite to the fast pace of Tiandou City, it also has a special flavor.

And the most classic building in this city, besides the City Lord's Mansion, is the branch hall of the Wuhun Hall in front.

The Wuhun Temple in Notting City is a huge dome building.The width of the front alone is more than 20 meters, and the height is [-] meters. It is divided into three floors.

The whole building is brown, and there is only a long sword on the Wuhun Temple logo on the front gate.According to the master's original explanation, there is only one pattern on the sign, which means that the Wuhun Temple in Notting City is the lowest level Wuhun Temple.

Han Xiao walked up to the two great soul master guards, and said blankly: "Can I contact the master of the branch hall, I need..."

Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by two guards: "What little beggar even dares to touch porcelain in the Wuhun Hall, hurry up and walk around."

The attitude of the two was quite friendly, and one of them even took out a bag of snacks from the soul guide and threw it to Han Xiao.

Han Xiao was a little helpless, but he had to say that his current attire was indeed not much different from that of a beggar.

The tattered inner clothes were wrinkled after drying, sticking to the body dryly, and the hair was like a chicken coop, with many scratches on the top.

He rummaged through the soul guide for a long time, and finally took out a token, "Can this be reported?"

The two of them took the token, and their expressions changed suddenly.

There are strange patterns drawn on this token, like ghosts and ghosts.

This was what Ghost Douluo casually threw to him when he first went to the Pope's Palace.

"Please come in first, and I will report to the higher authorities."

Han Xiao nodded, and said: "Don't make too much noise."

The two guards nodded and left in a hurry.

After a while, an old man ran out.

He came to Han Xiao's side, but he stopped him when he was about to say something.

"No need to say much, go upstairs and talk."


The old man nodded.

The two walked into the office on the second floor, and the old man said, "I'm Matthew Nuo, the temporary person in charge of this hall. May I help you?"

After hesitating for a moment, he realized that it was inappropriate to call the child, the authority of the other party in Wuhun Temple was much higher than his own.

But if they were called leaders, the age difference between the two was too great.

Han Xiao said expressionlessly: "Help me contact the intelligence network from this city to Tiandou City. I have a letter to send out."

He didn't intend to go back to Heaven Dou City, nor did he intend to ask Matthew Nuo to help him contact the fastest station nearby.

The former took too long, and there were too many unknown changes, while the latter needed to be investigated by Tiandou City. If some people knew that Mr. Lei went out without bodyguards, they would definitely be suspected.

If Chen Mo were to pick him up, there would be a lot of time left for him, and he would also be able to travel around to deal with the Blue Electric Overlord Sect and some high-ranking people.

After receiving the sealed envelope from Han Xiao, Matthew Nuo nodded: "It may take a day or two to send the letter. During this time, why don't you stay in the reception room of the branch hall first?"

Each branch hall of Wuhun Hall has gorgeous rooms prepared for distinguished guests.

Han Xiao shook his head: "No need, you just need to send a letter and forget about my coming here, that's all."


Matthew Nuo nodded and said hastily.

After leaving the branch hall, the first thing Han Xiao did was to come to a tailor shop.

When he saw the golden soul coin in Han Xiao's hand, he was kindly invited by the tailor.

If he didn't think it was too troublesome, these tailors would have asked him to make a special dress for him.

After finishing dressing, he finally got rid of people's disgusting eyes at this time.

"Boss, one of the upper rooms, help me prepare a basin of bath water."

Putting a gold coin on the cabinet, Han Xiao said.

(End of this chapter)

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