Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 122 Meeting Xiao Wu Again!

Chapter 122 Meeting Xiao Wu Again!

After being promoted to Pojun, his body once again expelled viscous waste fluid.

The journey was dusty, and he hadn't had time to clean it.

So Han Xiao's second thing is to solve the housing problem.

"Wait a moment, this way please."

The shopkeeper said respectfully.

Soaking in a large bathtub with just the right temperature, Han Xiao closed his eyes, only feeling that every pore in his body was breathing.

If there is no accident, Han Xiao will have to spend these two days in Notting City.

It will take at least two days for Chen Mo to rush over after receiving the letter.

For the past two days, Han Xiao has decided to spend time in this tavern.

He wants to start consolidating his soul power.

Early the next morning, Han Xiao opened his eyes, got up and walked out of the tavern.

No matter where he is, he has the habit of running in the morning, even in the mansion, he will run around the garden twice.

The air in Notting City in the early morning was fresh. Han Xiao took a deep breath and began to warm up and jog.

His running speed is not fast, it can even be said to be very slow.

This is not about exercising, but that his spirit can be highly concentrated after the morning run, which is conducive to the practice of the next day.

Running and running, a figure in front of him slowly appeared in Han Xiao's sight.

It was a child who was about the same size as Han Xiao, with a thin body.

At this time, the vendors rushing to the morning market were still sleeping, and there were only the two of them in the empty street.

Han Xiao was a little surprised. Reasonably speaking, apart from him, there are very few people who can get up so early.

The teenager in front also heard Han Xiao's footsteps, and turned to look at Han Xiao with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The two of them ran one after the other like this, neither of them deliberately speeding up the comparison with the childishness of teenagers.

The sun rises, people start their day's work, and the city comes alive.

Han Xiao ran to the tavern and stopped, taking a deep breath.

The boy in front ran towards Notting College in the distance.

This occasional running partner is just an episode, no matter in which world there are silent and hardworking people.

For Han Xiao, this young man is no different from them, there is not much difference.


"Xiao Wu, wake up, get up."

Tang San looked at the beautiful girl who was still sleeping soundly on the next bed, and said helplessly.

He really didn't understand how this young girl cultivated, she idled around every day, and the speed of leveling up was frighteningly fast.

"It's Xiaosan."

Xiao Wu rubbed her sleepy eyes, at this time the girl was already quite pretty, even without makeup she was still so youthful and attractive.

"Xiao Wu, do you know which student in our college also likes to run in the morning?"

Tang San asked.

"Who is like you, a few hours of sleep a day is enough."

Xiao Wu rolled her eyes and complained.

After being silent for a moment, Tang San said: "Oh, when I ran this morning, I ran into a man about our age, I thought it was from our academy."

"Then you guys share the same interests, didn't you go up and get to know each other?"

Xiao Wu said perfunctorily, obviously not very interested in Han Xiao's topic.

As a human being, she hasn't experienced all the fun, so how can she fall in love with the boring morning run?

"No, that person doesn't look... not very approachable."

Tang San smiled bitterly.

Until now, he still remembers Han Xiao's expressionless eyes.

This morning's morning run was all because of Han Xiao's sudden appearance, which made him feel uncomfortable.

It was indeed too strange for a person to run behind him with a blank face.

"Why is it hard to get close?"

Xiao Wu became interested and asked.

Tang San seemed to be thinking about how to describe it, and after thinking for a long time he hesitated and said: "Those eyes... are like human beings, more like a pool of stagnant water."

"What did you say?!"

Hearing this, Xiao Wu sat up with a bang.

"What's wrong?" Tang San asked suspiciously.

"Where is he?!"

Xiao Wu grabbed Tang San's shoulder, looking extremely anxious.

"It's just... the tavern in front of the college."

Tang San didn't react, he hesitated and replied.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xiao Wu got up and rushed out of the bedroom door.

"Xiao Wu, where are you going?!"

Tang San shouted hastily.

However, Xiao Wu who ran halfway turned back again, and hurriedly pushed Tang San: "Xiao San, you go out first!"


The door was tightly closed, and a bang brought Tang San back to his senses.

He still doesn't understand what caused Xiao Wu to change so much.

After a while, Xiao Wu opened the door.

After she finished her makeup, a long scorpion braid hung around her waist.

What is different from the original is that there is a bunny hairpin tied to the end of the braid.

One must know that Xiao Wu never dressed up in the academy.

Pulling on the close-fitting pink top, Xiao Wu whispered, "Xiao San, do I look good?"

Tang Sanzhong nodded his head: "It looks good, Xiao Wu looks good in anything."

Xiao Wu took a deep breath, "Thank you, Xiao San."

After saying this, she ran outside.

"Where are you going, Xiao Wu, I'll be with you."

Tang San asked after him.

"no need!"

The only response to him was the ponytail disappearing around the corner.

Tang San slowly put down his outstretched hand, and opened his mouth.

For some reason, he always felt an inexplicable loss.

"Illusion, it must be an illusion."

he muttered to himself.


Xiao Wu ran wildly all the way, and came to the tavern Tang San mentioned.

Her chest heaved, and she looked at the tavern in front of her, feeling a little hesitant.

"What should I say when we meet for the first time, long time no see?"

No no no, this is too dull.

"It's such a coincidence that I met you in Notting City?"

How could it be such a coincidence, obviously I rushed over without thinking about it.

Xiao Wu tapped her head, feeling a little regretful for a moment.

She took a deep breath and walked into the pub anyway.

"Hi boss, may I ask if there is a resident who is about my age here, with no expression on his face, and seems difficult to approach?"

Xiao Wu asked cautiously.

The boss yawned, glanced at the girl, and waved his hand like a fly: "Little girl, according to the laws of the Heaven Dou Empire, no room is allowed under the age of 12."


Xiao Wu opened her mouth, but she couldn't continue with what the boss said.

Walking out of the tavern in a daze, Xiao Wu returned to Notting College.

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you, you've been depressed all day today."

It was evening, Tang San asked concerned.

"I am fine."

Xiao Wu shook her head, revealing a forced smile.

Tang San sighed, and didn't continue to ask further questions.

In his previous life, he was only interested in studying various hidden weapons, and he didn't study too much about girls.

After dinner, Tang San continued to ask: "Xiao Wu, will you go back to the dormitory with me?"

"Little San, you go back first, I'll sit alone for a while, okay?"

Tang San nodded understandingly, turned and left.

There were not many people at Notting College at night, Xiao Wu sat on the square with her long legs in her arms, staring blankly.

"Is not It Cold?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind.

Xiao Wu's delicate shoulders trembled suddenly, and she turned her head little by little.

Han Xiao looked at himself with that expressionless face.

"You, you, me, me, me."

There was a layer of blush on Xiao Wu's face, and she couldn't even speak for a while.

Han Xiao remained calm, thinking to himself, "It seems that after such a long time, the psychological construction has not disappeared."

When Xiao Wu came to the tavern, Han Xiao discovered her existence.

But Han Xiao didn't see her immediately.

All surprises come after loss.

In many cases, simply blindly treating people well and satisfying them cannot be firmly remembered in people's hearts.

On the contrary, those who are hardworking and talkative will be remembered for a lifetime.

He did this to strengthen the psychological construction he had given her in the Star Dou Great Forest.

But now it seems that Xiao Wu still hasn't forgotten Han Xiao's words.

Before the meeting, Xiao Wu had a lot of things to say, but when she saw Han Xiao, she found that she had forgotten all of them.

"I came to Notting for a private matter, and I estimate that I will leave in two days."

Han Xiao said.


Xiao Wu opened her mouth, and for some reason felt a sense of falling in her heart.

Han Xiao broke up a reason at random, and then told Xiao Wu that he had been living in Tiandou City.

The exchange of secrets is more conducive to consolidating the trust between the two parties.

Although Han Xiao would not tell Xiao Wu the reason for coming to the Heaven Dou Empire, the reason he made up was also seamless.

"How about you, can you still adapt to human society?"

Han Xiao asked.

Xiao Wu nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

After the brief exchange just now, Xiao Wu no longer felt nervous.

She talked endlessly about what she saw and heard after she came to Notting City, without hiding anything.

From the beginning to the end, Han Xiao listened carefully, sometimes looking at her, sometimes nodding, and sometimes smiling.

After coming to human society, Xiao Wu didn't say so many words in one breath for a long time.

"Did you talk too much?"

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, a little shy.

Han Xiao shook his head, "It doesn't matter."

He stood up and made a fighting posture towards Xiao Wu: "Come and let me see if you have improved."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's expression became extremely solemn.

She took a deep breath and prepared to fight.

Han Xiao hooked his fingers at her and remained motionless.

Xiao Wu moved and rushed towards Han Xiao suddenly, and her long and flexible legs jumped lightly, kicking Han Xiao.

Han Xiao didn't move, just turned slightly sideways, and easily dodged Xiao Wu's blow.

However, the blow didn't end there, what was hidden behind Xiao Wu's legs was her extremely long scorpion braid.

The braid was extremely fast, and before Han Xiao could retreat, it wrapped around his neck twice.

"Didn't the braid be cut for you?"

Han Xiao was a little curious.

These 10-year-old soul beasts are different, and their braids can grow so fast.

"You said it!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Wu became angry.

Who would have thought that Xiao Wu would become Han Xiao's hostage when they met for the first time.

Under the support of the braid, Han Xiao leaned over and almost fell to the ground.

Xiao Wu used Han Xiao's body as a pillar, and with the help of Han Xiao's strength, she rose into the air directly, wrapping around Han Xiao's body like a water snake.

Her body is extremely soft, and her waist and abdomen are exerting force suddenly, and she is about to overturn Han Xiao.

However, Han Xiao unexpectedly did not struggle, and was about to be thrown out by her.

Han Xiao moved.

In the air, his body was extremely stretched, he grabbed Xiao Wu's braid, and then used all his strength.

The bodies of the two took off at the same time.

Xiao Wu's complexion changed, she didn't expect Han Xiao to make such a move.

However, when she wanted to land, she found that she had lost control of her body.

The braid wrapped around Han Xiao's neck became a tool for him to keep in the air.

The two seemed to be dancing in the air, and Xiao Wu was thrown out.

"how is this possible?!"

Xiao Wu's expression was extremely shocked.

She never thought that Han Xiao would make such a countermeasure.

Han Xiao patted the dust on his body, the cloud was calm and the wind was light.

"There has been progress, but it is still far from our agreement."

"I will work hard."

Xiao Wu said firmly.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, "I can understand, after all, the colorful world is fascinating, not to mention that you have never really been in contact with the human world, and you will definitely be affected by these when you first come here."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's expression changed: "I won't do this!"

Han Xiao shook his head, "Sometimes, doing is more useful than talking."

Xiao Wu didn't speak, but clenched her fists tightly.

"I'm leaving. I have a chance to visit you in the next two days."

Han Xiao turned around and said.

Hearing this, Xiao Wu was overjoyed, "Good!"

Watching Han Xiao gradually disappear into the darkness, Xiao Wu's footsteps also became brisk.

After returning to the tavern, Han Xiao did not expect that there would be an unexpected harvest, and he would meet Xiao Wu here.

This saved him the time to find Xiao Wu again.

But he didn't intend to pull Xiao Wu to his side for the time being, because although Xiao Wu would agree to this decision, it was not a good thing.

At this time, Han Xiao is already training Xue Qingwu, and he has to practice on his own to deal with this group of Heaven Dou nobles who care about face.

For Xiao Wu, stocking may be a better choice.

He only needs to do one thing, to guarantee Xiao Wu's feelings for him.

that's enough.

As for whether Xiao Wu can become a strong player in the future, it is not a loss for Han Xiao.

After all, behind her, there are two 10-year-old soul beasts.

Early the next morning, Han Xiao ran as usual, but this time, he didn't bump into the boy.

"Help me prepare breakfast and deliver it to my room."


After Han Xiao instructed the store manager, he turned around and was about to go upstairs.

At this moment, a voice stopped him: "Little friend, please wait a moment."

Han Xiao stopped in his tracks and looked at the man.

This person looks like he is around 50 or [-] years old, with short black hair parted in threes and sevens, his appearance is very ordinary, his hands are behind his back, but there is a special temperament on his body, and there is a bit of laziness and decadence between his eyes. .

Han Xiao didn't speak, and looked at him calmly.

There was a far-fetched smile on the corner of the man's mouth: "My disciple mentioned you yesterday, so I was a little interested. I wanted to see what kind of divine boy he is who can get up and run so early like Xiao San."

"Let me introduce, my name is Yu Xiaogang, and everyone calls me Master."

(End of this chapter)

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