Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 123 A master living in his own world!

Chapter 123 A master living in his own world!

Hearing this, Han Xiao had a strange look in his eyes.

He used to think that he would have the opportunity to meet this success master, but he did not expect to meet two people in this small town.

"Can you let me see your martial soul?"

The master looked at Han Xiao, and a blaze flashed in his eyes.

His martial soul is a waste martial soul, so he has been looking for students to prove himself.

Now that the master has accepted Tang San as his apprentice, if he can find another apprentice, he will really hold the crouching dragon and phoenix chick.

Just relying on Han Xiao's tenacity that ordinary people can't, he decided to come and see for himself.

"Come with me."

Han Xiao gave him a strange look, went upstairs and walked into his room.

He was a little more curious about what the success master would tell him next.

After closing the door, Han Xiao summoned the martial soul Taotie.

Seeing the short dagger in Han Xiao's hand, the master's eyes flashed with blaze.

"What level is your innate soul power?"

"Full of soul power."

"Is there a teacher?"


"Will you worship me as your teacher?"

"I reject."

Han Xiao didn't even think about it, and directly refused.

Yu Xiaogang's eyebrows twitched: "You may not be very clear about my theory. There is no useless martial soul, only useless soul masters. I said this."

"Your innate soul power can be awakened to full soul power, but your martial soul is a small knife similar to a screwdriver. The size of your innate soul power is directly proportional to the strength of your martial soul. I believe you must be twin martial souls."

After thinking for a moment, the master expressed his own analysis.

Han Xiao frowned. What he hated the most was when people said that his Taotie was a useless martial soul.

"Excuse me, master, what level is your soul power?"

Han Xiao asked expressionlessly.

This sentence seemed to hit Yu Xiaogang's pain point, he shook his head and said: "Because of a vicious mutation in my martial soul, I have been stuck at the level of a great soul master all my life and cannot be promoted."

"Then what do you mean, your martial spirit is not trash, but you yourself are trash?"

Han Xiao asked.

The corner of Yu Xiaogang's mouth twitched, and he said bravely: "You can say that right, because of the mutation of my martial soul, I really became self-defeating."

"But I have devoted most of my life to the study of martial souls. Although I can't help you in actual cultivation, I can give you the most correct guidance for your martial souls."

The master is not willing to give up.

But if he could take the boy in front of him as an apprentice, then he would have two people who could hopefully prove the theory.

Han Xiao shook his head and said, "Master, if you say it according to what you said, you don't need to find a bunch of apprentices to prove your theory, but don't give up your martial soul and find a way to solve the side effects. , don’t escape from reality, instead of labeling a person who is born with full soul power and twin martial souls as a waste martial soul.”

Han Xiao said a lot in these words. What he wanted to express was that he himself was the best example of a martial soul that wanted to prove that there was no waste.

Yu Xiaogang's complexion changed, he didn't expect Han Xiao to say such a thing.

"Actually, I know you too, and I know the top ten competitiveness you proposed." Han Xiao walked up to Yu Xiaogang and said.

"what do you think."

A blaze of fire flashed in Yu Xiaogang's eyes.

Han Xiao shook his head, and said: "Your theory should be ridiculed by the world, but it has paralyzed many soul masters who share the same illness as you."

"What did you say?!"

The master's voice trembled, pointing at Han Xiao.

He couldn't believe that Han Xiao's words were so straightforward.

"I don't quite understand. If the purpose of your coming is to accept me as an apprentice, then I want to ask you, what do you have that I admire and want to follow?"

"Your top ten core competencies are of no real help to soul masters. Your soul power will always remain at the level of a great soul master. You should also be clear that you want to prove your theory, the best argument The target is yourself."

"But you gave up on yourself and made a lot of extravagance. Can a person like you have an apprentice?"

"you you you you!!!"

Yu Xiaogang was completely overwhelmed by Han Xiao's words, his muscles twitched in anger.

"Please come back."

Han Xiao pointed to the door and said.

Different road non-phase plan.

If Han Xiao were Yu Xiaogang, he wouldn't live here and degenerate.

He may practice harder and work hard to untie the shackles that God has placed on himself.

Because Han Xiao believes that even if the martial soul is mutated, there will be a solution.

And what about Yu Xiaogang?
"My theory is not false. I have already taken in an apprentice of the Blue Silver Grass Wuhun. He will prove my theory and slap you in the face!"

Yu Xiaogang pointed at Han Xiao and said angrily.

However, Han Xiao just shook his head and didn't speak.

Arguing with a waste is the most meaningless thing, comparable to playing the piano against a cow.

"I hope you can live in your own delusional world forever."

Han Xiao said with a blank face.

When Yu Xiaogang left angrily, Han Xiao shook his head.

Han Xiao didn't even have the idea of ​​doing this kind of poor thing living in his own world.

This incident was just an episode, and Han Xiao never saw Yu Xiaogang again in the remaining two days.

In the past two days, Han Xiao occasionally went to Notting College to meet Xiao Wu, and spent the rest of the time practicing in his room.

"Xiao Wu, today Wang Sheng said that there is a party and we need to come forward."

Tang San looked at the absent-minded Xiao Wu beside him, and said with a smile.

"are you going?"

Xiao Wu shook her head, "I want to practice Wuhun again."

Hearing this, Tang San's expression was a little weird
I don't know why, after returning from that night, Xiao Wu seemed to be a different person.

She who never liked cultivation, became even more diligent than Tang San.

"I'm not going either. The teacher doesn't know what happened in the past two days. He's been in a daze. I'm going to see him."

A look of worry flashed across Tang San's face.

I don't know what happened these few days, Tang San always felt that the few people closest to him had undergone tremendous changes.

Xiao Wu tossed and turned, as if she had made some decision, she ran out of Notting College.

In the tavern, the boss was leaning on the counter and dozing off.

At this moment, three people walked into the tavern, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

From the clothes they wore, it was obvious at a glance that they did not belong to this small town.

The leading man was wearing a dark black butler's uniform, even if it was a butler's uniform, just judging from the fabric, it was something you couldn't see in this city.

The same is true for the tall and thin man following him.

And the girl who appeared at the end instantly became the focus of everyone.

If beauties in this world can be described as beautiful, then the men present here can be described as gentle as young girls.

(End of this chapter)

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