Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 124 Re-chapter Heaven Dou City!

Chapter 124 Return to Heaven Dou City!
It's just that since the girl entered the room, her pretty Liu Yemei has been frowning.

"Alright Xiaoxue, the young master needs to keep a low profile when he's out."

Seeing Xue Qingwu clenched her small white jade hands tightly, Zhou Tong hastily said in a low voice.

"I see."

Xue Qingwu took a deep breath and said nothing more.

"I came to find someone, a boy about her age, with cold eyes, and told me about his room."

Chen Mo walked to the counter and said.

The shopkeeper yawned and looked at everyone: "You should know that according to Tiandou's law, it is not allowed to open a room alone under the age of 12."

Chen Mo didn't speak, and took out a golden soul coin and placed it on the counter.

"Hey, [-] upstairs, please!"

The shopkeeper's face became faster than turning the pages of a book, he bent down and pointed flatteringly at the second floor.

Chen Mo nodded, and led the two of them to the door of Han Xiao's room.

Han Xiao opened the door, and that face appeared in the sight of the three.

"Master, what happened to you, why did you come so far away?"

Chen Mo asked with concern on his face.

"Some private matters, let's go back to Heaven Dou City now."

Han Xiao shook his head, he would not tell these people that he was a dragon slayer.

Zhou Tong nodded and said with a grin: "Master, you don't know how excited Xiaoxue was after receiving your letter, and she insisted on coming to pick you up together."

After being pierced by Zhou Tong, a blush appeared on Xue Qingwu's face, and she tried her best to maintain a dignified and elegant posture.

"Brother Zhou Tong, you are the only one who talks too much!"

She scolded in a low voice.

In the past few days, they have become one.

Xue Qingwu walked to Han Xiao, tugged at the corner of his clothes, and looked at his shoes.

Then she raised her head, her eyes filled with mist.

Crowd: ? ? ?
"Master, how can you wear such clothes."

Xue Qingwu's voice was a little choked up.

Ever since she came to this smoky tavern, she had been enduring, and finally broke her defense when she saw Han Xiao wearing coarse clothes.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with it.

Xue Qingwu was born in her own territory since she was a child, and was indoctrinated with the idea of ​​superior education.

In Sir Snowflake's manor, even the lowest-ranking servants were dressed in fabrics several times better than this.

The little girl has suffered and knows that feeling very well.

So now she simply can't see the most important people around her suffering.

And Han Xiao is the only and most important person left.

"Let's go down quickly. Fortunately, I prepared a suit of clothes and put them in the carriage."

Xue Qingwu tugged at the corner of Han Xiao's clothes, and her voice became a little more urgent.

Now Han Xiao wears this coarse cloth for a second, it is a kind of torture for her.

"Let's go."

Han Xiao said that he didn't want to stay here for a long time.

If he doesn't return to Heaven Dou City, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect will become suspicious.

As for the upper class nobles, he is also needed to consolidate the relationship that is about to cool down.

Outside the tavern, this extremely high-end carriage attracted everyone to stop.

Looking at Han Xiao who came out surrounded by three people, the tavern owner was dumbfounded.

He never thought that a rich young master would live in his down-and-out tavern for so long.

"Wait a moment."

Han Xiao glanced at the crowd, and said to Xue Qingwu who was about to help him into the carriage.

The crowd of onlookers made a detour to let Han Xiao pass.

Han Xiao looked at the girl at the end of the crowd, with a trace of panic and sadness on her face.

"How did you come?"

Han Xiao said to Xiao Wu.

"Are you going?"

Xiao Wu looked up at Han Xiao, with a bit of reluctance in her eyes.

Han Xiao nodded expressionlessly, "I should have left a long time ago, but it took too long, and a bunch of things are waiting for me to deal with."

Should have gone long ago.

This sentence is ambiguous and intriguing.

Xiao Wu plucked up her courage and asked the question in her heart: "Is it because I guess it took so long?"

Han Xiao turned his head, "What do you think?"

As he walked towards the three who were still waiting for him, he said, "I hope that when we meet again, it will be a brand new you."

Xiao Wu blushed, looking at Han Xiao who stepped into the carriage, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

When she came here just now, when she saw the beautiful girl beside Han Xiao, she felt her heart constrict instantly.

Originally, Xiao Wu even planned to watch Han Xiao leave quietly like this, but who would have thought that he would find herself.

Also said that sentence.

"Is it really because of me?"

Xiao Wu rubbed her flushed face, talking to herself.

Watching the carriage leave, Xiao Wu was distracted for a while.

"So can the young master say these things to me?"

In the carriage, Xue Qingwu looked at Han Xiao with a smile on her face.

Han Xiao glanced at her lightly, and said blankly: "With the relationship between you and me, do you still need these words?"

Xue Qingwu's pretty face flushed, and she snorted coquettishly: "If the young master wants to, I think all the women in the Tiandou Empire will be controlled by you, right?"

But even if Han Xiao was really interested in that girl, Xue Qingwu would not have too many thoughts, and would even help Han Xiao become a wingman.

At most a little taste.

For her, obediently being the young master's personal bed warming maid is already very satisfying.

"I'm not interested in women."

Han Xiao said blankly, "At least I'm not interested right now."

He has too many things to accomplish now, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be entangled in his children's affair.

"Master, is there really no girl who can make your heart beat?"

Xue Qingwu asked curiously.

Han Xiao didn't answer his topic and closed his eyes.

For some reason, that flowing blonde hair came to mind.

For this woman, it's not a thrill, but more of a curiosity.

I don't know if this mysterious and powerful woman will have the chance to meet again.

Chen Mo's driving skills are very good, and he returned to Heaven Dou City in less than two days.

Looking at the towering and solid city walls, Han Xiao understood very well that returning here this time meant the beginning.

"Master, you are back!"

Seeing Han Xiao coming back, Tang Tang greeted him immediately.

"Has the news spread?"

"The information about you going out to investigate the commercial structure of the nearby cities has already spread in Tiandou City."

Chen Mo said respectfully.

"What about the news of the cooperation with the Blue Electric Overlord Sect?"

"It has also spread, and now I have added a mailbox, otherwise it will not be able to hold the invitations I receive every morning."

Zhou Tong pointed to the letters on the table and said.

You must know that two months ago, they received very few letters every day, and most of them were still various intermediaries and moving companies.

This group of nobles are very shrewd. Knowing that Han Xiao has cooperated with the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, they all want to hug this thigh and share a piece of the pie.

"There's no need to reply to the invitation for now, where is Tang Yuehua?"

This group of people, Han Xiao, has already looked down on him, and he wants to make a breakthrough from Tang Yuehua.

(End of this chapter)

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