Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 129 Test each other!

Chapter 129 Test each other!

"It seems that we still have to find a breakthrough from Xue Qinghe."

Looking at Xue Qinghe who was slowly clearing the table in front of him, Han Xiao made up his mind.

"Brother Xue, are you planning to go home?"

The sudden appearance of Han Xiao startled Xue Qinghe.

Immediately he said with a smile on his face, "Yes, together?"

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Xue Qinghe was taken aback by Han Xiao's words.

He was already polite, but Han Xiao did not expect Han Xiao to accept it.

After Xue Qinghe packed up his things, the two walked out of Yuexuan.

"Brother Lei, why do you want to learn my Tiandou etiquette?"

Xueqinghe was smiling, and the spring breeze was warm.

Han Xiao shrugged: "When you come to the Heaven Dou Empire, of course you have to do as the Romans do."

The two went down to the first floor, when Tang Yuehua was standing at the door.

She was a little surprised to see Han Xiao and Xue Qinghe walking together.

"Teacher, Dean."

The two greeted and shouted at the same time.

Tang Yuehua looked at Han Xiao, a little helpless: "There is a souvenir prepared by Yuexuan for you at the door, remember to take it when you leave."

There was also a hint of surprise in Xue Qinghe's eyes.

After the two finished taking the delicate gifts, they walked out of Yuexuan.

"It seems that Dean Tang values ​​you very much, brother Lei." Xue Qinghe said with a smile on his face.

"How did brother Xue see it?"

You must know that Tang Yuehua, as the dean of Yuexuan, doesn't often accept apprentices.

The last time he accepted apprentices was several years ago, and it was also when a duke personally visited him that he decided to accept apprentices.

After saying goodbye to Tang Yuehua, the two walked outside.

"I heard that Brother Lei came to our Heaven Dou Empire to invest?"

Xue Qinghe chatted with Han Xiao one after another.

Han Xiao smiled slightly: "That's right, the Heaven Dou Empire is more open, it's a paradise for us businessmen."

Xue Qinghe nodded. Indeed, as Han Xiao said, the Tiandou Empire encouraged such businessmen to increase national power.

"Then Brother Lei has already found an investor?" Xue Qinghe asked.

Han Xiao gave him a mysterious smile: "Secret."

With an apologetic face, Xue Qinghe quickly said, "It's Qinghe who overstepped."

This kind of matter is a commercial secret, even if the royal relatives and relatives spy on it, they will not tell the truth.

"However, if brother Lei needs my help from Tiandou, just let me know, and I, Qinghe, will do my best to help."

Xue Qinghe said seriously.

Han Xiao sneered in his heart.

When they first came to Tiandou Empire, none of these royal family and nobles had a place, but now all of them have appeared.

The two walked to the parking area of ​​the carriage and waved goodbye to each other.

Back in the carriage, Han Xiao sat on the soft bed expressionlessly.

"How is it, master?"

Through the car window, Xue Qingwu looked at her cousin Xue Qinghe who was friendly with the servant without blinking.

"I can't see through him."

Han Xiao spoke after a while.

He had to admit that this prince who was praised by the world was really extraordinary.

The two chatted for about 10 minutes, and Han Xiao tried him more than once.

But Xue Qinghe's response was impeccable, even Han Xiao couldn't capture the body language.

There must be something wrong with this person.

It is too perfect, how can a person achieve this level?

Unless this Xue Qinghe is really impeccable in terms of social interaction.

"By the way, help me sort out the recent foreign policies of Tiandou and Xingluo. I will use them tonight."


Xue Qingwu nodded. Although she was curious, as a qualified maid, she knew what to ask and what not to ask.

On the other side, in Xue Qinghe's carriage.

He gently flicked the priceless bracelet in his hand with one hand, closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Is that person a threat?"

A voice echoed in the carriage, but it didn't know where it came from.

Xue Qinghe opened his eyes, resting his chin with one hand: "He is testing me."

Recalling the content of the chat with Han Xiao just now, Xue Qinghe frowned.

Only then did he realize that he seemed to be performing too perfectly.

He should deliberately expose several weaknesses and hobbies to the other party.

"Do you need me to do it?"

That voice echoed in the carriage again.

Xue Qinghe shook his head, "Don't need it for now, don't forget that Duke Xuehua's family has already made Emperor Xue Ye suspect."

"I understand."

The carriage fell silent, and after a while, the voice came again: "By the way, I searched all the nearby cities for the person you asked me to find, but I still haven't found it. Do you want to continue searching?"

Hearing this, Xue Qinghe's eyes flashed cold, and he subconsciously touched his wrist, "No need."

Then the bracelet in his hand shattered.

"My lord, what happened?"

The coachman's slightly panicked voice came from outside the door.

An approachable smile appeared on Xue Qinghe's face: "It doesn't matter, old man, you continue to drive."


Early the next morning, Han Xiao came to Yuexuan early.

"Good student, you."

Xue Hui, who came earlier than him, looked surprised and joked.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, "Aren't you earlier than me?"

Hearing this, Xue Hui wrinkled into a bitter face: "Don't mention it, you don't know that after I got home yesterday, my father invited me to eat a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots, and how long before five o'clock the next day would he let me eat?" get up."

I have to say that this Xuehui is really a superb student. He even wrote an essay for elementary school students and handed it to the university teacher.

The two were about to continue exchanging greetings when Xue Qinghe opened the door and walked in.

"Cousin, the old man in our family is crazy. He beat me around the garden as soon as he got home. Your words are the most effective. Help me persuade him."

With a mournful face, Xue Hui stretched out his hands to hug Xue Qinghe and beg.

Xue Qinghe subconsciously took a step back, avoiding Xue Hui's embrace.

This half-step back made Han Xiao's pupils shrink.

"Xiaohui, uncle is really angry this time, and I can't persuade him."

Xue Qinghe smiled helplessly, and said very naturally.

Hearing this, Xue Hui's face was ashen.

Xue Qinghe looked at Han Xiao who was sitting in the distance, and smiled politely.

Han Xiao responded, thinking secretly.

This impeccable His Royal Highness the Crown Prince seems to be a little concerned about physical contact with the same sex.

Although some men also hate physical contact with the same sex, their first reaction is often to push away.

And the prince's first reaction was to wipe it away without a trace.

People's first reactions are not deceiving.

Han Xiao paid attention, walked to the two of them, and grabbed Xue Qinghe's shoulders: "Xiaohui, let your brother solve everything, isn't it just a theory, I will help you."

His speed was so fast that Xue Qinghe had no time to hide because he was sitting on the seat.

With this move, Han Xiao could clearly feel that Xue Qinghe's muscles were a little stiff.

(End of this chapter)

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