Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 130 Han Xiao's Theory, Nobles' Shock!

Chapter 130 Han Xiao's Theory, Nobles' Shock!

Xue Hui looked at Han Xiao suspiciously: "Are you okay?"

"Hey, believe it or not, I will write an article for you in 10 minutes?"

"Come, come, here's the pen!"

Under Xue Hui's provocative method, Han Xiao deliberately fell for the trick, and the two ran to the back to write a strategy.

There were only three people in the room, and now there was only the rustling sound of the pen sliding on the paper.

Xue Qinghe couldn't help but look sideways at Han Xiao, only to see that he lowered his head and wrote without saying a word.

As the sun rose, students came to Yuexuan one after another.

They first glanced at Han Xiao, who was working hard, in surprise, and then returned to their seats.

Until the teacher entered the door, Han Xiao drew the last full stop and let out a deep breath.

"Take it."

Han Xiao glanced at Xue Hui who was stunned beside him, and handed him a thick stack of manuscripts.


Xue Hui glanced at the content above, and found that he couldn't understand it at all.

"I'll handle the matter, don't worry, show it to the teacher."

Han Xiao pouted at the female teacher on the podium.

"Good brother, trust you once!"

Xue Hui nodded, and ran to the teacher, not knowing what to say.

The teacher took the theory and looked sideways.

When she first started reading, she looked skeptical, but after the first glance, she couldn't help herself.

More and more students came in, and they looked at the teacher strangely.

It was right that the class had already started at this time, but she, who was always on time, forgot the time, her eyes seemed to be fixed on the manuscript in front of her.

"Old... Teacher Wen?"

Xue Qinghe reminded in a low voice.

But she didn't respond at all.

After another 15 minutes or so, the teacher put down the manuscript heavily and looked at Xue Hui with complicated eyes.

Xue Hui straightened his back, and greeted the curious eyes of the students with a proud face.

There was a faint smile on his face, as if he was waiting for the teacher to praise him generously.


"Here it is!" Xue Hui stood up consciously.

The teacher looked at him solemnly: "Call your parents!"


Xue Hui rubbed his ears, as if he heard something wrong.

You must know that calling parents in Yuexuan is considered an extremely serious problem student.

Although he, Xuehui, was mischievous, he knew Yuexuan's line very well in his heart, and he didn't dare to cross half a step.

"Why, Teacher Wen?"

With a mournful face, Xue Hui asked.

His father has taken care of every teacher in Yuexuan, how come he has come to the point of calling him a parent?

Teacher Wen's face was extremely solemn, and he glanced at everyone, "I, Yuexuan, have never been afraid of playful and mischievous students. Although they don't like to study, their natures are not bad, and they are even more malleable than some good students."

"However, I, Yuexuan, will never tolerate a student who likes to lie!"

"Is it a fool to let the politicians in the family write for me? Is it a fool to be a teacher?!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

They looked at Xue Hui with disbelief, only Xue Qinghe looked at Han Xiao with a complicated expression.

Only he knew that this policy theory was not a politician at all, but Han Xiao wrote it in the short 10 minutes before class.

"Not a teacher, what kind of politician?"

Xuehui was a little confused.

"I don't know how to repent."

Teacher Wen sneered, and replayed the policy theory in front of him: "Tell me, isn't this policy theory written by a politician under your father?"

"If not, I apologize to you in front of everyone!"

It was only at this time that Xue Hui came to his senses. He glanced at Ce Lun, and then at Han Xiao who was sitting beside him.

His voice trembled a little: "Do you think this was written by a politician in our family?"

"Naturally, the whole article was written by a thousand miles, and found another way, and discussed the current mainland situation from three angles that I didn't even discover. If it wasn't written by a politician, who else could it be?!"

Teacher Wen said with a determined face.

She can also guarantee that this politician's position in the empire is definitely not low.

"But...but." Xue Hui looked at Han Xiao who was sitting next to him in a daze, "This theory was written by Lei Xiao."

Teacher Wen glanced at Lei Xiao, and when he looked at Xue Hui again, his anger was gone.

In her heart, this student is still lying, and there is no cure for it.

"Xuehui, are you really stupid to be a teacher?" She took a deep breath.

"Teacher Wen, I can prove that this theory was written by Lei Xiao."

At this moment, Xue Qinghe who was sitting in front raised his hand.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

This group of nobles cast incredible gazes on Han Xiao.

They don't trust Xue Hui, but they can trust Xue Qinghe unconditionally.

Even the way Teacher Wen looked at Lei Xiao became incredulous.

"Teacher, I'm sorry!"

Han Xiao stood up with a calm expression: "I shouldn't help him finish his homework in this way."


Teacher Wen obviously didn't pay attention to this point, with a look of disbelief on his face: "You really wrote it?"

Han Xiao nodded.

She opened her mouth, picked up the theory in her hand, turned her head and left the classroom in a hurry.

Immediately, discussions started in the classroom.

In Yuexuan, there were quite a few people who copied their classmates' homework, and these teachers knew it very well, but they turned a blind eye.

However, it was unacceptable for Yuexuan to use family resources to complete the homework.

There is a big difference between the two.

From the moment this group of students came to Yuexuan, Tang Yuehua taught that there is no famous family background in this school, and all students are treated equally.

In the former, you can copy your classmates’ homework because you are popular at school, otherwise why would they lend you to copy?

This is using your own resources.

The latter relies on a strong background, and this kind of reaping without effort is not allowed by Yuexuan.

Although the two sound similar, Yuexuan clearly distinguishes them.

After a while, Teacher Wen opened the door and walked in, but this time besides her, there was Tang Yuehua and an elderly scholar.

The three muttered in front of the podium and didn't know what to say. Finally, Teacher Wen pointed to Han Xiao who was sitting at the back.

"You wrote this article?"

The vicissitudes of the old man's voice came out.

Han Xiao nodded, "Dare to ask the old man?"

The old man said with a smile, "Liang Taiyan."

As soon as these words came out, the audience exploded in an instant.

"It turned out to be that political master!"

"It's really him, didn't you say that the old man retired?"

Everyone discussed in low voices.

Tang Yuehua glanced at the crowd and coughed: "Old Mr. Liang is here to catch up with me today. After reading this theory, he couldn't help but insist on seeing the author with his own eyes."

As a civil servant of the Heaven Dou Empire, Liang Taiyan can be said to be the ancestor of these people, and has become the object of worship of countless civil servants and politicians.

During the 50 years he served as the head of the council, the Heaven Dou Empire grew stronger and stronger, which can be called a prosperous age.

(End of this chapter)

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