Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 134 Xue Beng's Ambition, Ning Jiajin!

Chapter 134 Xue Beng's Ambition, The Daughter of the Ning Family!

"I..." Xue Qingwu raised her head and said with a forced smile, "Since what they want is me, why don't I just go there?"

As soon as these words came out, the bickering Zhou Tong and Tang Tang stopped arguing, and Chen Mo, who was sulking alone, stopped being angry.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Tang Tang put his hand on Xue Qingwu's forehead: "Did the kid just get scared?"

"Xiaoxue, don't think about it, you are now half a member of the Wuhun Palace. Even if the Tiandou Royal Family has ten guts, he wouldn't dare to touch someone from the Wuhun Palace."

Zhou Tong sneered aside.

Chen Mo also said: "What are you afraid of, just call if you can't."

Xue Qingwu didn't speak, but looked straight at Han Xiao.

The latter was also looking at him expressionlessly.

After a while, Han Xiao said: "Do you think I'm weak?"

Xue Qingwu shook her head quickly, and said firmly, "In Qing Wu's eyes, the young master is the strongest."

"Then tell me, why do you say such things?"

Han Xiao looked at her, his voice became cold.

Xue Qingwu's expression froze, her lips trembled, as if she was trying to restrain herself: "I am already very satisfied that everyone can save me from those greedy and lustful beasts, I... I don't want to drag everyone down because of myself. "

Han Xiao smiled, very coldly: "In this world, no one can make me surrender, and it is even more impossible for me to hand over the people around me because I am afraid of offending a force."

"Those who want to touch me Han Xiao, you might as well ask yourself first, is it worthy?"

"It doesn't matter to any of you."

Han Xiao looked at the crowd and said.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Han Xiao with incomparable reverence and the will to follow him to the death.

Han Xiao turned his back to everyone and looked at Tiandou Yese: "Whoever says such a thing again, I don't need to say more, let's go by myself, I don't need such a weak subordinate."


Everyone said in unison.

For Han Xiao, it is impossible for him to hand over Xue Qingwu.

This is the most important chess piece for him to control the Heaven Dou Empire, how could he give up just because of an assassination?

Xue Qingwu has a legitimate reputation, and only she and Xue Qinghe have the chance to compete for the throne.

From another point of view, Xue Qingwu is an important cornerstone for him to establish the Assassin Alliance in the future.

Once she becomes emperor, she will control an intelligence network of the empire.

And handing over Xue Qingwu, his previous step-by-step foreshadowing will fall short.

Since the enemy pointed the knife at him, let's fight!

"However, that Xue Qinghe is really insidious and cunning. He looks cheerful and happy, but he secretly plotted against him."

Zhou Tong said angrily.

Han Xiao didn't speak, and silently connected what happened in the past few days and all the clues.

Is it really Xueqinghe?
If he really had a problem, why would he make such an ambush with so many flaws?

All the spearheads were pointed at him, which made Han Xiao a little unbelievable.

What's more, Xue Qingwu basically didn't show up much, the only time was at Xue Tianhui's banquet.

Han Xiao looked at everyone and had already made up his mind: "Listen to me."


Xue Tianhui Mansion

On the gorgeous gilded leather seat, a young boy shaved his nails.

Xue Tianhui stood aside respectfully, with a flattering expression on his face.

"Brother Xue Beng, tell me, who is that maid?"

Xue Beng stopped what he was doing, raised his head and looked at him, "Brother Tianhui, do you know Sir Snow Flower?"

Hearing this, Xue Tianhui's complexion changed: "Brother, it's not fun to say that."

Xue Beng smiled and shook his head, "If I'm not mistaken, the maid is the orphan of Sir Snow Flower."

"Although Xuehua protected her very well, I once saw her once at a royal party."

"But, although this girl looks somewhat similar, can you be sure?"

Xue Tianhui looked at the album on the chopping board, and it was the portrait of Xue Qingwu painted on it.

Xue Beng sneered and said: "After awakening the martial soul, it is normal for the appearance to change. If it is a mutant martial soul, the change will be even greater."

A mutated martial soul can not only change a person's appearance, but can even change a person's body shape and height.

Xue Beng patted Xue Tianhui's shoulder and said with a meaningful smile: "Tianhui, it's a good thing you didn't ask Lei Xiao for this maid at that time, otherwise it would be..."

Speaking of this, the two fists touched: "If the emperor finds out about this, it will be a huge scandal, but he will be exiled."

Hearing Xue Beng's words, Xue Tianhui broke out in cold sweat.

The two could be regarded as incompatible siblings, but even so, they were not tolerated by Emperor Xue Ye.

"Then Lei Xiao doesn't know if he is willing to give it."

Xue Tianhui said happily.

"Heh." A look of disdain flashed in Xue Beng's eyes, "He is a small businessman, how dare he refuse?"

At this moment, a man in black robe hurried in and said something in Xue Beng's ear.

"What did you say?!"

A look of disbelief flashed across Xue Beng's face, and then he waved his hand at Xue Tianhui.

The latter stepped back knowingly.

After Xue Tianhui left, Xue Beng didn't have that playful look.

"Uncle Qi, according to the information, didn't he only bring one Soul King bodyguard with him today?"

Xue Beng asked solemnly.

The man in black shook his head: "We don't know what happened, all the traces of the scene were destroyed, and the soul king who went there was tortured, and his death was extremely tragic."

Xue Beng's face was gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Master, you won't be discovered, will you?"

The voice of the man in black was a bit worried.

Xue Beng shook his head, and said in a cold voice: "No, I put all the blame on Xue Qinghe. Even if someone intervened in the investigation, I would never have thought that the person behind this scene would be a playboy."

Seeming to have thought of something suddenly, Xue Beng asked, "By the way, can I hold a party next month?"

The man in black nodded, "You will have your 12th birthday next month, so of course it can be held."

The Heaven Dou Empire has a set of cumbersome aristocratic laws, for example, no large gatherings can be held before the age of 12, and only those with the title of marquis or above can marry commoners, etc.

All this is to maintain the golden face of the Heaven Dou nobles.

Xue Beng smiled slightly, and said, "In this case, let's send an invitation letter to Lei Xiao."

"Four princes."

The voice of the man in black was a bit worried.

"Why, do you think I've gone too far in this matter?"

The man in black didn't answer, and he didn't dare to ask.

Xue Beng shook his head and said with a smile: "Uncle told me that to be a wise king is based on the premise that you become an emperor. Before that, everything is empty talk."

"This is the struggle for the throne. If you don't make a move, you are showing weakness and letting others put a knife in your chest."

The man in black nodded, "I understand, what if Lei Xiao is still unwilling to hand her over?"

Xue Beng stood up, killing intent flashed in his eyes: "You know what to do when the time comes."



A month flies by.

During this month, every time Han Xiao went back and forth to Yuexuan, he was escorted by Chen Mo and Zhou Tong, and Xue Qingwu was also with him.

The man in black who wanted to take Xue Qingwu away never appeared again.

And Han Xiao gradually became one with the noble children in Yuexuan.

In their impression, Xue Qinghe and Han Xiao have become two extremes.

If Xue Qinghe is a genius who can accomplish everything perfectly, then Han Xiao is a genius.

He can always accomplish anything with a slanted sword, and finally gets people's exclamation and admiration.

It was precisely because of the completely different handling methods of the two that Yuexuan, a small academy, was actually divided into two factions.

In order to prove who is better, the two factions always quarrel fiercely.

However, Tang Yuehua's words completely disintegrated the two factions.

She said: Fools compare, wise men appreciate.

But even she had to admit that this was the strongest class of students she had ever led.

After finishing Yuexuan's class that day, everyone in Han Xiao drove home.

As soon as he got home, he found Tang Tang looked dignified, staring at a golden letter on the table.

"Hey, which Spirit Hall disciple sent you a love letter?"

Zhou Tong was a little apprehensive, picked up the letter on the table, opened it and read it.

Looking at it, his expression became exactly the same as Tang Tang.

"Master, it's Xue Beng's invitation letter, asking you to bring your family to attend his coming-of-age ceremony at night tomorrow."

Zhou Tong looked at Han Xiao and said.

"If there is something tricky, there must be something tricky!"

Tang Tang's akimbo.

In her eyes, the current Tiandou royal family is generally black.

"According to Xue Beng's playful temperament, the young master should not be invited."

Chen Mo stroked the stubble on his chin, thinking.

Xue Beng and Xue Qinghe are in an extremely sharp contrast.

If Xue Qinghe is a perfect gentleman, then Xue Beng is a playboy who does all kinds of evil.

Such a person can be seen as nothing more than a dandy who works for tigers. How could he invite a businessman like Han Xiao?
"Actually, the young master is very famous now."

Xue Qingwu said.

Indeed, as she said, now Han Xiao has completely entered the upper circles of the Heaven Dou Empire, and even became friends with some of the Duke's children.

Han Xiao tapped the table lightly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Hongmen banquet?

He understood that he had to attend this banquet.

If Xue Beng didn't give him face, then he wouldn't be able to stay in the upper circle.

Xue Beng, if you want to eat me, it depends on whether you can eat it.

Han Xiao made a decision, and looked at everyone blankly: "All members of this party will participate in this party, and the soldiers will cover it up."

Everyone nodded in unison, as if facing an enemy.

Xue Beng held this coming-of-age ceremony extremely grandly, several main roads of the Heaven Dou Imperial City were besieged to make it impossible to get through.

All Heaven Dou nobles who could stand on the stage were invited.

After all, he is the only second prince of Emperor Xue Ye, so how can he not give face?

"Do all the nobles in Tiandou like to deal with these vain things?"

Looking at the congested road ahead, Zhou Tong sneered.

Tang Tang shook his head, "It still depends on the person. Xue Qinghe's birthday was held in an extremely low-key manner, and only a few relatives and friends were invited. The group of nobles will not know until after his birthday."

As if realizing that he had praised the enemy, Tang Tang quickly said: "Bah, bah, bah! It can be seen that he is a hypocrite through and through!"

From the afternoon until dusk, everyone drove into Xue Beng's mansion.

Even if nobles from all over the world come to Xue Beng's mansion, there will be no congestion.

It can be said that Emperor Xue Ye dotes on this little son very much. Excluding the mansion, the garden alone is a full [-] square meters.

It can be said to be the second royal palace here.

"There are rumors that Xue Beng is the illegitimate child of Prince Xue Xing and Emperor Xue Ye's concubine."

Watching Prince Xue Xing and Xue Beng entertaining guests in the distance, Zhou Tong whispered.

Just listen to such rumors and anecdotes.

Some people also said that Tang Yuehua was having an affair with Emperor Xue Ye, but after observing for so long, Han Xiao found that Tang Yuehua was still a naive child at such an age.

"I didn't expect the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to come."

Chen Mo looked at the group who were greeting the two nobles, a little surprised.

The leading man was none other than Ning Fengzhi who had met Han Xiao once, and standing behind him were two extremely tall old men.

One was haggard, with sunken eye sockets, and looked like a skeleton.

There is another with a cold face, and there seems to be a sharp sword hidden between the random eyes.

The strength of these two people is definitely stronger than that of Ghost Douluo.

As expected of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, it possesses two Soul Douluo at the same time.

However, another figure attracted Han Xiao's attention.

It was a girl about the same age as Han Xiao.

The girl is dressed in a simple white long dress, which gives people a very clean feeling. She has neat short hair that reaches the ears, her skin is as tender as a lychee, and she has a delicate face. She is about 1.6 meters five and has a very harmonious figure. Kind of dusty feeling.

The girl looked like a highly educated aristocratic girl, like a warm spring breeze, her soft smile infected everyone around her.

"Ning Fengzhi's daughter, Ning Rongrong, is loved by thousands of people, and her innate soul power has reached the ninth level. Compared with the previous brothers, she has a better chance of becoming the next generation Patriarch of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect."

Chen Mo said silently beside Han Xiao's ear.

"Ning Rongrong?"

Han Xiao silently chewed on these three names.

When facing Ning Fengzhi, this dude Xue Beng became extremely well-behaved, even Prince Xue Xing at the side had a flattering face.

Han Xiao didn't intend to make friends with Ning Rongrong.

The daughter of a top sect lord is not of much use value to him.

With that time, it would be better to have a good relationship with Ning Fengzhi.

What's more, this Ning Rongrong is not as simple as it seems.

Although the girl had a spring-like smile on her face, she was very polite.

But in Han Xiao's view, this smile is somewhat false.

Ning Fengzhi seemed to see Han Xiao looking at him, and waved at him.

Han Xiao smiled slightly and walked up: "Long time no see, Sect Master Ning."

"Brother Lei, you've been quite the limelight these days."

Ning Fengzhi looked at Han Xiao half-jokingly, and Ning Rongrong beside him also showed curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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