Douluo's assassin becomes a god

Chapter 135 Han Xiao's Psychology!

Chapter 135 Han Xiao's Psychology!

"Qinghe has mentioned you to me many times in the past few days. I didn't expect that in addition to your extremely calm courage, you can also write a good strategy."

Ning Fengzhi let out admiration in his heart.

He is Xue Qinghe's teacher, so he will naturally participate in some political affairs of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Han Xiao's policy theory made him see a lot of things that had been overlooked.

Ning Fengzhi waved his hand, and Bone Douluo and Sword Douluo led Ning Rongrong into Xue Beng's mansion.

Han Xiao smiled a little embarrassedly: "Sect Master Ning is absurdly praised. The article is natural, and it is a skillful hand. I didn't expect that the policy theory I wrote would be appreciated by Mr. Liang."

Xue Beng, who had been watching the chat between the two, thought for a while, and then asked, "But I, Xue Beng, pay more attention to mundane matters than policy theory."

"I heard that Mr. Lei spent a lot of money for a fox girl, and he didn't even give Sect Master Ning face."

Xue Beng sneered inwardly, all he had to do was stab the two of them.

Coupled with that dude's status, most people will understand what Xue Bing said unintentionally.

However, how could Ning Fengzhi fall into his trap?

He waved his hand and sighed, "Don't mention it, I planned to train that girl to be Rongrong's personal maid, but I didn't expect to be robbed of love by Mr. Lei. You will have to punish yourself later."

In just two sentences, the slight unhappiness that happened at the auction house before became something that could be resolved with a few glasses of wine. I have to admit that this Ning Fengzhi is really good at dealing with such occasions.

From Ning Fengzhi's point of view, since the incident is about to happen, it's better to go with the flow and have more friends and more paths.

"Young Master Lei, can you bring the fox girl worth 200 million with you today?"

Xue Beng said while looking at Xue Qingwu who was standing with Chen Mo and others in the distance.

Han Xiao smiled, his smile was cold.

He wasn't going to use that trick.

"Prince Xue Beng, I don't know if you have heard a story."

Han Xiao said with a smile on his face.

"Oh? Let's hear it." Xue Beng became interested and listened attentively.

"There once was a very famous blacksmith. He had two sons. One son was smart and inherited most of the blacksmith's skills. The other was so stupid that he couldn't learn it no matter how hard he tried."

"The body of the blacksmith is getting worse day by day. The oil is exhausted and the lamp is dying. He called his two sons to the hospital bed. Who do you think he passed on the blacksmith shop to?"

After thinking for a moment, Xue Beng said, "Of course it's that smart son."

Ning Fengzhi listened to the story and looked at Han Xiao with great interest.

"What does Sect Master Ning think?"

Han Xiao looked at Ning Fengzhi and asked.

"I suppose it's the clever son, too."

Ning Fengzhi replied with a smile.

However, Han Xiao shook his head: "Wrong, the blacksmith finally chose the stupidest one."

Xue Beng smiled coldly: "I'm afraid the blacksmith lost his mind before he died. No matter how he chooses, he will not be able to choose that stupid son."

Han Xiao smiled slightly and said, "The blacksmith is neither stupid nor confused. From the beginning, that stupid son was his candidate."

"Why?" Ning Fengzhi asked curiously.

"Because the clever son is so smart, he was so smart that he should swing the mold with 81 hammers, but he only swung it with 72 hammers in order to be lazy. He was so smart that the iron ore that should have been pure was filled with water secretly in order to save materials. The old blacksmith knew, Although the clever son did this for material, he still chose the latter."

"Because he understands that once the news gets out, the brand name he has been in business for a hundred years will be smashed."

As soon as these words came out, the two fell into silence for a while.

"It's quite an interesting folktale." Ning Fengzhi said with a smile.

"I don't quite understand, what is the meaning of this story?"

Xue Beng's face was a little cold.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, and said, "Sometimes being smart is not a good thing, and the final winners are those who have endured for a long time and are the most unexpected."

Xue Beng looked gloomy and did not speak.

Of course he knew that Han Xiao was pointing him.

That being the case, there is nothing to say.

No matter what, Xue Beng wanted to catch the orphan of Sir Snow Flower.

For him, Han Xiao's decision was to give up the aristocratic circle he had finally squeezed into, as well as his own life.

This is just a sideshow before the party.

After learning about Han Xiao's attitude, Xue Beng never looked for him again, and didn't even make a request.

It's no different from a normal Tiandou party, it's all the same process.

The only difference is that at this gathering, Xue Beng took turns to toast, and Xue Qinghe also followed him.

Han Xiao stood in the corner with a wine glass in his hand, watching Xue Beng, who was proud of the spring breeze, expressionlessly.

He will always remember this expression, because after this party, Xue Beng will never show such a happy expression again.

"You can try the third one on the left, it tastes pretty good."

Han Xiao saw the girl standing in front of the long table picking food, shaking the wine in the glass.

The girl raised her head, only then did Han Xiao realize that it was the eldest lady of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Rongrong.

A spring-like smile appeared on her face again, and she said, "I just took a look around, thank you for your reminder."

As she spoke, the breeze blew by, and the girl wrapped her blue hair behind her ears with a different gesture.

The corner of Han Xiao's mouth curled up, "Are you actually trying to say, do you need to remind me, what has this lady never eaten?"

Ning Rongrong opened her small mouth and looked at Han Xiao incredulously.

She was really complaining about Han Xiao just now.

"You, your spirit can read minds?!" Ning Rongrong covered her small mouth with both hands.

Han Xiao shook his head and stretched out a finger: "My martial soul can't read minds, it's your body that betrayed you."


Hearing this, Ning Rongrong quickly checked her attire, and was relieved when she found that there was nothing wrong.

"The body I'm talking about is your body movements."

"Limbs can express a person's mood. When you are happy, you may shake your legs, when you are angry, you may clenched your fists, and when you are upset, you may knead your nose."

Han Xiao walked to the long table, picked up the food he just mentioned, and put it in his mouth.

"What kind of sorcery is this?" Ning Rongrong frowned beautifully.

"This is not magic." Han Xiao turned his head and looked at her expressionlessly: "This is psychology."

"Do you know what is the most difficult thing to see through in this world?"

Han Xiao walked up to Ning Rongrong and smiled slightly.

Ning Rongrong looked at Han Xiao and shook her head in a daze.

Han Xiao pointed to his chest: "People's hearts."

"What psychology learns is how to see through people's hearts."

"So powerful!" Ning Rongrong was shocked, a little disbelieving: "Then guess what I'm thinking right now."

Han Xiao shook his head, "Psychology makes judgments through people's micro-expressions and subconscious reactions. How can you guess that you are motionless now?"

"Cut." Ning Rongrong sneered, "Liar."

Han Xiao waved at her, motioning for her to come to his side.


Ning Rongrong and Han Xiao leaned against the wall together.

"From now on, imagine yourself as an audience, watching the performance of these upper-class people in silence."

Han Xiao whispered, "Look at that fat man three meters away to your right."

Ning Rongrong followed the sound and looked, only to see that he was wiping the sweat from his forehead, as if he was struggling with social relations.

"If I'm not mistaken, he and that graceful young woman with her hair tied on top of her head are husband and wife, right?"

Han Xiao took a sip of the wine in the glass lightly, like a god.

"how do you know?!"

Ning Rongrong was a little surprised, she knew both of them, and they were very well-known in the aristocratic circle, the man was a collateral marque, and the woman was very famous in the circle, her name was Madame Tussaud.

"They're wearing the same brooch collar."

"If I told you that Madame Tussauds has an intimate relationship with no less than ten people present, would you believe it?"

"I do not believe!"

Ning Rongrong didn't even think about it, and directly denied it.

Madame Tussauds is a well-known model wife in the circle, how could her private life be so chaotic?

"You can look around her. Although they are all women, there are three men standing outside these women. Their eyes have met with Madame Tussauds no less than ten times since the beginning."

"One of the handsome men has two black hairs hanging from his mouth, but he hasn't noticed it yet, presumably he just did something secretly with her."

"What you said are all conjectures, how could it be true!"

Ning Rongrong said unconvinced.

Han Xiao smiled slightly, and continued: "You can look at Madame Tussaud's eyes, but she has never looked at her husband, this is psychology."

"Even if it was to avoid suspicion, she would peek stiffly, but this Madame Tussaud seemed to treat her husband as if she didn't exist."

"And it was her husband who made me confirm this point even more."

Han Xiao continued: "Look at his husband's earlobe."

Ning Rongrong squinted her eyes, looked hard for a while, and opened her mouth wide.

"Is that pierced ear?!"

She looked at Han Xiao with a look of shock.

Han Xiao shrugged: "This old fat guy probably has a problem with his orientation, and he is not interested in women."

"I want to learn!"

There seemed to be stars in Ning Rongrong's eyes.

"Don't teach."

Han Xiao didn't even think about it, and said directly.


"Why teach?"

Han Xiao's words made Ning Rongrong speechless for a moment.

Thinking about it carefully, as long as it is something she asks in the sect, everyone will satisfy it unconditionally.

It seems that Han Xiao really has no obligation to teach her.

The corner of Han Xiao's mouth slowly curled up: "Unless you promise me one thing."

"I promise!"


Xue Beng poured the wine in the glass into his mouth in one gulp.

"Prince Snow is massive!"

The noble clapped his hands flatteringly.

Xue Beng wiped the corner of his mouth, looked at Xue Tianhe beside him, and said with a respectful face: "Brother, I'm a pretty good drinker, right?"

Xue Qinghe smiled helplessly, "Fourth brother, don't waste your time on such meaningless things."

Hearing this, Xue Beng sneered inwardly.

If you didn't waste everything on this meaningless thing, how could you let your guard down on me?
He waved his hand, with an impatient expression on his face: "Brother, you have started preaching again. Didn't the younger brother say it earlier, I am not interested in cultivation, and a lifetime of freedom is enough."

Hearing this, Xue Qinghe couldn't say anything, he could only shake his head and sigh, acting like a big brother who had his heart broken.

The two toasted all the way until Han Xiao was next.

Looking at Han Xiao who raised his wine glass and stood alone in the same place, Xue Beng sneered.

It seems that he secretly informed the nobles that the news that they rejected Han Xiao has spread.

"Brother Lei."

Xue Qinghe looked at Han Xiao and smiled, and pulled Xue Beng to Han Xiao's side.

Han Xiao didn't dare to be careless, and quickly greeted him: "Brother Xue, long time no see."

"I didn't expect that Young Master Lei and brother were classmates of Yue Xuan. I hope Young Master Lei doesn't mind what happened just now. I've always been outspoken."

Xue Beng clinked glasses with Han Xiao and drank the wine in one gulp.

"What is His Highness Xue Beng talking about? I, Lei Xiao, have forgotten all about it long ago." Han Xiao shook his head pretending not to understand.


Xue Beng laughed loudly, but there was a killing intent in his heart.

If Xue Qinghe hadn't pulled him just now, Xue Beng would never have come to toast Han Xiao.

He has decided that after today's banquet, he will organize manpower to kill Han Xiao.

"But has His Highness Xue Beng reached the age to go to Yuexuan?"

Han Xiao pretended to ask casually.

Xue Qinghe smiled helplessly: "Xue Beng doesn't like these things. The emperor said several times that he was unwilling, so he had to let it go."

"do not like?!"

Han Xiao's face showed just the right surprise: "But I have watched Prince Xue Beng's strategy and theory, and it is extremely brilliant. Isn't it a pity?"

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere of the scene froze instantly.

Xue Beng's dizzy head regained consciousness.

Beside Xue Qinghe was still smiling, unable to see what he was thinking.

"What theory, what are you talking about?!"

Xue Beng forced himself to calm down and asked aloud.

Originally, he was the focus of everyone, but now he was surrounded by people.

Han Xiao was a little puzzled, and said: "Mr. Liang invited me to his house some time ago. I was free and I looked through his library and found a thick book in the corner. It said that it was His Royal Highness. name."

As soon as these words came out, the scene exploded in an instant.

They all knew that the relationship between Han Xiao and Liang Taiyan was very good, and Liang Taiyan was even more respected.

Xue Beng swallowed hard, "What is policy theory? I haven't even written a complete essay, let alone this stuff."

Han Xiao sighed, looked at everyone, and looked moved: "Everyone, I really didn't expect His Highness Xue Beng to be so low-key, and he is still hiding his clumsiness until now. Do you want to wait for a suitable time to soar into the sky and become a blockbuster?"

Han Xiao deliberately emphasized the last four words.

"Yeah, Prince Xue Beng, you don't have to pretend at this time, I didn't expect you to be so low-key."

"Brother Xue Beng, you are too powerful, so you have been working hard secretly."

Everyone looked at Xue Beng with adoration in their eyes.

But Xue Beng's body became more and more stiff, as if falling into an ice cellar.

(End of this chapter)

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